Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday 09/05 A.M. Quickie:
Michigan, CFB Top 25, Shaq, NFL Awards Picks!

So my weekly CFB guest-post on Deadspin was published yesterday morning, anticipating that the AP or Coaches' pollsters would keep Michigan in the Top 25.

I have never been happier to be wrong: Both the AP and the coaches booted Michigan out of the Top 25. In the AP's case, it was the steepest ousting in the history of a 25-team poll.

Sure, I could quibble: One-third of the coaches had Michigan on their ballot (one had them at No. 10!). And enough media voters listed Michigan on their ballots to earn them 39 voting points.

But, in general, I am unusually at peace with the pollsters -- both the media and coaches showed remarkable and rare common sense.

(It remains to be seen how long the exile will last. If Michigan beats a good Oregon team this weekend, I expect the pollsters to forgive/forget rather easily. Now, if Michigan LOSES to Oregon to drop to 0-2? I would certainly hope those coaches and media who put Michigan on their ballots this week would finally wise up and drop them completely.)

Now, as to the actual teams that were ranked, a few thoughts:

(1) I'm trying to figure out how Clemson could beat a ranked (if overrated) Florida State team and sneak in at No. 25, but Georgia Tech could beat an unranked (and awful) Notre Dame team and debut at No. 21.

(2) Classic voter inertia: USC is still No. 1, despite anything but a performance by a top-ranked team against Idaho.

(3) I'm a Florida fan, and even I'd say the Gators are overrated (right now) at No. 4.

(4) Nice to see pollsters drop underperforming Texas from No. 4 to No. 7. Wasn't steep enough of a drop.

(5) Cal beats Tennessee -- the most "quality" win by a 1-A team all weekend -- and only moves from No. 12 to No. 10?

Last thought on App State: This meme began to pop up yesterday, perhaps as a reaction to the Top 25 results. Everyone agrees that Michigan deserved to be exiled from the Top 25. But many also agree that it's a bit of a slap in the face to continue to refer to App State as some sort of raging Cinderella. If you pulled the "1-AA" tag and simply slotted them among 1-A teams, they might sit anywhere from, say, 35-60. App State's problem is one its coach has no problem copping to: They have no depth.

They are a team BUILT to pull an upset precisely like the one they did -- opening weekend, no injuries, no "book" on the 2007 team yet, surprise/overlook factor -- but over the course of a season-long slog against BCS-conference teams, they would be worn down by 1-A depth of size and speed. I'm not saying they couldn't make their way to bowl-eligibility; the fact that I'd even CONTEMPLATE 7-8 1-A wins for this particular App State team says how much I respect them. So the question stands: "Don't call it (THAT much of) an upset?"

Shaq is getting divorced: Forget helping out the fat kids, now "Shaq the Bachelor" is a must-see reality TV show.

US Open: Two less reasons to keep following it. Justine Henin dispatches Serena in straight sets (Justine owns Serena in Slam quarters). And Rafa Nadal is out, too.

Clemens getting a cortisone shot in his elbow: Will presumably be a nice respite from the HGH. (Seriously, though: Is Clemens' career over? Maybe he'll grit through it to pitch again this season -- he owes the Yankees every last drop of gas in the tank -- but can he reasonably think he could come back again next year? I think these final few weeks of the 2007 season will be Rockets' last go-round.)

Carlos Zambrano apologizes to Cubs fans for ripping them for booing him. Zam knows: The customer is always right. "They have the right to boo people," he said. And he's completely right:

Fans absolutely have the right to boo -- at any/all times they want to. Now, there are times when other fans will look at you askew and go, "Really? Booing? Why?" But you, as a fan, still possess the inalienable right to boo. It is one of the most fundamental rights of fandom.

Best MLB division race: How about the NL West? Totally underrated.

Buchholz Watch: If Red Sox rookie sensation Clay Buchholz, who threw a no-hitter in his second MLB game, throws 9 straight hitless innings while coming out of the bullpen, does he get credit for two straight no-hitters?

More Red Sox Pitching: Beckett wins 17th. As long as he continues to lead MLB pitchers in wins, he'll be a front-runner for AL Cy. (No guarantees, but it'll keep him on the very short list.)

Mickelson to skip BMW Championship: One more indication that there's just so much passion for this Playoffs thing among golfers.

Fantasy Football Watch: One week, you think all the good RBs are gone. The next, Selvin Young is the most-added player in the universe.

