Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday 09/24 A.M. Quickie:
McNabb, Packers, Cowboys, Michigan, Wild Card, More!

Today's Names to Know: Donovan McNabb, Brett Favre, Norv Turner, Tony Romo, Larry Johnson, Adrian Peterson, Calvin Johnson, Earnest Graham, Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Angels and Indians, Colorado Rockies, Jamie Mottram and More!

UPDATE: New Deadspin CFB column up.

I suppose in a season where there is such clarity at the top
– the Pats are the league's best and no one else is even close right now – that it makes sense that the rest of the league would be so utterly confusing:

What McNabb controversy? In a classic "STFU" performance and Sunday's top NFL story, McNabb led the Eagles to more than a half-century's worth of points, including 4 TDs, 381 yards and 0 INTs. Given the circumstances, it just might have been the best performance of McNabb's career.

The Packers are 3-0...: And if this is Brett Favre's swan song, it's already a hell of a ride. (And I say that as a constant naysayer for the past few seasons.) Next week: All-time career TD record.

...And the Chargers are 1-2: Wow, this is disappointing. Is it Norv Turner's fault? All I know is that I'm pretty sure that I could be the head coach of this much talent and come up with more inspired performances. I know their early schedule has been tough, but still...

Sunday Night Beat-Down: Cowboys throttle Bears in Chicago. First, Dallas: They're so legit, and I take back my stupid notion they wouldn't win the NFC East, let alone make the playoffs. They have to be considered the class of the NFC right now. (Wow: Is Tony Romo the best QB in the NFC?) Next, Chicago: Wow, last year's NFC title game feels like a lifetime ago. I just can't see how Rex Grossman can continue to be the starting QB, and Cedric Benson stinks (made worse by Thomas Jones running for 110 yards... for the Jets).

The hapless Chiefs beat the Vikings: And that was basically without any production from Larry Johnson, who has been a complete bust this season. Karmic payback from his holdout? Meanwhile, why was Adrian Peterson on the sidelines for the Vikings' final chance to tie or win the game? (He can't block? So what? Give him the freaking ball!)

The Jags beat the Broncos in Denver: I'm a Jags fan, and even I checked "Broncos" in my Pick 'Em leagues late last week about this one. Denver simply isn't supposed to lose games like this one against a team like this one at home. No chance for Elam heroics this week.

Very simple question: How do the Redskins not score from "First and Goal on the 1?"

Fantasy: Earnest Graham, "Add" superstar. I'm quite sure no one saw this coming. Nor did you probably expect Kevin Curtis to be fantasy's leading WR this weekend. (Injuries: How bad is Calvin Johnson's bruised lower back? How bad is Hines Ward's "bone bruise" in his leg?)

MNF Tonight: Saints/Titans. It doesn't lack for "young" star power, featuring Vince Young and Reggie Bush. Could be a showcase game for either/both. I'm betting, like the 2006 Rose Bowl before it, VY comes up bigger in tonight's game.

CFB Weekend Wrap: Michigan's back... Notre Dame still stinks... Heisman: Tim Tebow is my new front-runner... Win of the Week: Georgia at Alabama... Loss of the Week: Louisville at home versus Syracuse... No argument here: Oklahoma is better than Florida.

MLB Playoff Races: AL. The foursome is all but a done deal: Red Sox, Indians, Angels, Yankees. All that's left to be decided is who has the best record in the league and home-field advantages.

The Angels clinched the AL West on Sunday, their third AL-W title in the last four years. It's going to get even more interesting when they import Alex Rodriguez this winter.

UPDATE: Will Leitch has a must-read story about A-Rod for New York magazine, which suggests not only that the Cubs have the inside track, but that there's a chance his deal could include the chance to buy an ownership stake, which would be HUGE. Here's the link.

The Indians clinched the AL Central on Sunday, too, their first division title since 2001 and one that feels a long time coming, given how close they've come the last few seasons. I think Cleveland just might be my pick to win the ALCS.

MLB Playoff Races: NL. From most fans' perspective (and certainly the league's), the only thing that matters is that the Cubs make the playoffs and – hopefully – advance to the World Series. They won't, of course. Even with only a half-dozen or so games to play, the division races are tight enough to pay attention, and the Wild Card remains up in the air -- and hopefully down to the wire.

