Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday 01/16 A.M. Quickie:
Did the Pats Win a Golden Globe?

So, has Marty Schottenheimer been fired yet?

Notes on a Pats-"Class" Scandal: Maybe it's not that the Pats were classy before and surprisingly regressed Sunday; maybe they were never classy and hid it surprisingly well.

Shaq didn't play in the Heat's loss to Kobe and the Lakers. Again: Don't bother evaluating the Heat until April when it counts.

I appreciate Webber's interest in a Detroit homecoming, but his return to Michigan should remind everyone of his iffy legacy in Ann Arbor.

Arenas: 51. 'Nuff said. (Have you bought your limited-edition "SWAG" T-shirts from Free Darko yet? Here's the link.)

Meanwhile, while I presume the gang at Free Darko was busy re-playing the Arenas game tape on TiVo, they deliver a must-read weigh-in on the ongoing "Wages of Wins" debate.

Giants promote Reese to GM: I wonder if they asked him in his interview if he would have sold the farm to draft Eli Manning over Philip Rivers.

Speaking of Drafty, Peterson and Ginn are both first-round locks, but another lock is Louisville's Brian Brohm as a Heisman front-runner.

Will Sammy Sosa make his MLB return with... the Rangers? The day that happens is the day that George W. Bush returns to the team as owner.

Dontrelle Willis: Signs 1Y/$6.45M deal with the Marlins, avoiding arb. That remains so far below his market value that I can still see him in a Mets uniform by the end of next season.

Beckham playing for MLS as soon as this spring? Let me offer a preview of the general level of national sports fan interest: "Yawn!"

Golden Globes: Hmm, maybe it's time that I finally saw "Babel." Here's the reality of new parenthood: I had seen none of the movies nominated for awards, but I was expert on the TV categories.

See yesterday's PM Quickie (below) for more.

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

I think I rate my own personal swag high enough not to require a t-shirt proclaiming my swag level to the world. True swag resides within.

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal where some of the Patriots wrong for there celebration maybe but what tomlinson said after the Game was also wrong. To rip the whole team and especially Belichick was wrong. Especially when you watch the tape and you 4 or 5 patriot player trying to calm LT down and tell him you are better than that. To me those 4 or 5 player showed class. But of course since the media is always into the let's blow it out of proportion we will have to listen to this until Sunday.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Babel sucked...there, no you don't have to see it Dan.

Mikepcfl said...

I agree this whole "classless" thing is getting blown out of proportion by the media. Sure the Pats celebrated alot and LT lost his cool, but who cares. This story got old real fast.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Wait...I just realized that the time of this post was at 4:47 am. Is this correct? If so...dear Lord Dan!!! Do you all remember when that was the time we were coming home from the bars? Those were the days.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, my part of the country, i can only follow MLS through box scores. Beckham won't make me follow the league more closely, as he's not going to be playing for my team.

Honestly, if the average American sports fan gave him/herself one season to get into soccer, learn the intricacies of the sport, strategy and personalities, etc. they would enjoy it a lot.
People make the mistake of trying to compare it to American football, but its a completely different type of sport.

U.S. football should be compared with Rugby or Aussie Rules FB (which is AWESOME! Any sport where a torn scrotum is a regular on injury reports is tough)

Anonymous said...

Sucks you didn't get to see any of the films, because DAMN does TV suck these days (besides the Office).

As for the Patriots, I think all you need to do is take a look at the entire defense, their dirty hits and YES, celebration, and you will see they have always been classless.

Off topic, one of my friends made an interesting comment about Bruschi: "I bet a million bucks that guy has one of those shave gay porn star asses. I don't know why, but you can just tell."
I have no idea why that seems so probable, but Bruschi has always seemed like one of the most self-absorbed loathable players ever and he is one to always showboat, but he is not as nearly as bad as Vrabel.

Anonymous said...

I was watching part of the golden globes to see if Borat would be in attendence. Unfortunately Mr. Cohen came as himself so I turned it off. I heard he gave a good speech though. That's what youtube is for.

Gil for MVP!

