Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday 04/29 NFL Draft (Very) Quickie

What does it say when the biggest news of the NFL Draft is that Randy Moss was traded to the Patriots to team with Tom Brady in the NFL's most must-see pass-catch combo of our generation?

(Related: Want to see a classic example of "fan whiplash?" 24 hours ago, how many Pats fans thought Moss was an all-pro jerk? Now: He'll be a New Endland hero. Guaranteed.)

The draft's biggest winner? After Day 2 kicked off, I'll nominate the Raiders, who drafted JaMarcus Russell, jettisoned Randy Moss, brought in high-risk/high-reward WR Mike Williams and -- in a coup -- got RB Michael Bush with the first overall pick of Day 2. Bush is the most intriguing offensive pick of the draft.

The draft's most overrated "winner?" The Browns. Joe Thomas was a great pick at No. 3. But Brady Quinn at No. 22? That's confusing sizzle with steak, especially when you consider they gave up what could be a Top 5 pick in 2008 to get him.

(Related: If the NFL wants to invite players to the green room as "lock" early picks, they shouldn't shield them from the humiliation of dropping down the draft board by sequestering them away from the media glare. Brady Quinn earned -- and deserved -- the public scorn. His drop was the most entertaining part of Saturday's endless first round.)

Most intriguing defensive pick: Denver traded up on Day 2 to take disgraced and exiled Florida D-lineman Marcus Thomas, who could be the most talented D-lineman in the draft, if not for his unfortunate judgment involving pot. Teamed with Gators teammate Jarvis Moss, the Broncos have brought Gator Nation to the Rockies.

More later.

-- D.S.


Matt said...

In regards to the Browns as being an "overrated" winner consider this. The browns had a lot of needs to fill and took 2 HUGE steps getting the best LT in the drafty for their line that is finally starting to develop and they also got the most NFL ready QB in the draft with quinn at 22.

The brownies defense is shaping up with stud LB Kameron Wimbley from last year as well as D'qwell jsckson, also last year playing the headliners.

And to touch on them giving away a possibly top 5 next year, they already got two top 5 players this year and anyways if they end up being horrible crenell and possile savage will be gone.

oh and the pleurisy comment..Lebron James had it last year and was out for a few games.

The Big Picture said...

couldn't have agreed more with the Bush comment. had he not gotten hurt, he was probably a top 20 player. steal of the draft.

CorrND said...

Dan, you totally missed the money factor with Quinn. In reality, Quinn is probably an 11-20 pick and if not for the needs of the 11-20 teams, he certainly would have gone much higher than 22. But the Browns got him at 22, so they only have to give him 22 money. I'd say that's a steal.

Anonymous said...

Dan, i'm convinced that you are the only member of 'our generation'. Brady to Moss is the most must-see of our generation?


Travis said...

I wanted Randy Moss at the trade deadline.

HE may not be the greatest citizen, but hes about 500% better then having Terrell Owens

Anonymous said...

i am a colts fan and cannot beleive that trade. the raiders were a tale of two cities( or something like that) on draft day, they take michael bush who is great pick but then they only get a 4 for moss.

Chremdacasi said...

"Brady Quinn earned -- and deserved -- the public scorn."

Look, I don't have a problem with people being controversial, but at least give a reason. What did Quinn do to earn or deserve public scorn? Kind of a sick fascination to feel the need to watch the guy suffer for 4 hours. Anyway....on a related note....

Did you catch the 2 sided face of ESPN. The guys up front comment on what a good move it was by Goodell to hide Quinn away from the media. Who do they think the media is? If it was a good move to pull Quinn away from the cameras, why in the heck weren't they big enough to pull their own reporter out of there?

Melbye said...

I also have to question the comment about giving up a possible Top 5 next year for Quinn...he was a top 5 this year and who knows what will be there next year as a top 5? Will whatever or whomever be there be what they need? This was a need pick for was running through my head who would trade up to take him before KC? Seriously, what kind of sick fascination do we have to watch a 22 year old kid suffer for 4 hours? Are you thinking he deserved it because he played at ND? Because he went to the combine? Because he went on a publicity tour? Because he was the 2nd best QB in the draft? What the crap dude.

Melbye said...

P.S. When was the last time a defending champ was SWEPT out of the first round? I've heard of missing playoffs...but SWEPT and not one game being close? Wow. Good decision by DWade to rehab and yeah...

Jen said...

Dan~ Your comment that the Browns being the "overrated" winner was stupid. Savage said that they were picking Joe Thomas as long as he was available. Quinn being available after 12 was intriguing and he was a steal at 22, especially he was "slated" to be at least 4th, and they won't have to pay him a Top 10 Pick signing bonus and mega contract.