(You know who's intriguing? Colorado, now just 1.5 GB the Wild Card lead. I've seen them a few times in person this season, and they are the Surprise of the Year in MLB. If momentum factored into Wild Card worthiness, the Rockies would be in right now.)

Varsity Dad: If your last name was "Fields," would you name your kid "Wrigley?"

Bonds Watch: Where will Bonds play next year? Any contender – particularly in the AL, where he can DH -- would be insane not to sign him at what will likely be a significant discount. I could see the A's getting him, but – speaking of the Angels – what if LAA grabbed him to bat behind A-Rod?

Online Media Inside Baseball: Jamie Mottram joins Yahoo! Sports. Yahoo has made some aggressive hires in the past 12-18 months, but none are as big or important as this one, announced Friday, securing the talents of one of the smartest (not to mention one of the nicest and most-admired) people in the sports-blog universe. For gosh sakes, he was the architect of the Fanhouse, arguably the most successful mainstream online-sports editorial concept of all time. (And second-cleverest... cough!) Jamie will be running Yahoo Sports' blogs and community efforts, and if his impact on things at AOL is any indication, Yahoo Sports will add to its already sizeable momentum. Congrats to "Mr. Irrelevant," and kudos to Yahoo.

-- D.S.


Jay said...

Chargers are 1-2. They beat Chicago in their opener.

CMFost said...

Graham is a good player but 8 carries makes someone a good story for a week not a superstar especially since unless Cadillac is going to be out for a while he is going back to the bench.

CMFost said...

When are the Bears going to realize that Rex Grossman can not win them games especially if there defense does not perform well. I think it is time to bench sexy rexy and let the Griese era begin

CMFost said...

Norv Turner sucks as a coach, lets see the Patriots last week come out in 4 and 5 WR packages to start the Game does he send out extra DB's to help in coverage, nope keeps his base defense in, what happens the Patriots rip done the field and score a TD in just over 2 minutes.

CMFost said...

I also think the decision to have LT not play in the preseason was a mistake and it is showing by his results. There is no flow to there offense it is almost like they are still trying to get it all together.

CMFost said...

Peter King is a fraud, how can you have 2 1-2 teams ranked in you top 10. San Diego and Chicago are better teams then they have played so far this season but right now you can not consider either team one of the best 10 in the league.

rafael said...

I'd actually give Green Bay the nod as the class of the NFC.

Tebow is doing well...but having that close a game against Ole Miss actually drops him in my book.
(Don't give the "SEC is just so tough" spiel. Ole Miss is not a powerhouse of any kind)

Matt T said...

How bout them Dawgs! That was the type of win that Stafford needed, hopefully it will springboard him like David Green's last second win in Knoxville did.

Dallas has a good leg up on the NFC east and are looking good, but the Eagles aren't out of it at all, Washington really screwed the pooch at the end of that game, horrible play calls to end the game.

Natsfan74 said...

Wow, 5 posts in a row? Somebody stop this guy.

Somebody stop Grossman from starting next week too. That guy is awful.

Redskins choked on what should have been an easy win. Their play selection from 1st and goal with 91 seconds left was awful. They went 3 TE, 2 RB for 3 straight plays, and they were in too much of a hurry. 91 seconds is enough time to run the ball 3 times, but they acted like there was always 5 seconds left. Jason Campbell is very good. But he needs to learn to manage a game a bit better to be great.

Great Karmic payback for the Raiders -- winning one this week the way they lost last week.

Great way to close out RFK Stadium yesterday for the Nationals. A good win, a full house, and win number 69 beats the Over/Under. A 2-4 road trip matches last year's 71 wins (without the excitement of Soriano's 40/40). With their final 13 games against the Mets and Phillies, the Nationals will decide the NL East. (2-1 v Mets, 1-3 v Phillies so far, 3 left with each).

Adam Giblin said...

Dan, no mention of the A-Rod-as-partial-owner-of-the-Cubs rumors? I think that gives you a lot more room to run than A-Rod on the Angels...

Unknown said...

Random comment, but is that really UCONN at #25 in your Blog poll?? In case you haven't checked, their first 4 opponents were Duke, Maine, Temple and Pitt.

