Sunday, January 14, 2007

NFL Playoff Mania!
Saints, Colts Still Marching

You can't be a (a) football fan, (b) American or (c) human and NOT be rooting for the Saints right now. One win from the Super Bowl, the Saints aren't simply the story of the year in the NFL, but you have to seriously consider where this story ranks among all-time NFL stories. I have a soft spot for the Bears, but I go back to my slogan from early September 2005: "We're all Saints fans."

Meanwhile, the Colts won too. I'm rooting for the Chargers today, but you'd have to be crazy not to want to see Pats at Colts for the AFC title.

Anyway: What was your take on last night's games? Today's games? The implications for next week? Put your analysis in the comments section and get the debate going!

- D.S. (Still filing via Blackberry in Orlando. No I didn't make the trek to Gainesville yesterday for the Gators victory party at The Swamp.)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Anonymous said...

ticket prices should dop unless the colts get in

SAE said...

If the Saints were winning on their own, yes I'd root for them. But since the NFL is handing them everything, forget it.

Apparently, all of the dubious penalties against the Eagles that Fox didn't bother showing replays of weren't enough. So Goodall got in Andy Reid's headset and said "Time to roll over and give the Aints the win." Other than Reid being a complete idiot, it's the only reason why someone would rely on that defense to get a stop when it matters. I don't even see any of the analysts (the 2 or 3 I've read) mentioning the ridiculous punt at all, plus it's barely even mentioned in the game summary.

What are they going to do in today's game to make sure Seattle wins, so NO gets yet another game in the Super Dome?

Kevin said...

Since we always complain when they are bad, I want to say that I'm very pleased with the referees in the playoffs so far. No major blown calls. A couple questionable things (calling Ed Reed OB on that interception before he lateralled and the "enough contact for illegal contact but not pass interference"). I'd like the rules explained to me a little better on that last one, but I think is is something like once the ball was in the air, both players were fighting for it, but had the ball not been in the air the defender was impeding the WR from running his route. Still seems questionable to me, but it was not a major issue like last year. Let's hope it continues.

Lastly, at the end of the Colt/Ravens game, the Colts were bascially running the clock out to then kick a FG to make it a 2-score game. Right at the 2-minute warning they ran for a 1st down, basically ensuring victoy. The Ravens should've escorted the Colt RB into the endzone to get hte ball back with about 1:40 on the clock. While they would've needed 13 points, at least it was possible. Trying to get 9 in 23 seconds is basically impossible.

Big D said...

Funny, I'm stuck filing from The Happiest Place On Earth, um, I mean Orlando as well. Stupid Conference.

Any ideas for a good sports bar to watch the Pats' game at?

Also, I dislike Peyton Manning quite a bit. Just in case I hadn't mentioned that in awhile.

Big D said...

@ mustafa: You're 100% correct - that was a catch at the end of the first half. Colston's ass hit the ground while he still had possession, meaning he should have been ruled "down by contact" before the ball came loose.

I was sitting here staring at the TV, wondering how absolutely no one mentioned it on the broadcast.

The Don said...

I know I mentioned the decision to punt in my analysis...I even screamed it in the post title 'WHY DID ANDY PUNT!!??

I agree with mfranceski, it was just another day in the life of the Iggles fan. And the officiating was clearly biased toward the USA Saints.

rafael said...

I'm human, American, and a football fan..and i don't give a shit about the Saints.

And I must also be crazy, cuz I want to see LDT in the AFC title game.

TJ said...

We're all Saints fans

Am I the only one that gets a little queezy from all this Saint are America's team stuff?

When the telecast is trying to make our hearts fuzzy by telling us about the DirecTV worker who kept doing his job after the hurricane to make sure everyone got their luxury TVs back up after the storm... well, I mean... I don't know. I probably can't say what I want to without coming across like the most callous asshole ever. But this "Saints are giving the people of New Orleans hope" stuff just seems disingenuous to me.

