Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday 11/19 A.M. Quickie:
Brady, Carr, BCS, A-Rod, Celtics, More!

Today's Names to Know: Tom Brady, Chester Taylor, Terrell Owens, Matt Schaub, Lloyd Carr, Kansas vs. Missouri, Tim Tebow vs. Chase Daniel, Michael Beasley, A-Rod and More!

Pats 19-0 Watch: Pats run record to 10-0 after steamrolling the Bills, 56-10.

New England scored TDs on their first seven possessions, and they have found a way to make blowouts interesting. "How badly will the Pats destroy THIS week's opponent?" is the reason to tune in.

Tom Brady had another 5 TD day (with 0 INTs), still tracking for the greatest season for a QB in NFL history. Cripes: It's like the Bye made them even better.

NFL Wrap: (1) Heckuva job, Browns! There isn't a more feel-good story in the NFL this year (including Brett Favre and the Packers) than the Cleveland Browns; they are this year's Saints, without the sociological undercurrents. Phil Dawson's crazy kicking exploits only serve as ideal symbolism...

(2) So given Chester Taylor's numbers, was it really Adrian Peterson or was it the Vikings' offensive scheme? Probably a little more of both than we all wanted to believe...

(3) For once, Terrell Owens has the right to gloat after that 4-TD performance. It's worth asking if it was the best game of his career...

(4) Any remaining doubts that Matt Schaub was worth trading for? What a difference getting over a concussion makes...

(5) Upset of the Week: Who had the Jets beating the Steelers?...

(6) Dolphins 0-16 Watch: At least the Fins opened up a 2-game advantage for the first overall draft pick on the Jets, 49ers and suddenly sizzling Rams...

(Meanwhile, would you rather be a Dolphins fan, where you kind of KNEW you would suck and the epic ignominy of 0-16 is a distinct possibility, or a Chargers fan, where you thought you'd be a contender but your team is utterly disappointing? The Fins fans have it tough, but I think Chargers fans take the "Sucks Worst to Be You" Award among NFL fans.)

CFB: Lloyd Carr to announce retirement from Michigan today. The question, of course is: Who replaces him? The obvious pick is LSU's Les Miles, but that puts Miles in the awkward position of trying to lead the best team in the country to a national title, with an eye (and everyone else's) on a coaching job he seems to want more than his current one. If you're an LSU fan, do you indulge him for the next six weeks in order to get your national title? Or do you put it to him now and say: If you'd rather be at Michigan, get out now.

Other contenders? I'd put WVU's Rich Rodriguez and Cincy's Brian Kelly on my short list. I'm sure others would push Cal's Jeff Tedford; after the way Cal has collapsed since the Oregon State loss, I wouldn't. Is Michigan still one of the Top 5 jobs in college football? Probably not (USC, Texas, Florida, Ohio State, LSU, with FSU and Michigan on the outside looking in). That means if Les Miles does leave LSU , the intrigue over who takes over the LSU job will be even more interesting than the job situation at Michigan.)

UPDATE: Let me clarify. I'm talking about the Top 5 college football coaching jobs TODAY. "History" only matters as it relates to resources and recruiting, which are the two biggest factors in the ranking.

A third would be "opportunity to play for national championships," which is really a function of the first two. Michigan has a relatively easy path to the national title (one brutal game, Ohio State, and whatever Big Ten team is having a particularly and anomolously good year), but you just don't get the sense that the resource intensity is there to the extent that it is at the other 5 I mention.

Why do you think Michigan is defacing the Big House in the face of all that griping about "tradition" from its octogenarian alumni base? Because that's part of the calculation that goes into success on the field.

I'm not saying it's not a great job. It is. It's just not in the Top 5 anymore. Top 10? Totally. Top 5? Sorry, but no.

CFB Weekend Wrap: Down to four, max. It's fairly simple: Only four teams really seem to have any shot at playing in the national title game. LSU and the KU-Mizzou winner have the inside track, but the KU-Missouri winner has to beat Oklahoma or Texas in the Big 12 title game. (And LSU has to win the SEC title game, by far a less daunting concept.)

If either stumble, West Virginia should be there to take their spot, provided the Mountaineers finish off UConn next week in a de facto Big East title game, then beat Pittsburgh at home in the season finale.

If WVU can't (or both LSU and the KU/MU winner stumble), Ohio State would be in position to back into the title game, actually using the two-week layoff at the end of the Big Ten season to their advantage. (Nice role-reversal from last year's scenario.)

Beyond the BCS title game, the intrigue lies in which teams will be the BCS at-large selections. If the Hawaii-Boise winner is in the BCS Top 12, they get an automatic bid (which would be a shame, last year's performance by Boise State notwithstanding). Hawaii is so overrated, I fully expect Boise State to throttle them, but ultimately be left out of the Top 12.

Given the way things are shaping up, I could see traditional powers who don't win their conference's automatic BCS bid (USC, Texas or Florida, among others) jumping more qualified teams ahead of them in the rankings. All should be within the BCS' at-large qualifications of 9 wins and a Top 14 BCS ranking.

Kansas vs. Missouri, the Lead-Up: The story that will bubble up this week is that this was supposed to be a home game for Kansas, but KU AD Lew Perkins sold the "home" rights to Arrowhead Stadium for $2 million. I'm sure he made the calculation based on Kansas being merely bowl-eligible (and not BCS-contending), but there's a great example of selling out the team and the fans for a few bucks. If Kansas loses the game, Jayhawks fans can and should assign some of the blame to the AD.

This week's BlogPoll ballot: I flip-flopped from last week. LSU is No. 1, followed by Kansas, then Missouri. Obviously, that 2/3 situation resolves itself next Saturday, and the winner of that game will be No. 1 on my ballot, regardless of what LSU does. As mentioned above, I have West Virginia and Ohio State perched at 4 and 5, ready to move up as things shift at the top.

Heisman Watch: It's hardly typical Shanoff homerism to say that Tim Tebow is the front-runner, especially after he became the first player in college football history to run and pass for 20 TDs each.

That said: If Chase Daniel can lead Missouri past Kansas and through the Big 12 title game into the national championship, he would get my vote. Though, under that theory, if Kansas QB Todd Reesing can do the same thing, he would deserve my vote, too. (And, if that happens, he'll get it.) If WVU ends up in the BCS title game and Daniel and Reesing both stumble, I could see the Heisman going to Pat White, too.

Regardless, it's time to bring back the tradition of bringing five candidates to New York for the ceremony, up from three. In the case of the Heisman, "it's an honor just to be a finalist" IS a big deal, and opening that up to a few more players wouldn't hurt anyone.

