Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday 09/19 A.M. Quickie:
Phillies, Ward, Leftwich, MJD, Tebow, More!

Names to Know: Phillies, Hines Ward, Marc Ecko, Byron Leftwich, Tank Johnson, Andrei Kirilenko, Isiah Thomas, Tim Tebow, OJ...

MLB Stud: Phillies, who beat the Cards in 14 to close within 1.5 GB the Mets (who lost a late lead and the game to the Nats) in the NL East. The Mets have lost 5 straight and it feels like they haven't had any mojo since May.

Ordinarily, it's easier to root for the Mets than it is to root for the Yankees, but in this case I would kind of like to see the Yankees come back and win the division.

However, it's easier to root for the Phillies than for either of the New York teams. Given that the runner-up in the NL East could very well miss the playoffs entirely (say, if the Padres and D'backs both finish with a better record), the Mets had better find a way to turn things around.

(Meanwhile, in a Gotham-sized ironic twist, the Yankees are within 2.5 of the Red Sox in the AL East.)

Hot MLB Rumor: Tony LaRussa ends up in…Seattle!

Bonds 756 Fan Vote: Bonds calls Marc Ecko "stupid." Reiterating yesterday's position, I give Ecko points for cleverness, but I personally would vote to put the ball in the Hall of Fame, not outer space.

Wow, do I enjoy MJD's must-read Debriefing every morning. Today's includes a particularly fun gimmick at the top. I want to play! Jumping or not jumping to these conclusions about the NFL after only 2 games:

Pats can't be stopped: Jumping.
LJ in for a long year: Jumping.
Tomlin a good hire: Jumping.
Turner a bad hire: Jumping.
Steve Smith as best WR: Jumping.
Packers will fade sub-.500: Jumping.
Grossman is hopeless: Jumping.
Texans are actually good: Jumping.

Clean sweep of jumped conclusions after only 2 weeks! (But really: Would you expect anything less from me?) Thanks for allowing me to play, MJD!

Hines Ward accused by business partner: If you have Ward on your fantasy team and your league offers points for "embezzlement accusations," you're going to have a big week!

Byron Leftwich joins Falcons: I'm a big Leftwich fan, but does it really make sense for the least mobile QB in the NFL (in NFL history?) to join the team with the leakiest O-line? (13 sacks allowed in 2 games) Also: Will he dare to wear his usual No. 7? (Update: From the incomparable MDS at Fanhouse, Leftwich won't wear No. 7. Apparently, he'll wear No. 4.)

Tank Johnson joins Cowboys: Would have been a better fit in the mid-90s.

HGH Watch: Does it REALLY surprise you to hear that Rodney Harrison started ordering HGH in 2004? Let's be absolutely clear: I would be surprised to find out that an NFL player DOESN'T use HGH, given its benefits and the lack of testing. We can put a tainted baseball into space but we can't create a reliable urine test for HGH?

NBA: Andrei Kirilenko is blogging in Russian… and demands a trade! He actually has restored some of his value after leading Russia to a title at the European Championships.

Isiah Thomas Lawsuit: I haven't talked about this much, but if the testimony is true, Thomas really has no business running the team, and I'm curious whether David Stern will do James Dolan's work for him and ban Thomas from the NBA upon the trial's result.

Sports Business: Ray Lewis is part of the Under Armour family, which is just about as good of an endorsement fit as I can think of in sports. The "Click-Clack" actor has become quasi-iconic, but they should replace him with Lewis immediately.

CFB: Given that Texas has had 6 players arrested in the last few months, one might wonder what kind of program Mack Brown is running over there. Good thing he's got that championship ring to protect him, Green Lantern-style.

Tim Tebow Update: After the mocking I took in my preseason Heisman preview listing Tebow in my Top 5, he is a legit candidate. His stats are amazing. His team is winning. The New York Times had him listed at No. 2 on their list after Week 3. There's even a T-shirt: "HE15SMAN," which gets points for effort if not elegance. Here's a Palm Beach Post update.

