Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday 11/13 A.M. Quickie:
A.I., Eric Gordon, Ryan Braun, NFL, More!

Today's Names to Know: Allen Iverson, Eric Gordon, Jonny Flynn, Adrian Peterson, Jorge Posada, Ryan Braun, Dustin Pedroia, Mark Messier, BlogPoll Top 25 and More!

Who is on your list of athletes you would really like to see play in person?
Mine is a fairly short list, but there was one player who has been on it for more than a decade: Allen Iverson.

I finally got the chance to see him last night in person, and he didn't disappoint, scoring a season-high 37 (with 8 assists), turning in an NBA Stud of the Night performance. AI is so much more mesmerizing when you watch him in person than when you see him on TV.

This is an interesting discussion point: Which active athletes are on your must-see-in-person list?

I would imagine the top criteria includes legends before their career is over, college players (in college) before their relatively short college careers are over or simply too-talented-to-miss players whose skills have to be seen in person to truly appreciate.

(This is different than the list of players you regret never seeing live, which we will save for another day.)

College Hoops: The freshmen continue to impress. Eric Gordon made his Indiana debut and scored 33 points. Want another sick frosh to watch? Syracuse's Jonny Flynn, who had 28 points and 9 assists in his Syracuse debut.

By the way, I totally whiffed yesterday in not pointing out Michael Beasley's debut for Kansas State, which –frankly – dwarfed Kevin Durant's debut for Texas a year ago. (And I'm not even mentioning Florida's impressive combo guard Nick Calathes, who UF fans have already anointed their new favorite.) If you thought last year's freshman class (Durant, Oden, Conley,etc.) was either talented or dominant (or both), this year's class is even better.

I might be prematurely wrong (go figure) that Derrick Rose is the best player in college hoops; it likely will turn out to be Beasley. (Do the K-State fans call him "Beastley" yet?)

But what does it say that the nation's best guard - whoever it is - AND best inside player are both freshmen? (It means that David Stern's dastardly age limit might artificially keep NBA-ready talent out of the NBA for a year, but it sure livens up college hoops.)

Based on what has happened so far with Rose, Beasley, Mayo, UCLA's Kevin Love (team-high 21 last night), Calathes and now Gordon and Flynn, the freshmen class could field a team that could thump the other classes put together.

NFL MNF: Seahawks blank 49ers in Seattle. Didn't watch the game, but can only imagine it was the ugliest MNF outcome possible.

Adrian Peterson Injury Watch: Out at least the next game. At least. Karmic payback is a beee-otch.

NFL Scandal Watch: Will a new steroids bust bust open a PED connection in the NFL? (Steroids in the NFL!? Say it ain't so!?) Worth tracking, although the league is pretty good at tamping down any sort of PED outrage you see devouring baseball. (h/t: MDS at Fanhouse)

MLB Awards: Ryan Braun, Dustin Pedroia win Rookie of the Year awards. Hard to argue with either, though I know Tulowitzki fans in Denver are disappointed (but hoping that means voters split their ballot in Colorado's direction, giving Holliday the MVP). As most of you would guess, I am quite excited about Braun's win – as I have been excited about him since his debut in the spring. He might have just overtaken Morgan Pressel as the reigning active "Best Active Jewish Athlete."

(Although Duke's Jon Scheyer DID lead the team with 22 points last night. How conflicting: I loathe Duke basketball but root for Scheyer's success. By the way: Note how I emphasize Duke hoops; Duke football, on the other hand, I couldn't be rooting for harder against Notre Dame this weekend. Yes, even though a humiliating early-season loss to Duke football effectively ruined the chances of now-bowl-eligible Northwestern to actually participate in a bowl. Yes, I'm still allowed to talk about Northwestern.)

MLB Hot Stove: Jorge Posada staying with Yankees: All it took was 4Y/$52.4M, which I'm sure was far more than any other team was offering. What price continuity? Meanwhile, free agent signings officially happen starting today. It's a pretty weak class, aside from A-Rod (and who cares about A-Rod?) How about some big trades?

CFB: After thinking it over, I think I'm going to adjust my BlogPoll rankings and move Kansas out of the No. 1 spot. If they beat Missouri in two weeks, maybe. If they beat Missouri and then beat Oklahoma, in back-to-back weeks? Definitely. But it was premature for me to put them there. I was projecting my personal enthusiasm for their story. I am strongly considering LSU-Kansas-Oregon, though I can understand Oregon fans saying, "Hold on!" and demanding KU be put third until after the Mizzou game.