Meanwhile, anyone else have Larry Johnson and staring at the first 2-3 weeks of the season without their No. 1 player? Craaaaap.

Nebraska extends Bill Callahan's contract by 5 years: I'll admit that I didn't think he would get the job done. Yet he has. We'll see if he falls prey to the "contract extension jinx" when Nebraska plays a tough game at Wake Forest this weekend. (Consider spinning the wayback machine 10 years or so, then positing that Nebraska-Wake Forest would be a toss-up.)

Jimmy Clausen to start at QB for Notre Dame this weekend: Sure, he was the No. 1 prep QB a year ago. My question is: What does Charlie Weis do when Penn State destroys him and his new QB?

(I had this conversation with someone yesterday: How can a "great" coach in Year 3 manage to run such a crappy team? Basically, Weis won the last two years with Willingham's players. I thought he was supposed to have done a really good job recruiting. Yet with his own recruits, he can't coach his way out of a paper bag.)

Women's pro soccer league is returning: Now, I could be cynical and say, "Over-under on the league folding: One-third the time it took the last one." Instead, I'll say that they won't even make it to the projected league start date of 2009. But I wish them well.

TONIGHT IN NYC! The latest Varsity Letters Reading Series, featuring Frank Deford, Scott Price and Neal Thompson. 8 p.m. at Happy Ending (302 Broome). And it's FREE. Be there!

NFL 2007 Preview: Awards Picks
MVP: Drew Brees
ROY: Adrian Peterson
COY: Norv Turner
Coming tomorrow: Playoff picks

-- D.S.


pv845 said...

Dan, we get it. You hate ND. Now shut the hell up about them. You are about the only person that seems to be obsessed about them being overrated when they AREN'T EVEN RANKED!

I think this weekend will be a better barometer of where teams sit. As you have pointed out so many times, ranking teams before they play any games is stupid, then how does playing one game make things that much clearer?

CMFost said...

NFL 2007 Preview: Awards Picks
MVP: Tom Brady - Finally has the weapons to put up the big numbers that win QB's MVP Awards
ROY: Adrian Peterson - Most likely candidate
COY: Ken Wisenhunt - When the Cardinal Surprise everyone and win the Division he will easily be coach of the year.

CMFost said...

PV - ND sucks this year, face it, they will be lucky to even go to a bowl game. They lost badly to an average Georgia Tech team at home, what does that say about them. Mark May was right when he said they will be lucky not to start the season 0-6

CMFost said...

here is a questions - Why is Mike Lowell of the Red Sox being overlooked in the MVP race? the WWL did a thing yesterday and they went over the top candidates in each league and they do not even mention him but they mention Ortiz, Lowell has been the MVP of the team with the best record in baseball that should get him some consideration

pv845 said...

CMFrost - I know that ND sucks. I could care less. They will be lucky to make any bowl game. I am just tired of hearing about them and how they are overrated blah blah blah. We get it, Dan hates them and they suck. Neither point is disputed.

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me what happened to johnson...i cant find news that he is out 2-3 weeks anywhere...crap!

also, re: clemen's cortisone shot...this is a big problem i have with the public perception of PED's as a whole...cortisone is a steriod, and enhances your performance (allows you to heal faster than natural) So, whats the big deal? Ask those at the gibson home run game if he could have walked without a cortisone shot and tell me that medicine didnt effect that outcome.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


but it's fun to make fun of notre dame. for instance: what is the difference between princess diana and notre dame football? notre dame gets killed AFTER they come out of the tunnel!

FACT: for every hot girl at st. mary's college god planted a tree. for every hot girl at notre dame god built a golden dome.

C.West said...

Norv Turner COY??? Talk about a guy who can't coach out of a paper bag. Sure all he has to do is call plays that require Phillip to hand it off to L.T. but when it comes to imagination this is where Norv falls short.

PatriotsNation said...

NFL 2007 Preview: Awards Picks

MVP: L.Tomlinson

Defensive player of the year: Adailus Thomas

ROY: Marshawn Lynch

COY: Bill Belichick

Anonymous said...

Nadal should take a few weeks off to heal up.

I don't bother freaking about polls until the start of November. Nothing matters now, really.

David Kippe said...


Matt said...

I'm 2nding Nooch here.

I cannot find ANYTHING on any major sports news outlet (Yahoo, ESPN, Fox, PFT) on Johnson being out 2-3 weeks.