Here's the thing: Unless Florida wins at LSU, Tebow won't be a true contender; if they do win, all bets are off. However, the biggest knock against him will be voters who simply won't vote for a sophomore, figuring they'll vote for him in the next year. Last year, Darren McFadden was the best player in college football, but came in second as a sophomore. Three years ago, Reggie Bush was the best player in college football, but came in second as a sophomore.

Voters figure they can give the award to a sophomore when he's a junior, which is ludicrous. (Now: Is Tebow the best player in college football? No. The best player is McFadden, even though I gave my No. 1 Heisman vote this week to Ray Rice. But Tebow is in the Top 5 right now.)

Meanwhile, here's my video of the day. (h/t Ryan Ferguson at the Fanhouse) You can hate the Gators but enjoy the offensive explosion with a nice little soundtrack.

OJ Update: That's a ton of new charges. A ton. I'm not sure this will produce another Trial of the Century, but hopefully, this time the result includes more justice. Meanwhile, you have to love the audio tape.

-- D.S.


David Kippe said...

wow, yanks 2.5 back. still gonna be tough to make that up in the next week and half. but interesting that francona has decided to juggle his rotation and manny still not back. that can only help the charging yanks.

Natsfan74 said...

The Nationals recorded their 68th win of the season yesterday (and their 2nd straight come from behind by 4 runs against the Mets), which matches the original Over/Under in Vegas. This is about 30 wins more than Dan predicted in his pre-season blog (or almost 100% more). I know they still suck, but this team isn't too far removed from being respectable.

I think Dan was the ghost writer for the Forde Yard Dash this week, half the article bashing the Big 10 and half praising Florida and Tebow. Forde lists Tebow as a Heisman candidate and Florida as one of 4 contenders for the BCS Championship.

But Dan, in reference to the Sophomore thing -- think back to the HBS days and the Network effect. Troy Smith won because he entered the season regarded as the frontrunner, and he didn't disappoint. Much like Matt Leinhart vs. Reggie Bush. It's hard to overcome the pre-conceived favorite unless that favorite falters on their own. It will take a USC loss to move LSU to #1, regardless how each team plays on the field in their wins.

Anonymous said...


Why is OJ being held without bail but his codefendents who allegedly were the ones brandishing the weapons were released?

Why should Isiah be banned already? I hate him as a GM and think he should have never been hired - to do anything. However, in a he said/she said type trial, how do we know that the alleged object of Isiah's harassment isn't a golddigger looking for a big settlement? Isiah should be banned for being an idiot, this sexual harassment thing has yet to be proven as far as I'm concerned.

I love McNabb as a Syracuse fan. I am sure he believes what he said about black QBs. I think his problem is more that he lives in Philly. Buffalo fans never booed Jim Kelly nore would they boo McNabb. I compare since both were 2nd tier, very good QBs who never won the Super Bowl. I see Eli Manning and Chad Pennington getting a lot of criticism and they are both white.

Anonymous said...

More importantly than the Yanks being 2.5 back of Boston is 4.5 (5 games in the loss column) in front of Detroit. If Yanks go 6-5 (very reasonable), Detroit needs to go 10-0 to just tie. In other words, the Yanks would have to go in a huge tailspin to not make the playoffs. I still don't think the Yanks will catch the Sox but it is not impossible now.

Mets look awful. Blowing leads, committing errors, walking lots of batters, failing to come through in the clutch.

As a long time Sweet Lou fan, I am rooting for the Cubs. NL central is a great race right now but kind of sad that a team with 85 wins will make the playoffs.

pv845 said...

They are holding OJ because like most laws if you are the one that was there and directing it you are going to be guilty of the the crime. In addition, he is charged with conspiracy which, as Michael Vick knows, takes almost once you start something to end up convicted of the crime.

Really? If both teams from the West finish with a better record than the 2nd team in the East, then they will both make the playoffs? Who would have guessed?