CBB: When the new polls come out today, I would put Memphis ahead of UNC at No. 1.

Beasley Watch: Meanwhile, if you thought Kevin Durant put up dominant, eye-popping numbers for a freshman, you really need to follow Kansas State's Michael Beasley, who had 28 and 22 in K-State's win over Western Illinois on Saturday. He's averaging 30 and 20. (Yes: 30 and 20.) For those of you old enough to appreciate the reference, it's like Waymon Tisdale two decades later, including the Big 12 orientation.

NBA: The Celtics FINALLY lost. Now, they only lost by 2, the game was in Orlando and the Celtics thoroughly dismantled the Magic in the second half, but still – a loss is a loss.

Amazingly, the Magic won by being out-rebounded 41-28; the difference appeared to come at the free-throw line, where the Magic were 31/44 and the C's were 18/26.

Boston fans didn't REALLY think that the Celtics were going to run the table, did they? Although if the Celtics can win 8 of every 9, they will be just fine; that's a pace for a 72-10 season.

How about the Magic at 9-2, with a win over Boston on their resume? They are showcasing their own "Big Three" -- Dwight Howard (24 and 6, with 3 blocks), Rashard Lewis (22 points), and Jameer Nelson (18 points, 6 assists). Definitely the surprise team of the season so far.

Meanwhile, the Bulls playing the Lakers was a nice moment to second-guess the Bulls for not pulling the trigger on a deal to bring Kobe to Chicago. I guess John Paxson thought that the Bulls would be, y'know, competitive. As they aren't, the missed opportunity is on him. By all accounts, that window is closed.

MLB Awards Season: Today, A-Rod will be crowned AL MVP in what should be a runaway. It was arguably his best individual season yet, though the accomplishments were/are once again diminished by the lack of postseason success and – this year – the inelegant way his contract opt-out was handled by Scott Boras. The only redeeming situation was that A-Rod seemed to minimize Boras' impact in doing his new deal with the Yankees. Needless to say, it is unlikely that this is A-Rod's final MVP award.

MLB Hot Stove: Tom Glavine gets a homecoming with the Braves for 1Y/$8M. Too bad Greg Maddux signed his deal with the Padres, or we could have a full-on mid-90s reunion in ATL.

NASCAR: Jimmie Johnson wins second straight Nextel Cup title. Under Shanoff definitions, that qualifies him as a NASCAR dynasty.

-- D.S.


marcomarco said...

How many ppl here will whine about running up the score and or Classlessness today?

Over/Under: 12

marcomarco said...

(5) Upset of the Week: Who had the Jets beating the Steelers?...

(6) Dolphins 0-16 Watch: At least the Fins opened up a 2-game advantage for the first overall draft pick on the Jets, 49ers and suddenly sizzling Rams...

And, the Pats first round draft pick (re: 49ers) just increased to 3rd overall. Go Rams!

Gary said...

I don't think it's selling out to move a rivalry game to a neutral field, like Florida/UGA and Texas/Oklahoma (maybe others, I can't think of any).

Its not that Kansas is only losing a home game, Mizzou has to lose their home game next year in the same deal. It's a two year trial of playing at Arrowhead and I figure that it will be an extended stay based on the matchup this year.

Perkins is a great AD, he builds football programs, he did wonders at UConn and now he's bringing Kansas into the limelight, kudos to Perkins for having the foresight to move the game to a much larger stage, and the teams playing have performed up to the task of playing on that stage.

Geoff said...

It'll be interesting to see what happens the next month, as Michigan will obviously pursue Les Miles as he goes for a national championship. Michigan is still a top 5 college job, definitely a better job than Florida (Urban Meyer even had a Michigan clause in his Utah contract) and just about any coach out there would be interested in the position.

David Kippe said...

the all time wins leader in college football? yeah, I would say that keeps it as a top 5 college job.

David Kippe said...

I would say the Pats actually idled down last night and didn't run up the score. considering they scored on 7 straight posessions.

Ed Lamb said...

Dan, how can you write that Kansas playing Mizzou at Arrowhead is "a great example of selling out the team and the fans for a few bucks"?

Lawrence is 40 miles from Kansas City and 126 miles from Columbia, Mo. An hour's drive for students is hardly an impossible burden, and alums would almost all be traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to Lawrence, any way. Holding the game in KC, with all the alums would be flying into anyway, actually helps out Kansas and Missouri.

Ed Chavis said...

High expectations/low results (San Diego), or low expectations/matching results (Miami)? How 'bout us Falcons fans, with low expectations followed by a coach who seems determined to run the team into the ground. At least Turner and Cameron seem to want to win... Petrino benches Harrington, who produced 2 wins, in favor of Leftwich, who is throwing every ball too hard to be caught cleanly. He also fell on his butt after tripping over his own feet.

We have become the Oakland Raiders of the east coast.

pv845 said...

For someone that actually attended and graduated from KU it is selling out Lawrence and the fans. I am sure a lot of people forget all the other great things that come with a great CFB game. The fans that come and stay the night at a local hotel. The fans that come and shop on Mass Street. The fans that come and eat at one of the local establishments. Oh and don't forget the fact that you control almost all the tickets for the game except the alloted amount that go to Mizzou.

Lew Perkins is a horrible college athletic director. He however is an amazing business man. Ask almost any person at KU and they will tell you the same thing.

TBender said...

Having the Border War in KC makes so much sense, I'm surprised they haven't been doing this in the past.

I guess it hurts Kansas more than it hurts Missouri. Missouri has already played one neutral site game this year -- in St. Louis against Illinois.

And can someone explain to me how Missouri isn't #3? Does Missouri's game against I-AA Illinois State hurt them that much more than Kansas' opening with 4 cupcakes at home (plus Kansas played Baylor!)?

Gratitutious comment designed to rile up New England fans: The Pats ran up the score again! Total lack of class.

Coach Chip said...

Where's the Heisman talk for Texas Tech QB Graham Harrell? If Colt Brennan gets rewarded for being in a pass first offense why not Harrell too? He puts up better numbers against better competition.
Harrell's got 72% Cmp percentage
45TDs and only 14 Ints.
I really thought Dan would have started this bandwagon weeks ago.

Matt said...