Please state your source so I can start (or stop) flipping out.

David Kippe said...

one slight edit, Beckett is TIED for the MLB lead in wins (17) with Wang

Matt said...

This is all I'm seeing on his Yahoo player page:

"Sep 4 Coach Herm Edwards says Johnson's carries will be limited in Sunday's opener at Houston, the Chiefs' official web site reports."

"Carries limited" and "out 2-3 weeks" are two VERY different things.

Anonymous said...


I very much agree that Mike Lowell should be getting something for what he has done this year. I like to point out that he did this in a contract year. The more interesting question isn't "where is the MVP consideration", it is "are the Red Sox going to attempt to resign him".

His contract was 9 million for this season but his numbers are worth a lot more than that. Add the skills at the hot corner and he's worth about 18 million.

He is, somehow, only 33 years old. If I was Theo, I'd be offering him a 2 year, 25 million dollar contract with an option for a 3rd year at like 17 million. That way he becomes a free agent again at 36 and can sign another short term contract before his career ends.

Anonymous said...

Notre Dame

I used to jump on the I hate ND bandwagon. I guess the same reason people used to hate the Dallas Cowboys, the NY Yankees and their rich uncle. They are one of those either you love them or love to hate them teams. The unique TV contract helps to foster that perception of elitism.

However one friend defending ND said to me that they can't recruit most of the players that the other top programs recruit and actually have some academic standards for their athletes. Also they have never been accused of the grade fixing and paying their athletes like the other top schools.

So now I am far from being a fan but I don't cheer their demise either. I simply don't care - which is probably a worse fate for them.

Let's face it, their TV contract is worth so much simply because they have a lot of people tuning in to watch them lose.

Anonymous said...

I am still enjoying this baseball season since I don't really expect that much from the Jets and Giants in the NFL and I know Syracuse won't win more than 2 or 3 games.

Just a reminder to all of you who scream for the head of the coach of your underperforming team:
Coach Pasqualoni of Syracuse had the highest winning percentage of any coach in their history. He won the Big East and then lost badly in a bowl game trying out some crazy punt formation that was [rightfully] heavily criticized during the game. The next year he went 6-6 and was fired. Well the team under the new coach Greg Robinson, former D coordinator of the Broncos, had been far worse with no upswing in on-field performance or recruiting.

Well I am going to enjoy baseball season and then wait for college basketball season and hockey to start.

ToddTheJackass said...

MLB Studs and Duds from yesterday:

1. Paul LoDuca - 3/5, 2HR, 7RBI
2. Jorge Posada - 4/4, 2HR, 3RBI, 4R, BB
3. Chien Ming Wang - W, 7.1IP, ER, 5H, K, 3BB
4. Jon Garland - W, 7.0IP, ER, 7H, 4K, 0BB
5. Travis Hafner - 2/4, 2HR, 4RBI, BB

1. Billy Buckner - 4.0IP, 6ER, 7H, 2K, 3BB
2. Bill Bray - L, 0.0IP, 3ER, 3H
3. Joe Nathan - BS, 2.0IP, 2ER, 2H, 2K
4. Chris Young - L, 4.0IP, 5ER, 4H, 6K, 2BB
5. Kevin Millwood - 5.0IP, 6ER, 8H, 7K, 3BB

Honorary Stud: Jacoby Ellsbury - 3/3, HR, 3B, SB (never got a 4th AB for a chance at the cycle (2B)

ToddTheJackass said...

Rev, that ND joke was incredible. It's both incredibly tasteless and awesome. Well done sir... well done...

As per Lowell, he undoubtedly has been the MVP of the Red Sox, but A-Rod and Magglio are having freakish years. No way it shouldn't go to one of them, especially as it looks like at least one of them will take their team to the playoffs.

ndyanksfan05 said...

Dan - you are ignorant...he is still playing with Willingham players. His real players are Freshman and Sophmores. He came in the middle of Willinghams' debacle of a recruiting class (juniors). Willingham recruits were awful after his first two years and were mediocre in the first two (if we got a three star guy it was a big deal). He won't admit it but this is a rebuilding year. If they can get the offensive line in shape they are going to get a bowl. If not, they are screwed.

ndyanksfan05 said...

todd - that is pretty much the oldest ND joke I know...while very fun and for the most part true, please do not give rev credit.

