Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday 04/20 A.M. Quickie:
A-Rod, Oden, NBA Playoffs, More!

"Orange and Maroon Effect" Day: My small tribute is to the right. (Other bloggers are joining in, too. See the Ladies...) I look forward to seeing the traction this gets today around the sports-blog universe. Thoughts and prayers with everyone in the Virginia Tech family.

A-Rod: MLB's Stud of Studs!
A mere few weeks ago, who would have guessed that one? Three weeks into the season, he is having a career year – just when he needed it most.

Not just to fend off the fair-weather Yankees fans, who must have whiplash from the way they've gone from hating to hearting. But, given his contract opt-out at the end of the season, $25 million a year will seem like a bargain if he keeps this up. (Don't think potential future Cubs owners aren't paying attention.)

However, consider the weekend's Yankees-Red Sox series in Boston the acid test of his hot start. The previous weeks' heroics don't mean very much if he can't beat back Boston. (Meanwhile, how blissfully amazing is it that the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry -- which overwhelmed the sport as recently as two years ago -- seems to have dimmed?)

Greg Oden turning pro: Yes, and the surprise here is...? He'll be the top pick in the NBA Draft. He'll be Rookie of the Year. He'll be a perennial All-Star. (Now: How many of those three statements do you agree with?)

Far, far more intriguing: Mike Conley and Daequan Cook will enter the draft, too – and, thus, the 2006-07 Ohio State team is truly the antithesis of the Florida team that beat them in the national title game.

Conley? I get: He played himself into the Top 15 and the first PG taken. Does it matter that he doesn't have a jumpshot? Apparently not. (I appreciate how well he played last month, but Conley is like a poor man's Mike Bibby. Consider that for a second.)

Cook? Sounds like he just doesn't want to be left out. Ironically, even as OSU's 6th Man, he could be a first-round talent (or a second-round steal). If he stayed another year in college, he'd be a Lottery pick, so some team is going to get a bargain late. (Check out his season. Or should I say TWO seasons: In non-conference play, he was a stud. In Big Ten and postseason play, he was a dud.)

NBA Playoff Picks
(In classic Quickie shorthand)
E-Semis: MIA d. DET (7); TOR d. CLE (6)
E-Finals: MIA d. TOR (5)
W-Semis: GSW d. HOU (7), SA d. PHX (7)
W-Finals: SA d. GSW (4)
NBA Finals: Heat d. SA (7) ("Re-Heat")

See yesterday's a.m. post for first-round picks.

Will the T'wolves trade Kevin Garnett in the summer before he begins his opt-out season? They say they're not planning on it. Put it this way: They SHOULD.

Time for another Shanoff-MySpace Challenge? Carmelo was one thing: I'm not sure I want to take on the TNT NBA guys. (But I do lead them by a couple hundred friends as of Friday morning.)

NFL Draft: What did I say yesterday morning? Admitting to college drug use is the new 4.35 40. The new rule of thumb is: 'Fess up and all is forgiven, particularly when the player is a first-round talent.

One toke or Sappian proportions, it doesn't matter: NFL draftniks and scouts agree – they couldn't give an ounce(!) as it relates to draft-worthiness.

Let me sum it up: The new focus on "character" apparently doesn't extend to players so talented that they would be in the draft's top half of the first round. (Well, that, or the perfectly realistic view that a little pot-smoking in college does not a Bengal make.)

MLB: Studs – Johan Santana, Jake Peavy. Dud -- King Felix to miss a few starts.

Cheerleading Scandal! Call it "Cheat-leading." Wichita State had to give up its national title after officials figured out that the Shockers used an ineligible non-student at the national championships. What kind of idiot coach knowingly lets that happen?

Jordan High School Classic: Sure, we could talk about NBA-ready talents like OJ Mayo or Eric Gordon or about unsigned studs PF Patrick Patterson and PG Jai Lewis, but I would like to point out that MJ's son Jeffrey is still unsigned. Indulge me here...

This is a no-brainer: I'm not quite sure why Northwestern didn't have a scholarship offer out to him years ago, let alone right now. This is the perfect fit. He's a local Chicago kid. He's talented enough to star at NU without being talented enough to be able to star at a more competitive school. It's the Big Ten, which – as far as I can tell – is the most high-profile conference he has been offered to play in. It's a great school (obvi). And he's Michael Jordan's son, which would get Northwestern a ton of pub, a nice bonus for the school. No big-conference basketball team could use a p.r. boost like NU. While they're at it, they can drop their adidas shoe and uniform sponsorship for Jordan Brand.

(I read the school is interested in making him a "preferred walk-on." I'm not sure what that means, but I've seen the NU players who have earned full-blown scholarships, and they ain't great. Maybe "preferred walk-on" is a euphemism for "you'll be treated like a scholarship player, but since your dad is mega-rich, you can afford to pay the tuition and not take up a valuable scholarship spot.")

I'm imploring Northwestern AD Mark Murphy and coach Bill Carmody to MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I'm just not quite sure what they're thinking in NOT doing it.