Natsfan74 said...

If the Cubs do not have "real" ownership right now, who would Boras be negotiating with?

I don't think it is legal for Boras to negotiate with anyone at this point. ARod is under contract right now, and the tampering rules would prohibit an agent from negotiating deals prior to the player being a free agent. I don't really see any way that deal has any possibility of truth.

And, for ARod, he pretty much has to stay in NY this year if they don't win a World Series. So much of his life is based on image, and if he left now -- his image would be that of ruthless mercenary who doesn't care about winning. With the talent the Yankees have coming up, the players they already have under contract for next year, and their deep pockets for free agency -- how could ARod not claim being in NY is his best chance at a WS title (except maybe LA Angels). If he wants a legacy, he needs a WS Ring, not more millions and a tarnished reputation for bailing on a $25M/ season contract.

Michael Moulton said...

"the Pats are the league's best and no one else is even close right now" There are four other unbeatens that would beg to differ with that. Particularly the DEFENDING CHAMPS.

Andy said...

MLB definetly wants the Cubs in the playoffs. Need proof? Just watch the Brewers-Braves game from yesterday where the Brewers were hosed something terrible by the umps in the 7th inning.

bkelly126 said...

the charger's mediocrity means one thing to me...LDT might actually play the last few weeks of the season and thus be a factor in fantasy playoffs

todd said...

Before everyone starts slurping McNabb, please note that hanging 50 on the Lions is like hanging 50 on Louisville. It's really not an accomplishment. The Lions have the worst secondary in the league hands down, and it's not even close. Teams now have the template to rail them: max protect, let your scrub WRs get open, bomb for TD, rinse, repeat.

jhawkjjm said...

Minnesota got screwed over in KC yesterday. They had a TD taken away on what looked like on the replay to be a catch. That would have made the score 14-0 rather than 10-0. Final score was 13-10.

And thanks to Blue Jays 2B Aaron Hill for do his best to try and blow 2 games this weekend against the Yankees. I was hoping we wouldn't have to listen to the Yankees-Red Sox thing all week.

Luke Bell said...

I am doubly screwed by that call in the Brewers/Braves game. I literally threw an object through one of my window screens. I don't know if they would catch the Cubs anyway, but we don't need to just hand it to them.

chitown italian said...

Griese! Griese! Griese! The Sex Dragon is just awful. Lovie needs to wake up and put him on the bench. Think this might be the reason he is still under his rookie contract and has not been signed for next year and beyond?

I don't know about MLB wanting the Cubs in the playoffs considering Allan Selig used to own the Brewers and his daughter is now the owner. I figured it would be MLB siding with the Brew Crew if they were choosing sides.

That being said, watching the highlights last night - the throw to second and the tag at, both calls were incorrect and definitely had an outcome on the game.

And a final thank you to UF for not covering the spread against Miss.!!! Nice jean shorts Tebow!

Trey (formerly TF) said...

rafael said...
I'd actually give Green Bay the nod as the class of the NFC.

Tebow is doing well...but having that close a game against Ole Miss actually drops him in my book.
(Don't give the "SEC is just so tough" spiel. Ole Miss is not a powerhouse of any kind)

Tebow couldn't play defense too... Is it his fault the Gator D gave up 2 big plays late to allow the game to get close? All he did was pass for 260 and rush for 160 with 4 TDs.

Hands down Florida doesn't win that game without Tebow. He is a top 5 player in football right now.

Joe (Orlando)

The heroin sheik said...

I actually have graham on my fantasy team as a joke. I always keep a gator or two on my roster and he is going to be getting a lot of short yardage carries. Word out of tampa is that Chucky is actually happy with how the offense is performing. Ronde claims that this is the most aggressive defense he has played on. Barrett Ruud is going to be the next Derrick Brooks. He got a pic yesterday and his brother got one on saturday that he returned for a td. I am eating my words as the Bucs might be able to make the playoffs if their form continues in the weak ass NFC South.

FUCK LJ. His is killing me in fantasy. Can't drop him and no one will trade for him. Someone needs to take him behind the barn and shoot him.