TJ said...

A thought from the opening of the Bears-Seahawks game: After last week, how does Chris Myers still have a job?

Kevin said...

How is a pass that goes through the defenders hands a "good pass by Rex Grossman" according to the Fox commentator?

Anonymous said...

Like a few other posters, I am (a), (b) and (c) and I have been openly rooting against the Saints ever since the media (and Shanoff) professed their undying love for them at the beginning of the season. Did we all become Dolphins fans after Hurricane Andrew some years back. Of course not. This is not the first time a hurricane did significant damage to an area. People who have become Saints fans after Katrina are usually incredibly self-righteous and need to take up causes in order to feel good about themselves. I hope the winner of the Bears-Seahawks game pounds the living daylight out of the Saints. I will also be laughing once the Saints start losing again and all their "supporters" rapidly disappear

The heroin sheik said...

big d if you are on Idrive go to the fridays front row that is probably your best best either that or buffalo wild wings on idrive as well. If you are out near disney go to any of the ale houses and you will be happy.

Big D said...

Joe Buck: "That was a 'WOW!' throw from Rex Grossman..."

Looks like Sexy Rexy is back...

Anonymous said...

Joe Buck's intelligence amazes me:

"I don't know which is longer, 1/2 or 5/8"

Simply stunning

Steve said...

"Am I the only one that gets a little queezy from all this Saint are America's team stuff? "

I agree with you. The only reason I've been pulling for the Saints is I like Brees since he's a Purdue guy and has always been given a hard time in the NFL for some reason. Plus I picked the Saints to make it the NFC championship game before the season started and they're fun to watch on offense. The hurricane stuff isn't the reason they're winning, it's cuz they got rid of their crappy coach and crappier qb.

Anonymous said...

Andy Reid has stolen the "playoff choker coach" label from Schottenheimer until further notice (result of this afternoon's game.)

Yeah, I'm rooting for the Saints, but more for Brees (always liked him) and Reggie Bush (USC reasons). The media is really playing the whole "Katrina recovery" thing too much, but I'll go with it because overkill is better than forgetting it ever happened.

Anonymous said...

To quote myself from my own picks:

"Admittedly, I am pulling for the Saints, but not because they bring a tear to my fucking eye. It is because they will give whoever comes out of the AFC the best game. Philly, Chicago, and Seattle will get killed in the Super Bowl, and have me asleep by half time."

No way am I rooting for an NE-Indy game. Manning is playing like shit, and as I stated before here, NE is a boring team to watch. However, SD blowing out Indy would be boring as well. Lose-Lose, guess I take a close game over a blow out.

Go Seattle! Why? I have no idea, I just randomly started pulling for them.

The Don said...

Let's try a couple...

1) The 'illegal contact' on Trotter when it would have been a 4th down. It was a shove that never gets called otherwise and gave the USA Saints a freebie first down.

2) The false start before the punt toward the end of the game. It has to be whistled dead and the play cannot be allowed to go forward.

3) The pile-drive on Deuce McAliister's rushing TD. A clear violation of the rules that wasn't called.

Steve said...

The false start call was in fact a false start so it's hardly a bogus call. The pile drive wasn't called in the USC-Notre Dame game either so it must be one of those things like palming in the NBA. It's technically against the rules but since it's never called it doesn't exist.

Sheldiz said...

The Ravens/Colts game must have been completely and utterly boring to the entirety of the world population that isn't a Ravens or Colts fan. I apologize on behalf of my team.

Sigh. stupid colts. i think i'm going to be rooting for the Chargers now. how depressing.

Steve said...

Sorry Sheldiz, bad coaching and no running game cost you that game. They need to get rid of Billick, they clearly won a Super Bowl in spite of him not because of him. Also, Jamal Lewis has nothing left. They need to draft a running back. McNair doesn't seem to have much left either.

Big D said...

If anyone's interested, I'm in full live-blog mode...

TJ said...