Finally, one housekeeping note: I will be taking a short vacation early next week, but (1) I have lined up some guest-bloggers to file posts, and (2) I will probably be unable to resist checking in, as news/inspiration warrants.

-- D.S.


Mega said...

Wow Shanoff, 2 paragraphs on A-Rod while Mark Buerhle gets a sentence yesterday for his no-hitter. I see that ESPN blood is still in you.

J Fitty said...

God bless the Hokie Nation, and God bless the USA.

Unknown said...

Toronto over Cleveland?!?

I appreciate you sticking to your guns on Miami DESPITE being totally wrong, but come on.

And Dan Mega wins this comment thread.

CMFost said...

Everyone getting all excited about MR.April(A-Rod) let's remember it is only APRIL and there is less pressure in this month then any during the season. Let's see what he does this weekend and when it really counts like October and the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Westboro Baptist Church led by Fred Phelps is going to picket and protest at the funerals of those killed at VT.

I'll say it: Why don't fucked-up gunmen take out groups like that instead of students taking classes?

And CMFost...quiet, ARod must keep this pace up all season for my fantasy chances.

Andy said...

Yeah, A-Rod wasn't even that good. He was 0-4 with 2 strikeouts and 4 LOB and an error before the homer. Doesn't really sound like an amazing day to me. AND HE IS NOT GOING TO THE CUBS! The Cubs don't want him and where would they play him? Third Base is solidified by Aramis Ramirez. I don't think A-Rod would do well moving back to SS.

MLB Studs:
Rich Hill
Johan Santana
Brad Lidge (GOT THE WIN!!!!)

MLB Duds:
Marlins Pitching
Jose Guillen
Reds Bullpen (blew a 6-2 in the 8th and 9th)

ndyanksfan05 said...

there was a good point by woj in today...just becuase its april doesn't mean these games arent important. When the yanks win the division by two games, those two a-rod blasts in april are going to seem pretty significant. There is always pressure surrounding a-rod, especially in late inning at-bats no matter if its april or october or spring training for that matter. Right now he is hitting .600 with 7 rbis in the 9th inning alone this year...he is playing SICK and is establishing himself as the best player in baseball. Get off this stupid "its only april" garbage. People don't have the type of months hes having over the course of the first three months of the season, let alone the first two-three weeks...

ndyanksfan05 said...

andy - thats the type of stuff that makes yankee fans look stupid...the guy can't hit a homerrun every time he steps to the plate (although he is starting to make it look like it might be possible). EVERYONE has a bad day - the fact that he didn't let it get him down and he came through when they really needed him shows that he is going to excel this season.

ToddTheJackass said...

Studs and Duds:

1. A-Rod
2. Rich Hill
3. Carlos Beltran
4. Mark Hendrickson
5. Bobby Abreu

1. Joe Borowski
2. John Gibbons (for taking out Halladay)
3. Rick Vanden Hurk
4. Zach Duke
5. Livan Hernandez

CMFost said...

Studs - Manny - 1st homer of the season ties the game.
Alex Cora - 2 sick dp's turned and the GWRBI on a triple

Dud - Toroton Blue Jays Manager for taking out Halladay and costing them the game.

CMFost said...

NDYANKFAN - but what about when A-Rod comes to plate in that situation in the Playoffs and fails like he normally does. Then every Yankee fan will be saying the same thing, he can perform when the pressure is off but sucks when the pressure is on.

Let's Face it A-Rod is Peyton Manning before Peyton won the Super Bowl. A great Player who does not perform when it really counts. 2 weeks in April is not going to convince me or a lot of other people that this has changed.

ToddTheJackass said...

I hate the Yankees and hate A-Rod, but objectively the dude is on fire right now. He's carrying that team right now when their starting pitching is battered. All this does is make the Yankees fans who booed him for last year and on opening day look completely idiotic.

These games do matter, but in all reality, if he were to have a postseason this season like he did last year, I'm guessing a lot of people would have a very short memory.

Josh Hamilton is also a great story. Talk about getting the most out of a second/eighth chance!

Qwagmire said...

Nice Touch with the VT emblem and the way you have handled this delicate situation.

I hate A-Rod, he should have played for the Orioles where the fans would appreciate him! (I know, I know, contract, cheap owner, etc)

Fantasy Baseball in Baltimore sometimes is wishing Mr. Angelos would get pissed and go after a team that could win the division.

Every game counts. Hell with the recent winning streak the Orioles might not be eliminated until August instead of say, May?

Geoff said...

ARod's numbers are pretty similar to Chris Shelton's numbers last year at this time.
Just saying...

Natsfan74 said...

I'm glad to see that someone recognized Borowski as a dud. He had a 4 run lead, with 2 outs and nobody on base. Then, he loses that by 2? Shocking!

