Thursday, February 01, 2007

ESPN Dropping "2" From "ESPN2":
Oh, And Has Comments Now

Must-must-read: Via Deadspin. Submitted without additional commentary from me. Will does that job just fine. And speaking of "Commenters," let the Deadspin commenters do what they do best on this one. Sit back, put your page on "auto-refresh" and marvel. Old post here.


Big D said...

Saw that earlier today on Simmons' column. Was surprised by the comments section.

Now, this begs the question - are they allowing the comments, unedited? Because that would be sheer folly.

Matt T said...

And I think they've already pulled the plug on it.


Anonymous said...

ESPN is hard at work deleting comments almost as fast as the deadspinners put them up.

That Beta will soon disappear.

Sigh...i wish i was a offense dan, but that commenting style over there is more to my liking. hehe Sadly, I'll never get an invite.

jalpert said...

Hibachi has competition in the blogging department. Check out Nate Robinson's blog. He and Spree need to get together and find a financial planner. Someone needs to be able to put dinner on the table.

Big D said...

Speaking of the comments... sadly, I do not see a user named "Dan Shanoff" ripping Brett Favre, Duke, Notre Dame, and tWWL in general.

Dan, hurry up, before we make it implode. You, of all people, should have something to say to tWWL in a public forum...

BLUE said...

yeah, what does it take to be a deadspin commenter? I read their stuff all the time. I got in on the act at ESPN today but woefully i'm not as talented, but it's funny they've crashed the conversation program about 3 times in less then 20 minutes.

verbal97 said...

Today was my first time reading deadspin...what a bunch of pompous jackasses!!!!

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

rafael and ben:

since you weren't "grandfathered" in at the inception of commenting on deadspin, you have to send in a comment via email to the comment patrol guy (i think the email is on the site). if you write something funny, they give you a name and password.

i think that is how it works. i was grandfathered in.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

hey now verbal...i am one of those pompous jackasses.

i am one here too!

speaking of jackasses...where is ndyanksfan and mariomanninghamforheisman?

solomonrex said...

ESPN is obviously deleting the comments on a timer. That's why it's called a "Conversation". The idiots at Deadspin have been at this for hours without figuring this out...

And I can't see how to comment on their website. Kind of stupid. Yes, that's much better than ESPN censorship.

Anonymous said...

You mean the 'tips at'?
Can't you give out invites? hehe

I've sent a couple...admittedly lame ones though. I'll have to work up a good one. I'll earn my way into the group...then buy my Nikes and black sweatsuit to match.

Thanks revscott.

Anonymous said...

its on a timer..but its also selective. so there is someone there that checks comments and picks some out to delete.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


Scroll through the comments and find "Rob Icacrane"

He is the comment administor. If you write something funny, you're in.

CMFost said...

posted this just for Dan:

CMF237 (2/1/2007 at 4:42 PM) Edit Delete Report

Simmons you suck, they should of fired you instead of Shanoff.

CMFost said...

and it was gone a minute later

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Ok ya go. It's actually "Rob Iracane"

He gets over 500 emails in a week, so you have to be shit ass funny. He says don't mention Barbaro or "With me Leather." I am pretty sure he is very fond of Arrested Development quotes (the TV show, not the band).

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

us RedHawks have to stick together.

solomonrex said...

No, no, there are no comments kept from the original posting. It doesn't matter if they're offensive or not. Deadspinners can't come up with new material, so it only looks like some posts are carried over.

Check again tonight. There might be a timer or it might be a maximum comments limit that leads to a refresh. I can't see them allowing unedited permanent comments, and I doubt they want journalists tied up with reading them all.

solomonrex said...

So Deadspin is phony as ESPN's ombudsman? It's some kind of club?

And they're all stupid enough to think that ESPN has a real human-monitored comment system? I can't believe it. I know stupider things occur, but still. They knew enough to have Dan censor his chats, so...

BLUE said...

I never realized it was a secret cult over at deadspin.

verbal97 said...

Ben and Solomonrex are right! It's completely ironic that some of them (the pompous jackasses) were attacking possible censorship and yet they're in their high horses in their exclusive club. Above all, they don't need people (Dan!) fellating their collective penises...that only causes them to be even more self righteous!

Chaddogg said...

I'm sure I'll take some flack for this, but here goes:
If you don't like Simmons, don't read him.

Lord knows the wonderful thing about the internet is there is plenty of sources to scour and articles to read. But please quit the bitching about Simmons....

Hey, I'm certainly not a Boston fan, so a lot of his Boston-centric columns get ignored by me...but I enjoy him as a columnist, so I read him. He's good.

But if I didn't like him, why on earth would I waste my time bitching about how bad he is? Seriously, y'all, get a life...

TBender said...

Actually, if Deadspin didn't restrict access just think what havoc the Manninghams could cause there.

BLUE said...

I think the manninghams would have a tough time getting to the page. But hell, that might be better then hearing that this guy or that guy is the ballz.

mark said...

So, regarding the other thing--if ESPN2 is being rebranded as ESPN, how will you know in advance which one (ESPN f/k/a ESPN2, or ESPN f/k/a/ ESPN) is carrying any particular program?


David "SirFozzie" Yellope said...

If you really want to see a hate put on Simmons full court, check out . Dear god, I think Simmons must have slept with all of their wives and daughters to get that much anger :)

David said...

I'd have to say the worst thing ESPN did tofay was try and subtly add more ads onto the front page - the new ads mixed into the headline section sucks...ther are now so manyads and BS that I need to go to the second page of the screen to see the headlines now

pv845 said...

I would just give up on ESPN and go to or basically anywhere else. You can't read any articles that aren't by the AP unless you pay.
On another note about ESPN, is there a reason why they are bending over backwards to try to back Duke? From Jay Bilas's worthless explanation of the timing incident to the game announcing tonite that makes one think Duke can do now wrong... It is simply amazing.

pv845 said...

I am happy that Duke lost, but I am so tired of people rushing the court in CCB. Act like you have some class. This is just embarassing.

jhawkjjm said...

brendan... Bilas played for Duke.

And just redid their front page to make it more espnish. Ugh.

For some reason my computer keeps freezing up when I go to either the deadspin article or simmons' column they hit.