Top of screen, line judge is running in pre snap, but then the snap and camera pulls away.

I saw the same thing on the replay.

Mega said...

I'm seeing alot of boo-hooing from the eastern part of the country, and the rest of the country loves it!

Bears win, Bears win, this is no Saints fan!

Anonymous said...

I am (a), (b), and (c), but I'm a Falcons fan. The Saints are our arch rivals and if the Saints win a Superbowl before the Falcons, I can't be held responsible for my actions....

rafael said...

Chargers are winning..
LDT has 70+ rushing and 60+ receiving..

If the second half plays out the same, my prediction for the game will be true!

(LDT 150+/75+/Chargers romp)

Steve said...

Belichick is being completely dominated by Schottenheimer. Punting on 4th and 2 in SD territory. Pathetic.

Big D said...

@ Steve:

I'm sorry, were you saying something?

Steve said...

We'll see.

Steve said...

Now Schottenheimer is choking. The Colts are going to win next week regardless who wins. I'm calling it now, Colts vs Saints in the super bowl.

Anonymous said...

The Patriots make me vomit. Has any team ever done more with less? Only could the Patriots throw a 4th down INT and have the other team fumble it right back. The expression "I'd rather be lucky than good" should be the slogan of the Patriots.

Steve said...

Schottenheimer is the worst coach ever.

Greg said...

god its a good time to be in new england

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bears 31 Saints 17

Pats 31 Colts 21

Anonymous said...

I am a, b, and c, and a Bears fan, thank you.

rafael said...

When a coach challenges a call on the field...shouldn't he ask the players involved what they think?

That timeout would have been useful, eh Marty?

Anonymous said...

Luke, I'm right there with you. I hate the Pat's just for that reason, they are more lucky than good. They always just barley squeek by with a field goal, they always get some sort of lucky bounce during the game, and they usually get a key call from the ref's that help them (don't even get me started on the "tuck rule").

Big D said...

I freely admit the Pats did nothing to earn that win, aside from the two-minute drill to end the first half, and the field goal to win it.

That being said, there is nothing that I would like more than to watch them steamroll an overconfident Colts team next week.

And if you think the NFL wants anything other than a Colts/Saints Super Bowl, for all the "Manning against his hometown" stories, for all the Katrina retrospectives, for all the Peter King's of the world harping on how good of a person Drew Brees and every other person who chose to "do the right thing" (take more money this offseason) and play for the Saints... you're nuts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I just finished posting approximately 100 times today. I need a beer.

Anonymous said...

Another thing about the Saints: they're a good team. Nobody would give a shit about them if they sucked this year. It's easy to root for a good team, tough to root for a bad team(, and sometimes toughest to root for an average one). So, to jump on their bandwagon now is kind of pathetic, and should be worthy of ridicule.

E.g.: everybody loooved the Hornets for the two weeks last season that they were good, then forgot about them after they came down to Earth. The point: everybody wants an excuse to root for a winning team after theirs is done.

rafael said...

Overconfident Colts? Nothing the Colts have done all season would indicate that they feel overconfident.
Now the Pats...I'd say a little overconfidence will be in play.

Can someone also tell the Pats defenders that they need to come up with their own celebrations..instead of copying other players? That's really my only pet peeve about them.

Making another team beat itself with its own mistakes, that's just a positive for NE.

Still, next week's game screams of Karmic Payback.
Indianapolis 27
New England 24

Vinatieri kicks the game winner with no time on the clock.

Greg said...

vinatieri who? i only know this guy gradkowski

Anonymous said...

Okay, Dan, STFU abou HAVING to root for the Saints. That was the same bullshit that Yankees fans wanted us to do after 9-11. I don't know what a bunch of rich white people in the stand have to do with the millions who are still looking for a home. And i doubt the really give a shit about a team when they are trying to feed their families. Not to mention the fact that Katrina happened long enough ago that I honestly am sick of hearing about it.