Is Texas the new FSU or Miami?

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Actually Dan...

The rumor is that LaRussa will be in Cincinnati next year. And I have also heard from sources that Walt Jockety will be following him...which sucks for Wayne Krvsky.

Also...don't forget Rex Grossman was the best player as a sophomore in 2001 (Eric Crouch) and Larry Fitzerald was the best player as a sophomore in 2003 (Jason White)

David Kippe said...

eli and chad get criticism because they are the NY area QBs.

The whole heisman debate is way too freakin early right now. we are what, 3 games into the season. lets settle down on all that hype.

The one thing that really matters right now is the divisional races in baseball. Everyone on here was saying that the AL East race was over 2 weeks ago, you cannot say that now. The NL East is intense, the NL Central, the NL Wild Card, and NL West. This is awesome right now. You know how many fan bases have interest right now? Nobody has officially clinched a playoff berth. When was the last time that with less than 2 weeks left in a season that nobody had clinched anything? Especially since the Wild Card in 95? to quote MLB "I LIVE FOR THIS!"

verbal97 said...

not for anything, but I would have Tebow at no higher than 4th best QB, let alone Heisman contender.

David Kippe said...

gotta love that gagne trade boston!

Luke Bell said...

Screw the Cubs and their pink hat fan base. Maybe they can add another $100 million to their payroll next year as a next step in their 100 year rebuilding program. Go Brewers!

Brian in Oxford said...

It's the perfect storm for Yankees fans....they reel in the Sox, while across town the Mets are fading even worse. (Well, at least this would allow them to solidify their position as most obnoxious fans.)

Can the Red Sox trade Gagne back to Texas? Even throw in a couple of million bucks or something? He should be forced to wear the Teletubbies outfit.

I'm pretty sure Billick was just grandstanding on the "fake line calls" by the Jets. Sticking up for a member of his fraternity....of which Mangini is apparently still just a pledge?

Hockey preseason! Of course, it's still freakin' summer....but hey, it's not like it ever freezes in Phoenix, LA, Miami, for real, right?

todd said...

Supposedly they are holding OJ because he is a flight risk. I don't disagree. That turd would be on the first charter plane out of the country if they let him go.

Trey (formerly TF) said...

I'm still not convinced the Yankees pitching staff will be enough to get them through October...

Anonymous said...

I understand what OJ is charged with and I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life. What I don't understand is why he wasn't realeased on bail? The only reasons to not allow bail to be posted is if the defendant is a flight risk or is an imminent danger to society. OJ has no where to run to and nobody was hurt in the commision of this crime. Far more violent felons are released every day.

Coach Chip said...

The Heisman is a joke anyways. Most of the recent winners have gone on to have great careers selling real estate. College awards are tough because stats can be so inflated by running up the score during cupcake weeks.

"Free OJ" t-shirts? Too soon?

CMFost said...

OJ has not been released yet because he has yet to have a bail hearing which is being held this morning when he will be charged with the crimes. The reason he has not been released is the police in LAs Vegas can hold someone for up to 72 hours and then they have to either charge that person or release him. Since they have no charged OJ with a crime he will be arraigned and given a bail hearing.

That is why OJ is still in jail. And personally I hope he never gets out.

Anonymous said...

I second that Sparty. Great playoff races. Also one thing not brought up is that the Indians and Angels are 0.5 games behind Boston. If the Yanks pass Boston, they have a chance to pass the Indians and Angels too. Still, WC is not bad considering where they were.

Rangers were asking for Melky Cabrera and either Jaba Chamberlain or Ian Kennedy for Gagne. Best trade that Cashman never made. Epstein made some good ones getting Becket and Lowell. Gagne - not so good. Matsusaka looks worn out but the big thing is missing Manny. Amazing what sticking Manny after Ortiz does for that lineup.

Hey, and ease up on those pink hatted fans. My little niece (5 years old) loves her pink hat that my wife bought for her!

CMFost said...

