Thursday, November 16, 2006

Umm...Yeah...About That New Look...

Well, something was wrong with Blogger and so it wouldn't allow WordPress to import the site. Or, more specifically, MY site. So the glorious relaunch of this blog as "" is on hold, at least for the next few days. I'm working on a solution... and not happy.

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

Dude, the first thing you learn when rolling out a new release of software is you try it out first. You should have tried to copy over the blog and set up the site before you announced it. But then again, I understand this is a self funded type job and it is not really fair to be too critical. Good luck.

BTW, my EMBA degree I received last year has done squat for me professionally but at least I have my BS and MS in Electrical Engineering to fall back on.

Anonymous said...

Navigating your current blog to offsite hosting and creating a template identical to the wordpress template you want while still using blogger is real easy, it just means you are still stuck with blogger's commenting system. If you need any help, let me know.

- Mike D

MoonHopper said...

Yeah, whats going on. I got all excited about it then you squash my spirits with some excuse about some software glitch or some such technical snafu. Its like ordering a pizza for delivery and then finding out coffee maker is busted. Or not like that at all.