Oh, mercy! Rangers put up 30 runs: In this Worst Summer Ever for sports, there have been glimmers of glorious frivolity.
Isn't it nice to have a moment when we can all kick back, stare at the 30 runs -- 30! -- that the Rangers hung on the Orioles and enjoy the distraction that comes with something that hasn't happened in baseball since the 19th century.
And it begs a question of particular relevance given that we're in the middle of the Little League World Series:
Should Major League Baseball have a "mercy rule?"
The easy (and obvious) answer, of course, is "no." But maybe there's something to the idea. Aside from the novelty (and the impact on record-keeping), there was little point to continuing the game after the Rangers' lead reached, say, 20 runs. (The Little League mercy rule is triggered at 10.)
Would anyone have blamed the Orioles if newly "un-interimed" manager Dave Trembley had forfeited the game during the top of the 8th inning? (Especially considering they still had a second game of a double-header to play immediately afterward. With the idea of salvaging a split, it's not such a ludicrous idea. I would have given him huge credit if he did forfeit Game 1.)
Perhaps you believe that professional players should have to take their defeats in any and all forms. I was on a JetBlue flight and watched the highlights probably half-a-dozen times, unable to look away, even after multiple viewings. It's hard to feel mercy when you're laughing.
But -- if the (not unreasonable) clever gamesmanship implications of a "mercy"-driven forfeit don't do it for you -- maybe MLB can (or should) learn a little sportsmanship from their pre-pubescent peers.
Tom Brady joins the Varsity Dads: Congrats to Brady (and Bridget). Aside from Tiger, I can't imagine a more theoretically ideal father if you had to grow up the son of a sports star.
Reader E.F. quickly responds with an astute observation:
"How about any father that is married to the mother? What is the point of having Tom Brady as a dad if you don't ever seen him because he lives 2000 miles away from the mom who will be raising him?"
Brandon Webb Milestone Watch: Consecutive scoreless innings streak ends at 42 after Prince Fielder ruins it with an RBI single in the 1st.
MLB Stud: Albert Pujols, who homered for the 5th consecutive game. (In case you were, like me, too enthralled by the Rick Ankiel story to notice that Pujols is still the king of the Cards.)
MLB Dud: Cole Hamels, who went to the 15-day DL, temporarily tweaking the Phillies' postseason-race chances (and his own NL Cy campaign).
NFL: Jerome Bettis admits to faking an injury in Steelers camp in 2000 in order to avoid getting cut.
Rather than thinking of this as scandalous, I think it merely pulls back the curtain on what I can only imagine is an incredibly popular -- and widespread -- tactic among players, particularly aging stars.
(But nevertheless, anytime in sports – especially in the hyper-macho world of pro football – someone deploys the phrase "faked it," it doesn't sit well with most fans' ideas about sports and meritocracy.)
More NFL: Eli vs. Tiki. Seriously, do you really care? Here are two of the least likeable personalities in the NFL of the past year. If they want to feud, let 'em. Neither deserves the air time or attention.
Vick Watch: Why would Stephon Marbury defend Michael Vick? Marbury had built up an incredible amount of good-will from his populist sneaker line. Then he goes and erodes it by taking an insanely unpopular position.
Meanwhile, an NAACP leader wants the NFL and the Falcons to let Vick return after he does his jail time. I think that's the wrong battle to pick.
Meanwhile, 50 dogs found on Vick's property will be euthanized if they are not claimed by today. The problem is that the dogs are so brutalized that a domesticated life is probably unrealistic, with euthanization the only humane thing left for them.
Golf: FedEx Cup "Playoffs" and the question: Does anyone really care? Mainstream pundits have made a mistake trying to make this about casual fans.
(I'm not quite sure what a "casual" golf fan is: Someone who only watches the majors? Someone who only watches if Tiger is contending on Sunday?)
I think the PGA's "playoff" marketing is about keeping the more avid golf fans interested, using language (if not appeal) that casual fans can understand.
CFB: Did somebody mention Tim Tebow? (No? Just me wedging him into the discussion? Oh well.)
More CFB: I just filled out my first preseason ballot for the Blog Poll Top 25. The process (not the poll itself) affirmed how difficult (and ludicrous) it is to try to rank teams now. My guiding principle was to rank them based how I think they'll end the regular season (as opposed to my ballot after each week's games, when I'll rank them based on actual performance).