Anonymous said...


MVP: Thomas Edward Brady Jr.

ROY: Marshawn Lynch

COY: William Stephen Belichick

DPOY: Sean Michael Taylor AKA "Meast"

Note: Did anyone hear or have a link to Peter King's Fantasy Football draft where his first 3 picks were....

Marshawn Lynch
Adrian Peterson
Jon Kitna

Before I heard that I had what resembled respectfor that man. But now I have two possible thoughts...

He really REALLY sucks at fantasy football
He has no clue what the hell he is talking about

If those are your first 3 picks, just don't play.

Perks said...

How can you guys say Bellicheck will win coach of the year when he's being handed the best team in the NFL?

Seriously, who doesn't think they're the front runner to win the Super Bowl this year?

The heroin sheik said...

Funny story bout ND. My dad is a former UF fb player from 62 and 63 (spurrier's first year) and he actually like ND because of their tradition. After Jerome bettis ran all over UF in the 91 sugar bowl my dad got so mad at my little brother who is a huge ND fan that he made him sleep outside in his ND jacket because he was so pissed. OK maybe it isn't funny but at least is a concrete reason for hating ND. Maybe Dan should explain why he hates certain teams so much. I would think that with Dan being such a UF fan that he would hate to his core UGA, UT, and FSU, but you never hear him badmouth them. I am starting to think that Dan's wife need to teach him how to be a true gator fan.

CMFost said...

Todd, I am not saying it should not go to A-Rod or Mags but I do think Lowell should at least get consideration maybe 3 or 4th place behind those 2 and maybe Vlad

Brian in Oxford said...

Is Peter King picking for a keeper league? You could get a decent quarterback some other year....

Belichick might get some COY votes if he releases Randy Moss mid-season after a blow-up of some (any) sort....

I was wondering myself, how the hell did Wang get to 17 wins already?

How late did the Nadal match go? I fell asleep at midnight in the 2nd set...

And if Billy Buckner is pitching...yikes, we can make up our own Calvin Schiraldi jokes too, huh?

I'm looking forward to Tom Coughlin reaming Tiki during some sideline interview on national TV. That would be cool.

ToddTheJackass said...

I'll take:

MVP: Carson Palmer - Poised to have an amazing year
ROY: Brandon Jackson - Because there's no one else in Green Bay
COY: Bobby Petrino - No coach has more to overcome

mpbruckesq said...

Larry Johnson is NOT out for 3 games. Dan was attempting to refer to the fact that Johnson may have limited carries for the first 3 weeks as he gets up to "game" shape. For those expecting a typical LJohn workload, you may want to temper those expectations for Weeks 1-3...but it's not like you're going to bench him if you own him.

And Peter King traditionally has been the dumbest excuse for a fantasy expert in the industry for a long time. Best to simply not waste your time reading or listening to anything he has to say.

And for those advocating for Marshanw Lynch...beware. Check out Buffalo's first 6 games of the year and consider the fact that Lynch is used to playing in the warm Cali weather. Not saying he will be a bust, but I don't think he is someone to hang your fantasy or ROY hat on this year, IMO.

Jingoist said...

One way to make a PGA playoff "mean something" to the players? Make it a "best of" format and aggregate the players' performances in, say, 4 events with payouts coming at the end of the playoffs in its entirety instead of after each event as it does now.

Tell me Phil, Tiger, et al. wouldn't show up for that payday.

CMFost said...

What I would like to see for the PGA Playoff is for them reset the point to 0 for everyone who qualified, let them all play the first 3 events and the top 64 make it to the tour championship and you have a 64 Person match play tournament to determine a Champion.

Michael said...

RE: App State

If App. State is a "7-8" win team against D-1 opponents then i don't really get how Michigan should be out of the top 25 for losing to them. If Michigan lost to a Kentucky or maybe a Miami or Arizona State I don't think the Wolverines would have dropped out of the top 25. I don't think he called for USC to be ousted after losing to 6 win UCLA last year so if App State is so good then how do you justify Michigan falling out of the top 25?

(I do think Michigan is terrible and shouldn't have been ranked that high to begin with but I am an SEC fan who thinks all other football is inferior. Still though Dan's argument isn't sound IMO)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed watching Tiki Barber run as a running back but he has shown that he is a huge self absorbed asshole. I hate people who always blame others for their own shortcomings. Tiki blames Coughlin for taking the fun out of the game and making him retire early. Give me a break.

