Saturday, April 28, 2007

2007 NFL Draft Live-Comment

Feel free to comment here on all things NFL Draft: Before. During. During. During. During. During. During. During. (Ahh, finally: After.)

Here are a bunch of live-blogs that will keep you up to speed:

Feel free to add any others you find (or are looking at) in the Comments section.

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

fucking bar mitzvah of my best family friends, really on the day of the fucking draft, thank god for cell phones.

oh and by the way, think the raiders go our way:
shanoff: johnson
drdoom: edwards
well see. (they should that is a better combo than russel and _______)

jhawkjjm said...

I'm curious to see if the current issues about Vick are brought up during the draft (they should be, it's news that affects the team). Has he done enough to be on Goodell's radar yet? (should be) How much are the falcons wishing they didn't trade Schaub in case Vick get's punished by the league?

John said...

I'm running a live blog on

Jay said...

I'll be live blogging the draft as well.

Also according to the NFL Network's Adam Schefter the top 3 will, in all likelihood, be this:

1. OAK- JaMarcus Russell QB(LSU)
*2. DET- Calvin Johnson WR(GT)
3. CLE- Joe Thomas OT(WISC)

That could mean this will follow.

*4. TB- Gaines Adams DE(CLEM)
5. ARI- Adrian Peterson RB(OU)
*6. WAS- Amobi Okoye DT(LOU)
7. MIN- LaRon Landry S(LSU)
8. ATL- Jamaal Anderson DE(ARK)
9. MIA- Brady Quinn QB(MIA)
10. HOU- Levi Brown OT(PSU)


*possible trade

ESPnGuy said...

so ESPN said draft "coverage" starts at 11 est. so I woke up early, but what they failed to mention was that the actual draft is still an hour convenient for them...

Mikepcfl said...

What a shocker that Brady Quinn has a hot blonde girlfriend!

Unknown said...

The chick holding the I want Brady sign was better

The Big Picture said...

it's funny that cleveland's ineptitude (Joe thomas at 3, wtf?) will screw really screw the one team that seems to always be screwed: arizona.

cardinals now reach for levi brown.

the talent is falling.

ESPnGuy said...

Why was everyone so surprised the Bucs took Adams? They tried to get DE Charles Grant from the Saints, even brought him in visit. When the Saints resigned him, Adams fills that need for the Bucs.

The Big Picture said...

the parellels between quinn and leinart on draft day are strikingly similar.

both from high profile schools, slide, and will (likely) end up on better teams in cities made for playboys.

Anonymous said...

I understand Trent Green is a good QB, but he's 36. Now you have a chance to get your next franchise QB and you pass? Good grief, Miami is cursed. Ted Ginn?? Is Miami looking towards Brian Brohm next year??

The Big Picture said...

that's what i get for jumping the gun

Anonymous said...

ESPN has talked more about Quinn not being picked then the prospects picked, it's getting old.

Unknown said...

NFL network has pretty decent coverage, rich eisen, marriucci, marashall faulk and some mel kiper wanna be, thats what im watching

Anonymous said...

Quinn and Thomas - wow, Cleveland just went from decent draft to franchise defining moment

Anonymous said...

As a Dolphins fan, I'm furious. This has to be the biggest blunder in recent memory. It couldn't have worked out better with Quinn falling to 9 like that and then they take a kick returner. Sure, could be a good wide receiver, but don't you need someone to throw him the football??

I guess I should be glad though. It will be great to see Ginn return kicks to the 35 or 40 before whatever idiot Miami puts under center goes three and out.

Tyler said...

there's a live blog/comment at

BTW, screw my Redskins. They need help on both lines, and they pick Landry. Don't get me wrong, he'll be a good player, but they really needed someone like Amobi Okoye there.

Jen said...

I am SO happy to be a Browns fan, at least today! LOL

I seriously can't believe the teams that passed on Brady Quinn (and I'm a Buckeye fan first, not ND). I don't think he is the next ____ (fill in your fave) but there are teams that need him and just let him fall. Kudos to Phil Savage for trading up.

Jen said...

mikepcfl~ Ugh, I think Brady will be done with that girlfriend by the first preseason game.

Was anyone else thoroughly annoyed with what's-her-name that kept interviewing Quinn with every pick that passed him? Ugh, how'd she sneak into the commissioner's private area?

Paul said...