Hockey: Hall of Fame inductees. I became a huge fan of Mark Messier when he led the Rangers to the Stanley Cup. Not that I liked the Rangers. I just was blown away by Messier's leadership skills, enthusiasm and will to win. There's that iconic image of him madly celebrating with the Stanley Cup in '94 that EA used in a classic ad to promote their sports games a few years ago, and that to me was the quintessential vision of success in sports.

-- D.S.


Matt said...

Let's just hope this Syracuse freshmen class of Flynn, Greene, and others doesn't turn out to be semi-busts like Nichols, Watkins and Roberts...two guys that were very good at times, and very bad at others. It was absolutely maddening.

What wasn't maddening was watching Jonny Flynn hit 6-6 on 3's.

Unsilent Majority said...

AI can be a little testy. The other night I told him the new shoes were ugly as sin (I consider AI's original shoe to be the greatest basketball shoe ever created). He replied, "so's your momma."

Yeah, but I don't wear her around on my feet.

He's still the man, just not quite as impressive as he was in his younger days. I wish I could go back and watch him at Georgetown again.

Chaddogg said...

Dan, you're not allowed to talk about Northwestern.

REAL Wildcat fans

CMFost said...

What Dan no talk about who is going to win the AL Cy Young to be annouced today? Is it Beckett, Sabathia or Carmona? Do Carmona and Sabathia being on the same team hurt them and will they split votes making Beckett the winner?

My Prediction:
1. Beckett
2. Sabathia
3. Carmona

The Mark Show said...

Wow, I can't believe CMfost is picking Beckett! I'm SHOCKED!

Chris said...

I rarely comment on this blog anymore because Dan and his "instant history", lack of common sense, and Gator slurping is intolerable. I do check in fairly regularly (which is all the bandwagon jumping, Tebow licking, Dan cares about) but it is to get to the comments section which are often times a very good discussion on the topics of the day. Not to mention way more intelligent than anything Dan usually offers.

Having sad all that, Teboff posted something today that cannot be ignored. "Yes, I'm still allowed to talk about Northwestern". What? WTF did you just say? Uh, listen, Dan. NO YOU ARE NOT!!! In any reasonable fan's mind you gave that right up the minute you turned your back on your alma mater to root for your wife's team (even though she didn't go to school there either). You abandoned the school you attended all for marital convenience and the chance to suck up to any and all things Florida. That is one of the dick moves of all time for any fan and once you do it, there is no turning back. You've called the Duke Lacrosse players, Brady Quinn, and assorted others "douchbags" over the years. You, sir, are the biggest D-bag walking the planet earth.

BTW, you hate Duke basketball (but will root for one of their players based upon religion) and love their football team? Well, at least this week based on who their playing this week. Yeah, in your mind I'm sure that would define consistency. Similar, I guess, to when SEC teams beat each other it is a sign of the strength and depth of the conference, but when Big 10 teams do the same thing it is because the conference sucks. Douchbag.

David Kippe said...

yuck, spit, yuck...but yeah beckett should get it. best pitcher on best team. hard to argue with.

The Mark Show said...

AL Cy Young should be Sabathia. He and Beckett have basically the same statistics but Sabathia pitched 40+ more innings than Beckett, which should make the difference.

marcomarco said...

I just don't get the Jewish stuff. Who cares about someones religous affiliation?

I fail to remember anyone trying to appoint the:

"Best Active Catholic Athlete"
"Best Active Muslim Athlete"
"Best Active Buddist Athlete"
"Best Active Anarchist Athlete"
"Best Active Satanic Athlete"

meh. Braun deserved that win, great year.

CMFost said...

hey Mark, I said prediction not who I am picking but since Beckett had the most wins(in less starts) and all the rest of his stats(in less starts) are comparable to the other 2. I believe beckett should win the CY Young.

David Kippe said...

I hate Duke.

David Kippe said...

marcomarco said,

I fail to remember anyone trying to appoint the:

"Best Active Catholic Athlete"
"Best Active Muslim Athlete"
"Best Active Buddist Athlete"
"Best Active Anarchist Athlete"
"Best Active Satanic Athlete"

dude, that has Cycledan all over it, he can figure that out.

Unsilent Majority said...

He might have just overtaken Morgan Pressel as the reigning active "Best Active Jewish Athlete."

I call bullshit! Morgan is a Krickstein and that's all that needs to be said.

Travis said...

Even though it wont matter in the voting Beckett > Sabathia because he out pitched him in the playoffs. Either way today to me Beckett is the Cy Young.

Also Dan, what was worse to deal with losing to Duke or losing to New Hampshire?

David Kippe said...

Kalin Lucas leads a great group of Frosh at MSU starting tonight.

Geoff said...

"hey Mark, I said prediction not who I am picking"

How is that not the same thing?

David Kippe said...

i think predicition is who you think will be voted cy young by the media, and your pick is who you think SHOULD be picked by the media.