The heroin sheik said...

Rafael I have to agree with you on your belief that if people gave it a yrs chance they might like soccer. I lived off and on in scotland most of my childhood so I was immersed in a culture where they are possibly more fanatical that florida gator fans are. It truly is a beautiful game and I find there is nothing better than a 1-0 squeaker. The only thing I could compare a good soccer match too is maybe a defense struggle in baseball where every little scoring opportunity counts

Anonymous said...

Who else here thinks Dan should vote Ferocious Bluebird off the Island? All he has done in the 2 days I have seen him post has bring negativity towards other posters and writing off post with no basis in fact.

Anonymous said...

If Ferocious Bluebird writes a blog and no one reads it does it exist?

Anonymous said...

lol notice that only the Pats fans are complaining. ;)

jhawkjjm said...

Show me a team that doesn't have a player who celebrate's after every little thing...

Again, LdT is coming off as a whiney baby. Yes he was frustrated that his team lost a game they had no business losing, but to whine about the other team celebrating is ridiculuous. AS for his excuse that they didn't do anything last year when they beat the Pats in Foxboro..hello? Regular season game.

Brohm isn't a front runner for one reason... new coach coming in. Louisville may not have that explosive offense under the new coach. Though admittedly I know nothing about the guy coming in. John David Booty and Darren McFadden are on top in what is a two man race at the moment. Maybe Ray Rice just behind them.

jhawkjjm said...

Oh, and I'll second the whole "Now I have a kid so don't get to see movies anymore." All the gifts I asked for for Christmas this year were movies I wanted to see and never got to.

Anonymous said...

"Has Tom Brady traded up? Word from San Diego is that supermodel Gisele Bundchen - who once professed her admiration for the New England Patriots was outside the Pats’ locker room after Tom & Co. shocked the Chargers on Sunday."

Anonymous said...

Yeah I would say that is a definite trade up from almost any women Tom has had before.

Anonymous said...

"I agree this whole "classless" thing is getting blown out of proportion by the media. Sure the Pats celebrated alot and LT lost his cool, but who cares. This story got old real fast. "

It's been like one day. The Patriots are as dignified as their coach and his ratty sweatshirt.

I'm looking forward to Beckham in MLS. If we can get the Premier League over here one piece at a time, that's good enough. The fans will follow. I'm already curious what records he'll break. It can't be that hard when you're a specialized scoring machine like Beckham, a combination between a placekicker and Steve Nash. He should do really well.

Now MLS needs some dirty Italian players on the New York team so that they can meet in the finals, draw some yellow cards on Beckham and we can get all huffy about it. That would be great.

Brian in Oxford said...

I'm surprised indoor soccer hasn't caught on, then.....same concept, smaller field. (Anyone remember the Hartford Hellions?)

The nuances of the sport are appreciable, but there's a lot of wasted space on a pitch that big.

Hey, here's a quick brainstorm for soccer. Use half the field, and put up a giant (50 foot) wall at one end, and have teams simply "take it back" a la halfcourt basketball by having them bounce a kick off the wall....Then everyone's always in the attack zone, and yet there's enough time to have the goalies from opposite teams switch places depending on who has to defend. No offsides, either.

No surprise that Stu Scott this morning took Tomlinson's side. Jerry Rice didn't. (espn radio)

Should I put out a very generic "holy shit!" about 24 last night? :)

Boy, if the Colts win, will Belichick freeze out LT in the Pro Bowl? (Who was that on here who came up with that angle?)

Mikepcfl said...

Oh to be Tom Brady for just one day...

Drake said...

Morning all.

Can we do a collective "drop it" to the dance story. I agree with solomonrex, its old.

cmfost, did you catch up on 24 last night?

Anonymous said...

No, I did not catch up, I playing a charity poker tournament last night but talk about it if you want. I will just try and ignore those posts.

Drake said...

Alright, no 24 talk out of respect.

As long as the Steelers don't hire Gailey he can go anywhere he wants.

Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear he was out of the running for the Steelers job.

Dolphins? Might not even be an upgrade at QB from Reggie Ball. He'll fit right in.