I was in a discussion with friends from atlanta and we were trying to figure out if any rotation in baseball has ever been better than Glavine, Smoltz, and Maddux. Glavine 300 wins and counting, Maddux might eventually break 375 wins and 3500 k's, and smoltz has 200 wins, 150 saves (in 3 yrs basically) and is 30 shy of 3000 K. Can any team in the history of baseball say they had a better trio ? I really can't think of a better starting rotation.

Luke Bell said...

For the last time, Wendy Selig does NOT own the Brewers. They have had a different owner for what, 3 years now?

It is moot anyway. I don't know what the umps were smoking in that game. Now I have to hope for an epic Cubs collapse in conjunction with the Crew going virtually undefeated.

The heroin sheik said...

If florida had played kentucky like we historically did the week after UT we would have been killed. The UF secondary blows but then again they are all really young and it was their first game in a hostile environment. We always suck in the state of MS. Tebow is the goods, but like every other florida qb he will blow if he gets to the NFL. When will people in the NFL learn. Gator players on offense mostly suck when they get to the NFL.

The heroin sheik said...

Oh yeah and I'm a bigger homer than Dan could ever hope to be. It truly doesn't matter if we dropped in the polls because when we eke one out against LSU we should be at least #2.

Brian in Oxford said...

I second the Aaron Hill comment. Only a bad strike-three call to end the 14th probably saved the Jays in the one game they DID win (one more, today at 1 pm)

Rexcrement. Pure and simple.

Pats look scary good, but so do Pittsburgh and the Cowboys. They all at least "look" better than the Colts so far, but straight up on the field I'd be inclined to pick Indy still.

Thanks Norv, I may just have to trade LT if you're not going to get anything noteworthy out of him.

The Falcons...or Louisville...not sure WHERE Petrino could do more help, at this point. Cycledan must be pretty psyched, though. As for UConn, maybe Dan got confused. Beating Duke, Temple and Pitt isn't a bad run for Coach Calhoun's charges, no? Hmmmm....

TBender said...

The Seligs sold the Brewers in 2005 to Attanasio

What were Chipper's comments about the umpiring last night?

Brian in Oxford said...

It appears Michigan's back to getting more AP love compared to Appalachian State, too.

Darklawdog said...

I've said it already, but of Tebow's 260 yards passing only 60 were legitimate. The other 200 came off of screen passes that the receivers made the plays and gained yards after the catch.

marcomarco said...

There are four other unbeatens that would beg to differ with that. Particularly the DEFENDING CHAMPS.

The colts are struggling with Tenn and Hou. Both teams fell short on game ending drives that could've easily had the "CHAMPS" at 1-2.

Granted, the pats have destroyed 3 sub par teams (yes, including SD). But, did they look sub par because they were playing the Pats, or because they truly are.

We'll see you in week 9

Mega said...

"From most fans' perspective (and certainly the league's), the only thing that matters is that the Cubs make the playoffs and – hopefully – advance to the World Series."

Please correct this statement to "most CUBS fans'". Not everyone wants to jump on the country's biggest lemming bandwagon.

For the love of God Bears, start Orton NOW!

Mega said...

Oh and it probably helps that the Cubs get the easiest schedule I have ever seen to end the season while the Brewers play better competition.

todd said...

Something I was thinking about over the weekend regarding Michigan (and making huge assumptions): what do you do with them if they show they can beat anyone as long as their opponent don't have a spread offense? How bad do you penalize them for having an Achilles' heel that reared its head in their first two games but may not for the rest of the season?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brian. It has been a long time since there has been a ray of hope for Syracuse football. I am not getting ahead of myself here. One decent game against a terrible defense doesn't turn things around - but at least there is some hope.

It seems nobody cares about homefield in the AL as much as setting rotations and resting players - and I agree.

Mets and Cubs are going to scratch it out until the last game or two. Is there any NL team as good as one of the top 4 AL teams? Not on paper but of course that doesn't mean much come October.

chitown italian said...

Right, MLB set the schedule easy for the Cubs too because they just knew the playoff team for the NL Central would come down to the last seven games of the season.

Also, MLB has paid off the umpires so the Cubs could get into the playoffs because Allan wants the Cubs in a WS. Forget the fact he is friends with the south side ownership.