Dan -- I think you should copyright that phrase Re-Heat, just in case. Kind of like Pat Riley did with the phrase Three-Peat. It won't do any good, as the Mavs are going to win it this year. But it's like taking the $10 bet on the 250:1 odds the Nationals win the world series.... just in case.

I was on a packed MetroRail car on the way into DC today and was the only person wearing any Hokie colors. As a Virginia fan, I am an avowed Hokie Hater and intentionally keep my closets devoid of anything that would resemble Hokie colors, so I had to acquire something for the day. I am quite shocked that the Hokie Color day isn't a Sea of Orange (to pull a Virginia phrase into this equation). My company even relaxed our business casual rules to allow people to wear their orange, and I'm still alone in this.

I hope you all have your orange on.

Jen said...

1. Joe Borowski
2. Joe Borowski
3. Joe Borowski
Still pissed about that game.
4. Me...I forgot to dig out something orange or maroon (I don't even know if I own anything)

Rafael~ I don't understand why that church is protesting? (I didn't catch any news this morning)
What an asshat.

God Bless all Hokies today.

Matt T said...

The Bulls are going to beat the Heat.

They have the guards to hang with Wade, especially with Wade not at 100% and their role players won't be able to keep up with Deng.

i got a feeling the Nuggets take down the Spurs too.

Natsfan74 said...

BTW -- NDYanksfan -- welcome back. It's good to have someone here to represent all that is evil in sports. We are glad to have you.

As a Yankee Hater, I would like nothing more than to see A-Rod keep this up, win his 2nd MVP award in NY, and then give a finger to the fans as he walks out on the final 3 years of his contract. The Yankees are getting a bargain on his deal and some Yankee (*Cough Jeter) needs to stand up for him in the press all year, not just when he is hitting game winning homers twice a week.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

1.) Dan...did you just say "obvi?" Lauren, Heidi, and Spencer want to know what time you're coming over tonight.

2.) The Reds bullpen has been a dud all week.

3.) I like the "Heat to Repeat" also. Only b/c they are my favorite team and I will ride that horse till it dies.

ndyanksfan05 said...

The problem is no one will give a-rod credit unless he hits the game winner in every at-bat of the playoffs (see cmfost and geoff comments today)...the guy cannot win. It is unbelievable. Manny is having his second straight HORRIFIC start to a season and he is a stud because he hit his first HR yesterday? Maybe if Manny played better last year to start the Sox would have made the playoffs. But no one says anything...the standards A-rod has to live up to are ridiculous and absurd. He is one of the top players of our generation and he gets comments like "its only april" and "well he went 0-4 before the game winning three run HR". What more can this guy do right now? It shows either a) no knowledge of baseball or b)complete and today hatred towards the guy for no other reason than he plays for the yankees. He doesn't use steroids, he works his ass off, he takes more critiscm than any other player (including Bonds), he drives in 130 RBIs in a DOWN year, he moved positions to fit the needs of the team, he rarely if ever tries to rock the boat (other than occasionly showing some frustation for being constantly booed by idiots) a little baseball intelligence and acknowledge the fact that if your team had the opportunity you would LOVE for this guy to be on your team...

CMFost said...

Jen - That church does not even deserve to be spoken about or to even be call a church. These are the people who protest at funrels for Soliders killed in Iraq because they think God is punishing our nation because with are acceptant of homosexuallity.

J Fitty said...

Studs - the Hokie Nation and all of those supporting it today.

ndyanksfan05 said...

glad to be back to draw out the seething hatred everyone has inside towards the yankees and ND...

CMFost said...

Sorry NDYANk but Manny was not the reason the Red Sox did not make the playoffs last year. Injuries to there pitching staff and the everyday line up pretty much gave them no shot. I remember one game that they only had One Person in the line up that was in the line up on Opening Day last year.

ndyanksfan05 said...

hopefully that biker gang will show up to keep the protesting douchebags at bay...

ndyanksfan05 said...

well guess what cmfost...a-rod is not the reason the yankees haven;t won the world series in the past three years...pitching has been the main problem and the fact that no one in entire line-up hit probably didn't help either.

CMFost said...

sorry for my type, I meant to say "Funnerals of Soliders"

John Paul Manahan said...

i think the heat will remain as favorites until someone takes them out...

a-rod: he sure helps right now, but he will be defined by the late-game situations..., especially come october.

if he produces, well and good, but he will still be judged come october...

vt: leave them kids alone. protests are sacreligious in this case.

oden vs durant: i am thinking as a clipper fan, if we get the top pick, given our strengths, do we keep or trade someone?

CMFost said...

but NDYANK fan I thought last year the Yankees built a line up to overcome there poor pitching but when the key players in your lineup do nothing I guess it does not matter how good or bad they pitch.

But I will agree that A-Rod was not the only reason the Yankees lost in the playoffs but he sure did not do anything to help them win.

John Paul Manahan said...

cook: is he a poor man's rudy gay?

conley: this guy is a stud, but he better get a jump shot.

(i keep on thinking rajon rondo draft positioning)

CMFost said...