Trey (formerly TF) said...

That scream you heard was my "Noooooo" coming from Ohio. Chan Gailey. (Yes he is a fellow UF alum) But Chan Gailey?

Oh well.

Joe (Dayton)

Gregg the Obscure said...

There's a difference between celebration and taunting. Chad Johnson celebrates touchdowns. What the Pats did was taunting. For that matter, though, so is Merriman's schtick. Both sides on this are in the wrong.

Bellichek may get some revenge on LT in the Pro Bowl.

Gary said...

I like how people say Belichick has class when he clearly has none...I'm not saying he's a bad coach, because he obviously is a great coach, but he personally seems classless...

1) Sleeps with married woman, breaks up marriage
2) Refuses to shake Mangini's hand after losing to Jets
3) Pushes camera man to the ground because he thinks he's better than everyone else
4) Throws with Vinny Testaverde in week 17 against the Titans with 2 minutes left up 20.
5) Dresses like a classless person
6) Treats media members like dirt for no reason

I'm sure there are others, but I can see where LdT is coming from

As for the team, there are certainly players that aren't classy...but all teams have classless players (For every Emmit Smith there is a Michael Ivrin, for Every LdT there is a Shawne Merriman, etc.)

Anyway, go Saints!

Drake said...

No matter who they hire, it's going to be tough to win with out a QB

Anonymous said...

This story makes me laugh...

Manning’s worst nightmare! Wants to keep Pats fans at distance
By Scott Van Voorhis and Anita Davis
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - Updated: 01:48 AM EST

Peyton Manning’s worst fears are coming true.
The Colts quarterback is pleading with Indianapolis fans not to sell tickets to the enemy in advance of Sunday’s AFC Championship matchup with the Patriots [team stats].
“We need that stadium totally packed in blue, no Patriots,” Manning said to an Indianapolis TV reporter.
But the Colts quarterback’s cry for help is falling on deaf ears in Indy. Massachusetts sports tour operators are reporting an ample supply of tickets to Sunday’s big game in the Colts’ RCA Dome.
While the game is officially sold out, local brokers report no shortage of tickets to the big game being sold on the secondary market by fair-weather Indy fans.
“We have no problem getting tickets,” said Dan Pranka of New England Sports Tours, who has enough tickets to book a charter flight full of Pats fans.
“It’s not working,” Pranka said of Manning’s plea, which left some members of Patriots Nation incredulous.
“It’s obviously a cry for help . . . he’s afraid,” said Kevin Hayes of Brighton, a bartender at the Cask ’n Flagon across from Fenway Park [map].
“Patriots jerseys remind him of his playoff losses. That disturbs him and haunts him,” Hayes said.
If the championship game were being held in Foxboro, could anyone image Tom Brady [stats] begging Pats fans to keep their tickets in the family?
“I would never give another fan my playoff seat and it does amuse me that (Manning) has to come out and say that,” said Randy “Zip” Pierce, a Pats season ticket holder for nearly 20 years. “We are pretty devoted.”
But Manning’s plea may be a sign of less devotion on the part of Colts fans.
In fact, the superstar quarterback complained in an interview broadcast Sunday that there were too many Kansas City Chiefs fans at the Colts’ recent wild card playoff victory.
Kimberly Harms, a spokeswoman for the Colts, defended the team’s star and said she sees no lack of enthusiasm among the team’s fans. There’s even a bar in Indy - the Blue Crew Sports Grill - where hundreds of fans show up decked out or even painted in Colts blue, she said.
“He (Manning) is just a very generous, passionate person,” Harms said.
“That is just his way to get fans excited and supporting the team,” she said, quickly adding “not that they are not already.”
Yet, here is an even more disturbing possibility for Manning to contemplate: Pats fans living in Indy itself.
After three Super Bowl wins in five years, the Patriots have developed a nationwide following.
Pranka said he knows of hundreds in Arizona and hundreds more in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where a whole bar is devoted to Patriots memorabilia.
He suspects that the Colts’ hometown has its own contingent of Pats fans. In fact, he just bought seats to Sunday’s matchup from one former Indy fan who had moved to Oakland, Calif. The one-time Colts devotee now roots for the Pats.
“The Patriots have been pretty much America’s team,” Pranka said. As for the Colts: “They haven’t won the big one yet.”