WOOF WOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what an amazing ending. it is sooooo good to have that shit finally go in favor of the browns instead of against them. and to do it against the NFLs best asshole tandem of Gods Double Murder Witnessing Linebacker and that douche their home


seriously fuck off ravens fans

and now on to the wildcard

Sheldiz said...

a) its the NFL, not little league. as much as i am NOT a pats fan by any stretch of the imagination, i wasn't particularly offended by their "running up the score." (although, going for it on 4th and 1 when you're up by 28 is an interesting judgment call.) anyway, i've always thought it was way more annoying and embarrasing as the losing team to have the other team stop playing.

b) it sucks pretty hard to be a ravens fan right now, too.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


i am not a ravens fan...but your comment "seriously, fuck off ravens fans" is why everyone thinks the browns AND the entire city of cleveland is a joke. have some class in victory b/c lord knows browns fans don't have class in defeat (ie: throwing bottles on the field).

Tunsney said...

Les Miles will not take the job in Michigan. It is going to be offered to Glen Mason. That was the latest news out of Ann Arbor.

CorrND said...

1. If the Celtics win 8, lose 1 the rest of the season, that's 73-9.

2. FSU as a premier coaching location? Besides the program's fall-from-grace since the 2000 BCS Championship loss, any future coach also has to deal with the rise of USF and UCF in the Florida recruiting war.

critical fanatic said...

NFL Item #2

Chester Taylor rushed against arguably the worst rushing defense in the Oakland Raiders.

AD did his damage against the Chargers, a top tier run defense.

That, more than anything else, was a factor. AD is still so much better than CT.

Unknown said...

pv845, college athletics *is* a business, so I'd have to say Perkins is a great college AD. However, if you want to talk about him as a person....

jhawkjjm said...

My god. I also went to KU and guess what, who cares if the game was moved to Arrowhead? The only problem I have with that is that Chiefs season ticket owners got priority on tickets. That's crap. And honestly, I don't mind trading this year for next year, when its Daniel's senior year.

It's amusing that locals of Lawrence and business owners are condemning Perkins for moving the game because it hurts their business and costs them money. They got 7 games at home this year which is the same they've received in the past. And its super hypocritical to accuse Perkins of hurting their business when he's making a good business decision for the athletic department.

Forecast as of right now for Saturday in KC, high in the 30s. If the weather is crappy and neither team can throw, advantage KU's running game and defense.

Ryan Mathre said...

No mention of Moss's 4 TD's in first half?

As a Minnesota Gopher football fan I feel for Michigan fans if Glen Mason is seriously being considered for the head job.

Geoff said...

hah... Glen Mason, as if.

Anonymous said...

1. T.J. Ford - 12/22 FG, 5/5 FT, 6 REB, 9 AST, 2 STL, 29 PTS
2. Beno Udrih - 9/13 FG, 5/5 FT, 4 REB, 6 AST, 23 PTS
3. Rasheed Wallace - 7/10 FG, 3/4 FT, 12 REB, 2 AST, 17 PTS
4. Paul Pierce - 10/17 FG, 8/11 FT, 5 REB, 6 AST, 2 STL, 28 PTS
5. Jordon Farmar - 5/7 FG, 2/4 3PT, 2/2 FT, 4 REB, 8 AST, 3 STL, 14 PTS, Jew

1. Derek Fisher - 2/8 FG, 0/1 3PT, 0/0 FT, 2 REB, 1 AST, 1 STL, 0 BLK, 4 TO, 4 PTS, 23 MIN
2. Monta Ellis - 3/6 FG, 0/0 3PT, 2/4 FT, 1 REB, 0 AST, 0 STL, 0 BLK, 5 PF, 4 TO, 8 PTS, 22 MIN
3. Joe Simth - 2/6 FG, 0/0 FT, 2 REB, 0 AST, 1 STL, 1 BLK, 3 PF, 4 TO, 4 PTS, 18 MIN
4. Anthony Parker - 2/8 FG, 1/4 3PT, 0/0 FT, 3 REB, 0 AST, 1 STL, 0 BLK, 1 TO, 5 PTS, 31 MIN
5. Eddie House - 2/7 FG, 0/1 FT, 5 REB, 0 AST, 0 STL, 0 BLK, 2 TO, 5 PTS, 23

pv845 said...

I understand that CFB is a business, that is why I said he is a good business man. However, Lew takes every oppurtinuty to screw over the students, faculty and town that he can. I fully realize that the team getting better makes it better for everyone, but there are less drastic measures for doing this.

Like jhawkjim said, giving the Chiefs season ticket holders first priority sucks. I don't see how it is hypocritical of them to accuse Lew of moving the game away from Lawrence. You want to tell me that the same crowd and people come to the MU game that come to the Toledo or Central Michigan game? Come on!

marcomarco said...

Has anyone except me noticed that the 49ers last 7 games have almost equalled the patriots last 1?



I have a good friend in Buffalo whom I had to call before the game, and again at halftime (with apologies).

His quote: "Yeah well, at least I get to go to bed early"

Tunsney said...

@Ryan & Geoff

I was kidding about Glen Mason. I am a Gopher fan and I just wanted to kick the Michigan fans a little while they were down. I guess it is the old saying "misery loves company" Although, Tim Brewster has promised us a Rose Bowl. (whatever puke)

It is good to keep seeing all these old Timberwolves in the duds section of guy in the corner's posts.

So how many people were smart enough to start Chester in place of AD?

Natsfan74 said...

Guy -- I loved your analysis of Jordon Farmar. Perhaps that line alone should move him up to 2 or 3 in the studs....

On Friday, I picked my doomsday scenario for why OSU will play in the BCS Championship game. Well, WVU tried to give the game away to Cincinnati, but other than that it is working to plan. Oregon and Oklahoma jumped out of the Race. This week, I am a fan of UCONN, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. I hope OU wins out now....

Tebow for Heisman is unfortunately about the most legitimate claim right now. I wonder if he stays there after losing to FSU this week-end. It's been a while since a 4-loss team sported a Heisman. But the guy has some ridiculous numbers, and is the only thing keeping that team from being 6-5 right now. I think the candidacy for Pat White should be back on the screen, especially if he takes the team to the BCS Championship Game (a very likely scenario right now).

Glenn Mason is a Buckeye. He won't get the UM job. He played and coached at OSU and was the leading candidate when Tressel came from nowhere to get the job.

And Minnesota basketball is off to a good start, and beat Louisville (something Tubby had trouble with at UK).

chitown italian said...

I want THE Ohio State to play USC in the Rose Bowl (assuming USC wins out because Oregon is not beating OSU with a Leaf at QB).

Matt said...


really you can fuck off too

you assholes stole our team, have one of the worst coaches in the NFL in terms of all around douchiness and a murder witnessing god finding linebacker.

you wanna point to classless, how about Haloti Ngata punching joe thomas in the head while JT was on the ground...just another classless thug to go along with the Ravens Defense.

so as i say fuck off to baltimore as a city and as a team i sincerely mean it

have fun not winning a game in the division douche bag

jhawkjjm said...