The Mark Show said...

Well, not that it really means anything but 14 of ESPN's "experts," including Gammons have Sabathia, 4 have Beckett and 1 each for Carmona and Lackey.

Everyone knows wins are overrated. Beckett only started 4 fewer games than Sabathia. And even with the 41 extra innings Sabathia had fewer walks and a better ERA. So even though Sabathia shit the bed in the postseason he still deserves the Cy Young.

The Mark Show said...

Either way his prediction and pick are the same, which again, isn't surprising. I'm am surprised, however, that he didn't pick Beckett to get the unanimous vote after his track record of postseason predictions.

David Kippe said...

when do they cast their votes? before the postseason? if not it is hard to not to take into account October. Its like when the judge sustains an objection and tells the jury to forget what the heard. um yeah sure...

hutlock said...


EXACTLY why Sabathia should and will win CY. Its a REGULAR season award, so Beckett topping CC in the playoffs has no bearing at all on it. And those extra innings are BIG -- 40 extra innings is better than 4 more complete games! Not to mention, Sabathia pitched a lot deeper into games than Beckett did all season long. If he hadn't, maybe he would have had that ONE more win that all you Red Sox honks think makes Beckett the shoe-in choice. This should be a close vote, but CC takes it.

David Kippe said...

i agree with you Mark. Him and Bill Simmons are in bed together i think.

Natsfan74 said...

Best performance by an athlete I have seen live is watching a game in 2006 where Soriano had 2 HR, a Stolen Base, and an outfield assist. That's pretty incredible. Same season, Bonds hit the farthest homerun I have ever seen live -- well into the upper deck in RFK. Saw Maddux go for 300 for first time (and lose) in Garciaparra's Cub debut, and saw Clemens vs. Langston in 1993.

Those I want to watch: AD (known as AP by some ill-informed bloggers), Sid the Kid (can't wait to see him against Ovechkin this year in the Verizon Center), Vlad Guerrero (coming to the New Nationals Park next year), and Greg Oden -- as soon as he is healthy

The Mark Show said...


The funny thing is, Simmons is on record on his podcast and in his column that he thinks it should be Sabathia.

David Kippe said...

voters are idiot though. Thats why I wouldn't be suprised to see them take the postseaon into their vote.

I think because you get to see the ESPN vote and who is picking what, there is accountability and thats why Sabathia is their pick.

David Kippe said...

see, thats how little i pay attention to Simmons now. I have no idea that he said that.

The Mark Show said...

I'm fairly sure that they cast their votes before the postseason starts.

David Kippe said...

Osi with 6 sacks this year was the best performance I have seen.

aikehara said...

Ugliest MNF outcome possible? I don't think so...I would think that would probably be a turnover & penalty plagued 0-0 tie. And does anything sound more laughable than prefacing a comment by saying, "I didn't actually watch any of this, but..."

Seems like Dan thinks that the Seahawks are Ohio State or something.

CMFost said...

Votes for the Awards given out are due before the playoff start.

Steve said...

@ Anthony:

He didn't watch MNF because there weren't any jewish football players on either team.

David Kippe said...

It is amazing at how much better of a team that Seattle is at home as opposed to being on the road. I know most teams are, but they look like completely different team at Qwest.

Unknown said...

"NFL Scandal Watch: Will a new steroids bust bust open a PED connection in the NFL"

*cough* Brettfavrecareeryearat38 *cough*

"CFB: After thinking it over, I think I'm going to adjust my BlogPoll rankings and move Kansas out of the No. 1 spot. If they beat Missouri in two weeks, maybe."

Behind LSU and Florida, of course. LSU will have to lose twice for Kansas to pass them.

bkelly126 said...

no mention of the rumor that Lloyd Carr is retiring after the "game"? shocking!

"Do you have anything light?"
"How about this leaflet, Famous Jewish Sports Legends?"

marcomarco said...

Sparty said...
i agree with you Mark. Him and Bill Simmons are in bed together i think.

So, if Beckett is the pitcher, would that make Simmons the catcher?

The Mark Show said...

Athletes I want to see in person:

Garnett (can't freaking wait to go to my first C's game this year)

Most of the guys I want to see in person are basketball players and since my buddy has season tickets to the Celtics I've been able to see quite a few of them. Iverson is definitely an all-time favorite.

David Kippe said...

i was trying to remember where i knew that quote from, nice!

David Kippe said...

I think basketball players are the best to see in person because you get to see them play so much more than you get to see other players in other sports. You also get to really see them. No Helmets, masks, hats, eye visors hiding them.

The Mark Show said...