For an example of another BlogPollster, here's the entry from EDSBS. I'm not one to talk, but needless to say, I don't have South Carolina at No. 6. (But my list is so uninspired, so far, that I have to give him credit for taking a flying leap now, when the premium should be on clever choices.)
The real surprise (especially to me, as I realized what I was about to do) was which team I ended up ranking No. 1. (Hint: It was NOT USC.) I'll reveal that (plus the entire Top 25) next Monday to kick off the week-long college football preview coverage.
(Wow, between the CFB preview coverage and the celebration of the blog's one-year anniversary, next week's going to be a big week.)
-- D.S.
Just for old time's sake...
I think Texas just scored again.
The Texas game was amazing. I think I could have pitched and not given up 30 runs. The pitchers were just throwing the ball right down the center of the plate.
On a serious note, my town is absolutely devasted by flooding. Two days off of work because I couldn't even leave my place. Water completely covering cars. I have to admit it is a crazy time to be living in Findlay, OH. Fortunately, I am on higher ground and now water came close to my place, but about 200 yeards away water was as deep as 4-5 feet deep on the roads.
I'm sure some of you may have seen video footage on the news. What are your thoughts and questions? I hvae first hand knowledge of it.
umm. " Aside from Tiger, I can't imagine a more theoretically ideal father if you had to grow up the son of a sports star."
I think my ideal father would be someone who is actually with my mother.
The Marbury thing is so dumb. I can't for the life of me understand how he can compare dog fighting to deer hunting. I had started to respect the guy but uhh... yeah...
So help me, Dan... if you put Florida as #1 on your ballot.
Re: Eli v. Tiki. I doubt anyone outside of NY gives a shit. Two whiny media whores in a sissy fight. No thanks.
The regular season can't come soon enough.
I don't get the whole Varsity Dad thing. I thought a "Varsity Dad" was a normal dad who raised or is trying to raise an "All-star sports fan"? Why is Tiger Woods or Tom Brady or any famous athelete a Varsity Dad?
Nah, no mercy rule for baseball. The O's Manager could have just left one guy in there pitching underhand to save arms for the second game, though.
I dunno on Brady. By the time the kid is 10, Brady might be retired. What's the fun then!?
So when faced with competition, Jerome tried to screw the Steelers over. Since when is pre-season camp competition considered "funny business"? I always liked Hines more.
Marbury, to his "understanding", sees dogfighting as a sport. Really? Even in horse racing, the horses have rights and people who give a shit about them. Those dogs? Considering how brutal the owners are, I don't think they see the dogs as animals at all.
The NAACP wants to make sure that fans can enjoy Vick's superathleticism in the future. Um..right. I'm sure I'd be called a "liberal" on most issues, but the NAACP in Atlanta just doesn't get it. I wonder how many of them join in on dogfighting.
re: bettis's "injury"
I'm reminded of a similar story a few years ago. Against the Colts in 2003, Willie McGinest admitted (after the fact, naturally) that he faked in injury on the field. The Pats were out of timeouts and the Colts were running a hurry-up offense. Maybe it's ethically questionable, but it's definitely smart football. How many players would have the wherewithal to know that the defense was out of timeouts AND have a plan to get an extra one?
We all loved Boise State last year for its great trick plays. Couldn't McGinest's move be considered a defensive trick play?
I'm okay with Bettis's tactics. Football is a game of exploiting weaknesses, right?
Is there something I'm missing when you praise Brady as an ideal father? Is that why you say "theoretically"? Because "realistically" he will be banging Gisela while the actress does the single mother thing.
motherfucking orioles.
thank god its football season.
@Lawdog - That must be miserable. Best of luck to you, your friends and your family.
As for Dan not picking USC as number 1, I am okay with that (and I am an SC fan after living in L.A. in the early 90's).
I am not sure if I read it on here or somewhere else but I have always favored letting the first polls of the new football season carry over from the prior year until teams start to lose.
Therefore, I like the top three of UF, THE Ohio State, USC....
Touting Brady as an ideal dad? Isn't that along the same lines as Stuart Scott gushing over the birth of LeBron's illegitimate children?
Yeah, I concur with those who want Dan to explain what he means by calling Brady a theoretically ideal father.