Never mind that the Cubs came from 8 1/2 back earlier this season. But that doesn't matter and neither does this: the bullpen is actually pitching well (Dumpster excluded); Aramis is hitting very, very well reminiscent of 2003; the call ups from mid-year and the current bench players are outstanding as of late; and Soriano is just playing like a mad man.

Yeah, it's all a conspiracy theory by MLB to get the Cubs into the playoffs.

Michael Moulton said...


You won't see me in week 9... I'm a fan of the (admittedly horrible) Dolphins. I just think it's too early to be declaring the Pats the best in the league when there are other teams undefeated and the Pats haven't played anyone impressive so far.

PatriotsNation said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marcomarco said...

@ michael

In that case, we'll see you in weeks 7 and 16


PatriotsNation said...

The Pats beat the Chargers who used to be quite impressive, not sure if Turner scrwed that team or what!

CMFost said...

The Chargers are a good team but I think the Pats exposed the weakness of the defense and the offense is still trying to figure out what to do since they did not play together in preseason. The dumbest thing turner did was not playing LdT in the preseason, he should of had him play in at least one game to get some flow in the offense. Look at all the top backs who did not play alot in the preseason and how bad there production has been.

Jen said...

Can the Browns please give Ken Dorsey a shot? Derek Anderson must be colorblind. Good Lord, he was horrible yesterday.

GO TRIBE! I watched to replay of the clubhouse celebration this morning. I love that crap: booze being poured all over everyone, pies in the faces, guys acting like little kids.

What the hell is wrong with ND? Geez Louise, 0-4 for the first time in history isn't a record you want to break, especially at that school.

Cody said...

The refs that officiated the game last night lost all their money they had on the Bears. They did everything they could to keep the Bears in it. Good thing the Cowboys have Rex playing for them.

Minnesota got hosed in KC.

Brewers got screwed by two bad calls.

Arizona had a 15 yd personal foul go against them that looked to be a clean hit with the shoulder pad not the helmet. That allowed Baltimore to kick a game winning field goal.

Zaun was called out when he should have scored for the Jays. Molina missed the tag.

Good weekend for the officials.

Jen said...

oops, hit the button before I finished

That fake FG by LSU was so smooth...outstanding play and execution.

Natsfan74 said...

The Cubs do have an easy schedule coming down the stretch, but I don't think the schedule maker thought in advance "gee, I know the Cubs nearly lost 100 games last year, but I see a 30 game improvement -- let's give them an easy final 6 so they can coast into the playoffs!"

Teams that are getting screwed are the NL teams who are completely out of the race but can't play their September call-ups because they are playing teams who are still in it. The Nationals cannot play their young guys, 'cause every game matters to the Phillies and Mets. If the standings played out now like the pre-season predictions, the crappy teams would all be playing eachother and using all call-ups, while the predicted top tier teams (Cards, Astros, Brewers, etc.) would be playing games that mattered.

The Brooklyn Boy said...

Cleveland is a very good pick to win the ALCS - ever since the Hall of Fame put its traveling exhibit "Baseball As America" on display, each MLB host city has seen a World Series participant the same year it's been shown:

Natural History Museum of LA County (CA)
Anaheim (now Los Angeles) Angels (Won, SF Giants)

Florida International Museum (St. Petersburg, Fla.
Florida Marlins (Won, NY Yankees)

Missouri Historical Society (St. Louis, MO)
St. Louis Cardinals (Lost, Boston Red Sox)

Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, TX)
Houston Astros (Lost, Chicago White Sox)

Henry Ford Museum (Dearborn/Detroit, MI)
Detroit Tigers (Lost, St. Louis Cardinals)

Great Lakes Science Center (Cleveland, OH)
Cleveland Indians (????)

chitown italian said...

@ Brooklyn - Great information but I think someone might just have too much time on their hands....

The heroin sheik said...

Brooklyn your theory is wrong as the Florida International Museum is in St Pete about five or six blocks from the Trop. The Marlins play about five hours away between Lauderdale and Miami. I wish the Devil Rays had made it to the WS that year. The soulside would get set on fire.

Luke Bell said...

I don't think it is any sort of conspiracy. I just think the junk calls have practically handed the division to the Cubs.