Unknown said...

Dan i understand why you would slam Charlie for not winning with his players...but look at this...There are 7 seniors in the ND class, the last full class Tyrone Willingham recruited 7! and in the class that weis and willingham combined on there are something like 9 players still on the team

They are breaking in 3 new o-line starters, and when your o-line looks bad, everyone on the team looks bad. It was a terrible matchup for a inexperienced o-line against a blitzing defense like Ga Tech

You can rip Weis all you want, but realize that Tyrone Willingham's recruiting was atrocious his last two years, and left Charlie with no o-line and d-line prospects.

People need to realize that Willingham basically half-assed his last two years at ND. And two bad back to back years in recruiting left a gap in depth that was hard to notice the first two years of Weis' regime.

This will be a rough year for ND, but trust me, once the o-line gets figured out this team will play a lot better.

chitown italian said...

Thank you Dan for mentioning Weis was winning with Will's players.

I am an SC fan but before I lived in California I hated ND anyway. I always thought that Will got a bad rap for being fired after just three years trying to win with Bob Davies team. Davies was friggin horrible yet Will had a decent record with a bunch of nobody's.

My question is this, shouldn't Weis be fired if he has the same third year record Will had?

ND Sucks. I can not wait for October.

chitown italian said...

On another note, Dan your UF team is playing a bunch of nobody's the first two weeks. Glad to see them beat up on lower tiered teams.

Matt said...


Larry Johnson is NOT out for 3 games. Dan was attempting to refer to the fact that Johnson may have limited carries for the first 3 weeks as he gets up to "game" shape.

This is exactly what he said:

Meanwhile, anyone else have Larry Johnson and staring at the first 2-3 weeks of the season without their No. 1 player? Craaaaap

I understand where you're coming from, but any logical person reading that can and will assume from what Dan says, LJ will not even play the first 2 or 3 weeks.

CorrND said...

Jeez Dan, Georgia Tech is ranking 21 for DESTROYING Notre Dame. Clemson is only 25 for hanging on to beat FSU. ND sucks this year, but Georgia Tech is clearly better than Clemson.

CorrND said...

chitown italian -- You are correct, Weis had success in his first two years because of Willingham's recruiting. Willingham had reasonably strong recruiting classes in his first two years, but his recruiting success dropped off noticably in his third year and he didn't finish his fourth recruiting season. Willingham's recruiting problems were part of the reason he was let go.

Weis is now being screwed by Willingham's horrible recruiting in that third recruiting year (the current senior class). And Willingham's fourth/Weis's first was obviously screwed by the change in coach (the current junior class). Weis's second and third recruiting classes (the current freshmen and sophomores) were very strong classes -- just wait until they mature and get some experience.

If you doubt me, go here and compare the quality of the 2004 & 2005 classes (current seniors and juniors) to the quality of the 2006 and 2007 classes (current freshmen and sophomores). The difference is clear.

CorrND said...

Go here:

Richard K. said...

Everyone, you need to stop whining over the rankings. They are completely meaningless. I happen to be an alum and diehard Georgia Tech fan. I also happen to realize that worrying about how high your team is ranked is an exercise in futility.

I'll bet Michigan fans were more worried about only being ranked #5 then about their game against Appalacian State.

I'll bet Notre Dame was more worried about being unranked then about Georgia Tech.

Your ranking is only relevant if you finish the season with one loss. Otherwise, you're better off worrying about your next game because if you lose, no one is going to care about a meaningless number.

As for my NFL picks:
MVP: Drew Brees
ROY: Calvin Johnson
COY: John Fox
Super Bowl: Denver over New Orleans
With the first pick: The Miami Dolphins select Glenn Dorsey

Playoff Teams:
Denver, Indy, New England, Cinci, Pittsburgh, San Diego

Minnessota, New Orleans, Philly, Dallas, Seattle, Carolina, Green Bay

jhawkjjm said...

If Weiss can only win with Ty's recruits, then Urban better repeat as national champs this year to prove that he can coach and that its not just Ron Zook's recruits.

And technically Callahan only got a 3 year extension. He signed a new 5 year deal with 2 years remaining on his current contract. I don't think he lasts 5 years, the Big Red faithful will get awfully huffy when they still can't win the Big XII.

ToddTheJackass said...

What matchups do you guys like for Survivor pools this week?

pv845 said...