Can always count on sheldiz for unbiased Baltimore sports commentary...
matt t...Eli is a media whore?
Texas game...the crazy thing about that game, is that so few really benefited from that it in fantasy.
Does the NAACP think that Don Imus should be able to return as well? How about John Rocker? Their schtick has run its course.
aflockofsigel- can you imagine the media anger if someone not on the "genious" patriots did that?
"theoretically ideal father"
adv. rich, wealthy, famous, able to provide substantive (thought probably not meaningful) upbringing for his child.
That probably covers it. And I'm as big a Brady/Patriots fan as exists in this country.
So help me God if you have Florida as #1 on Monday I'm never coming back here again.
Sparty - well, the Manning family.
I'm sure back in the 70s Lionel Ritchie would be called an ideal father too....
I believe that faking an injury is actually illegal. I am not sure what the penalty is, but the "injured" player has to leave the game for at least that play. Usually they charge the team with a time out, but if the Patriots were out of time outs, I think there is some sort of runoff of the clock (10 seconds I want to say). Maybe this was before that rule went into effect? Because I look at it now as a very stupid play.
And yes, if it really worked but the Colts did it to the Patriots, it would be an outrage.
bettis said he didn't fake his injury, but faked when it actually happened...
"The thing is, I wasn't faking that I had an injury. I was just faking that the injury happened on that short-yardage play. I had to fool the coaches and the team's medical department into thinking the injury had occurred on that play. Otherwise, the Steelers would have had their reason to cut me and my salary."
he said he showed up at camp with a previous knee injury that, and worked the system since teams can't cut an injured player during camp unless they come to an injury settlement...i'd say a smart move on his part to secure his job...
I doubt Dan will have Florida as his #1 unless he is just doing to rile everyone here up. He will probably have LSU as number 1 and then go on and on about how when LSU and Fla play it will be the Greatest.Game.Ever.
To a certain extent, I agree with Marbury calling out people who hunt as it being hypocritical of them to condemn Vick. In my mind as a tree hugging liberal, killing an innocent deer or cute bunny rabbit is just as bad as killing a dog (unless of course you're hunting for food). I was sympathetic to that argument... but calling Dogfighting a sport was totally stupid on his part.
It'd be nice if ESPN or anyone else could find a white athlete saying something stupid for once. It seems they're only intent on showing black athletes look dumb in this. Whether that's intentional or not, it does make the black athlete community look bad.
Bettis faking his injury is even more reason for me to dislike him.
I know this may be a bit late (and a bit of homerism), but being a Bengals fan, watching the Steelers take the knee out of a QB for a second time really pisses me off. I guess the Bengals players had more respect for their collegues and wouldn't give in to Dick LeBeau's teachings of dirty defensive tactics and thus the reason why they never had a good team when he was coaching.
@Dan Mega:
I think it has more to do with the fact that McGinest is a veteran player. I'm not sure you can give Belichick credit for this other than to just say that he makes sure the players are always aware of downs, field position, and time(outs) remaining, etc. (unlike, to use another Pats-related example, Marlon McCree).
FACT: Top 5
USC > LSU > Louisville > Florida > Wisconsin
It will be great to see UofM lose to OSU again, this time in the Big House, and with the better team. What a crap legacy Hart and Henne will leave behind.
As the local talk radio guys say here, the next time a Les Miles coached team wins a big game it will be the first. LSU's had the best talent the past 3 years and haven't won a SEC title since Saban left.
@ Lance A Boyle
At least Lebron is still with his long time girlfriend. I have no problem with any unmarried couple having kids if they are planning on being together for a long, long time. Why would he want to get married?
As for the Rangers 30 runs, what is worse then a mercy rule is the fact that Littleton got a save. the Rangers were up by about 20 runs and he gets credit for a save.
I hate the hunting argument. Maybe if people hunted animals that were confined to a pen or something I could see it. I have hunted for over 15 years, and I can say there are seasons where I won't even see a deer, let alone manage to get a shot off and hit it.
What about swatting a mosquito that is biting you? Or swatting flies with an inhumane flyswatter? Or mousetraps? I think the hypocricy comes from people defending only the cute furry animals.