I don't want to get into the hypocriticalness of the decision, as I'm tired of hearing about it. But I've sat through more than a few Missouri games where the stands at Memorial stadium were half empty. In fact, only Nebraska consistantly sold out and then the stadium was red. The people would have a better arguement if they showed up no matter what KUs record is. If the team was 1-10 this wouldn't be as big an issue.

marcomarco said...

Quick, someone give matt a hug. He wasn't given enough attention as a child.

John said...

On the UofM job:
It is one of the top 5. Florida and LSU aren't in the mix as Meyer and Miles both would have gone to Michigan had the job been open when they took their current positions.

My top 8-9 jobs are USC, Texas, tOSU, MI, Alabama, Oklahoma, ND, Penn State and maybe Nebraska.

College football is all about tradition and those are the winningest programs. The last 5-10 years don't outweigh 100+ years of tradition.

and Dan -
Get off Florida's jock.It has never been a top job, everyone leaves or is fired. Meyer is good but he will leave too.

Tunsney said...

@ Natsfan

That was the Gopher Women who beat Louisville. The men have only played Army. Their next game is tomorrow night against Iowa State. For a minute there I thought you were DAN posting.

Sheldiz said...

wow matt, aren't you just a ray of sunshine today?

and i LOVE LOVE LOVE when people blame the fans for stealing a team, as if we had any say in the situation.

or as if, as baltimore football fans, we might not have some experience in the arena of losing a team to another city.

it only took you guys like five minutes to get a team again. simmer down.

nsrrder said...


No way Florida gets to the Sugar Bowl over UGA as an at large. In fact, I would love for the Dawgs to get a shot at LSU in Atlanta, but it probably won't happen. I think they're playing the most "inspired" football in the country right now.

Matt T said...

I could see traditional powers who don't win their conference's automatic BCS bid (USC, Texas or Florida, among others

UF will not be getting an at large bid. If UGA wins this weekend against GT and UT wins, UGA will finish the regular season the highest ranked 2 loss team and will be in the top 6 in the BCS and have an at large big.

Unknown said...

Re: Glen Mason - Buckeye

Bo Schembechler was born and raised in Ohio. He played at Miami University (Miami of Ohio) under Woody Hayes, earned a masters degree from Ohio State, and coached at Ohio State under Hayes for five plus years. Also was head coach at Miami (OH).

marcomarco said...

On if he had motivation from knowing that Terrell Owens had four TDs in a game today
“I saw the real 81. I think he had like 170 yards and four touchdowns. Yeah, I saw the real 81. But I don’t really get into that. I have a job to do and that’s to go out and block and catch balls. To try to go out there and try to duplicate or do something better than a receiver did on Sunday is not my game and I don’t want to do that.”

Moss Checks in

Yea, sure you didn't.

TBender said...

The last 5-10 years don't outweigh 100+ years of tradition.

This is true as long as Beano Cook still lives...

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


it's funny how matt totally ignored my statement of "i am not a ravens fan."

everyone here knows who my teams matt...again, enough with the bad sportsmanship. GOOD cleveland fans get a bad rap b/c of assholes like you.

wolverine425 said...

Michigan has been and always will be one of the greatest places to be a head coach. Only in the last 20 to 30 years has Florida leapt up to that echelon...Michigan still has the most wins in the history of college may have been a few down years for us but it is still one of the great jobs in all of sports...thank you lloyd for that national championship in 1997 and for so many great years...i for one will miss lloyd, but he knows its his time to pass the torch...go blue.

marcomarco said...

Ok, last homer post for today (mabye):

Jen said...

The people at that Browns game were throwing bottles because of a bogus call, not because they lost.

I am so sick of people's opinions of Cleveland and the fans because of what people do wasted at sporting it doesn't happen EVERYWHERE.

marcomarco said...

@ jen

Buffalo fans rained garbage down on the pats bench. Stallworth got hit with two full beers. That was on a couple of 4th down plays, but whatever.

Matt said...

@rev my mistake but i still stand by my comments about that dump Baltimore

and @Sheldiz i am a ray of sunshine bright and sunny...we swept balt this year the ravens are on a freefall the bucks beat um, carr is retiring, and the jest beat pitt in ot...i have more than a few reasons to be happy

you will take the blame for stealing just like you guys blamed indy for taking your colts. wait the fans didnt really have anything to deal with it?!?! wow thanks for clearing that up

Matt said...

oh and rev i am an asshole because i hate one of my teams bitter fanbases?? sorry if the f word offends you

slaskaris said...

You say the BCS title game is down to 4 teams max yet then you list 5 teams that could get in with various outcomes. ?? There are 5 teams still in play and people should have learned their lesson by now about jumping the gun and thinking they have this crazy year figured out!!

The Heisman race however is down to 1 period...Tebow.

The heroin sheik said...

I have to agree with playing a game at a neutral site is a bit of a sell out. As nice as it is to play UGA every year in Jax think the best two games I can remember were the two years we played home and away while they were fixing the gator bowl. However they have been playing there since the beginning of the rivalry since Jax is historically a contentious location for people from GA who think it should be part of Ga. Years ago they tried to get UF FSU to move to a neutral field and they said fuck that.

UF is at the moment one of the top 10 schools to coach at but unfortunately we had a history of making bad judgements on who we should have coach our team.

Cant wait to go to Florida tomorrow. I scored tix to both the FSU game and to see the Bucs v The foreskins. This will be a great weekend of football.

Dan- we are going to be playing in either the Citrus bowl, the HOF game, or the Peach Bowl. Or whatever the hell they are called this year.

Natsfan74 said...

I know Bo is a Buckeye! He left the OSU staff after the 1968 championship team and upset Ohio State in 1969. I get it.

I would argue that the UM position is a bit different now. Bo made UM relevant again. But, since he left, it's been his coaching tree that has kept the program going. If having a Buckeye coach isn't a problem, why wouldn't they open the piggy bank extra wide to lure the sweater vest? You know they have it.

Nebraska went outside the program for Callahan, and now are hoping to return to glory with Turner Gill. As an outsider, new coaches have no internal base to build from. Some fans will be skeptics just because of pedigree. There was a pocket of OSU boosters who were upset Mason didn't get the Ohio State game. The only good thing Tressel did in his first year was beat UM (and lose a bowl game). Year 2, he wins a national championship, and all is right with the world. But, it wasn't all candy and flowers to start. Alabama cost itself some relevancy through their last coach search. Now, they lose to LA-NoName, and are going to get crushed by Auburn. Alabama will not win an SEC Championship or Division title with Saban as the coach.