Anonymous said...

The Patriots are America’s team!!!

Brian in Oxford said...

the Patriots are not America's team. I'm a fan, but even suggesting it is blasphemy and snotty.

(Even Kraft after the first super bowl win, "today we're all patriots" was groan-inducing.)

They're a good team that figures out ways to win despite a "lack of stars". That's admirable enough, but not everyone buys into that as fans, and certainly winning too often has started to make them objects of contempts beyond their typical rivals (jets, dolphins).

They're definitely not the Yankees, though.

Drake said...

Just goes to show, there are football towns and there's Indy.

Anonymous said...

wait wait..i thought the Saints were America's Team!?

Anonymous said...

First, I am glad to see that Pats fans do not like me and can't handle someone having a unique opinion, not to mention bashing a blog that they do not even read.

Secondly, I do not know how I feel about Gailey with the Steelers. He was pretty successful with them, and semi-successful with the cowboys. I think if he moderrnizes his approach he may do fine.

Also, please someone convince me Borat was better than it looked in the previews. I have always found cohen unfunny and sophmoric. But if someone else can give me an insight into what I am missing perhaps I can give it a chance once it comes out of DVD. But from what it looks, its just another mocumentary, which I personally only watch if Christopher Guest is involved. But I would love to hear what makes it the movie everyone says it is, because it would be a shame not to give it a chance if it actually has something going for it.

Anonymous said...

bluebird it is comment like "I have no idea why that seems so probable, but Bruschi has always seemed like one of the most self-absorbed loathable players ever and he is one to always showboat" that make Pats fan dislike you and makes you seem like a complete idiot. What you stated here is so far from the truth it is not funny. Very rarely do you ever see Bruschi or even Vrabel do any showboating. The last time I remember Brushi doing something you would consider showboating was after he intercepted a pass and took it back for a touchdown.

None of the Patriots Players have there own dance, most of them when they make a big play celebrate as a team and that is why they are so good. They work and play together as a team not a bunch of indivdual shotboaters like say a Merriman who dance after knocking down a QB when the QB actually got the pass off.

BLUE said...

On the Bruschi note...I went to Highschool with him, see him every summer when he comes home to see his mom. The guy hasn't changed in 14 years, still a fun, nice guy. I don't know where you get this self absorbed idea, and I don't think i've ever seen him celebrate or do some crazy dance....and to note, i hate the patriots and belicheck especially.

Brian in Oxford said...

TMQ is up! just type in the usual address and put today's date....

Anonymous said...

Jo fer to me it comes down to one reason that I dislike the Colts and it is the complete over exposure of Peyton Manning. I am really sick of every other comercials when wtaching a football game having Peyton in it and it makes me want to see his team lose be it to the Patriots or any other team.

Anonymous said...

Is Schottenheimer the worst coach in NFL playoff history???

Anonymous said...

Have to say I love the TMQ write up about the Pats-SD game and reading some it makes me think that the Patriots dancing at the end of the game was absolutely called for especially if what he wrote about San Diego celebrating like they already won with 8 minutes left in the game was true.

Anonymous said...

No matter what Bluebird and others say the Patriots are a classy team especially Bruschi and they wouldn't dance on the logo and trash talk for no apparent reason. The Bolts or should I say Dolts assumed they had the game won last Monday and trash talked Brady(check youtube for Merriman's video) and the Pats all week and during the game. They deserved what they got.

Anonymous said...

I do not think we and I mean Patriots Fans think Tom is overlooked. Especially since we have heard him say many time that he would rather work on being a better football player and making the Team better then wasting time do tons of commercials since we all know we his boyish good looks and his success on the field he could easily due I ton of commercials if he wanted too,.

Anonymous said...

ma4tt I could not agree with you more. As a patriots fan I walked away from the game trying to figure out how the hell we actually won that game and honestly I am still trying to figure it out.