I will be rooting for the Cubs to get swept in the 1st round, for sure. :)

Brian in Oxford said...

If the Cubs' schedule is easy now, then that means it wasn't as easy as the Brewers' has been all along. I mean, aside from the interleague games, the schedules are pretty damn similar. So if the Cubs are benefiting from having played 6 against the White Sox, now there's an argument.

If SD gets itself right the next 3 weeks, will the Patriots' dismantling of them look more impressive then? If SD isn't as good, then was 24 points not enough of a win to convince you they're pretty good this year? How many should they have won by?

Anonymous said...

Major Steroid Bust


When there are hundreds of thousands of doses found in a single bust, you know there are a lot of people using out there. Then again, you have to be pretty brave to illegally buy Chinese manufactured steroids online and risk putting them into your body.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there was an arguement over the even slight possibility that the Pats aren't the best team in the NFL.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Moss is abut to be triple-teamed leading to the emergence of Stallworth and the true 3-headed monster that was intended AND the fact that Seymour and Harrison are not back yet.

They are going to get better on O and D. I really wish I could say the same for the Skins.

I think that there are already the beginnings of arguements that this Pats team is the best team ever. They are certainly constructed as such. If they follow through with an SB W is what counts though.

pv845 said...

Cody: How did the Vikings get hosed in KC?

Cody said...

Shiancoe's "non catch" in the end zone. I thought it should have been ruled a catch and TD initially.

The heroin sheik said...

You know I have to like Emmitt as he is probably the greatest gator to ever play in the NFL but damn if he isn't dumber than a box of rocks. He went to UF in the days of Galen Hall and Charley Pell when all you had to do was sign for the gators and then get paid handsomely to play ball and not go to class. I think football players should be treated like regular students. Who cares if they miss class as long as the grades are there. Hell I wrote papers for people all they way through grad school. I skipped class all the time and kept a 4.0 so why can't a football player. I kinda miss the days of rampant cheating in college ball and teams that let you run wild. Anyone ever see that movie Johnny B Good with Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Downey Jr. I think that movie was made about UF, SMU etc in the 80's. Hell I don't even think Mad Max ever enrolled in the school yet still kicked ass on the basketball team which is why all his records are no longer in the books.

TBender said...

There's no conspiracy to get the Cubs into the playoffs.

It actually is nice to see a team in the division actually act like they want to win it.

That said, I hope Chicago flames out spectacularly and Zambrano is the author of the "cursed" moment.

And it's nice to see the Cub fans get behind the team's history with the "It's Gonna Happen" slogan. Even their fans know implosion is imminent.


TBender said...

And Chitown:

Thanks for reminding me that Reinsdorf was the mastermind behind the whole episode that caused Vincent's firing as commissioner and the 1994 strike.

Unknown said...

No way Arte Moreno wants anything to do with Bonds. Remember how pissed he was at Gary Matthews, Jr. for the HGH reports in Spring training? He was consulting lawyers about terminating the contract.

This owner is very image-conscious about his team (the whole name change has to do with image).

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


having a fight with a friend. is chipolte considered fast food? what is the definition of "fast food?" if chipolte is a yes, then you have to count subway!

The heroin sheik said...

I want the rays to get Bonds as their DH. With the way the rules are about hitting the support rings at the Trop , all those moonshots that bonds hits as well as a short right field wall would easily allow him to hit 40+ dingers. Of course Bonds probably would want more money than the entire team's current payroll is. Still if we are going to get saddled with uniforms that look like cumstains the owners could spend some money on the team. Maybe on Bonds maybe on some middle relief. Relief is what we need though not another hitter. Thats the only problem with getting Bonds.

verbal97 said...

UMass over BC?!?!?! Really?!?!?! Apparently, I gave you too much credit for placing BC where they belong last week. They're better than Michigan, they played under par and still beat Army by 20, the fact they played under par has pissed off their head coach, and lightning does not strike twice in the same season. But then again, you picked Tulsa over Oklahoma last week, so stupidity is what stupidity does.

The heroin sheik said...

Chipotle I think is owned by McDonalds which makes it fast food in my book. It is overpriced and bland if you ask me.

Anonymous said...


McD's owns Boston Market as well. They clearly aren't fast food.

Kevin Erb said...