I agree. Plus with baseball players you might catch them on an 0-4 night or if it's a pitcher they might get rocked. Football games in person have always been more about the atmosphere and team play for me rather than watching 1 guy.

Anonymous said...

1. Allen Iverson - 14/20 FG, 2/4 3PT, 7/8 FT, 3 REB, 8 AST, 2 STL, 37 PTS
2. Carlos Boozer - 13/18 FG, 10 REB, 32 PTS
3. J.R. Smith - 10/13 FG, 7/8 3PT, 4 REB, 4 AST, 29 PTS
4. Richard Jefferson - 12/23 FG, 7/7 FT, 6 REB, 4 AST, 2 STL, 32 PTS
5. Chris Paul - 11/21 FG, 3/5 3PT, 2/2 FT, 6 REB, 7 AST, 3 STL, 27 PTS, GW FG with 2.6 secs

1. Malik Allen - 1/4 FG, 0/0 FT, 0 REB, 0 AST, 0 STl, 0 BLK, 2 PTS, 20 MIN
2. Hilton Armstrong - 0/2 FG, 0/0 FT, 1 REB, 0 AST, 0 STL, 0 BLK, 3 PF, 1 TO, 0 PTS, 14 MIN
3. Bostjan Nachbar - 2/6 FG, 0/2 3PT, 0/0 FT, 2 REB, 1 AST, 1 BLK, 5 TO, 4 PTS, 16 MIN
4. Cedric Simmons - 1/2 FG, 0/6 FT, 5 REB, 0 AST, 0 STL, 1 BLK, 3 PF, 1 TO, 2 PTS, 18 MIN
5. Jannero Pargo - 1/5 FG, 0/0 FT, 1 REB, 0 AST, 1 STL, 0 BLK, 3 TO, 2 PTS, 11 MIN

pv845 said...

Though Lebron is impressive in the NBA, I have no desire to see anyone in the NBA. It is a shell of basketball.

I would love to see Peyton Manning or Tom Brady play.

No you can't talk about Northwestern! How can you say this with a straight face? Especially when after this you talk about how the current UF freshmen are better than Oden and the gang last year? What a joke?

Cy Young Sabathia or Beckett.

If KU wins the National Championship (or Oregon) will you put LSU behind them?

Beetle said...

The 40 more innings argument is weak because CC had 1 less win.
It could be argued that if Becket didn't have a freak trip to the DL, and therefore pitched those extra innings, that he would have had closer to 25 wins.
It's too bad that the voting is done before the playoffs start, because it is clear that Beckett is a FAR superior pitcher than CC.

Anonymous said...


Players I'd like to see? (or have seen?)
Current: LeBron, Crosby
Past: Barry Sanders

I have to include teams/events I'd want to see too though...
the World Cup (soccer)
All-Blacks match (rugby)
I'd love to have seen a Lakers-Celtics game in the 80's or Lemiux and Jagr in the 90's
Tyson in his prime

Beetle said...

Hey Toddthe2nd.

Bottom line;
CC can't hold Beckett's jock.
What does C.C. stand for anyways?
How about Can't Clinch.

David Kippe said...


Barry Sanders was the only reason I ever went to Lions games when I lived in the Detroit area. He was unbelievable to watch. As soon as he would run to one sideline and then cut back to the other, the entire Silverdome would stand up and get excited, even if it was only for 4 yard gain. Shame he never had a good line.

David Kippe said...

Avs Vs Wings was awesome in the mid and late 90s.

Beetle said...

Best performances I've seen live;

Clemens return to Fenway with the Jays. 16Ks in 8 innings including the side (John Valentine, Nomar, and Mo Vaughn) in 10 pitches in the 8th. It would have been 9 pitches, but Mo just foul tipped the 9th pitch.

Nomar's birthday game in 1999.
3 Homers, including 2 grand slams.
Last at bat in the 9th, he crushed a liner to the warning track in right. The ball simply wasn't high enough.

Anonymous said...

Big Syracuse fan here as well. Just getting on a little late this morning. I already bought tickets to the semis at MSG for the preseason NIT. I am going to be PISSED if Syracuse loses tonight and they don't make the semis. St. Joes is no give-me for a really young team to play.

I figured I would buy the tickets before the first two rounds were over to get better tickets. I am in row B of the 200 section right at mid court. I could have chosen floor level or loge level in the corner but I always rather sit higher and towards the center of the action for most events.

Syracuse nation is excited this year. Flynn set the record for pts in a frosh debut with 28 breaking Carmelo Anthony's 27 pt record. He is the real deal. However they have a good supporting case. What worries me is all the starters played around 35-36 minutes.

I love Boeheim but one criticism is that he doesn't use enough of his bench anymore. I feel sorry for Josh Wright, the senior who only played 4 minutes. Then again, when he had his chance to start he just kept turning the ball over.