And the only thing it comes down to is when it counted the Patriots played to win and did not make stupid mistakes and the Chargers didn't

Anonymous said...

I'm a Yankees fan who lives in Boston, so I say this from experience. Patriots fans are MORE obnoxious than Yankees fans because most of them are also Red Sox fans who are the MOST obnoxious fans out there.

I can't think of any other fan base that would care more about a rival and chant "'Rival team name' sucks" at an REM concert or a championship celebration in another sport (Pats/Red Sox fans yelled "Yankees suck" during each Patriots championship parade").

That said, the "Patriots are classless" story was, is and always will be stupid. A player (Tomlinson) lost his cool because he got upset at a bad loss. But when you're teammate comes up with a stupid dance, you should expect that to comeback and bite you in the ass. One word of advice, if you don't want opposing players celebrating on your field, DON'T LOSE.

Anonymous said...

Okay, guys, I know you want to keep giving me attention, but I am here to discuss sports. Honestly. I am sorry that many of you disagree, but like someone said in defense, if you don't like it don't read it. I can't help it if many of you come off as idiots. Lets say its about 1 percent compared to the other 99 percent of GREAT comments I see from many of the posters. My friend, WHO IS A PATRIOTS FAN, made the comment about Bruschi and he loathes Bruschi and Vrabel for their tactics. I never even noticed the shit they both get away with on the field untill he pointed out to me. I personally think their offense is pretty classy if you discount Brady's occasional crying and pleeding for flags. But I think the defense is a bunch of asshole.

Don't care what you think about me. This is something I do on breaks, not something my life revolves around.

Anonymous said...

Wow Pedro had kids pretty young.


Anonymous said...

As they would say on the radio...first time, long time. I've been reading this blog for a while because I like the daily quickie format. Now, time to join the conversations.

I respect the Pats ability to win, but do not like them. I hope to see Manning have a big game and silence all the bashers.

Being from purple and gold country, I do not want the Bears to win, but they are good. I would really like to see the Saints win at Soldier Field.

Colts v. Saints in the Super Bowl.

As far as 24 goes, I have resisted as long as possible to get involved, but two weeks ago my wife and I started on the earlier seasons and have been hooked. We have been watching them in marathon like fashion. I missed this season so far, but will be getting caught up. Man, what an awesome show.

Anonymous said...

Verbal do not lump all red sox/patriots fans together. I can not think of anything worse then being at a Patriots/Bruins/Celtics game and then all of the sudden having to hear the Yankees Suck chant coming out of a bunch of stupid kids who see some in the stands with a Yankees hat on.

Real Boston Sports fans are on the whole much classier then that. It is the bandwagon jumping, pink hat wearing, drink to much at the games idiots who ruin it for the true sports fan.

marcomarco said...


Do you have a link to that Manning-begs-fans article? That's priceless.

Brian in Oxford said...

Pedro might already be a grandfather for all we know, huh?

(And no, Nelson de la Rosa (RIP) wasn't his kid.)

I had no problem with the Patriots playing Hartford for a new stadium. Rowland as governor was a doofus to fall for it. If he'd worked as hard to save the Whalers....

It's not luck if you win them (practically) all the time.

However, I am starting to notice a bit of an obnoxiousness among the Pats fans. That does suck, listening on the radio, reading comments. I'm surprised that they HAVEN'T learned anything after all the torment from Yankee fans and their holier-than-thou attitude they've built up over the years. (That's why "yankees suck" became part of the *everyday* lexicon up here.)

At least Pats fans aren't chanting "1971" towards Colts fans, though! Hmmm, I hope I don't inspire that.

Just appreciate that they DO find these ways to win, because in ten years it could go back to Rod Rust or Dick McPherson coaching 1-2 win teams in front of 15,000.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to over-generalize about Boston sports fans, there are many that have class. I have friends who are Red Sox fans (otherwise it would be lonely living in Boston). I think the ignorant fans give you all a bad name nationwide, but it's also the fact that Yankees Suck t-shirts are sold outside Fenway that adds to it. I would say that the whole country hates Yankees and Red Sox fans because of the ridiculous amount of media coverage during Yankees/Sox series.