Matt said...

agree tebow wins the heisman, no one is close

The heroin sheik said...

OH yeah and Tebow will win the Heisman based on his five touchdown performance he will put on the girls school up north. After all he will be playing at Ron Zook field.

Jingoist said...

Dan's right about the Patriots. I'm a lifelong Pats fan, and even I enjoy them more thoroughly simply trying to see how they can dismantle an opponent in every single way possible. It beats the 3-point squeakers in the past Super Bowl-winning seasons that seemed to come week after week. You just never felt comfortable like this season.

And if anyone thinks that not going for it on 4th and inches on that last drive makes the Pats soft (compared to every other game's ending sequences for them this year) you just have to understand the mercy killing was long over by then.

And while I'm on the "home team" diatribe, the Celtics needed a loss. Plain and simple. And you can't complain about a "quality loss". You don't want to lose, but you need them to help you improve as a team. That is, unless your the Patriots.

Allen Wedge said...

In the meantime while all the media wants to talk about Boston's sports dominance right now, they all conveniently don't mention that the New England Revolution Sunday lost their 4th MLS Cup in 6 years and (Buffalo Bills-esque) 3rd in a row now.

Jen said...

sheik~ I can't believe you called them the "foreskins"...that's what my husband calls them. We can never call teams by their real names in our house. I think my favorite is Purdue: "Purdon't". I think I peed myself the first time I heard him say that.

The heroin sheik said...

Jen my fav nickname for a team is either the Miami chicken of the sea for the fins or the Miami tropical depressions for the canes. Why are they the tropical depressions? Because they are so sad at how bad they suck.

you also have the volunqueers and the mildcats. You can also do it to fast food places like pizza slut or the bowel king.

bkelly126 said...

WV and OSU fans should remember that if Kansas makes it to the title game and loses, the Big 12 is the only conference where losing your conference title game can still get you into the championship game (see Nebraska 01 and Oklahoma 03)

Jingoist said...

I think WVU having an outside shot at the BCS title game is a little weak for the system. As is Kansas being there (though they totally would deserve it if they go undefeated). The problem is, the BCS became almost too involved with parity in a really short period of time. I almost think it was better when you could expect big name teams to be in the hunt (even if it felt rigged).

Now, "LSU vs. Mizzou" or "LSU vs. Kansas" doesn't have that same ring to it as "THE Ohio State vs. LSU". Even worse, what if it's, say, "Mizzou vs. WVU"? Ugh. Though I cannot discount the WVU offense looking good on national TV after New Year's for all the nation to see.

Here's a thought... does a "W" in the Mizzou/Kansas game do more for Mizzou or does it help Kansas more? My problem with it is, despite both being ranked in the Top 5, both are hurt by the simple fact that their week schedules possibly will bounce them both if Kansas loses. So then Kansas needs this win more- run the table and they are in, lose and they are just another 1-loss pretender. But if Mizzou loses, they have NO shot at the title either. So then THEY need the win more so they keep their title hopes alive and hope LSU loses or WVU doesn't squeak by them in the computers. Simply put, this is where a team's weak schedule hurts them most... at the end when the only difference between you and all the other pretenders is SOS.

The Mark Show said...

Sand Wedge,
It's not the media forgetting to mention the Revolution, it's that no one gives a shit because it's the freaking MLS.

CMFost said...

Sand Wedge said..."In the meantime while all the media wants to talk about Boston's sports dominance right now, they all conveniently don't mention that the New England Revolution Sunday lost their 4th MLS Cup in 6 years and (Buffalo Bills-esque) 3rd in a row now."

That is because it is soccer and most Boston sports fans do not pay attention to professional soccer. I bet there are some Boston sports fans that did not even know we had a professional soccer team.

And just to answer I would rather have a team make it to the championship 4 teams then never make it to a championship game.

bkelly126 said...

@the heroin sheik
I always preferred being called UThug or UcheaT

Matt T said...


Did they change the BCS rules so that if you don't win your conference you can't go to the title game?

I know they were talking about it but I can't remember if they did

Jen said...

Sheik~ Don't forget "Toxic Hell"

So, I am right to say that Dan did NOT mention the Buckeyes spanking of Michigan? The uselessness of Hart and Henne? Hart running his mouth but not doing squat on the field? I went back to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

Geoff said...

What is there to say about the game? Michigan played horrible and OSU played horrible. OSU was just a little less horrible on about 2 plays.

Matt said...

osu offense didnt really play that bad, the running game was spot on, and the defense held up. tress just felt good calling nothing but running plays to kill clock and let the d dominate, as it did

was a borning game but i wouldnt say tOSU played awful

bkelly126 said...

@ matt t
nope, it was just discussed but never put into the system (though it should). but I just learned that no more than 2 teams from any BCS conference can be represented in the BCS games, so if Tennessee (if we beat kentucky...fingers crossed) beats LSU in the championship either LSU or Georgia would get shut out due to the automatic bid.

Maher said...

Ditto on the Chester Taylor comments, the Raiders are trash against the run, so don't go all crazy now saying CT = AP, anyone who plays Fantasy Football can tell you which back they'd rather have had for the first 10 weeks of the year.

Mason at UM? HAH.

The BCS should take it a step further. Instead of arbitrarily deciding which 1 loss teams should play in the NC (assuming KU loses in the next 2 weeks) Why not just save us all the trouble from now on and crown the champs on August 25th next year. Apparently the learned scholars of the Harris Poll (whatever the hell that means) know better than all other football watchers, and playing the games out to decide things (playoffs) is so against the tradition of college football.

That or just use NCAA 09 on my PS3 and sim the full season with ESPN and FOX broadcasting it live in HD.

Jen said...

Geoff~ my point is that Dan's doesn't comment on most games that he has as an upset when he is wrong, especially when it is Ohio State.

marcomarco said...

What time is Bonds turning himself in? (thought I read that somewhere over the weekend, anyway)

jhawkjjm said...

Actually, if I remember correctly that '01 Nebraska team didn't even play in the Big XII championship, Colorado did.

bkelly126 said...

you are correct. so, hypothetically, if Kansas loses to Missouri and in turn Missouri loses the championship game, Kansas could still jump somebody. if that happens, the conference champ rule MUST be put into the system

A.P. Boynton said...

Sorry Dan, but Florida doesn't deserve to be in the BCS title hunt if all these other teams lose. A 3-loss team isn't worthy no matter the conference.

bkelly126 said...

let's look at the BCS bowl candidates:
SEC - LSU, Georgia, Tennessee
ACC - BC, winner of VT/UVA
Big 12 - Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma
Big 10 - Ohio State
Pac 10 - AzSt, Oregon
Big East - winner UCONN/WVU
non-BCS - winner Boise State/Hawaii

so if no more than 2 teams from any conference can appear in a BCS game, there seems to be no room for Florida, Texas, or USC. sorry dan

Jen said...

bkelly~ Boy that breaks MY heart! LOL

Failgoat said...