Okay, the Bears are my favorite team and I think that was a quality win against an inspired Seahawks team but they REALLY need to get their D back on track. But it really doesn't matter as 55 penalties will be called against them for farting in the direction of Drew Brees or Reggay Bitch. We all know it is coming.

As for New England. They did not win; Chargers LOST. As many opportunities as they had and not to have been up by at least three touchdowns, they DESERVED to lose and even though I hate New England . They simply did not get things done and honestly, at the end, I was almost happy to see San Diego lose because New England did what they could not. Score off of turnovers.

Okay, since New Orleans is going to the superbowl since my team was not blessed with having been in the city where a natural disaster blamed on W is, and New England will get there because Refs love the taste of Tom Brady's cock and are afraid of Bill Bellicheck, I will go for New England in the Superbowl if they play New Orleans. I am so sick of the fellation for them from toolbags like you, Shanoff. You are a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

You sure you know your team's kicker, greg?


Anonymous said...

its Gostkowski

Gradkowski aint he the QB in Tampa?

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same "genious" who managed to eat a shit sandwich with the Browns? I am so sick of the Patriots. Not that I really need to see Manning in the Super Bowl either, but anything is better than more Tom Brady cocksuckery.

I only root for the Saints because I am required by law to root against the Bears as a Packer fan. The four remaining teams are all just blech to me. Stupid Chargers.

Greg said...

gradowski is my second favorite, after gostkowski. you guys didnt let me finish

Brian in Oxford said...

once is lucky, twice a coincidience...three times a trend....what if the pats do win a 4th?

i find it amusing to see the plays they make (troy brown causing a fumble). ldt seemed like a sore loser but i guess he was pissed at the pats mocking steroid-boy at midfield.

Anonymous said...

what if the pats do win a 4th?

Brady will have wrapped up his 1st ballot Hall of Fame induction.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone here who saw the Colts-Ravens peeved about the myth that Ray Lewis "blocked" that first interception? It looked like it at first, but on the replay, the announcers figured out that the ball was long gone before Lewis came in. Then, later in the game, those very same announcers flip-flopped and started saying that he knocked it out on that play. I mean, they were calling this game. If they're going to have the memory of a goldfish, we should just give up and put MTV VJs in the booth.

Why do I bring this up? Because now it's a full-fledged fact.

Anonymous said...

What a game!! Nice win for Bill & Tom!!! Bring on the Colts!!
Even better LT went after the Pats for disrespecting the mighty Chargers logo lol!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Saints 31 Bears 17
Mighty Patriots 31 Happy Feet&The Colts 21

Anonymous said...


You are a homer and I am going to let that speak for itself. I am just sick of hearing about the fucking "plight" when I have seen who live in worse shit everyday and don't get free money for it. Travel outside this country once and you will see it. Sure, it sucks that it happened, but enough is enough. It shouldn't have any effect on football and the Saints have been given free reign to hold this shit out of everyone all season. I am not a sentimental person so the sentimental bullshit the networks and the NFL and Dan Shannof have tried to cram down the viewers throats is purely nauseating. While New Orleans IS a good team, I am not denying that, I do not feel the need to like them and hope that my Bears beat them something like 44-13, but it probably will not happen. But either way, if the Saints win, I am going for whoever is in the AFC . . . even if that means, so help me God, rooting for the Evil of all Evils: The Patriots. I will get the same glee I got when the Yanks got destroyed by the D-backs because it was a sentimental win and I don't buy that shit. So take your wanted empathy and shove it up your ass. That goes for anyone going for the Saints because Katrina happened to occur.

Paul L Carter said...

Sheldiz said...
The Ravens/Colts game must have been completely and utterly boring to the entirety of the world population that isn't a Ravens or Colts fan.

Yes, it was ugly, but that was the kind of game the Colts would lose in the past come playoff time. The mark of a team ready to make the jump to championship status can win 55-38 track meets as well as 6-3 slugfests.