I think the Oden/Durant arguement will not be settled until we know who has the Number #1 pick. Once we know that then we will have a better idea of who will get picked. I know if Boston has the #1 Pick it is Oden for sure but I team like say minnesota might take Durant.

ndyanksfan05 said...

well along the same lines - manny not helping the sox win early didn't doom them, but it sure didn't help them make the playoffs.

ndyanksfan05 said...

its a team game and picking on a-rod for the teams shortcomings is absolutely ridiculous. Basing his worth over a sample size of 4 games out of 166 is ignorant. No way in hell the yankees make the playoffs last year without A-rod

John Paul Manahan said...

cmfost: agreed

we can only speculate, but until we know who drafts where, we will not know the dynamics.

ToddTheJackass said...

NDYanks, it's not Red Sox fans for the most part who have been saying that A-Rod is the reason they haven't won a World Series since he got there... it's the aforementioned Yankees fans who booed A-Rod mercilessly that are the culprits.

Also NDYanks, you have no clue what you're talking about in terms of Manny's slow start hurting the Red Sox last year. They were in 1st place for a while there early in the season, even before Manny heated up. Last year the Sox just weren't that deep, and didn't have the players to be able overcome the injuries they had.

Also, Josh Hamilton is a better comp to Chris Shelton. Pujols is the better comp to A-Rod.

Brian in Oxford said...

Dan, is it a vacation if this blog doesn't actually make you money as a job? (Just checkin')

Figures the weather finally gets warm in the northeast, now a VT sweatshirt of my wife's is too heavy to wear. I'm going orange tee shirt with maroon dress shirt over it.

I'll give Oden 1 and 3, but probably not rookie of the year next year. Depends on how Doc Rivers uses him :) (wanting...hoping...praying...yes, like the Madonna "justify my love" song)

Props to the Senators for knocking out the Penguins (who, as we know, "is practically chickens")

John Paul Manahan said...

i guess with his attention and scope, one cannot help but be the one blame.

if it weren't for yankee pitching, we would be talking a-rod more.

bird said...

The Hokie family is in all of our thoughts today! As for those individuals from that so-called church--they have been a boil on the rear end of this country ever since they came to Miami a number of years ago to picket at the funeral of Pedro Zamora (the young man who was on "Real World" and died of AIDS). I've often wondered where they get their money to travel all over the country to disrupt people's lives. Maybe the money comes from the same person who funded all those investigations of Clinton!

Natsfan74 said...

NDYF -- you're absolutely right. I would love to have ARod on either of my teams, the Cubs or the Nationals. ARod would be an awesome shortstop on either team. (*And, given that neither one will play in October any time soon, we couldn't even hate on him for that.)

I think ARod is by far the best player on the Yankees, and is the best player in baseball. When he retires, he may go down as the greatest to ever play -- at least 800 home runs, 10+ gold gloves, 5+ MVP awards, and zero steroids allegations.

I am not hating on ARod. I am hating on Yankees fans for not realizing what a good thing they have (and paying him less than they do Jeter, Giambi, and Mussina).

CMFost said...

Bird I do not think even the republicans would stoop low enough to fund an Organization(if you can call them that) like the Westboro Baptist Church.

ndyanksfan05 said...

i agree that manny is not the reason they didn't make the playoffs - i was trying to make a point that players have slumps and judging their worth to a team based on a small sample size (a la 4 games) is an injustice to the fact that they contribute so much the rest of the time. It is also unfair (and stupid) to pin the struggles of a team on one player...

CMFost said...

It is very easy to see why A-Rod gets all the blame and everyone else skates. It is because of his status in the game and how the media loves to either hammers him when he is good and hammer him more when he is bad.

CMFost said...

Also remember NDYANK - Manny has 2 things that A-Rod does not.

A World Series Ring
A World Series MVP Award

John Paul Manahan said...

blame the mainstream media?

anyway, there is the alternative, right?

TBender said...

Rafael - I hope every attendee at the funerals walks right by those clowns without even acknowledging them.

Jen - Check out Wikipedia for some background on Westboro. It's a sick, sick cult.

ndyanksfan05 said...

yeah - so does david eckstein...big f-ing deal.

ndyanksfan05 said...

sorry - that was crass.

CMFost said...

Sorry make that three things Manny has that A-Rod does.

Manny has actually played in a World Series.

Jen said...

Thooooose freaks. The world is full of 'em, I guess.

TBender said...

Gee, ND do you hate midgets? :)

Eckstein has two rings, does that make him better than Manny?

verbal97 said...

cmfost is reaching almost "andy" levels of idiocy. You say it's only April. You may want to extend that to your "Red Sox Nation." Because every year this decade (it seems, if not true) that the Red Sox are in first place every April...and all the Sox fans I know shove it in my face...and every year the Yankees win the division. Can't have it both ways.

Also, I'm as big an ARod critic as anyone (though I would never condone booing). I have always thought that ARod should just shut his mouth and speak with his bat (and glove), and hopefully he'll do just that.