Right now the biggest problem with the Red Sox other then not have Youkillis or Manny in the line up is Francona. His biggest flaw as a manager is he does not know when to remove a pitcher from a game.

Take Sunday for an example, 8th Inning 2 batters get on and he let's Schilling pitch to Jeter who hits a HR instead using someone from his bullpen like most managers would do, or last night after gagne walked in a run he should of been pulled.

Matt said...

The Heisman Award is not meant for the best NFL prospect but instead the best play in college football...a good college player doesnt have to be a good nfl player to win the heisman...

hate that argument that the hesiman is bullshit because often the winners dont translate to good nfl pros.

CMFost said...

I will repeat my line from yesterday on the Red Sox.

The Pink Hat Wearing Fraud Red Sox fans are panicking, the true Red Sox fans are resigned to our fate that we will be the wild card team.

Brian in Oxford said...

Gordie Lockbaum got screwed back in '87!!

Coach Chip said...

I'm just saying the Heisman has lost some of it's street cred. I haven't seen anybody strike the Heisman pose after a TD in few years. Kids aren't growing up hoping to one day have their picture hanging next to Jason White and Gino Torretta

marcomarco said...

@ cmfost


The Pink Hat Wearing Fraud Red Sox fans are panicking, the "Jimmy Fallon/Fever Pitch/Shaugnessy Desciple" Red Sox fans are resigned to our fate that we will be the wild card team.

Yankees need to go 8-3 to our 5-5 just to tie. Not concerned.

Michael said...

Dan probably doesn't remember this bc he hasn't been a Florida fan for that long but Rextasy (Grossman) was a runner up for heisman his sophomore year and had a legitimate argument to win it.

3,900 Yds, 65% completion percentage, 34 TD's and 12 Ints with a passer rating of 170! Instead the award went to Eric Crouch

nsrrder said...

If Herschel couldn't win as a Frosh or Sophomore--no one ever will.

MLT said...

Tebow's stats have come against:
D I-AA West Carolina
Beatdown for hire Troy
and a UT defense that's give up 45, 19 (to a horrible school), and 59.
let's reign the praise in until after he's faced LSU, UGA, USC, FSU.

Gary said...

I'm sick of hearing that Francona should have taken out Schilling on Sunday. The Pitch that Jeter hit the homerun on was Schilling's 80th of the night, in the 8th inning. There is no reason to take out your starting pitcher at 80 pitches when he's only allowed one run. The result sucked, I agree, but it wasn't the wrong move to keep Schilling in. Who was Francona going to bring in, Okajima? Gagne? I'd rather take my chances with Schilling.

David Kippe said...

ron powlus is going to win 3 heisman trophies!

pv845 said...

@ CycleDan: it is up to each judge when to release people and set bail. What was said later about the 72 hour thing is true and probably the more accurate answer.

I still think that it is just because the didn't want to shut down the strip for a slow white bronco like the last time he was loose.

David Kippe said...

please we all wasted 2 years of ourl life because of OJ already, lets leave this alone. it is not relevent to the sports world.

pv845 said...

I agree Sparty.

Here is a better question: Which of the big 3 running backs in the NFL is most likely to bounce back this year (or later). I would say that it is Stephen Jackson. I think the Rams offense has more weapons to open up things, but they need to rely on Jackson more. Any other thoughts?

David Kippe said...

i won this week in spite of another crappy jackson performance. he can get going o may be unstoppable

Jen said...


I sure hope they keep their win streak going and take over the best record of the AL.

OJ is a definite flight risk! It doesn't matter that he has no friends...he'd still attempt it. What a freak and a waste. He is so dillusional.

Natsfan74 said...

The first 3 weeks of this college football season have not provided enough information to predict anything this year -- heisman races or national championships.

Georgia gets credit for beating a "good" Oklahoma State team, then loses to South Carolina and Ok St. loses to Troy (badly).

Oregon gets credit for a solid road win at Michigan -- who in turn sucks.