I like Washington in my pool. I have a feeling that I may not last long.

PatriotsNation said...

Seattle over Tampa Bay or SD over Chicago both at home look good.

Brian in Oxford said...

Seattle probably....Pittsburgh'll probably win, too, but tough to take a road team in week 1.

chipp said...

How can people be saying that Weis is a better recruiter than Willingham? The first thing Weis did when he showed up at ND was to complain about the recruiting restriction of the administration and got them changed to accept "students" that Willingham wasn't able to.

Just wait until '08 and '09: Washington and Notre Dame play Home-and-Home. Jake Locker vs Jimmy Clausen.

Sean said...

RE: Larry Johnson

"The Kansas City Star reports that Chiefs coach Herman Edwards is sticking to his plan to limit Larry Johnson's reps, particularly at the beginning of the season, starting Week 1 at Houston. "He's going to be on a little bit of a leash early," Edwards said. "He has to get his legs underneath him. Michael Bennett is healthy, and that's good. It gives us another runner. It's not all on LJ. ... He'll be fine the first two weeks because he knows he can't do (too much). We're protecting Larry. ... But the kind of guy he is, after Week 4, I know he's going to come up to me and say, 'I can carry it a few more times if you need me to.' Now it's 25 (times) and now it's 30 (times). Then I'm answering the question all over again: Are you giving him the ball too much?" "

Take it for what it's worth.

Love hearing how great the Pats will be this year. Undefeated? Gimme a break. I see a huge letdown.

MVP: Peyton Manning
ROY: Calvin Johnson
COY: Ken Wisenhunt

Survivor: Not going to be an easy week - Seattle is your best bet (all the other games favor the visiting team).

Perks said...

I know I have SEA. There is a chance that CHI wins at home, that's why I couldnt take SD. Plus, they seem to be the favorite pick.

PatriotsNation said...

Is the game in San Diego or Chicago?

Indy at home over NO is 6.5 as well!!

Sean said...

Game is in SD.

Anonymous said...

i think the point of pre and early season rankings is exactly what its accomplishing right here on this blog...attention and marketing.

TV uses them to hype the early games, papers and mags use them to sell ads, and blogs use them for endless streams of virtual bitching about who is ranked too high or too low.

Basketball is even more useless for the regular season rankings, when a hot team can end up #1 through the tourney...but the networks have to sell those regular season matchups as meaning something...hence rankings!

Andy Roberts said...

It's settled. Weis can't coach his way out of a paper bag with a bunch of talented players who had not, before Saturday, ever played a meaningful down of major college football before and with a bunch of not-so-talented players who remain on the roster only because the freshmen and sophomores are not numerous or seasoned enough to take over their positions.

Oh, yeah and it's one fucking game into the season.

Glad you cleared that one up, Dan.

ND will get destroyed by PSU because the Lions have more talent and because ND's o line is atrocious. But don't hold your breath for a 3 or 4 win season or something like that.

Jen said...

I think I took Seattle in the Survivors pool too. It was a tough one...I don't like the first week.

I don't think Willingham was given a fair chance at ND. I'm glad Weis looks bad now.

Jen said...

Gee, I sure am Chatty Cathy today! ha

starkweather said...

You think 3 or 4 wins is too many?

CorrND said...

You people don't get it. Willingham would be coaching the exact same shitty junior and senior class that Weis is coaching right now. Except for a handful of juniors, they were all recruited by Willingham!

Sure, Willingham probably wasn't given a fair shake, but there's no reason to think he'd be having more success with these players than Weis.

@ chipp: can't wait for that home-and-home.

chipp said...

@ corrnd:
I'll see you in Husky Stadium October 25th, 2008! Hopefully by October 3rd, 2009 I can afford to go to South Bend!

Jen said...

chipp~ Are you in WA state? Look for the guy that dresses up like Woody Hayes if you go to the Buckeyes game or any bars around there. He's a family friend of ours.

Brian in Oxford said...

How 'bout that Tribe...

(Makes Jen happy, and gotta figure Dan won't mention them tomorrow...)

Jen said...

I like when I fall asleep to a 5-2 deficit and wake up to Pronk actually earning his dinero. He needs to have his parents at every game.

Jen said...

Oh, duh! I completely forgot the Tribe played this afternoon...caught the postgame stuff on my way home.
Darn, and I was bored silly at work this afternoon!