Richard K. said...

How come noone is talking about the real reason behind Calvin Johnson admitting to pot use?

1. If you were catching passes from Reggie Ball, you'd need it too.

2. Is teammate, Reuben Houston, was arrested with 96 pounds of pot as part of a drug trafficing ring.

Just sayin

Unknown said...

@ rafeal:

"I'll say it: Why don't fucked-up gunmen take out groups like that instead of students taking classes?"

And I'll second that. I can't say enough bad things about him and his "church."

@ The heroin sheik:

Fellow bay area resident here (recent transplant from Pensacola).

Perks said...

Anyone else think the pot admittance thing happening on the weekend of 4/20 is kinda funny?

Anyways, Borowski needs to be the dud. Or maybe it goes to John Gibbons. I'm as big a Sox fan there is, but jeeez-- Roy was CRUISING along!

I'm going to say here that Manny outdoes A-Rod this weekend. I know Fenway has something to do with it, but also Manny notoriously takes a couple weeks to warm up.

chipp said...

A-Rod having a great start is especially important for the Yanks given their pitching concerns at the moment. Without him they'd be under .500. Is needs to maintain the torrid pace until the pitching gets resolved (health/trade).

Jingoist said...

Word is Conley is not taking on an agent (see: waiting to hear how high or low your draft stock is before either cashing your new paycheck or registering for "History of Rock N' Roll" in the Fall).

Dan, I'm disappointed the "guest blogging" was not a contest amongst the faithful here.

The Poobah said...

cmfost -- Hilarious. Up until three years ago, Red Sox fans would get incensed when Yankees fans would bring up the number of titles they've won. Now you bring up the same thing when talking about Manny and ARod.

BLUE said...

If you want a real NBA playoff preview then visit this link there won't be any namby pamby predictions there filled with fluff.

Andy said...

Seriously verbal, what the fuck?? I'm not the swearing type but I'm also quite sick of getting called an idiot everyday for no apparent reason. I did absolutely nothing to deserve it and it adds nothing to the conversation. Get over yourself and get your head out of your ass.

Jen said...

I presumed the guest bloggers would be some our regulars...C'mon, Dan!

I'll root for Manny, our "transplanted" Indian, this weekend in that Yanks-Red Sox series.

I despise booing too...the power tools here in Cleveland are still booing Jim Thome. Give it up!

Natsfan74 said...

I hope the guest bloggers are some regular readers.

If the guest blogger has his/her own blog, but is someone we haven't read much from before -- what if we really like that guest blogger and start reading there more than here.

I understand it isn't a competiton (as they don't get paid anyway), but wouldn't it be an ego bruise to lose readers to his "substitute"?

Maybe his plan is to get a guest blogger who is awful, that way we will see more merit in Dan's work? Hmm.....

verbal97 said...


To catch a clue, look at your last sentence. Also, not to be childish, but you're the one that started the name-calling and you kept it going when I did nothing to deserve it. So, I retaliated. Am I stubborn for holding a grudge? Absolutely. But I don't like being called stupid or an idiot. I guess it's like Marty McFly and being called "yellow", I can't help myself.

Geoff said...

ARod is held to a different standard because his contract dictates that the expectations for him are higher than anyone else. It's all good and dandy to have a great regular season, but when you make that much money you are expected to have great postseasons too. Not crap the bed when you are facing a team that no one on the planet picks to beat you.

Andy said...

Verbal, I never said anything offensive to you that I can recall. And if I did and you're holding a grudge this long, it's not stubborness; it's immaturity. Grow up.

Ian said...

My prayers and thoughts go out to Hokie Nation. I hope to see lots of support of "Orange and Maroon Effect Day" throughout the 'blogosphere'.

Anonymous said...

i see the suns winning over the pistons, i really just want the suns to win.

Anonymous said...

1. A-Rod
2. Rich Hill
3.Alex Cora

1. Joe Borowski
2. John Gibbons

verbal97 said...

Again, with the name calling! Actually, it's been two weeks, which in the scheme of things isn't that long. Although how would you know that I've been "holding a grudge that long" without recalling your offensive remarks. Maybe you sadly do it without noticing, which would be indicative of a greater emotional problem.

Two pieces of advice: if you can't take it, don't dish it out; and if you don't like being called out as an idiot, stop making remarks like, "Yeah, A-Rod wasn't even that good. He was 0-4 with 2 strikeouts and 4 LOB and an error before the homer."

jhawkjjm said...

Jen had it right, Phelps is an asshat. This is the same guy who wanted to picket the funerals of the Amish girls that were killed last year. Nothing worse than a closed-minded religious fanatic nutjob.

Conley Jr will be fine. Dwayne Wade didn't really have a jump shot coming out of college either and he's doing fairly well isn't he? He shouldn't be the first PG picked though, that should be Acie La IV. But there's a difference between "should" and "will".I'm curious though how the NCAA will see this considering Conley Sr has PUBLICLY stated he's going to be his son's agent.

