Tuesday, November 06, 2012

11/06 (Election Day) Quickie

Took my kids to vote this morning, just like I took them to vote four years ago. It is a thrilling moment to explain the basic foundation of democracy to a curious child and watch them soak in the community and the spectacle of it.

We stood in line for no more than a half-hour, which is nothing compared to what others will go through today to cast a ballot. It is an embarrassment that we don't have a system that makes voting simple, easy, fast and universally accessible to any eligible citizen.

That is the extent of any "political" statement I have to make -- if you know (or think you know) whom I voted for, ok -- whether you agree or disagree is part of the process; otherwise, I merely hope you exercise your right to vote for the candidates of your choice, along with any ballot measures that might impact you more locally.


*Andy Reid is as good as fired, but it might not come until the end of the season. It will be an awkward lame-duck phase, but he sort of brings it on himself by, say, sticking with Michael Vick.

*That play where Riley Cooper laid down in the end zone on the kickoff -- hiding in plain sight -- before catching a lateral (later ruled an illegal forward pass) and racing for a TD was one of the best plays you'll see all season -- straight out of your backyard game. Brilliant.

*Nothing says "false hope" like the Knicks being 3-0 with all three wins by double-digit margins.

*Basically, the Heat just turn it on when they want to. And when they do, they're unstoppable.

*Did Nets fans really think the team in Brooklyn would just start winning like a contender?

*I only saw a few highlights of last night's Kentucky exhibition, but they sure look reloaded.

*I would take it as a point of pride if I was given the first two official NBA "warnings" about flopping. Kudos to you, JJ Barea.

*David Ortiz didn't like Bobby V? You don't say!

*Obama is right: Political pundits ARE just like sports pundits.


-- D.S.

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