I got transferred to an office a couple months ago that frowns on the internet at work, so that's why I havent posted any Oriole rants lately. But last night was enough to make me risk my job to say how sad it is to be an O's fan.
I'm not even upset. The last 10 years has made me numb to their ineptitude. I would be more upset if the Ravens gave up 30 in a game (something they havent done since 2005).
But since I am still a die-hard fan, I received several taunting calls from my friends last night. The only comeback I could think of was "Yeah, the Orioles got scored on alot last night, almost as many times as your sister was scored on down on spring break."
@ sparty:
Ain't happenin brotha. No way, no how. tOSU might be out of the top 25 by the time this season ends.
Hey, I can dream, right?
Where was Larry Harlow?
(trivia, Orioles CF that pitched when Toronto spanked them 20 or so to nothing a long time ago)
Oh, and I should point out that I am a liberal. I just like to have venison once in a while. :)
big d,
you so know michigan is going to be undefeated going into that game, we all know what happens in that series when one team sucks and the other is on a roll...
On the McGinest thing....the injury took place (oops, faux injury) took place on an earlier down....first, I think. He came back in to make the stuff on 4th down. (Edge James at the goal line) The problem with the 10-second penalty is that the Colts were trying to rally -- they certainly wouldn't have wanted MORE time to come off the clock.
How many times will the Cowboys score 30 this year in one game?
What does it say about a golf "playoff" when Tiger decidedly skipped the 1st event? It's either Tiger stating he's already won this year's championship (see: POY), or he is pointing out the irrelevance of a playoff system in golf (or both sentiments in one fell swoop). After all, Tiger plays for the Majors anyway, right? I mean, who's ever remembered for winning The Barclays?
Actually Sparty, that generally only happens when OSU is having a great season. Michigan made a habit of wrecking that. Unfortunately since 1997 Michigan hasn't had that many seasons that were wreckable.
If Michigan can stop Chris Wells they will win. If not tOSU will have a good chance at winning.
I'm hoping they have no chance at stopping Wells. Go Bucks.
RE: Marbury, NAACP, and others trying to whitewash the Vick thing... I live 2 hours east of Atlanta, in serious Falcons territory, and I don't know anyone personally that thinks Vick deserves anything but the maximum sentence plus a lifetime ban from football. The only thing I've had to laugh about during all this was when I told my best friend (who only knows the Falcons) that we were gonna be stuck with Joey Harrington this year. Her response?
"Who's that? Is he any good?"
One more thing - the Tom Brady deal... you mean he can get a girl pregs, and then go find someone else to "do"?
Yeah, THAT'S rare...........
Yesterday's Studs and Duds, post-Hawaii vacation edition:
1. Jarrod Saltalamacchia - 4/6, 2HR, 5R, 7RBI, BB
2. Ramon Vazquez - 4/6, 2HR, 4R, 7RBI, BB
3. Andy Pettite - W, 7.0IP, ER, 5H, 2BB
4. Rich Hill - 7.0IP, 2ER, 6H, 10K, BB
5. Jake Peavy - W, 6.0IP, 2ER, 2H, 11K, 5BB
1. Brian Burres - 0.2IP, 8ER, 8H, BB
2. Rob Bell - 1.1IP, 7ER, 5H, 3BB
3. Paul Shuey - 2.0IP, 9ER, 7H, 3BB
4. Jose Mesa - 0.1IP, 5ER, 2H, 2BB, IBB
5. Jason Varitek - 0/5, 2K, 8LOB
LSU needn't worry about the SEC schedule since the Hokies will take care of them in week 2.
And OSU-Mich won't matter since Wisconsin will beat them both!
Anyone else see the stat that the Baltimore Ravens D has not given up 30 points in a game since 2005.
todd: "It'd be nice if ESPN or anyone else could find a white athlete saying something stupid for once. It seems they're only intent on showing black athletes look dumb in this. Whether that's intentional or not, it does make the black athlete community look bad."
Curt Schilling?
Or could it be that what when a white athlete says something its more under the microscope and people are less inclined to forgive them, therefore they avoid saying such things?
Yes, small furry animals are my kryptonite. I basically turn into a five year old girl anytime I see a bunny rabbit. Deer are on the cusp, since I consider watching Bambi as a little kid a traumatic event. Still, Dick Cheney hunting flightless birds (and friends) from his car is pretty wrong.