The Steelers definitely didn't play their best yesterday, but give credit to Eric Mangini: he coached rings around Mike Tomlin and Bruce Arians.

TBender said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PatriotsNation said...


Patriots destroyed the Bills.

Mmmm I'm lovin it!!

TBender said...

You didn't include Texas who now could win the B12 South (win vs A&M plus OU loss vs OSU).

Once the auto bid slots are filled, then the bowls can go away from that list. Texas could still finish 2nd in the Big 12 South and get selected for a BCS game because they travel well. It's still all about the dollars...

bkelly126 said...

I guess Texas does have an outside chance if they make it to the conference title game, but if they don't, I can't see any way they would jump either a 1 loss Kansas or a 2 loss Missouri (or even the pac-10 runner-up) for an at-large bid

jhawkjjm said...

OU may be playing without starting running back Murray as well as without Bradford against Okie St. At this point I think Texas actually has a better shot at a BCS birth than OU. I'm not sure that OU can beat either KU or Mizzou on a nuetral field (Houston has the Big XII championship this year), that team has struggled big time on the road, see Colorado, TT, Iowa State. A lose in the championship would give OU 2 losses, making Texas look better at 2. And reality says that a 2 loss Texas team gets a big over the KU-Mizzou loser.

Maher said...

I just hope the B12 teams take each other out and WVU chokes on UCONN.

I want to see LSU v OSU because LSU is nothing more than a bunch of Paper Tigers propped up by all the fanboy "experts" of CFB scene.

You know, all those same EXPERTS who picked USC to go undefeated this year. All pre-season it was nothing but "USC DYNASTY" BS.

Same people that said Randy Moss would be a cancer in NE.

TJ said...

@ matt t

UF will not be getting an at large bid. If UGA wins this weekend against GT and UT wins

Yes, but if UGA loses to GT, OR if UT loses to Arkansas then UGA loses to LSU, UF could certainly get a Sugar Bowl bid. If it comes down to a Sugar Bowl committee deciding between 3-loss Florida and 3-loss UGA, they'll be looking as who will make them money, not who is more deserving, and UF could well be the better money choice. (Especially if Illinios manages to get in the top 14 and nab a second BCS spot for the Big 10. A Florida-Illinios matchup would probably be too sweet for the Sugar Bowl to pass up.)

Natsfan74 said...

The Sugar Bowl does not have to take an SEC team, so why would they need to pick between 3 loss teams anyway? If LSU wins beats Tennessee for the SEC crown, a 2-loss Georgia probably goes BCS bowling. If the Vols lose to Kentucky, and say LSU beats Georgia for the SEC, leaving 3 SEC East schools with 3 losses, then the BCS only takes 1 SEC team.

If OU beats OK St, then loses the B12 Championship game, then the winner goes to the BCS title game, and Texas goes to the Sugar Bowl (proximity/ money/ etc.)

The Big 10 probably only gets 1 bid, no matter what happens.

This is actually the year where the 5th BCS game is superfluous (unless you are Hawaii or Boise State).

Deluxe said...

who here likes MarcoMarco? raise your hands

Anonymous said...

I can remember thinking how stupid the people were who thought that Moss would be a cancer with the Pats. That was idiotic. Yeah, who wants to win Super Bowls anyway? Or play for one of the best coaches ever? Or for one of the best quarterbacks of all time? He should just go screw it up. Yeah, that makes sense.

Deluxe said...

that's what I thought...nobody raised their hand.

probably explains why he's been marcomarco for so long, and nobody has been polopolo.

He keeps calling out to you guys, but nobody listens

Beetle said...

Hey Sand Wedgie,
It's pretty sad that in order to find a loser in the Boston sports landscape that one has to;

1. Sink as far as referencing the MLS (what next? major indoor lacrosse?).

2. Consider losing a heart breaker in the championship game, and appearing in the same championship game several times this decade thus being an indicator of NOT being a successful franchise.

Stat of the day..from Peter King;

The Patriots starting offense has scored a TD in 9 consecutive possessions, excluding the intentional kneel-down to end the Colts game.

CMFost said...

Mike Lowell is on the verge of returning to the Red Sox [team stats].

The Red Sox and Lowell have agreed to the parameters of a three-year contract with an annual worth of “more than $12 (million) but less than $13 (million)” according to a source familiar with the negotiations.

The deal, which won’t be finalized until tomorrow, was brokered by the Sox and Lowell’s agents, Sam and Seth Levinson, early this morning.

It has been learned that approximately a week ago the Red Sox had set a deadline for the end of today for when Lowell had to accept or reject the team’s offer.

After deliberating with his family on vacation at Walt Disney World this weekend, Lowell decided to accept the Red Sox’ offer today.

Anonymous said...

3 years 37.5 is the word.

Beetle said...

You noticed how the Lowell deal was announced at about the same time as A-Rod's MVP award?
Check and mate!

marcomarco said...

@ toby

(Hand raised)

I like me.

I'm not baiting anyone, merely posting things I find interesting. If you don't like it, feel free to ignore me.

The Mark Show said...

Beetle said...
You noticed how the Lowell deal was announced at about the same time as A-Rod's MVP award?
Check and mate!

Douche and bag! You honestly think the Lowell signing in any way overshadows the MVP award? Um, no.

TBender said...

FYI, San Antonio is hosting the Big 12 Championship, not Houston. Anyway, as long as Texas isn't in the game, it should be a very neutral field.

And bkelly, you are completely discounting the pull of Longhorn dollars. If Kansas wins the Big 12 championship over Oklahoma, then 2-loss Texas would probably get the call over 2-loss Missouri.

(I'm not for Texas, but that is probably what would happen.)

David Kippe said...

who's to blame? ESPN or Cablevision and other major cable outlets for not carrying ESPNU?

This is making it horrible for Big Ten fans this season for college basketball, considering Big Ten network is not available either except on Direct TV. damn it!

jhawkjjm said...

oops.. my bad on the Big XII championship. I thought they were rotating it now between KC and Houston rather than San Antonio.

Deluxe said...

you raised your own hand you douche

marcomarco said...

You asked people to raise their hands on a blog. Yet i'm the douche.

You're fun.

A.P. Boynton said...

I can't wait til LSU loses and doesn't make it to the BCS championship game. Too bad they can't really compete with solid offenses. They beat up on bad teams and can barely beat the good ones.