Also Syracuse turned the ball over 23 times last night against a Siena team who dosen't have the same athletes as Syracuse. They will have to work on that.

The Mark Show said...

As I said before, everyone knows wins are overrated. Beckett had much better run support so of course he could have had more wins if had been healthy enough to help his team more, but he wasn't. While he was on the DL, Sabathia was pitching and getting the team to the postseason.

And also like I said before, Beckett was much better in the postseason. MUCH better.

But since this is a regular season award, Sabathia is the pick.

Anonymous said...

Not quite sure how I am uniquely qualified to pick out the best athletes by religion or ethnicity. I am basically an atheist and really don't know or care what ethnicity most players have.

I find it funny that some of my friends would defend Herm Edwards when I call him stupic just because he is black or people like Dan Shanoff will root for a guy because he is Jewish. I got one friend who says we should never root against a basketball team coached by a short Italian guy.

CMFost said...

Beckett - CC Comparison

B - 20-7
C - 19-7

C - 3.21
B - 3.27

C - 34
B - 30

C - 4
B - 1

C - 241
B - 200.2

C - 209
B - 194

B&C - 1.14

B - 245
C - 259

B - 286
C - 292

CMFost said...

How are wins overrated? Isn't that a starting pitchers job to help get his teams wins?

The Mark Show said...

Because a pitcher doesn't control the run support he gets. Is it really that hard to figure out? Of course wins are important, but they aren't the most important factor in figuring out who pitched better.

David Kippe said...


only said that because you are our resident guru on quick info. thats all.

Travis said...

Another point. Sabathia had 11 games against winning teams, Beckett had 17.

Travis said...

Beckett started 11 times against playoff teams

Sabathia started 4 against playoff teams

Eagle in Brighton said...

The better pitcher?

Beckett. Hands down.

The winner of the Cy Young?


Just wait.

Anonymous said...

I still have to take Sabathia here though. More strikeouts and less walks in 40 more innings?

Sounds like a done deal.

The Mark Show said...

Well put, Eagle.

bkelly126 said...

@ travis
isn't that playoff stat more about the yankees making the wild card? If the tigers were the WC wouldn't that stat be flipped (or at least more skewed to CC)?

@ cmfost
by your stats, I'd score CC 5-3-1

CMFost said...

Guy it took Sabathia 40 more IP to have only 15 K's more. IP might be something you can look at but not K's

Anonymous said...

Chris, come join the fun.

You have controlled your fear. Now release you anger.

Eagle in Brighton said...

My money's on Sabathia: but at the end of the day, if you had one game to win (a Game 7, single game playoff, etc.), who do you want on the hill?

Beckett every time.

I know that's not how Cy Young voters vote, but like MVP's, that SHOULD be the criteria.

Anonymous said...

Claudio Vargas.

John said...

most impressive players in each sport I have seen, in each case well ahead of anyone else
Pedro Martinez
Len Bias ( I've seen Jordan many times live)
Barry Sanders
Who I'd like to see:
Sid Crosby
Phoenix Suns
Vince Young

David Kippe said...

Isiah was great to watch as a player, greatest 6ft player ever.

Mike said...

I got to see Tiger Woods in Chicago earlier this fall. It was easily the most amazing sporting experience of my life. Theres something about him and other truly great athletes that leave you in awe after watching them perform.

marcomarco said...

Thought I'd share a laugh:

Special Rules for the Patriots

1) In the course of an NFL game, if the Patriots go up by more than 31 points, they are not allowed to play offense until the opposing team draws to within one score. (Pats will kick-off after an opposing team's touchdown or FG).

1a) Once the team is within one score, the Pats offense may play, but Tom Brady may not, unless: (i)the Pats play with 8 players (including Tom), or (ii) the Pats play with 9 players, but 1 player is chosen from the stands by the opposing team.

1b) no Patriot linebacker is allowed to play offense, unless that LB is inserted at quarterback. However, Mike Vrabel cannot be quarterback.

2) If an opposing player states "It's like were playing 7-on-5s" (7 offense, 5 defense during practice), such as indicated by Justin Smith, DE, Cincinnati Bengels 10/1/07, the Patriots must take a time out and serve ice cold lemonade or hot tea (weather dependent) to the opposing team. Scones are optional.

3) Once the 31 pt rule is in effect, Patriots may challenge any play, but the opposing team gets veto power over the referee.

4) Once the Pats offense is allowed back onto the field(7 pts), for any forward pass the Pats QB must point to the receiver and call out his number BEFORE passing. If it is Tom Brady, he must additionally turn the opposing team's water cooler into wine.