Anonymous said...

verbal97: I would say that the whole country hates Yankees and Red Sox fans because of the ridiculous amount of media coverage during Yankees/Sox series.

Absolutley agree.

Drake said...

Lets face it as fans we dislike the winning teams and their fans. Niners in the 80's, Cowboys in the 90s and now the Pats. It happens you just wait for the decade when you're the hated fan.

Ftrain said...

Sources report that 08 All Star will be held at Yankees Stadium!


Ftrain said...

You know I'd actually be much more excited if these All-Stars games were actually open to fans instead of corporate sponsors and their snot nose kids

Anonymous said...

marco go to www.bostonherald.com it is right on the front page.

Anonymous said...

Mark Whicker of The Orange County Register:

The Chargers didn't think the Patriots acted the way playoff winners should.

Here's the question: How would they know?

... If this is goodbye, Schottenheimer got an abrupt kiss from Mike Vrabel, the Patriots' deluxe linebacker.

“I just remember what he said after they beat us last year in the regular season,” Vrabel said, referring to a 41-17 October loss at New England. “He said stuff about, well, they had a good run. ... I know Bill Belichick would never say that. You have to be a little careful about the things you say.”

Parting Patriot missiles
Linebacker Tedy Bruschi: “They were the sexy team. Everyone in San Diego had their plane flight to the Super Bowl already planned.”

Fellow LB Colvin: “We thought the game would come down to Tomlinson and Antonio Gates, and we felt we had the defensive backs to make that work. I don't know if they should have run LT more or not. You'll have to ask them. At least they have a lot of time now to work on things.”

Anonymous said...

The head coach is responsible , go read TMQ at espn. The Chargers were celebrating on the sidelines with 8 minutes to go, poor timeout and clock management and DB that intercepted should have knocked the 4th down pass down not try for the int and TD, that is taught in peewee football!!
All of these fall on the head coach plus the OC wasn't giving the ball to LT enough, Martyball should have overruled him!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I always hate the dynasty team, too, but the individual players and coaches are different.

Walsh, I have no problem with.
Jimmy Johnson divorced his wife basically to focus on football, I hate that guy still.
Belicheck broke up a marriage, who knows the details, but it's not what you want to see in basically a CEO-class leadership position.
I love Bob Kraft, he sounds like the coolest owner.
I like Brady, I'm indifferent to the rest of the Patriots basically because it doesn't seem to matter who they are.

As a Yankees fans, I can't stand the Red Sox, but I love reading Bill Simmons. I love Big Papi and Manny and Schilling, too. If I ran the Yankees, I'd collect them all (we did get Frozen Caveman Lawyer). I just don't love them when they play against the Yankees.

I still think there's something wrong with the Patriots, they're too emotional or something. Belicheck kind of got overextended letting the kicker and WRs go and right now he can't believe he's getting away with it. Which is how he spent his offseason I guess. I think we're headed for more goofiness, considering that in two weeks, they've taunted one player/team and the coach chucked a cameraman for a ridiculous hug.

And I think it's obvious that Patriots=Yankees and Colts=Red Sox.

Anonymous said...

i still think Martyball would have won that game. Why throw with Rivers? The Pats couldn't stop LDT on any consistent basis. Instead of throwing the ball..that should have been a 50 touch game for LDT.

Oh well.

As for the Boston fans being the only ones to randomly shout (Rival Team) SUCKS! etc. at random events...go to Ohio. Whether its a concert, wedding, bar mitzvah, funeral, etc., some dumbass can say O-H, and have others say I-O. You can also expect anyone with any remote ties to the state of Michigan to be ridiculed, regardless of situation.
Wasn't there a hubbub at a concert recently when the band (being from michigan) played the UM fight song and disgusted, shocked, offended fans wanted them boycotted from state?


Anonymous said...

obnoxious new england fan: exhibit A -- patriots64

Can't get on bluebird's case without including this other blowhard joining the blog in the lst week.

