Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday 09/15 (Very) Quickie

Back from the break for the Jewish holidays, but still in Gainesville...

First, a catch-up on the two biggest stories of the late-week:

"Belicheater" Scandal: The punishment struck me as pretty tame, but the far bigger "punishment" is that the Pats' (and Belichick's) accomplishments this decade are tainted.

Oden out for season: I feel bad for him and for Blazers fans. Feels like Portland shoulda/coulda seen this coming. I don't buy the "love he's such a good person" stuff from the GM.

The one bright side: Even if totally healthy, Oden was never going to lead Portland to the playoffs next year; instead, they'll collect another top Lottery pick -- that new frosh-phenom PG from Memphis would look awfully good in a Blazers uniform lined up with Roy in the backcourt.

Oh, and you can engrave that NBA ROY trophy now: Durant.

Now, on to today:

Yankees top Red Sox: Meh. Does anyone really care?

Cubs beat Cards: Any coincidence the Cards' free-fall timed with the Ankiel scandal?

Tiger shoots another 63, with some 20-something front 9.

USA Women's soccer wins: Wambach!

I'm late, but still: Noel Devine. Whoa.

O.J.: Heh.

College Football Today: While I'm in the Swamp for Florida-Tennessee, we're debating whether to tape Ohio State-Washington (my most intriguing game of the day) or Arkansas-Alabama (most intriguing SEC game of the day). Michigan-Notre Dame wasn't even considered; it's a punchline. (BTW: I'll be on the right side of your TV screen, down near the field by the 5-yard line. Apparently, it's a spot to get seen by TV cameras. We'll see.)

Last night: Wow, is there a more disappointing team than Oklahoma State? Routed by Troy last night. (Troy had been battle-tested with losses at Arkansas and at Florida.)

And no, I have not seen Tim Tebow in person (yet) this week, but I may have a sighting of EDSBS' Orson Swindle and/or SportsLine's Clay Travis.


Anonymous said...

Let's go Yankees! No mention of the awesome comeback last night? Bitter Metamucil fan?

Richard K. said...

Wow, DS. No mention of the BC @ GT game?

Unknown said...

Yankees top Red Sox: Meh. Does anyone really care?

I do...

The heroin sheik said...

While I wish I was in your place Dan, I am worried about this game. At least I worked out how to watch the game. I will tivo the start of the game, go to this damn wedding at 3. it should take about a half hour and I will only be an hour behind or so. Then I don't have to be to the reception til 6:30 and that is for cocktails so unless the game goes to OT, I can leave at 6 and be there no problem. that and my girl said I can hit the two hole jam spot while I watch the replay later tonite as thanks. As long as we win I will be a happy man because I can't bring myself to have sex after a loss. You could have 15 midgets offering bukkake and I would rather cry into my beer. I am such a pussy at times.

BpL - Beacon, NY said...

No one cares about the Yanks/Sox? You do know the Yanks came back and scored 6 runs vs. the Sawx's best relievers in the 8th, right? You don't care one iota about that? Sheesh

Unknown said...

It's not like Dan actually watched the game, or bothered to read anything about it. If he did, he would know it was one of the greatest wins of the season for the Yankees. Throw in the fact that they had their comeback off of usually invincible Okajima and Papelbon, and it's a fantastic win all around. Shanoff is a bit too lazy to take the 2 seconds to investigate though.

The heroin sheik said...

Holy crap Tennessee sucks or at least their defense sucks. Auburn sucks too. Seems like it is going to be a very competitive year in the SEC.

How about UCF keeping it tied with UT. I sure glad I picked UCF to cover 19 this weekend.

L. Jalbert said...

Washington is leading Ohio State at halftime.

Washington might be the team no one would want to face this year.

At least this time they'll be in the rankings, especially after Auburn poor outing.

Melbye said...

Ok, I have come to this conclusion. Michigan is still not that good, but Notre Dame is just that fuckin bad. I don't know how much more I can watch, Manningham's touchdown just made it 38-0...they're going to score fuckin 50 points. Sweart to god, this is the worst Notre Dame team ever. Print it. Ever.

The heroin sheik said...

God Percy Harvin is the man. 99 yrd drive and I think that he accounted for like 80 of them. Maybe in another year he will be a front runner for the Heisman.

The heroin sheik said...

Percy Harvin at 11:30 of the 4th quarter. Best. Catch. Ever. Maybe it isn't but he has just broken their back with what he has done on the last two drives. Every bit as good as Reggie Bush was and maybe even better. I wonder what Dan is going to say about him after seeing this performance in person.

Johnny b said...

It is it just or is Dan going to be insufferable after today...

Alabama looks good; Arkansas does not; Penn State looked solid; Wisconsin anything but; Ohio State looked horrible the first half; But good the second; Notre Dame beat themselves; Michigan will have a stern test next week; I jinxed Central Florida sadly; Purdue can put up points quickly

Tiger looks amazing; Cubs are rolling again

Jon Bois said...

I'd take Dan's stance a little further and say that Bill Belichick's punishment, at least from the media, is shockingly lenient.

So Belichick cheated, and we know this from incontrovertible videotape evidence. He stands in front of a podium and says the equivalent of, "I'm not here to talk about the past." Predictably, I'm going to bring up Mark McGwire here: a guy whose guilt of cheating, while almost certain, is not incontrovertibly proven. McGwire languishes in baseball and cultural exile; Belichick goes on coaching while ESPN columnists say "welp!" for two days and forget about it. I'm having trouble figuring this out.

Unknown said...

Here's my issue with the whole "punishment". The fine against the team is just ludicrous. Gillette stadium holds just over 68,000 people. Congratulations Patriots fans, your playoff tickets just went up by $4 to pay for the fine. Tell me how that punishes the team any? They didn't need to go crazy and do that $100mil like in F1, but say something like $10mil.

Anonymous said...

So Dan,Northwestern let Duke finally win a game in a while....

oh and in before people start an Andre Woodsen VS Matt Ryan debate.

Biggs said...

The Blazers already have a young stud PG in the name of Sergio Rodriguez, they shouldn't need another.

Unknown said...

The Cardinals free fall has nothing to do with the Ankiel news. It has everything to do with the fact that a -60 run differential finally caught up to them. Not many teams can stay at .500 while being outscored by 60 runs over a season.

Eagle in Brighton said...

For real, no mention at all of BC's trouncing of GT?

Matt Ryan>Woodsen, but Dan wouldn't know, would he, considering BC isn't a top 5 program like the FL, USC's and LSU's of the football world.

You dump on the Sox/Yanks for being the Goliaths of the MLB world, yet you're completely blinded by only the cream of the cream in CFB. Unfortunate. double. standard.

rtmsf said...

"we're debating whether to tape Ohio State-Washington (my most intriguing game of the day) or Arkansas-Alabama (most intriguing SEC game of the day)."

What are these tapes you speak of?

CorrND said...

You know, Oden's surgery might be a blessing in disguise. Besides DS's point about possibility of Portland locking up another lottery pick, saving a year's worth of beating on a still-growing big man is probably a good thing in the long run.