LSU gets mad props for destroying Va Tech (albeit very unexpectedly), but Tech barely squeaked out wins against Ohio and ECU and may not be top 3 in the ACC, let alone to 10 in the nation.

CAL destroyed Tennessee, who appears to play the matador defense better than Felipe Lopez, even though TEN gave up more points to Florida -- proving TEN probably wasn't very good.

Auburn sucks. Period.

I do think the SEC and Pac 10 are the deepest conferences this year, but I still think the Big 12 and Big 10 are very solid at the top and could produce a champion. But, Wisconsin didn't do anything in non-conference play to help that theory, and it's not Penn State's fault that ND sucks, but it still leaves the B10 lacking in the non-conference win department (OSU over Washington was big, but we'll see how good that UW team is before making any more conclusions).

So, until USC/ LSU/ UF/ OK/ WVU, etc. play someone that we actually know to be good (Oct 6, anyone?), I don't think we can project much into this season.

eric said...

I think the reason the Falcons are bringing in Leftwich is that Harrington takes to many sacks. You can have the best offensive line in the game, but if your QB doesn't get rid of the ball quickly, he can (and will) get sacked.

Jen said...

eric~ See Frye, Charlie for that one! Even though the Browns' O-Line isn't All-Pro, he is known to keep the ball waaay too long.

Anonymous said...

In 4 seasons Leftwich has averaged 7.9 yards rushing per game. In 17 season Dan Marino averaged .36 yards rushing per game.

Not 3.6 (which would still be half as good as Leftwich), .36 yards. 87 yards in 242 games.

This might have been the most shortsighted of Dan's "ever" statements to date.

chitown italian said...

That's enough OJ already. It's about as over done as the whole Vick conspiracy.

The Cubs are in a virtual tie for first. When did the word virtual become part of MLB standings lingo?

No matter what happens they are my team though. Hello early heart attack.

I mentioned to some friends that Sexy Rexy should get Hester and the D whatever they want for Christmas. ESPN said the same thing about six hours later. That is not the first time I made a quote and it was aired within 24 hours. I think I am bugged by ESPN. No seriously, I think they implanted mikes into my clothing, home, and office.

Gotta love the Schaub trade. Right Mr. Blank? should have hired me as the EXPO President when you had a chance. You wouldn't have needed to close stores with me running the business (in case anyone cares).

David Kippe said...

wow, notre dame won't let the kid out his scholarship to go to N. Illinois. ND is being really dumb. Gonna look even worse because the kid is black, bet on it that angle being used through the media.

The heroin sheik said...

OJ is innocent! If only you could see how much I am laughing as I write that. Who cares. you know what is going to happen in the AL East. The Rays sweep Boston to end the season after getting swept the previous series by NY. That should assure the Yankees of the division and I will just go put a bullet i my head.

I can't remember who was talking about this last week. Some hill you walk up outside your college but is kinda far away and a pain in the ass. What hill was that and what school. For the life of me I can't remember.

The heroin sheik said...

OH yeah that gator video made UT look hopeless. It really put a smile on my face. That catch by Harvin has to be top 5 all time.

CMFost said...

Sheik what schedule are you looking at the Red Sox play Tampa this weekend then finish the season with a 6 games home stand 2 vs OAK and 4 vs Minn.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gary, if Tito takes Schilling out and whoever comes in gives up the big hit then everybody would say why didn't he leave him in, which is what they always say about Torre.

CMFost said...

Breaking News from


David Kippe said...

NO MORE OJ!!!!!!

TBender said...

Chitown: Virtual is when teams haven't played the same number of games, but are tied via "games back".

And it's nice to see Zambrano earning that $91 million.

Anonymous said...

Peyton only rushes for 4.8 yards a game also.

The heroin sheik said...

I'm dyspeptic. It is boston, the yankees and toronto for us to end the season and for some reason I thought it was toronto, yankees, boston. If only the season would end and the pain would stop.

