Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Quick(ie) "Thank You" and Update

I don't obsess over the traffic stats of this blog like some people do over their blogs. (I have replaced that with obsessively checking my MySpace new-friend-invite list.) I do look at traffic when I'm mentioned in other blogs, if only because I like to show other bloggers that their links make a difference (which they do).

I also check at the end of the month. And I just saw that January was my second-biggest month ever for page views -- and top month ever for visits -- since the blog launched in September.

For that, I want to take a minute to thank you sincerely for your attention, time and enthusiasm.

Not a day goes by when one (or more) old Quickie readers email me letting me know they have just discovered the blog. This is double-edged: (1) Welcome and great to see you again! (2) Dejected that so many of the six-figure-plus readership of the Quickie thought I just shriveled up and imploded after the column was contracted. To crib from Colbert: You all are the heroes.

That disconnect was part of the motivation for the minor re-design revealed earlier this week: Heading into the post-Super Bowl season (the biggest inflection point in the sports year), give the blog some new juice and momentum. (Amazingly, the new "blogspot-free" URL helps a ton.)

I have been developing some very cool content features for the blog -- to be unveiled later this month and, hopefully, rocking the sports-blog world to its core. (Not to oversell or anything.) And I'm launching a couple of new side projects -- a bit of a departure from this blog and the "Quickie" ethos, but things I'm really excited about.

One has been technically "live" since Monday, but -- interestingly -- none of you have found it (or, at least, emailed me about it), even though I have it listed and linked on the right. It's probably a good indication that many/most of you don't have kids (and, yes, that's a hint).

I wanted to beef this new project up a little bit before the "official" launch next week, but I'm thrilled to "soft launch" it now for you guys. Again, just fair warning that it might or might not be in your wheelhouse of interests. (Don't worry: I'll be shamelessly hitting you up next week to promote it to people you know who WOULD be interested in it.)

Anyway, really I just wanted to say huge thanks again for a great stretch between Thanksgiving and the end of January -- particularly this first month of the new year.

(Wait: Did you think by "Update" in the blog-post title I would reveal that I have resumed my life of the full-time sports columnist for some notable mainstream-media outlet? LOL. That'll take a grassroots campaign... hmm... let's see how it goes with me catching Carmelo on MySpace.)

Back to Super Bowl Ramp-Up and more...

-- D.S.


CMFost said...

Dan, Not a parent but will help promote your side project to my friend who are parents. And nice of you to finally admit the the WWL gave you the AXE, those bastards!!!

Big D said...

Hmmmm. Not a parent (little too young). No siblings either.

Exactly which link to the right am I supposed to be promoting? I'm far too lazy to click on them all...

CMFost said...

Varsity Dad

CMFost said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big D said...

Yup. Got it.

See, all I have to do is ask, and the answers are given to me, rather than me actually expending any type of energy to do the work on my own.

Some people call that laziness. I prefer to think of it as efficiency...

YQJ said...

big d said it right, it's not laziness, it's energy efficiency.

twins15 said...

As a sports blogger of my own, some marketing guy for Carmelo emailed me asking to link to his Myspace page... maybe you need to start indiscriminately emailing people asking to be their friends!