Wow. Lots of crybaby Brewer fans on this comment chain. I guess when even your manager is blaming the umps, it's easy for that type of poor-us mindset to infect everyone else.

No need to get bitter, folks. Your team just needs to get better.

The Cubs in 2007 - it's gonna happen!

Luke Bell said...

All of those places are considered QSRs (quick service restaurants) by those in advertising (like me). So I say yes. "Fast food" is a term that is going away.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

see, if you say "if it has a drive thru" then it has to be fast food. but fazoli's isn't fast food is it? subway is fast. as is panera/potbelly sandwiches.

we need different "fast food" "sit down" and "in between"

Luke Bell said...

Crybaby Brewer fans? The umps blew 2 calls that directly altered the game. Cub players were whining about the Astros choices of starting pitchers. How quickly we forget. And I don't even mention that Cubbie fans continue to moan about everything from Bartman to goats to Dusty Baker. $300 million doesn't buy what it used to I guess.

It makes it all the more sweet when the Cubs bow out of the playoffs once again.

Anonymous said...

"Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) is a Denver, Colorado-based chain of Fresh Mex restaurants specializing in San Francisco burritos and tacos. Founded by Steve Ells in 1993, the restaurant is known for its chunky guacamole and large burritos. Chipotle is one of the first successful chains in the relatively new category of fast-casual dining establishments. In the past, McDonald's Corporation owned a majority interest in Chipotle. Full divestment was completed in October of 2006."


marcomarco said...

@ sheik

I would love to see Bonds in a Ray's uni.

But, if faced with the decision between joining the Rays or retiring, i'm quite sure Bonds would be done.

(chuckling at the thought of Bonds entering the Hall with a Ray's cap, out of spite to SF)

chitown italian said...

Damn you rev!:

FF: Chipotle, Subway, Quiznos, etc.

Not FF: Panera, Boston Market, etc.

I have a case of (well 11) 1994 WS balls if anyone would care to start an auction for buying one of them. The 12th was signed by the head of Cooperstown in 95/96 regarding the WS that never was.

All you Expos fans start the bidding war.

Also, this is the reason the Braves did NOT win 14 straight division titles.

Darklawdog said...

The cubs blow enormous Donkey Dicks. I want nothing more than the cubs to self destruct in the playoffs and not score a run in a 3 game sweep.

I'm a reds fan, but god how I hate the cubs and many of their self righteous fans.

Hell, I hate the cubs almost as much as I hate the Steelers.

Anonymous said...

luke bell-

You're kidding right? One thing is mistakes by umps and happens all the time and no matter what crazy fans say isn't intentional. The other is something that is intentional and how often do teams start a bunch of rookies against a team in contension?

There is no way a non-Brewers fans sees this otherwise.

The heroin sheik said...

As someone who has cooked for a living for years I feel the difference between fast food and not fast food would be the use of premade food items. Crap like Mozz sticks and broccoli bites or junk like presliced meats or chicken tenders are all fast food. Sure you can get it at Bennigan's or say Hardee's and theonly difference is the wait that you have for your food. It is still crap. I think that if you don't make it yourself then it is fast food. I know a couple hundred chefs that would back me up on that one.

Kevin Erb said...


$300 million apparently buys a trip to the playoffs just a year removed from a 90-loss season. What did it used to buy?

And will it really be "all the more sweet" for Brewer fans to have to sit at home and watch the Cubs in the playoffs, knowing your team should have clinched this division two weeks ago?

Erik Huntoon said...

"The colts are struggling with Tenn and Hou. Both teams fell short on game ending drives that could've easily had the "CHAMPS" at 1-2."

Don't make me laugh.. did you even watch the past 2 Colts games? The Colts D gave up a few 7-10 yard plays at the end before getting the takeaway to end the game. The only complaint I would make with that game was Peyton throwing incompletions after the 2min warning instead of draining the clock with J. Adai runs. That is the ONLY reason that game was remotely interesting in the final few seconds. But with that said, there was very little worry of the Titans truly finishing that drive off. And the Texans yesterday.. yeah, that last drive I believe went backwards before the clock mercifully ended it. Do you really think Houston was going to drive 80+ yards in 30 seconds with no timeouts?