Selfishly I hope the recent announcements push Brandon Rush of KU to come back.

Andy said...

You call 0-4 with 2 K's, 4 LOB, and an error a good game? Wow, you truly are an idiot then. The walk-off wouldn't have been necessary if he had knocked in even 2 of those 4 LOB.

And you missed my point: if I don't remember it, it must have been pretty long ago. 2 weeks? You find what I said and link to it if I even said anything. Even so, people call people stupid and say people make stupid comments on here all the time. You're the only one doing it on a grudge. That is a sign of immaturity. That's not name-calling. That's stating a fact.

Jen said...

I agree with Geoff...A-Rod makes beau coup bucks and no one will accept anything less from him than strong offense and very few errors. Well, since I'm not a Yankee fan, I don't mind his 0-fer streaks and errors. ;)

Jen said...

Stop calling each other idiots and agree to disagree.

Andy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andy said...

Well, apparently I stopped 2 weeks ago and he's been doing it for the past two weeks straight as a grudge. Excuse me for getting sick of it.

ndyanksfan05 said...

if a-rod knocked in every runner on base in front of him he'd have somewhere in the vacinity of 600 rbi's for the you think he should knock in half those a night according to your statement...that is a ridiculous comment. going 1-5 with a HR and 3rbis is not a bad game...its a pretty damn good game no matter what. and knocking in 2 of 6 runners in front of you is also pretty good for a game.

Andy your comments are ridiculous. my only argument against people like cmfost in terms of his struggles in oct is that its a small sample size and its not only his fault they lose...but your comments are ludicrous. The guy is having a monster start and to bitch about him going 0-4 to start a game is absurd. NO PLAYER CAN GET A HIT EVERY AT BAT OR KNOCK IN A RUN AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY - HE IS HUMAN AND IS GOING TO MAKE OUTS AND STRIKEOUT...picking himself up at the end of the game turned it from a bad day to an awesome day.

ndyanksfan05 said...

i just pray to god yankee fans dont start being dicks and booing him once he hits his first slump...which is bound to happen (not because he is a-rod, but because he is a baseball player and thats what happens in a 162 game season)...those people suck

Mega said...

NDYANKSFAN you are acting as if A-Rod didn't even exist before he joined with the Yankees.

He was booed before he was on the team because of the contract he signed.

He was already the best player in the majors before he went to NY.

He was booed by YANKEES FANS all of last year and the beginning of this year.

"What more can this guy do right now? It shows either a) no knowledge of baseball or b)complete and today hatred towards the guy for no other reason than he plays for the yankees."

Considering that the Yankees fans last year were all saying he was a choker in the playoffs when him and Jeter have very similar post-season stats for their careers, I think you may want to rethink some of your comments.

Natsfan74 said...

NDYF -- that's why I love Yankees fans is because they will do that. ARod has 2 walk-off home runs this year, and is 2/3 in 9th inning game winning hit situations. If the Nationals had anyone 2/3 in that situation, they'd be 6-9, with a sweep of the Mets and a series win against the Braves. I'd take that 2/3 any day.

I hope he has a monster year and then flies the coop. Then, Yankees fans will have only themselves to thank. There is probably no worse city to be an athlete in -- except for maybe Philly where they booed Santa Clause.

But, where would sports be without hating the good players/teams? I mean, if we all hated ND, the Yanks, and Duke, but they all sucked, what would be the point? No one ever says "man, I really hate that Duke football team!" Same goes for hating ARod. It's a lot easier to hate a multi-time MVP who makes more money than God than to hate Delmon Young. Yeah, DY is an asshat who throws bats at umpires, but he barely gets paid, is on the worst team in the league, and doesn't really register as a target of fan hate. Besides, wouldn't a fan look like a clown, booing DY and cheering for ARod (even in NY)?

Brian in Oxford said...

Comments are slowed to a trickle....are we all busy reading the simmons chat on espn?

Patriots64 said...

Can Verbal and Andy just drop the gloves then move on with their lives???

Andy said...

I've had no problems. Get him to stop being as he's the one that's been holding the grudge for apparently 2 weeks.

As for the "dropping the gloves" statement: come on!!! This isn't a hockey blog!!!

chitown italian said...

Not a big Yankee fan and don't really care for A-Rod but think of this about his 2006 numbers: he almost hit .300, he had 30+ HR's, over 100 runs, and over 100 RBI's last year.

Without actually looking it up, I would bet that is better than half of all major leaguers last year.

Hell, that's a career year for some guys. I would agree that until he wins a WS here will be looked at as a failure.

Natsfan74 said...

comments always slow around lunch, as we're predominantly east coast folks, same thing with comments stopping around 4:30 every day. Instead of spending lunch on teh internet and working all day, I prefer to work through lunch and be on the internet all day....

chitown italian said...

Holy crap, this is a damn good read:

Dave Jackson said...