Giving up their 1st round draft pick of '08? Who cares at this point. Hopefully the Browns won't be picking in the Top 10 and Savage will be the unsung hero. They finally have people making good decisions in the front office here.

I also can't believe that you were against Goodall removing him from the media....geez, have a heart. He answered Suzi's ridiculous questions very well when ESPN snuck their way in.

I wonder about you sometimes!

GO TRIBE! Leading the AL Central...let's hope they hold on, at least until the All-Star break! ha

Unknown said...

How 'bout my Redskins???

Oh right, they suck balls at drafting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links yesterday Dan...Those rant & rumors guys had me rolling out of my seat...Considering I had to wake up at 3 am (I'm in Okinawa, Japan), it was worth it to watch Brady Quinn suffer. Hey, he's a grown man so let'em take his embarrassment like one. Hell, they didn't move Leinart or Rodgers to the private room when they were stuck in the green room. On top of that, I can't stand Quinn and it was sickening listening to the commentators boosting this guy up. Saying he can survive adverse situations?? HE was sitting in a freakin room...How much adversity is that? I swear when ESPN latches on to someone, they act like the Fox News "propaganda" channel...Tooally "unfair & unbalanced".

Mookie said...

Dan, thanks for linking you shoot your hopes and dreams. They did a fantastic job live-blogging

MoL said...

Don't forget the Brownies also picked up Eric Wright in the 2nd round. He was first-round quality material but fell due to the ever-important "character issues." Hopefully Savage & Co did their homework and he is past that phase of his life. So really the Browns walked away with 3 1st-round quality picks.

The Cavs are looking to have their first ever sweep tomorrow, the Browns have what will hopefully be a great draft, and the Tribe is leading the Central. Its a good weekend for Cleveland Sports fans.

Richard K. said...

The biggest loser in the entire draft (and it isn't close) has to be the Radiers.

The prevailin theory before the draft was that OAK would only draft Calvin Johnson if they could bring in a veteran QB like McCown and jettison Randy Moss. Well they did that and now they're stuck with a QB that can overthrow anyone on the planet, noone for him to throw it to, and no O-line. Looks like another season of betting a lot of money against the Radiers.

Anonymous said...

Alright, the whole "Moss the Malcontent" angle is old after less than 24 hours. I've read several articles that name him the combustible problematic receiver out there.
Have the 'experts' forgotten TO and Chris Henry already?
I'm sure after a successful season, people will laud Belichick for 'handling' Moss, but let's be real...the guy will be fine.
People forget that when he arrived in Oakland, he was full go until the Raiders decided they wanted to be demoted to Division 2.
He'll be fine in New England, where people have a firm grasp on what it takes to win.

Unknown said...

I like when you think about it - the Raiders gave up the #7 pick from 2005 (Troy Williamson) and Napolean Harris for the #110 pick this year.

For a team that was 3 yards away from winning another Super Bowl this past season - the Patriots have gotten much improved this offseason without giving up much of anything.

BobbyStompy said...

DAN! How did you not mention Nelson to your Jags?! I even live-blogged about how excited I thought you'd be when they made the pick.

You bummed me out.

Travis said...

The Patriots have done so much people are going to be looking at there schedule and not placing bets on if they will win the division but as to wether they can go undefeated or not

CuseFanInSoCal said...

I've got to think the Browns made the right move. Next year's QB class figures to be headlined by the likes of Brian Brohm, John David Booty, and Chad Henne. And while I think Brohm's probably underrated by people who don't follow the Big East, he's not as good as Quinn. Of course, neither is Russell.

Travis said...

New Hampshire's QB Ricky Santos will also be in the draft next year. Hopefully he fares better then David Ball. Im still scratching my head over Ball not getting drafted. Late last year he was a possible 3rd rounder and he then had a great game in the east west shrine game. Yet he falls completely off the board cause he couldnt run at the combine because of a hamstring strain and when he coiuld finally run at the UNH Pro Day he ran a 4.66 40 and that totally drops him off the board, insane. I hope he ends up some place he can play so he can make 31 other teams resent not even using a 7th round pick on him.

Johnny b said...

How come no mention of Josh Hancok Dan??

mcam09 said...

How can you not root for Golden State, what an exciting team. Baron Davis simply incredible.

Andy Roberts said...

21 teams (well, I guess 20, since Cleveland ended up with him anyway) will be proven wrong. I can't wait.

Browns will be a .500 team in 2007, I think. Something I never thought possible before the draft.

WuzUpG said...


Man!, I haven't heard that arena that loud in the longest time! Only the Shark Tank is as loud! And, I've been to Sac for a Kings game!

Anonymous said...

couldn't possibly disagree with your "leave brady out in the open" comment any more than i do...