Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tebow's Super Bowl Ad: An Analysis

Over at, I have tackled the Tim Tebow topic of the week: This "controversial" Super Bowl ad he is a part of -- it may or may not be on the actual game broadcast, but in the YouTube era, that's not such a big deal. The news about CBS nixing the ad will give it new life and scrutiny. So what does it mean for Tim Tebow? Ironically: I think the entire thing is overblown. Check out my take here.

-- D.S.

UPDATE: Via Ad Age, CBS has approved the ad's script and accepted the ad for airing. It is worth noting that the ad is not expected to be a "hard sell" or "anti-" anything, at least from FoF's perspective. I don't think this changes any of the analysis below, and -- if anything -- will create even more of a muted response from sports media and fans.

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