By the way...you don't tell a DB to drop the ball. You do tell him to just go down and be tackled. It's already been established that TMQ is a bit of a dumas.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize it was Rafael's blog, sorry I will go to Shanoff's blog and post there!! I have posted on the DQ and Buzznation for a long time.

Brian in Oxford said...

yeah, i gotta agree on patriots64....calm the hype, dude, you're making us all look bad here! :)

"Bolts...I mean Dolts?" What are we, in seventh grade?

Calling Kaeding a choker on a 54-yard shot? That's pretty harsh. Even Adam V. doesn't get asked to pull off those miracles.

I think TMQ is a fun read....sure he's pompous, but he's a think-tank guy, what did you expect? It's not exactly the most common perspective the average football fan gets. And he did expose us to the wonders of the Eagles cheerleaders!

Anonymous said...

Stooncer said that...

Actually, Nate Kaeding should be fired. What a choker! He's now 0 for 2 in postseason game-winning field goal attempts. What a loser
What are u taking about??

Anonymous said...

faux pas: i'll call myself on it, i forgot the interception/fumble happened on a 4th down. (and i don't read TMQ)

Brian in Oxford said...

yeah, I knew that was stooncer on Kaeding. Didn't mean to make it sound like you'd written it....

I didn't make a good enough effort to separate my comments, sorry. I tend to topic-hop, especially since I'm sorta working, too....

Anonymous said...

If the Patriots win the Super Bowl I can almost guarantee that the season opening game next year will be Chargers at the Patriots. Not only does it make sense after the game on Sunday but if you look at the Patriots home games next year it is the prime match up of all there home games.

Patriots 2007 Home Games:
Buffalo, Miami, N.Y. Jets, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Philadelphia, Washington

Anonymous said...

Sorry I will try and calm the hype, just get frustrated when people don't know all the facts and make assumptions. Should be some great football this weekend and because of you guys and the people on Buzznation I now watch 24. What an incredible show!!

Anonymous said...

Just I little on the TV topic there are 4 Shows when they are on that are must watch or TIVO and never miss. If you have not seen any of them you are missing some great TV. They are:

The Shield
Rescue Me
The Wire

Brian in Oxford said...

I thought about that too....of course, if Indy wins the Super Bowl, it'll be Pats at Colts to start the year. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Big Smitty I believe BET just started running the earlier episodes of the Wire, Yes the will by edited for TV but they are probably still as good,.

Drake said...

Yeah BET just started season one. I'm trying to catch up to The Wire.

Don't forget Family Guy. Cartoon or not, that show is funny.

Anonymous said...

I know you guys probably never read your blog. I am a crappy writer so why would you but I just put up a new post trying to find out what are the top 10 show on TV. Check out it.


Brian in Oxford said...

Family Guy's so hit-or-miss, though....when it's on, it's the funniest s*it on TV. But when it fails, it flounders.

I prefer Futurama (coming back with new episodes in '08!) because it's consistently good all show long.

Anyways, back to the sports. Will Rex be too overconfident, now that he's won a playoff game? Feel too impervious and gag it away? If the Bears just run it, they will probably be okay.

Anonymous said...


How can the coach not be blamed for allowing his players to get Unsportsmanlike penalties? Those are directly related to the atmosphere the coach sets and demands for his team.

Loathing teams/players:

As a 49er fan, I HATED the Cowboys during the mid-90's, but I thought they had great players and enjoyed watching them (except for NFC Champ games). Since the retirements of my 49er heroes (Rice, Lott, Montana, Young, Taylor, Sapulu) I've noticed that I'm much less virulent toward opposing teams and enjoy watching great players (and plays) no matter who they play for.

Anonymous said...

Same here. My favorite players of my youth are gone, both from my favorite team (aikman, novacek, irvin) and in general (cunningham, deion sanders, barry sanders). Now I watch NFL games more for nuances and general appreciation as opposed to rabid fanaticism.

The fact that I'm stuck in Virginia..where they have not figured out that professional sports exist..puts a damper on that kind of thing.