5) Belichick must diagram any Patriots play to the opposing defense and ensure they understand exactly how to disrupt the play. This all must be done within the play clock. If this process is not complete prior to the play clock expiring, the Patriots will be assessed a delay of game and double unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.

6) Randy Moss must play with 10 lb weights on each ankle. An additional pound will be added for each TD this season.

7) Wes Welker is not allowed to have "that crazy look" in his eyes. 10 yd, "crazy eyes" penalty assessed.

8) Tom Brady must immediately start doing commercials for every product imaginable, especially one's where he chants "cut that meat!" or refers to himself "as a 6'5" quarterback with a laser-rocket arm"

9) Bill Belichick is not allowed to be within 100 yds of any infant, for fear that his evil supergenius powers would assimilate such a defenseless creature into the Patriots System. We have already seen this effect on an inordinate amount of chipmunks, squirrels, and 'possum that commit suicide while crossing Rte 1 to reach Gillette Stadium.

10) Patriots must respect all opposing players feelings and apologize for every first down. Touchdowns must include a written apology and a fruit basket.

BLUE said...

Chris...your hate is strong...I like it....now that you have seen the light, come join others who are just like you.

BLUE said...

And Dan...stay out of Denver...the fans there think you suck

David Kippe said...

i got to see Tiger when he was an amateur at the 96 Open. he was paired with Nicklaus, that was cool.

JFreak said...

"I rarely comment on this blog anymore because Dan and his "instant history", lack of common sense, and Gator slurping is intolerable. I do check in fairly regularly (which is all the bandwagon jumping, Tebow licking, Dan cares about) but it is to get to the comments section which are often times a very good discussion on the topics of the day. Not to mention way more intelligent than anything Dan usually offers."

The hate is strong in you.

Come join us where hate happens.

Mike said...

I'm personally suprised Dan boasts about his Jewish heritage so much. He's a hardcore Democrat and they aren't usually the ones to push their religious beliefs on others. Shame on you Dan.

Travis said...

Take out the Yankees and its still 7-4 for Beckett.

CMFost said...

Mike, he is not pushing his religious believes on you or anyone else. What he is stating is that he likes to see jewish athletes do well in sports. I am not sure how that is pushing his religious beliefs on you. There is a big differences between talking about an athlete due to his religion and pushing religious beliefs on someone.

BLUE said...

i enjoy your hatred too, don't be afraid...let it out.

your hatred yesterday was very good

pv845 said...

Marco that is awesome.

chipp said...

Best live performance:

CIN @ SEA 2007: Last game of the series we had seats in right to be behind Griffey the whole game. 3-4, 2HR, outfield assist (on a GREAT catch and throw-out at 1B double play). For a long-time Mariner fan, it doens't get better (M's won as well).

Eagle in Brighton said...

Marco: great stuff.

DanIEL HEYNEN said...

I was at the Duke Gtown basketball game in January 2006, an upset win and "instant history" as well, with arguably the programs going two different directions since. I don't think that live game atmosphere will ever be replicated...

marcomarco said...

I can't take credit for authoring it... recieved as a fwd a little while ago.

My favorites are the Fruit basket and the Ankle weights.

Natsfan74 said...

Marco -- I like the rules. Once the Patriots are up 14, they have to start playing "pool", and calling their shots. Brady lines up in the shotgun and says "Moss, Skinny Post, 25 yards".

Johnny b said...

I was at the game last year where Sidney Crosby broke his foot. He was unbelievable on the ice. I believe he scored a goal where he darted through 3 or 4 Canadians.

As a pens fan I feel hugely blessed being able to watch Lemieux and Jagr in their primes. Ronnie Francis was a great player. The line of Straka, Lang, and Kovalev was fun to watch and none of those players have been any good without each other. Now I get Crosby and Malkin

It's going to suck leaving the area for Houston

Anonymous said...

i saw AI play the hawks in atlanta several years ago when he was a sixer. he is awesome in person.

i'd love to see tiger play the master's.

my most memorable athletes in person were most certainly Dr. J and Jordan...

marcomarco said...

Is Jenna Jameson an athlete?

CMFost said...

Sabathia takes home AL Cy Young
Cleveland left-hander beats Boston's Beckett in voting.

I think Beckett would rather keep his ALCS MVP and World Series ring and let CC have the Cy Young

Chris said...

I must say, it feels good to be accepted by my fellow haters. BTW, just announced that CC won the Cy. In other news, Dan just finished his sponge bath of Timmy T.

Mike said...

"Mike, he is not pushing his religious believes on you or anyone else. What he is stating is that he likes to see jewish athletes do well in sports. I am not sure how that is pushing his religious beliefs on you. There is a big differences between talking about an athlete due to his religion and pushing religious beliefs on someone."