There is NO WAY Golden State can get to the West finals with their brand of defense. They match up well with Dallas, but they caught the Mavs at the right time three times this year (right at the beginning, during a long winning streak, and when they were resting their starters at the end). Dallas wins in six.

I like the rest of the picks, but just to be different, I'll say Dallas over Toronto in the finals.

Tino said...

I've read enough. I'm so tired of people generalizing Yankee fans like they know what they're talking about. As a Yankee fan myself, I like A-Rod. I've never booed A-Rod nor any other Yankee, and I never will. I've always wanted him on my team. And I don't think I'm alone. Call us the silent majority. It's easy to call out Yankee fans because it makes it easier to be a hater. But the truth is, you probably don't know sh#t about it.

You can call out Yankee fans for wearing tank tops, being drunk at the Stadium, having bad tatoos, swearing or oftentimes being a meathead. But true, real Yankee fans can be loyal and knowledgeable. They just happen to root for a team that's good, so it bothers people. So please try not to generalize.

But all Boston fans are drunk, idiots, who are incapable of being objective, want to fight at least once a day, date fat chicks and think the world revolves around them. (sorry, that was a joke)

verbal97 said...

It's good to have back-up from other Yankees fans. Thanks, Tino.

verbal97 said...

Andy, as for you, I've already wasted enough time. I'm just going to go back to ignoring you, I'll probably save brain cells that way.

Brian in Oxford said...

I'll say was WEIRD talking to a Yankee fan who just likes his team and lives and dies with them every day like any other fan would his team....a baseball guy who's been to every park in the majors at this point. Maybe because he lives in the city where he's not subject to Sox/Yanks debates as much as one would in the shadow of the WWL.

Nevertheless, I keep my enemies I have never let on I'm a red sox fan, and he actually made a crack in an email that I only work late when the yankees aren't playing that night.

I guess I'll just say that he doesn't fit that "typical yankee fan" stereotype....

Patriots64 said...

Red Sox fans throw pizza, Yankee fans throw beer bottles and batteries lol!!

ndyanksfan05 said...

well put tino...

Anonymous said...

The past does not predict the future, though one likes to think so.
A-Rod 'choked' in the playoffs before. Fine.
Doesn't mean he will this year. What we do know is that he's hitting well so far this season.

Conley Jr. doesn't have to pick an agent, and I dont think there's an issue with Sr. saying that he WILL be his agent, so long as he isn't pushing him towards the NBA now (and, it does not seem like he is).

One can develop a jumpshot. Conley will be fine.

Ed Chavis said...

Westboro Baptist's crew is coming here to Augusta GA this weekend to protest at Ryan Clark's memorial service (the RA who was shot in the dormitory). Our local drive-time talk show host is urging locals to come stand between those nincompoops and the family, friends, etc., so they at least can't see them. And a local group of bike riders are going to rev their motors to drown out the garbage that those idiots from Topeka are planning to spew.

I don't know Ryan Clark's family, but I think I'm going to go help.

Go Hokies.

Anonymous said...

The only problem I have with NBA playoffs, is its not on NBC anymore or CBS.

come on,who doesn't love this theme song.

Sarah said...

Let's see how Arod handles Fenway...

Brian in Oxford said...

Hey nati in the corner, is that you getting published in the espn chat?

Carlson said...

According to Chicago Tribune, Valparaiso offered Jeff Jordan a scholarship. So at least Valpo knows he's worth something.

Anonymous said...


You know it.

That's essentially the comment I posted here the other day.

Patriots64 said...

Mike & the Mad Dog say the A-Bomb off Dice-K thing is pushing the boundaries of political correctness!

Anonymous said...

I keep saying this.

They've got to stop that announcer.

Jen said...

Who asked this earlier:

"One of Westboro's followers estimated that the church spends $250,000 a year traveling around the world to picket. In the 1990s the church won a series of lawsuits against the City of Topeka and Shawnee County for efforts taken to prevent or hinder WBC picketing. As a result, the church was awarded approximately $200,000 in attorney's fees and costs associated with the litigation. Otherwise, all of the church's money comes from the combined income of its congregants and money won in lawsuits against their opponents."

These people are complete and utter wackos.

Just doing some light reading here at the office, instead of what I should really be doing. {sigh} All in a day's work.

Natsfan74 said...

Yeah, Jen, what should you be doing?

Any guesses on who the guest bloggers will be?

For regular readers -- I would guess Rafael, cmfost, or maybe Todd (he's sometimes funny).

If he's going outside, I would guess the guys from Deadspin or withleather.

Anonymous said...

I'm funny.

Anonymous said...

To be honest we would really be in my territory because of the NBA.

I am one of the 12 Die-hard NBA fans left.

Patriots64 said...

I mean they think that it is ok to say that and anyone who thinks differently is insane! World War 2 Japan was a long time ago!! Bomb has meant home run for years even before the A-Bomb!!

Anonymous said...

Right, but an A-bomb is specific to something that happend only twice to a specific nationallity and killed way more people than any other bomb.

Patriots64 said...