Anonymous said...

The best part is not that LDT got so upset about the Patriots disrespect, it was that he called himself classy. One, who, even if they are classy, does that? Two, It had shades of "Stay Classy, San Diego" all over. Thank LDT for making us laugh and sounding like a fool.

Anonymous said...

Aw, LT the second was just pissed that his team lost. Give him a break.

Anonymous said...

Why give him a break? I am big fan of him, but you have to read what he said.
"I would never, ever react in that way," he said. "You guys know me, I'm a very classy person. I wouldn't have reacted like that, so yes, I was upset. Very upset. When you go to the middle of our field and you start doing the dance that Shawne Merriman is known for, that's disrespectful to me and I can't sit there and watch that. And so yeah, I was very upset. And just the fact the way they showed no class at all, absolutely no class, and maybe it comes from the head coach. There you have it."

He defended a steroid user, called himself classy (which he is, but let other people call you that) and then blamed it on one of the best big game coaches ever. It is fine to be upset about losing, but if TO or AROD said something like this, everyone would be talking about how awful they are. That is the truth.

Trayton Otto said...

Couple thoughts:

Sean Salisbury defended Andy Reid's decision to punt last night on Sportscenter. Whether you agree with his analysis on a regular basis or not is another matter.

I'm treating the Saints like every other Cinderella/underdog from the last 12 months. Florida, Cardinals, George Mason/Wichita St., Steelers, Texas, etc. The Saints are just this playoff's underdog that "no one belived in but us".

Anonymous said...

LT was classy he isn't anymore!!!
He lost his cool and any respect he had, he is a loser MVP!!!

Anonymous said...

I would argue you with you Patriot fans, but you are too retarded to listen to any sort of reason. I hope you do not represent most of your fan base.


Anonymous said...

Please argue. We would like to hear it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Merriman, nicknamed "Lights Out," did a spasmodic dance to celebrate each of his NFL-high 17 sacks.

Turn the lights out San Diego!!!
Get a real coach and see you next season!!!

The heroin sheik said...

The one thing that pissed me off about the chargers was that they should have had a play already called so that they wouldn't have had to spike the ball. Even if it were a little five yard out pattern that might have been enough to help the kicker out. It pisses me off that they don't have some automatic play that when they have to hurry up after a long gain they just do it.

I actually thought that marty wasn't too conservative this time around. I Really hate that the patsies won but hell we should all know by now not to bet against brady in january.

The bears looked like crap but they won and that is all that matters. I think it will be a good game against the aints. I can't stand them since I am a bucs fan so I hope they get a worse beating than katrina put on that crappy ass city.

I can't wait to see how happy feet chokes and who he blames it on this time around.

March 2 is just around the corner and the G-rays open spring training at al lang field against the yankees. I hope A-rod is there signing autographs so I can dog him for beating his team in high school.
As much as I hate the yankees I have always like steinbrenner. I guess it is because of his connections to tampa. I wish he would sell the yankees and buy the d-rays then buy us a championship. It sucks going into a season and knowing you have no chance of finishing better than third.

rafael said...

Um..LDT should be ticked.
The Patriots players are among the poorest when it comes to sportsmanship and respecting opponents. This is nothing new, though it gets little play with the media.
They complain that they don't get respect, but they never give any to their opponents.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else tired of the Pats? They only score enough to win, they always seem to get lucky, their only personalities is a grouch (Belicheck) and a generic playboy seemingly plucked from a football comic book (Brady).

Everyone looking forward to watching the New England Yankees vs. the Indianapolis Red Sox, please raise your hand. Anyone?

Brian in Oxford said...


Brian in Oxford said...

except the pats aren't the yankees, they don't buy their way to the title game....that's more like dallas.

Anonymous said...

Verizon Sucks ass, I can only imagine the brick you're typing/talking into. T-Mobile is the way to go.

Why do so many people visit here, it's about as interesting as poopy flavored popsicles.