For white people that say stupid things John Rocker pops up in my head easily.
UF should be at best 6-10 un the poll.
I think people like the Tiki - Eli fight. I believe that people in general like Tiki but think that Eli is a overrated spoiled brat. Tiki just said what everyone was thinking.
Lawdog: I hope things dry out for you and everyone is OK. I know all about the flooding as I live close the last flood shown on TV in Kansas.
@Dan Mega,
When I said that I was referring to the Vick saga, sorry if that left confusion. I was just trying to point out that ESPN and everyone else have been (to my knowledge) only showing black athletes defending Vick, and looking stupid doing so. They also, as Wilbon pointed out yesterday, haven't been showing other black athletes and even teammates of Vick who are extremely critical of the situation.
As per Schilling, even as a Red Sox fan, sometimes I can't stand the dude. Just keep it to baseball and [fake?] bloody sockery Schill, please...
Well, Dick Cheney shoots people in the face, so that is a pretty lousy example.
You're right, Dan, LSU will end the season on top.
Mercy rule? No.
They're professionals.
It's not Texas' fault that the O's bullpen couldn't throw anywhere but down the middle. Maybe Trembley should have brought in a bench guy to pitch.
C'mon, Dan, somebody's gotta defend Michael Vick. What he did was horrible, and he's getting what he deserves, but you can't deny he's gotten rougher treatment because he's a celebrity (ironic twist, huh). As well, why wouldn't the NAACP suspect racial ties? Georgia's gotta be the racist capital of the first world.
(Side note: from what I read earlier in this whole saga, most fighting dogs aren't hard to domesticize for being around people, but are pretty much impossible to train to be alright around other animals again, which makes them impossible to keep since they'll end up viciously attacking neighbouring pets).
Have to agree with Mike:
How can Brady be the "more theoretically ideal father" if he dumped the b-rate actress for the Class A Supermodel?? How does THAT show ideal fathering??
NAACP supporting Vick reinstatment? Shows they are as much about advancing black rights as the KKK. This is not a race issue. Do they actually believe that this would be less of a fiasco if Matt Hasslebeck was found to be involved in a dogfighting ring? What color is the sky in their world (pun intended)? Them doing this means they are making race the issue, and not helping anyone other than maybe Vick himself. Idiotic "political" manouvering at its most shallow.
The only way Brady and Leinert are going to be ideal dads is when these boys are going to try to get chicks when they're older. (and pad their savings accounts)
lawdog~ Ugh, I hope all is well there in Findlay, OH. I am up east of Cleveland and we had flooding last summer. Water is such a pain (especially since I am in the insurance business!) and is so destructive. Be safe.
I think the Tiki-Eli squabble is humorous. I can't stand Eli Manning since his demand to be traded.
Hey, honorary Stud status to the Tribe bats that woke up last night and gave Byrd the needed run support.
I didn't even know Paul Shuey was still pitching.
GO BUCKEYES!!! If they get destroyed by everyone and only beat Michigan, I will be so happy. Having Henne and Hart leave school oh-fer will be HELL-HARRY-US.
i remember when i used to think you were cool and even probably hot until i saw you were from cleveland. i'm sorry for your loss.
i'm kidding! at least you like the buckeyes! :)
You gotta love how the Rays are making it a close race in the East. I swear they pull out wins when they are least expected.
I like to hunt and fish and try to eat what I catch. Maybe Marbury should move to China where they do eat dogs. BTW dog isn't that bad til you realize it is dog same with horse.
Lawdof I feel for you. After living through three hurricanes in a month I know how much water can fuck things up but damn I think we have had more rain where I live in chicago over the last month than I did that entire summer in Florida. I don't miss the daily flooding after storms in Florida but I will miss the hurricane parties.
at least what McGinest or Bettis did isn't as bad as what the Gators did back in the 70's when they just laid down and let I think georgia score so they could get the o back on the field to set some record.
Finally in regard to the Orioles game last night I think all teams need at least one guy on the team who can throw an eephus pitch. That way when the game is out of hand you get some guy off the end of the bench to toss that crap. Hell if it can strike out Ted Williams it can't be that bad.