Matt said...

ive said it before a nd i will say it happy that fuck charlie frye was traded away from the browns...non browns fans were like who cares browns fans thoguth this was the second coming on jesus (lebron)

indians are on a roll...verlander got smoked last night the jake was today in 9 minutes

go indians and browns

Anonymous said...

If the Yanks clinch the WC with a few games to go and are within a game or so of Boston, do they shut it down, rest their starters or still try to win the division. Also what does Boston do? Is it more important to get your rotation set or get home field. I don't think it is close, better to have your rotation rested and set even if you don't get homefield.

CMFost said...

We already know Boston's answer thus the reason Clay Bucholz is starting tonight, so the Red Sox can line up there rotation

David Kippe said...

yanks will not shut it down. they want homefield

Anonymous said...

The Yanks should do whatever they can to avoid LA in the first round. It's a bad match-up and a lot of travel.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

yanks having to face the angels would be their worst case scenario, even with their rotation set, agree with Dan, from someone who lives in the northeast, hard not to root for the phillies at this point

Jeff Harris said...

In the wacky world of NFL QB rushing stats, how would a legitimate rushing attempt by a QB that results in 2-yard loss be counted? As a sack or rush attempt?

CMFost said...

Ok, this is the first simmons article I am ever going to say this for but it is a must read.

Please, help me keep the 'Lights' on

chitown italian said...

I know why they are tied just curious to who came up with (and why) the term virtual.

Don't even start with Z and the contract. I got a dollar that says he shows to spring training hurt. I hope the new owner likes these fat contracts he is about to buy.

@ Luke Bell - If it weren't for Cubs fans the Brewers would have attendance numbers similar to the Royals. I'll make sure to keep the hotties in the pink hats local instead of going north for a brat.

Trey (formerly TF) said...

Coach Chip said...
I'm just saying the Heisman has lost some of it's street cred. I haven't seen anybody strike the Heisman pose after a TD in few years. Kids aren't growing up hoping to one day have their picture hanging next to Jason White and Gino Torretta

What? Throughout the ages there have been a good amount of Heisman winners that haven't gone on to great pro careers...

Gary Beban
Archie Griffin
Andre Ware

The list is numerous since pro football became relevant in the 60s. it's not some new trend...especially when you consider guys like Carson Palmer, Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush have also won it the last 5 years...

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I stopped reading Simmons a while ago and kind of remember why I stopped now. Any man who watches 90210, the OC and thinks the Karate Kid is a great sports movie should have one of those huge beer cans fall on his head with a narrator saying "Men should act like men!"

I love sports but I have never really loved sports movies. The thing that is great about sports is that it is real. For the same reason I despise pro wrestling, I can't get into sports movies. I don't want to sit through the romantic scenes where the star's girlfriend is crying because he doesn't love her anymore.

There are very few non news, non-sports shows I watch anymore. This is true because I have very little time and can watch sports and news in the background and jump in and out of a show at any time. There are a few comedies that I watch with the wife or kids, Simpsons, King of Queens reruns, the Office and that is about it.

Simmons comes off as a geek to me and the kind of guy I could never see hanging out with. Of all my friends over the years, I would be shocked if any of them ever watched 90210.

So FNL may be a great show, but I will never find out and really don't care if it gets cancelled.

CMFost said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CMFost said...

Cycledan - take this from someone who is not a big simmons fan and never watched 90210 - If you like sports and you enjoy watching TV you should at least give FNL a chance you will be surprised by how good it is.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you completely. I'm not a Sports Guy hater in any way and try to read his stuff and his podcasts are way better than I thought they'd be. Here he is right on the money.

FNL is easily one of the best shows on TV. When I found out it was moving to Friday nights I was genuinely unhappy.

For a more background point of view here's what happend...

The movie was good so NBC bought the idea for the show. They didn't realize how much it would cost for them to make it though. Because of all of the "on-site" work in Texas such as the diner, the school, and obviously the stadium, it costs more than almost any show on TV.