Here's to UK beating UT this weekend and UGA winning so that UGA can STOMP all over LSU's overrated defense.

bkelly126 said...

we know that OSU is definitely in and Kansas is probably in a game too ( since at worst they'll have 1 loss). If Kansas loses to Missouri and Texas can't get into the conference title game (either by losing or Oklahoma winning) there is no way the BCS can choose Texas without ignoring Kansas.

Maher said...

You can get B10 network on 2 of 3 cable systems in Central Ohio, just not Time Warner. Same with NFL network and ESPNU.

Now projections have ILLINOIS going to a BCS bowl (Fiesta), yet Ohio St is still ranked behind WVU for some reason...what bowl is USF going to? Toilet.

Lowell is a product of Fenway. Look at his splits for home and away, then tell me he'd be worth 38M anywhere else. Smart move for him and the Red Sox, but I'll take A-Rod over him anyday. Lack of production at 3B hasn't been killing the Yanks in the post-season, it's been lack of WHIP.

CMFost said...

All this talk and you could get a West Virginia - OSU national title game. that would be craptacular.

Maher said...

Is it bad I'm looking forward to this weekend more for the KU/MU game and the LSU, WVU games just so people can shut up about IF/THEN scenarios, rather than stuffing myself on stuffing?

CMFost said...

I think I would stick with Lowell, I would rather have a World Series MVP on my favorite team then a AL MVP.

10 more years of no Yankees world series how wonderful is that?

Maher said...

You watched the OU/BoiseST game last year right? Or were you one of the MILLIONS who screamed about what a crappy matchup that was and then missed the best game of the year?

bkelly126 said...

if you figure that the SEC, Pac-10 and the Big-12 are going to have teams take at-large bids, and if Hawaii loses, its not unreasonable for Illinois/Boise State/UConn to take the last bid.

setherton22 said...

The Michigan job is a national job. They recruit in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Texas, California. Their alums are players in every major city. And this is coming from a Buckeye.

The SEC, let's face it, is mainly a REGIONAL conference. They only play in the south, recruit in the south, and their alumni stay mainly in the south. Let's look at the TV deals. The SEC has 2 games per week on national TV. The Big Ten usually has 4, and on occasion, 5 games. That's not saying the the SEC schools aren't nationally relevant and really really good at football, but from an exposure standpoint, Michigan is a Top 5-6 job and likely ahead of any SEC school.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Little Davey Eckstein over A-Rod?

Weird choice, CM. Weird choice.

CMFost said...

I would rather put a team together that win championships and I think even with the Yankees money you can not be giving that much of your payroll to one player and win championships.

CMFost said...

I think I heard the stat today that the last time that the player named MVP for there league won the World Series in that Same season was 1988.

Maher said...

I love people that think A-Rod is killing the Yanks in the postseason.

Should probably blame Matsui too, since 2005 he has 47 AB and 2 RBI in the postseason A-Rod has 44 AB and 1 RBI.

In 2006 Cano hit .342, but pulled a .133 in the postseason.

Same series v. the Tigers Sheffield hits a HUGE .083 after hitting 8 points higher than A-Rod during the regular season.

This year v. Cleveland, Jeter hits .176 and Posada hits .133 (after putting up a career year during the season)

Blame EVERYTHING on A-Rod all you want, and keep chirping about how the Yanks won't win anything for the next 10 years with him. In the end I've seen more WS wins in the last 10 years for them than the Red Sox have had in 50.

TBender said...

San Antonio is a city built for weekend events, and no one likes Houston for similar events (living here, I understand that completely).

And if the last bid comes down to Illinois/Boise St/UConn, Illinois wins that battle easily. Again, its about how well teams travel versus actual talent or merit.*

*Only the Fiesta Bowl has shown that it will trade alumni dollars for media buzz.

Maher said...

Not taking shots at Illinois people, saying that the polls are complete crap if OSU's only loss is to another BCS Bowl team, while WVU and LSU lost to teams that will be playing in the FRESCA PRESENTS THE STP INJECTOR CLEANER BOWL FROM BEAUTIFUL BRANSON MISSOURI

Deluxe said...


you seem upset...maybe you should take some'll help you with your boyfriend tonight, i'm sure.

setherton22 said...

Has anyone seen how awful Florida hoops' non-conf schedule?

First 12, and 14 out of 15, are at home, the roadie is at Ohio St, and the toughest home games are Florida St and Temple??

I konw they lost everyone, but c'mon, that is embarrassing, Danny boy.

CMFost said...

What does 2003 have to do with the Yankees?

1. It was the last time the Yankees went to a World Series

2. It was the Last Year before they got A-Rod on the team.

Maher said...

Can't, i'm on alpha blockers for my chest pains.

Johnny b said...

How is Houston Tbender (more specifically the Clear Lake area)

I move there next week because I got a job there with one of NASA's contractors and was wondering how the area was

Maher said...

So by your logic the Angels are worse off for signing Vlad?

bkelly126 said...

hmmm...(looking at the UT roster)...we've got California, Oklahoma, Oregon, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas along with Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana. Man, the south got HUGE.

every big name school recruits EVERYWHERE. do a majority come from their local area? absolutely, but any coach would be an idiot not to at least try other markets

and why do all the southern alumni stay in the south? because it's nice. why are big 10 alumni everywhere? cause winter sucks

The Mark Show said...


It's impossible to argue with a douche like cmfost. He will always simply come back with homerish statements. I wonder how he originally felt about Manny signing his outrageous conract back in 2000, which not far off of A-Rod's original deal. I doubt he was bitching then. Or maybe he was, he's that kind of douche.

Maher said...

2003 was also the last season that the Yankees had a Postseason ERA that was below 4.

Wonder if 5.9 and 5.6 the last 2 years had anything to do with losing?

mark is absolutely right, cmfost brings nothing to this discussion. At least toby brings 7th grade level gay jokes.

Beetle said...

Hey Mark...
Cunt and whore.
Do you honestly think a purple lipped freak opting out of his contract overshadows a World Series title??

Beetle said...

Hey Mark,
Manny has brought 2 World Series titles to the Sox, and was a huge contributing factor in both titles, including WS MVP in 04.
So yeah, his contract has been WELL worth it.
Boy, you just making any good points whatsoever Marky.

"Take it easy, Champ. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while." B. Fantana

Beetle said...

Let's see, starting with game 4 of the 2004 ALCS - present day. A-Rod is approx 0-40 (I forget the exact # of ABs...but the 0 part is correct) with RISP in the postseason, with 0 RBIs. Which means he didn't even hit a ground out to bring in a run, or a humor sac fly...nothing!!!
Yet, he managed to collect close to $100 million from the Yankees in that span of time.
Yet...he's not at fault for the Yankees' recent postseason failures.
Who are you trying to convince? Me and CM, or yourselves.