Cmfost, simply rooting for Jewish players, while still distorted is fine. But having to constantly post on your blog that many read, in order to proclaim your Jew-loving, is a bit overboard.

It's the same thing with George Bush. If he just kept it to himself and used faith to make his decisions, people wouldn't care. But just the fact that he needs to invoke religion into everything, makes him unbearable.

Chris said...

If the world doesn't consider Jenna Jameson an athlete, then it is not a world that I want live in any longer. For she is the very definition of an athlete. Dedication? (check). Versitility? (check). Flexibility? (check). Willing to stay at something until getting the desired outcome? (check). A team player? (check). Willing to be disciplined? (check). Willing to take one for the greater good of the team? (check). Yes, Marco, Jenna is everything we could hope to look for in an athlete and more.We should all just be a little more appreciative of her athletic endeavors. Well, at least that is what I think.

TBender said...

I think Beckett would rather keep his ALCS MVP and World Series ring and let CC have the Cy Young

Duh. Only Clemens would probably rather have the individual award.

The Mark Show said...

CMfost said...
I think Beckett would rather keep his ALCS MVP and World Series ring and let CC have the Cy Young

Really? You think so professor? Douche.

TBender said...

@Johnny B:

We have hockey down here...I think.

Is that the one with the Zamboni thing?

Travis said...

Does anyone else find it ridiculous that Beckett was left off two ballots and Sabathia off one?

Geoff said...

"I think Beckett would rather keep his ALCS MVP and World Series ring and let CC have the Cy Young"

Someone is upset that their prediction, but not their pick, was wrong.

hutlock said...

Oh yeah, by the way -- that Cy Young voting wasn't even close. Apparently SOMEONE out there knows how to read and evaluate pitching stats better than the average pink hatter who still thinks Beckett had a better REGULAR SEASON than Sabathia. He did not. Is he better? Not for me to say, but he had a better season this year and he deserves the award.

And yeah, he'd trade it in a heartbeat for the WS ring, who wouldn't?

The Mark Show said...

That is pretty ridiculous. I don't understand how you could have either of them out of the top 3.

jhawkjjm said...

In case you didn't see, Texas Tech coach Mike Leach was fined $10K for his comments on the officials in their loss to Texas.

Now I didn't see the game so I can't say much about it, but this is the second time that I can recall that a Big XII coach has been fined, the last being Mangino at KU. His was 4 years ago when KU was called for a bogus OFFENSIVE pass interference call on a third down conversion where the flag was very late. KU would have had a 1st down and been able to run out the clock and upset a top 10 Texas team. Instead they had to punt and Texas ended up scoring to win with about 30 secs left and went on to the Rose Bowl. Mangino was fined for saying the call was bogus and that the reason it was made was because of money. Had Texas lost, they most likely wouldn't have gotten an at-large bid. Just interesting that these things seem to revolve around Texas.

I think that Colorado actually has a bigger more valid complaint against the officials for the travesty that happened at Iowa St this weekend.

hutlock said...

The same way you get writers not voting for Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn for the HOF. They think they're God.

If they just let the damn players vote for HOF, All-Stars, Awards, etc., it would be a LOT easier to take them seriously and they would mean more across the board. Remember Derek Jeter's Gold Gloves? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?

Chris said...

Wow, re-read my post from this morning and that was some quality hatred I spewed. Well, sorry, I guess it was building up for a few weeks given that Dan's well of hypocrisy seems to have no bottom. I just can't get past turning your back on your alma mater to root for your wife's team and then being such a shill for that team that you are incapable of any rational thought where the are concerned.

It was nice to know the depth of my hate was so respected amongst my peers. A tip of the cap to you Blue and also in your direction jfreak.

Travis said...

well they do have a players choice awards, they were announced a few weeks back.

Anonymous said...

Some people take this blog too seriously.


Dan's Jewish. So he takes pride in seeing Jewish athletes do well. Is Judaism just a religion? I think so. But many people view it as race as well. It's not really a big deal, and Dan does it in fun.

I always look to see if Puerto Rican athletes are doing well (our bobsled team sucked last coupla times in the Olympics though). You know...it is Dan's blog after all. If you disagree with him, great. Post about it. But don't just generalize your criticisms.

CMFost said...

Chris - Blue and jfreak are not your peers. They are the mindless lemmings from LOV who think it is fun to post the TMQ in the comment section. If you think they are your peers you should go and join them.

Here is a link to make it easier for you

Chris said...

@ CMfost.

I am not here to judge either one of them. They seemed to like my post from earlier and I was just acknowledging that. As I said earlier, I rarely post on here, just mainly read the comments. To each his own as far as opinions and topics. I was just more irritated with Dan's hypocrisy today, more than anything else.

hutlock said...