The problem was that unlike other networks (read: CBS, ex. "The Class") NBC doesn't like to cancel shows that are popular with the critics or with the Emmy people. They think it is bad for their image and they are right. So they really wanted to get rid of FNL cause they don't want to pay for it but the critics and ratings weren't low enough to justify that.

You may ask why FNL wasn't on Friday Nights before. The answer is that they were spending so much they had to find a way to get ratings and they figured that a target audience would be people that like High School Football and on Friday nights those people would be at HS Football games not watching TV at home.

Now they are almost trying to do anything to kill the show and it's a shame because of how good it is.

derby said...

don't forget that rex grossman was jobbed out of a heisman in '01 because he was a sophmore. it went to eric crouch - basically for a fine 4-year career. but it was very clear grossman had the best season. of course they tanked in the end, sadly, and didn't have the chance to play miami for the title, which would have been a much much better game than miami v. nebraska...

Jen said...

I love FNL. If they are moving it to Friday night, that will be absolutely absurd on NBC's part. I will be at a high school football game the majority of the time, especially during the playoff season. That's too bad.


CMFost said...

I really do not care what night FNL is on which will be Friday's at least at the start of the TV season. All you have to do is either tivo/dvr it or NBC puts all the episodes available on line.

chipp said...

No way Steven Jackson is the "bounce-back" of the supposed "Big 3" (that LdT, LJ, and SJ, right?). Orlando Pace is the corner stone of that offense and without him they are screwed. Similarly, KC's O-line sucks so LJ is screwed. LdT is the only one with a good chance to get his season back on track (although he'll never produce like he did last year).

starkweather said...

Dan, you didn't even mention UF's biggest moment from yesterday. Don't taser me, bro!

Jen said...

Tribe wins!!!!

{crowd noise}

HornsFan said...

Dan - should we mention that your Florida Gators football squadron has had seven arrests since winning the championship in January? Three of those arrests have involved felonies. As for UT, we've had a couple of DWI's, marijuana, and "hiding evidence." While I don't condone these things, when significant percentages of young people in this country engage in these very same behaviors, I'm not sure the program should be questioned. Instead, it seems that Texas is getting an accurate cross-section of the American public between the ages of 18-22.

David Kippe said...

the tiggers season really came down to be owned by the Indians. And the Yankees own the Indians, and The Red Sox, but the Angels own the Yankees. Guess the Angels are going to the World Seies.

chris619 said...

Reggie Bush didnt finish second in his sophmore year, Adrian Peterson finished second that year as a freshman

Luke Bell said...

The Brewers are on pace to break their single-season record (set the year Miller Park opened). I don't think the Cub fan invasion has too much of an impact on the total attendance, at least not this year. While I do appreciate the extra money given to the Brewer organization by pink hat Cub fans, I do not like going to games in which every routine pop fly gets an aubible gasp from the crowd of Cubs "fans" who don't know the difference.

Nolram said...

Please do more research on HGH as there is little evidence to suggest it is performance enhancing in healthy adults.

I understand it's a much bigger story to have athletes taking something labeled as growth hormone but really the irony is that it is of little benefit if at all (depending whether it is stacked with other drugs). The real story, I think, is athletes most likely using testosterone to increase their own natural levels but still staying within the testing limit, as seen with the Carolina panthers who were caught getting prescriptions from a doctor a year or two ago. Whatever happened to that story anyway?

You pride yourself on being ahead of the curve compared to the MSM yet you still spit the same garbage about HGH as they do.

Luke Bell said...

And, just to make my point even more...

Season attendance thus far:

Brewers: 2,607,082 (35,230 average)
Cubs: 3,087,431 (40,096 average)

So roughly 5,000 per game difference. Maybe it is the Brewer fans invading Wrigley that is bumping up the Cub attendance? :)

Jen said...

Sparty~ Jim Leyland said the Indians are going all the way, and he always knows what he's talking about. ha