How about them Boilermakers getting close to cracking the top 25. I think they did hit 25 on the ESPN poll, but were just outside on the AP. Might just be a darkhorse in the Big 10 this year.

David Kippe said...

Purdue as a dark horse? what about MSU which is already voted in at 23 the USA Today poll. Playing much more disciplined ball under coach Dantonio. Already 7 more sacks than all of last year through only 4 games. Much more balance on offense. That could be your dark horse

David Kippe said...

not that it would take much to be a dark horse in the Big Ten this season.

Luke Bell said...

The Astros were starting rookies because Oswalt was with his wife who was giving birth and Woody Williams is a gas can (and I believe he was hurting too). Nobody mentions the Astros were putting their best possible team on the field, despite the rookie status of the pitchers involved. Or that the Brewers have had to pitch 2 rookies for a good chunk of the year as well. And umps don't blow calls that badly very often, let alone twice in the same game.

And obviously I prefer the Brewers in the playoffs instead of the Cubs, but it will still be sweet to see them lose. You are actually proud of a team with a $300 million payroll barely winning the worst division in baseball? I mean, it is one thing for me as a Brewers fan to be proud of that, as we haven't had a winning record in 15 years or made the post season in 25, but with $300 million, shouldn't you expect to make it?

TBender said...

For Cubs' fans:

Your team should have wrapped up this division by September 1, forgetting youthful Milwaukee's surprising performance this year.

Instead, the Cubs took a loaded team and underperformed for most of the year. Right now, Chicago is the sixth best team in the NL.

(And I'm a St. Louis fan who finds it funny that so much is being made of this Chicago team. Maybe if the Cubs were competitive more often, their fans would be able to deal with it.)

chitown italian said...

I don't think Luke was held enough as a child.

Anonymous said...

I'm no Cubs fan but even I know that when your competition is the Brew Crew you gotta take advantage of the fact that they have ZERO experience winning.

Natsfan74 said...

The Cubs do not have a $300M payroll either. The Cubs spent $300M this offseason, but that's spread out over the next 7+ years with long-term contracts for Aramis Ramirez, Alfonso Soriano, and Carlos Zambrano and medium length deals to Mark DeRosa and some bullpen pitchers.

The Cubs came back from down 8 1/2 games and played a great 2nd half of baseball. They first had some housecleaning to do, and had to get used to playing together. The Yankees go on a great 2nd half run and are heroes, the Cubs do it and are cry babies?

The Cubs might have the 6th best record, or whatever, but right now they are playing the best baseball in the NL. Their starting pitchers are throwing well (Zambrano has won 3 of 4, and Lilly is solid), their bullpen has picked it up, and their power hitters are finally hitting for power. Who would have thought Derrek Lee would play a full season and only have 20 HR? Or Soriano barely breaking 30? But now, Soriano, Lee, and Ramirez are all starting to rake at just the right time!

chitown italian said...

@ natsfan - ahhh, finally someone who knows what they are talking about.

Luke Bell said...

The Yankees did their thing without whining about who the Red Sox played against. So yeah. And they aren't heroes, but the story is if the Yankees don' make the playoffs, not if they do. There is no reason why teams with that kind of payroll shouldn't be in the playoffs.

I never said the Cubs didn't deserve to be there--they still had to win when the Brewers were losing--But with that payroll in this division, we shouldn't even be talking about it.

Luke Bell said...

And really, the more I think about it, the Cubs match up well with every other National League playoff team. It may turn out like last year, with a team from the mediocre Central lasting longer than expected.

I hope not, but if I think that way for the Brewers, then why not for the team that finishes ahead of the Brewers? I am going to puke.

Justin Kadis said...


Your Blogpoll ballot is confusing.

On Deadspin you list Ohio St. 7th and Cal 8th, but on your official ballot you have them reversed.

Mevs said...

I don't know about Jamie but his brother chris is a dickhead.

talkinthelaw said...

To quote Shanoff...

"Meanwhile, Louisville loses on the road at unranked Kentucky, but not only do the Cardinals get to retain their place in the Top 25, but they are ranked AHEAD of Kentucky in both AP and Coaches' polls."

Mr. Shanoff. Your ballot this week. Penn State. Michigan. Discuss.