Oh yeah, I know they have those Players Choice awards, but those don't exactly hold much clout compared to these awards. Seriously, why should out-of-touch, often VERY biased sportswriters decide this stuff? Or HOF? Ask the people who see the players every day, all year long, and who would know who is good and who isn't -- THE PLAYERS.

Usually in those things they DO poll the players on, they don't let you vote for guys on your own team either, so it would be SOOO much cleaner of a vote. I mean, does anyone think Cleveland writers didn't vote for Sabathia and Boston writers didn't vote for Beckett?

The All-Star game I guess I can live with, but think how many times some old dude coasted into that when some young deserving player in a small market got snubbed.

Mike said...

"Chris - Blue and jfreak are not your peers. They are the mindless lemmings..."

And you're not a mindless lemming, CMFost? You post incoherent Patriots/Red Sox bullshit 50 times a day and people let you stay..I guess people must find your 3rd grade sentence structure entertaining or something?

The Mark Show said...

Toddthesecond said...
The All-Star game I guess I can live with, but think how many times some old dude coasted into that when some young deserving player in a small market got snubbed.

As a kid I used to get frustrated that the fans would vote in the older, big name players (Cal Ripken drove me nuts) over more deserving guys but really, the game is for the fans and if I were going to the game, or even just watching on tv, I'd rather see the sure thing hall of famer even if technically he's not an all-star anymore. If the younger guys are really good enough they'll have plenty more seasons to make all-star teams.

Although now that the game "counts" maybe they should put more power with the players and coaches...

bkelly126 said...

looking at the WWL's bowl projections, its clear Ivan Maisel may not know anything. Kansas v Oklahoma in a bowl game?! A BCS bowl game?! couldn't he have just swapped out one of them for VTech or WV?! wow...just, wow

The Mark Show said...

Mike said...
"Chris - Blue and jfreak are not your peers. They are the mindless lemmings..."

Not to mention that "lemmings" is what Blue and the LoV people use to describe CMfost and the rest of Shanoff's readers so it seems pretty stupid that CM would try to turn around and call them "lemmings"

marcomarco said...

@ chris

A team player? (check)

One could say that she plays for both teams.

RE: Sabathia

I heard that CC was going to celebrate with a few extra bags of miniburgers.

hutlock said...


yeah, that's exactly why I can deal with the All-Star vote being with the public - that game is for them and should be. It still irks me every now and again, but there needs to be some tie to the audience otherwise MLB will lose that connection with the fans that has been going on for decades and decades.

Don't the players nominate who gets on that "extra" player ballot, the one they vote for on the Internet? Maybe I'm thinking of something else, but I thought they did.

The Mark Show said...

I'm pretty sure you're right about the players nominating the choices for the last player in...

David Kippe said...


i was going to use the Tony and Cal argument earlier. That was and is the most retarded vote snafu of the last 20 years.

btw, congrats CC. and i was wrong, oh well.

JFreak said...

cummy's just mad that he got banned from the lov universe for a month.

marcomarco said...

cummy, lol

pv845 said...

I can't really see that KU would play OU in a BCS bowl. As good as KU and OU might be now in the BCS poll, I don't see either of them surviving a B12 championship loss and making a BCS bowl. I think that TX might make it from the outside though. Who knows at this point in this crazy season.


How can Texas make it to a BCS Bowl? That is almost as bad as saying Florida could make it to a BCS Bowl.

pv845 said...

I don't think that it is likely, but if enough teams in front lose and the right ones win, then TX could. It is a very slim chance. About like UF making it.

jhawkjjm said...

More so the fact that it could possibly be a rematch of the Big XII championship. No way would a bowl put two teams from the same conference in the same bowl.

Anonymous said...

"And you're not a mindless lemming, CMFost? You post incoherent Patriots/Red Sox bullshit 50 times a day and people let you stay..I guess people must find your 3rd grade sentence structure entertaining or something?"

All you have to do is make a bet with cumfast, and you can get rid of him and his cumbonics.


Anonymous said...

" marcomarco said...

cummy, lol"

You can't honestly say that "cmfost" has never registered in your brain as "cumfast", can you?

Johnny b said...

yes that's the one with the Zamboni, Tbender

Anonymous said...

Shit just lost my post on the Syracuse victory. St. Joe's played a gutsy game and hung right in there. I am bringing my two sons and so is a friend of mine to the NIT semis at MSG. Should be fun. Of course even more fun for me now that I know Syracuse made it.

Matt said...

Dan learn what Karma means - how the hell does AD deserve that? You're a freaking moron.