Congrats to the Browns on a huge coup in the first round. Who would have thought that they would still be able to land Quinn after passing him up with the 3rd pick. They managed to snatch two top 10 picks in the first round. Nicely done. Quinn's not going to get the money he was hoping for (in the first few years anyway), but he got protection on the O-line instead. That will pay dividends down the road as his numbers (and health) will surely benefit (and his bank account will reap the rewards). Hands down, Cleveland is the first round winner.

Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thank god for tv i watched it in the background the whole time. My thoughts on the draft are: surprsed quinn fell so far, also more importantly did i miss somehting where was alan branch?

ESPnGuy said...

branch went to the cardinals at 33...steal for them

Anonymous said...

ah thanks, i found that out later, because i stopped watching after one and then somebody kept telling me round 2 but must have not told me about branch so i thought he was just plummeting.

Unknown said...

I can't decide if I think the Quinn move was a great move for Cleveland or a terrible move. I guess the question is - how good will the Browns be next year?

If you think they'd wind up with a Top 5 pick again next year, do you think Brady Quinn is a Top 5 pick? Obviously Cleveland didn't think so this year - so what would change for next season?

On the flip side if they think Quinn really is the best QB available, and will turn into one of the great QBs in the league then this was a huge steal. They got much better on the offensive line, and they got a solid QB who can come in right away and play.

At least this gives Romeo Crennel something to work with.

SF said...

i am a fins fan... a lot pf people are upset about the ginn pick

here is my take

i watched a lot of ginn video last night (i also went to michigan and saw him burn us) and forgot how good he is -- while the pick is a bit shady, the kid can flat out burn people; he burnt leon hall...and he burnt the kid from Texas who is now a 1st rounder as well -- he also burnt many other 1st rounders. i remember sitting in the Big House and the Horse shoe scared pants-less every time he stepped on to the field

athletically, the guy did things i have never seen before, and that is fact. all the people upset about the pick greatly underestimates his talent, b/c they wanted quinn. it is not like this Ginn is a 4th round pick. The fact is a lot of mock draft shad him going between 15 and 20, so people (based on these so-called experts) dismissed the idea maybe he is as talented as a top 10 guy. the mock drafters obv were worried about his injury, but they also picked quinn to 3 (went 22), and levi brown to go 10 (went 5)

cam is trying to install an Offense that has been untouchable in the NFL for the last few years, and since they guys we wanted (Brown, Landry) were gone, we figured we might as well take the one guy in the draft that can actually scare people -- i guarantee he would have been gone by 15. the kid's video is scary... that link...he will be turning heads in the NFL...Chambers and Ginn will stretch the field for Ronnie Brown to run wild and catch screens and John Beck has the poise and accuracy to launch the ball downfield to them. there were no top-10 O-linemen left to take, and i do not think we could have secured him by trading down

Anonymous said...

ok my thoughts on the colts picks:i really like the gonz. pick and totally did not see it coming, if he can learn the offense by the start the season he is the perfect #3. however i don;t understand the trade to get a tackle.

Kevin said...


If you think they'd wind up with a Top 5 pick again next year, do you think Brady Quinn is a Top 5 pick? Obviously Cleveland didn't think so this year - so what would change for next season?

Are you sure about that? By all indications, Cleveland was torn between Joe Thomas and Quinn at I'd assume that means they had Quinn at #4 on their board, behind Russel, Johnson, and Thomas.

Johnny b said...

I don't know about that sf, as a Penn State fan I was never ever scared of Ginn. I can't remember him doing much against us. Just my opinion though

And Patriots + Randy Moss (for a 4th round pick) = an amazing steal

Anonymous said...

let me be the first to congratulate the patriots on their superbowl victory. also simmons is going to be insufferable if he writes an article tommorow.

Johnny b said...

Also a big story of the day

sadness strikes the cards yet again

Josh Hancock (relief pitcher) killed in a car accident; game tonight is postponed

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that Miami is done yet because of the 2-2-1-1-1 format. We learned this from the Yankees/Red Sox in the ALCS.

It was Jason Varitek who said something like this before Game 4 at home....

"Hey guys, we can win this. We're gonna win today at home, then we pull one upset and we are back home and win again. That gets us to Game 7, and anything can happen in Game 7."

It's just not crazy with the layout. If they win at home and pull one upset we have a seventh game.

Mega said...

Good lord how the hell do the Pats get Randy Moss for only a 4th rounder? These guys keep oddly getting these insane deals that no other teams seem to get.

Kevin said...

guyinthecorner: Baseball has a 2-3-2 format, not a 2-2-1-1-1.