TBender said...

Clear Lake is a pretty good area. Lots of little towns bunched together inbetween big bad Houston and the Gulf.

Traffic isn't as bad there as it is up in Houston proper (or in the west or northwest), but be prepared. There's a great regional Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercial running down here dedicated to Houston Traffic.

The only real problem with that area is you're gonna be nailed if a hurricane ever actually hits the area.

CMFost said...

Beetle - Maher and Mark are just bitter Yankee fans who can not get use to the Idea that there team is overpaid and overrated. And in signing A-Fraud they have doom themselves to 10 more years of no world titles, sort of like it was during the Mattingly years for the Yankees.

And I was not upset at all when we signed Manny (I was happy we choose to go over Manny instead of Mussina)but the thing the Red Sox have been able to do better then the Yankees is build the team around Manny that can win Championships unlike the Yankees who seem to think an all star at every position expect pitcher win championships.

TBender said...

...and SawxNation wonders why everyone hates them so much.

Maher said...

because they are humble winners who don't make a big deal about 2 titles in 80+ years?

Not bitter, just pointing out that there is a TON of blame to throw around for the Yanks losing in the postseason, and not all of it has to go on A-rod. I have no problem with him taking his fair share, but I would like it if the media and interweb know-it-alls would admit that other players are also at fault.

Not sure how the Yanks are overrated if they make the playoffs. Torre, Parcells and any other coach from any sport will tell you that once you make the tournament it's a complete crapshoot. See Vegas, Gambling Odds.

Payroll? Really? are we bringing that into it? If that's the case then let's take it all the way and admit that baseball is a business, and according to Forbes, the Yankees are worth 730M while the Sox are worth 426M.

But since you brought it up, 2007 Payrolls

Yanks: 189M
Boston: 143M
Mets (didn't make playoffs): 115M
Indians 61M

Guess that means since the RedSux had to pay 3x as much as the Tribe to beat them, that the Tribe is actually better, and should get trophy.

Beetle said...

Tbender....sorry that my points are apparently irrefutable so you therefore have to resort to..."and SawxNation wonders why everyone hates them so much."

Guess what? We are glad you hate us.
Winning and being hated is soooo much more fun than being the lovable losers.

CMFost said...

And what did being worth 700+ Million mean to the Yankees this year nothing.

Acutally there was an amazing stat -
What do The 2006 NFL MVP, 2006-2007 NBA MVP, 2006-2007 NHL MVP, and the 2007 AL MVP?

Answer: They all lost in there first round playoff games or series.

Beetle said...

You have a very good point about the blame for the recent Yankees failings is far reaching.
However, seeing that A-Rod is the MVP and by far makes the most money on the team, he is automatically going to feel the most wrath.
In this way, he is like a QB in the NFL.
Payroll? Who was arguing payroll?
No Sox fan worth his salt argues payroll anymore. It is not a logical argument since every Indians fan on the planet will absolutely slam us for it.

Maher said...

when you actually look at the $'s paid out last year A-Rod made only about a million more than Jeter.

Maher said...

cmfost you have the english skills of a Thai hooker.

there, their, they're. Look them up, learn when to use which.

Michael said...

Here is how Florida makes it to a BCS bowl game...

Tennessee loses to Kentucky this weekend making the title game UGA LSU. UGA then loses to LSU making UGA a 3 loss team with potentailly a lower rank then Florida. Then the selection committee must decide whether UGA, UF, or some other team deserves an at large. If Touchdown TIme Tim Tebow wins th Heisman Uf might look like a very sexy a large pick for the selection committee

Maher said...

isn't the Heisman awarded after the BCS bowl selections?

Michael said...

I'm sorry maher, (assuming the Gators beat Fsu and Tebow puts up his standard numbers) the frontrunner for heisman voting.
At any rate I figured someone should defend Dan every once in a while when it isn't so absurd that the Gators could back door into BCS at-large.
They should also end up ranked in the top 1o by virtue of some of these top ten tems knocking each other out (like LSU knocking UGA out of the top ten in this particular scenario.)

Michael said...

Oh an whoever posted about the Gators ridiculous non-conference schedule in hoops...It is beyond weak, it should be considered embarrassing. With a group full of youth and inexperience it is probably just what the doctor ordered. This is a team that should get into the tournament and fizzle out in the first weekend

Dan Shanoff said...

Hey, I'm a Gator fan and I agree with that assessment of the hoops schedule. But just remember that before the back-to-back titles, they were a regular NCAA Tournament dud, from 2001-2005. This team would have trouble with an experienced mid-major, but if they got lucky and drew a young mid-tier team from another power conference, they could maybe -- MAYBE -- get through the weekend. A great big man (Speights) and great guards (Lucas, Calathes, Hodge) goes a long way in March, even if there isn't much depth up front and the team is young.

Torch02 said...

Dan - the Kobe deal to Chicago is not completely dead, it is just on hiatus until after Dec 15. At that point, Nocioni's fat front-loaded contract can be part of the deal, making the number oh-so much easier.

The Mark Show said...

I'm actually not a Yankees fan and I live in Boston and root for the Pats and Celtics. There is no bitterness here. Only the knowledge that you are a tool.

My point about the Manny signing is exactly as you put it, that a big investment CAN pay off, and that giving a significant portion of the payroll CAN translate into World Series titles.

marcomarco said...

All right.

@ cummy, beetle, mark, maher

I dislike Aroid more than the average Arod hater, but he is still a phenomenal player.

He is not the reason the Yanks have come up short in the postseason. It is fun to blame him, however. Mostly because you can see that he takes it to heart.

The Yanks will win a title in the next ten years. Even Manning got one ring.

Will I laugh if he shreds an ACL? Yes.
Will I applaud if he passes Barry? Yes.
Will I continue to root against him? Of course.
Am I glad he's not going to wear a Sox uni? You bet.

patrick said...

Dan, regarding your CFB rankings on Deadspin...

How the hell can you have Arizona State at 14? That and below Oklahoma who lost to not only Texas Tech but Colorado (who ASU beat)? Oh, Oklahoma's loss isn't that bad since they lost their starting QB? Well so did Oregon (who with Dixon was one of the best in the country and the only team ASU has lost to).

But yeah, Florida with a win over FAU really deserved that jump and Texas definetly belongs in the top 10.

Amazing Dan, amazing.

patrick said...

It's also good to know that Tennessee who gets lucky against Vandy doesn't drop. Classic.