Brian in Oxford said...

I find it's a LOT easier to appreciate great plays/players when they're NOT doing it to your team.

If SD had won Sunday, it would be a lot easier to appreciate Marvin-to-Harrison against THEIR defense instead of the Pats'.

Hmmmm....no college football posts today.

Brian in Oxford said...

by Marvin, I mean Peyton Manning. oops.

Anonymous said...

Try living in an NFL city as a fan of a different team. Ugh. The barrage of anti-ref sentiment after last year's SB was excruciating in Seattle. The local fair-weather, casual fans were complaining about things that didn't make sense.

BLUE said...

How about the most important thing for turning around the Saints this season...Nick Saban...he decided to pass on Drew Brees and take Daunte Culpepper. Or even John Lynch, because he's the one who sacked Drew Brees last season and forced the fumble that he tore his labrum on.

Aitch said...

@ Verbal, B1B, et al. Hell, I live here and am a diehard Boston sports fan, and even I hate the ridiculous amount of coverage that Sox/Yankees series get. I can only imagine how annoying it is for people without a rooting interest!

BLUE said...

somebody was asking about a 24 blog. Well I had been waiting to create one. If you want to comment here you go. And let me know if i'm an idiot or not

24 Blog

Drake said...

Yankees/Red Sox hype can be blamed on Fox. The BS hype started when they took over baseball broadcasts and needed to get ratings.

Drake said...

Lets be honest though, a lot of things have to come together to be successful in the NFL. The combo of Brees, Payton and McAllister did it for them.

Big D said...

Jesus... I go away on a conference and there's back to back days of 120+ comments.

Nice work folks. I'll read through all this later. I'm going drinking with my boss (should be an interesting experience...)

Drake said...

Dave is right Matt. But at the same time Brooks/Daunte don't make the throws Brees makes. Bush doesn't move piles like Duece does.

It takes a lot to have a winning season in the NFL.

Drake said...

That survey on ESPN is bogus. There is no right answer. Its a way for them to determine who to do the next story on.

Anonymous said...

Even though Bush wasn't the most important player on the field for the Saints (maybe not even top 5), he at least deserves some credit for providing hope to the organization. I have to think his signing turned around the mentality to some degree.

Anonymous said...

Mustain is leaving Arkansas.

I could rant and rave and all that...but really, only one word is needed:


The heroin sheik said...

I think it is pretty funny how those three arkansas players are leaving since their high school coach/college offensive coordinator has left to go to another school. I always thought there was something fishy about how they had committed to go to another school then when their coach gets hired they all change their commitments. I don't think arkansas will be able to repeat in the west.

I don't have cable so the only shows I must watch are prison break and heroes. However I do get my neighbors to tivo top chef for me but I have to watch that since it is what I do for a living.

Does anyone think that shula has a chance to be the fins coach since his dad has Huizenga's ear(no idea how to spell his name).

Don't know if anyone else cares but did you hear how elijah dukes got busted in tampa for bud. What is it with d-ray players who are troublemakers. We have got to give this years bengals a run for their money in the number of dumbasses one team can have. God they make me proud.

Kurt said...

Patriots fans in here:

Brian in Oxford
Big Smitty
Big D

Anyone else want to jump on the wagon as it goes by? Buzz told Patriots64 it was cool to eat Poptarts, watch 24 and like the Patriots, so he created "Patriots64" and started posting on this blog.

Hey Verbal97, fellow Yankee fan in enemy territory (Boston). We should meet up sometime in the Bean next season and heckle poor Red Sox fans (Big D) after their team fails to make the playoffs again.

SolomonRex, please never say again you would like Curt Schilling on the Yankees. He is one of the reason I can't stand the Red Sox. Everyone else is fairly likeable, Manny is hard to hate because he's so mentally challenged. If Curt Schilling learned to keep his mouth shut instead of feeling the need to comment on anything and everything, maybe he wouldn't be such a doochebag. Curt, nobody gives a shit what you think, stop calling into Sports radio. Not to mention he spells his name with a "C".