Mike & the Dawg thought the guy who called was nuts about thinking it was inappropriate. it was funny.

Patriots64 said...

Theo on right now!!

Brian in Oxford said...

He's got to be using people he knows, so that they can actually upload to the site with his password and whatnot.

Jen said...

I'm funny too. I'm not really up on the NBA though. Damn. Baseball, yes, but you guys are much better than I am with stats and all that. I guess I'll just stick with comments here and there.

Natsfan74 said...

comments here and there still beats working all day.

Anonymous said...

True, Natsfan.

Hey that reminds me that you didn't answer my post on the DSF board about goin to the Nats.

CMFost said...

check this picture out

it is a really cool tribute to the people who died at Virginia Tech done by students and staff at an elementary school in Virginia

Travis said...

over on the AnyGivenSaturday Message Board (A FCS Football Community) We held a moment of silence for 5 minutes from 12 to 12 05 PM today

Aside from 1 new member who joined and posted his first message in that 5 minutes we held silent.

Natsfan74 said...

Hey, what happened to Nati?
Just trying to confuse us? I posted on the Nationals back on the other site, but I hope we can also get a collective Phillies game in this summer.

Anonymous said...

I reregistered with google and guyinthecorner came up.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I think the Westboro Baptist Church was the group going around to soldiers funerals and protesting. I believe the jist of their 'protest' was the soldiers deserved to die because they were fighting for a country that allows homosexuality. I believe it was the Freedom Riders that would line up their motorcycles between the burial and the Westboro freaks and rev the engines to drown out their hate messages.

It sickens me as a Christian that groups like this exist. I wish I could be in Atlanta to support Ryan Clark's family from these people but I know that there will be hundreds of people there to do all they can to help his family get through this extremely difficult time.

Brian in Oxford said...

oh, maybe they deserved to die because their country supported the right of the WBC to exist in the first place. (grrrrr.....heavy sarcasm and sympathy to the family)

CMFost said...

The people from the Westboro Baptist I can't even call them a church are just complete idiots with a lack of respect to any person in this country. They were on WEEI in Boston one day and this women was talking about how 9-11 was punishment from god for us allowing homosexuallity. And I swear the host probably would of strngled this women if they could

Ed Chavis said...

Update on WBC protest - another talk show host has cut a deal with them - in exchange for 1 hour of air time during his show, the WBC nut jobs have agreed to stay away from the memorial. Extortion? Perhaps. In the best interests of the family? ABSOLUTELY! Thank you, Mike Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

Why would the World Baseball Classic protest the VT memorial?

Ed Chavis said...

Cute, guyinthecorner....
W estboro B aptist C hurch... not trying to make this into a religious blog, just mentioning all this because it already came up today.

Anonymous said...

hey guy in the corner I like to consider myself one of those 12. The people who really piss me off are the semi basketball fans who think that they know everything, and then tehy tell you that ewing was one of teh 5 best centers ever or that nash is thebest point guard ever.

Kevin said...

Stop it! Stop it stop it stop it! Did anyone else see that the Cubes just signed Aramis Ramirez to a long-term extension this past winter? They have a third baseman! They aren't getting A-Rod! Why doesn't anyone else get this? He's NOT a shortstop anymore!

(Although I suppose they signed Soriano as a CF this past year, so they do have experience putting high-priced players out of position...)

Kevin said...

Cubs, not cubes...sounded kinda funny the other way...

Unknown said...

Kevin -- Are you "Kevin (Manassas)"?

Unknown said...

Did anybody else see PTI reference the story on thebiglead about the video of Mario Williams racing in his car? I wonder if ESPN was throwing some free publicity their way to make up for the site's shutdown by Colin Cowherd.

Brian in Oxford said...

Let the A-Rod debate continue....3 XBH, 2HR, 4RBI....but a weak lineout in the 9th.

have at it, folks....

Amar said...

HAAHAHA Toronto over Cleveland in 6. You are a JOKE, dude!!! I can definitely see your pure hatred for the Cavaliers. It's no prob, though. Doesn't matter what you think, it's just a matter of time before the Cavs take over the entire freaking NBA. Remember last year when you had Washington beating us in 7? How'd that work out for you, you tard???

Cavs to the Finals. Book it. Don't believe me? Well based on your track record, I shouldn't believe YOU, either!

Amar said...

Actually, THIS is how wrong you're going to be: Toronto won't even MAKE it to the second round.

Kurt said...

I think guest blogger if its someone in here will either be Brian from Oxford, Rafael (VT tribute), GuyintheCorner or Todd.

I know who it WONT be, cmfost, heroin sheik, andy or patriots64. My head starts hurting reading their attempts at sentences.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the support but it looks like Dan is going "outside the family" for this one. It would have been great if we could have split it up though. As I have said, I am the humble home of astute NBA comentary and have been for some time. I'm that guy who knows the nobodys coming off the bench in the playoffs. Other people could have done other topics such as the Yanks/Sox series which looks like it's going my way.