Everybody's talking about 3 teams in the Big 10 (+1) and seemingly forgetting about Penn State. They have one of the more talented back 7 on D. A offense that's poised to make the leap. They have a very favorable schedule with Notre Dame, Ohio State, and Wisconsin all coming to Happy Valley. The only tough road game is their game in Michigan which say what you will the team is due for a win against that school. Just don't be surprised if you see Penn State looking down from the top of the Big Ten after the season
I have an idea. Why doesn't everyone go here and look at the little box on the right hand side. It's the exact same thing that Dan uses, except that you get ACCURATE information...Asses
hey blue,
stop being such an ass. i bet you came from deadspin and it's guys like you that give that site a bad name. if you want to start shit, start shit over there. or on your "fantasy" blog.
no matter where blue came from, that doesnt change the fact that shamhoff is one of the most fraudulent sports writers out there, but it doesnt matter to you lemmings. Even after things such as the suns-spurs fiasco, and the cards in the nl east debacle, all you guys are still ignorantly sucking on shamhoff's teet.
Hey blue,
Yeah, ESPN sure is accurate *sarcasm*. Dan makes many a mistake, but that may have been the entire reason he had a job at ESPN to begin with.
Since we are on the topic, man the editors at ESPN have been terrible. Mistake after mistake in many of the articles.
1) think the NAACP will ask the NFL to allow rae carruth to stage a comeback too?
2) team USA hoops is so stupid. why any NBA player would jepordize their career for the pan am games or whatever bullshit this is is beyond me. great, we beat venezuela, what a stupid waste of time for everyone involved.
3) tiki is retarded. does he think throwing old team mates under the bus gives him more credibility as an 'analyst'? he is delusional. he will not last as a 'media personality' and he gave up on the g men before winning a super bowl because he is pussy whipped by his wife. what a jagov.
4) i'll probably stop reading this blog during college football. i dont read any other UF blogs and i dont plan to start now.
Dan might make mistakes but at least he didn't fuck up in choice of women. There might be nothing hotter than a chick sporting the orange and blue.
Speaking of Jerome Bettis, did you know that he is from Detroit and played in the Super Bowl in Detroit? You think they would have mentioned something like that at the time...(sarcasm)
There are lots of things hotter than Orange and Blue especially if you aren't obsessed with your wife's alam mater.
I hope, as do most of the readers on here, that UF gets spanked early and often.
There is nothing wrong with jumping ship to your significant other's team. Hell my fiance has no choice, like she is really going to root for You Can't Fail. Of course there is no way in hell I would root for her other teams like the Bears or the Cubs. Fuck that.
Check out PAge 2 on the WWL they have the beatdown the gators had at the hands of the cornfuckers as the fifth worse of all time. I still get sick to my stomach when see that game is on espnclassic.
Ahh Shiek thanks for the memory of watching this. I know that the Gators got crushed but the '95 Cornhuskers are the greatest team in the history of college football so to keep it within 40 was quite an accomplishment.
Also Shiek Ted Williams hit the eephus pitch for a home run he did not strike out.
I can't believe someone else hasn't hit on this yet...the Rangers scored those 30 runs in only 4 innings. They were shut out for the first three and were losing 3-0, also the Birds only committed one error, along with a manager. ha ha. Again it has to be said, Vick is so fucked.
rev~ Hey, I can't help where my parents planted their butts! LOL I guess after I graduated from college I could have gone elsewhere, but I didn't really put much effort into looking for a job.
Tribe wins, 3-1 {crowd noise}
sure, after MLB.tv's feed died on my computer at the start of the 10th.
I was actually watching tWWL's Gamecast, which was 100 times better than Fox's.
MLB.tv is blocked here at work since, you know, I SHOULD be working instead of watching baseball games! HAHA
Futurelegend- I know that Ted Williams hit one out at the all star game but the first time he ever saw the pitch was in a spring training game where he actually whiffed three straight times. The homer he hit should have been an out anyway as he was clearly out of the batters box. Then again I am basing this on something my dad told me from when he was a kid so it is entirely plausible that he is wrong.
Sheik-I did not know about the spring training incident, I was referring to the All-Star game homer.
I would certainly say that a casual golf fan is someone who watches the majors on Sundays. Usually I would be done with golf until next year but with this playoff, and IF Tiger takes it seriously (who knows?) than casual fans will also tune in for the last couple of tournaments.
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