Wednesday, June 27, 2012

06/27 (CFB Playoff) Quickie

On the road traveling today, but a quick note that college football is better served by the new playoff format. The battle over the 3rd and 4th playoff teams will be even more fierce than the complaints about who was being left out of the 1-2 game, but college football has always fed off of that kind of controversy -- and been stronger for it, frankly. It's going to be an odd pair of lame-duck years between now and then, with plenty of "If the 4-team playoff were in place..." talk. That's not a bad thing. Quickish has a great stream of playoff reactions.

Also, pop by Quickish for some great reads on the NBA Draft (including two interesting profiles of Royce White) and the Olympic Trials for swimming, which remain riveting.

-- D.S.

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