Given the skintight storyline of team uniforms as a prominent theme of this week's Champ Week coverage, I'm sitting here watching Georgetown-Villanova and I absolutely think that Georgetown's gray uniforms are in the Top 3 in college hoops. So, while we follow games all day (and all night) -- whether you're tracking online or on TV -- I'm curious for your nominees for your favorite college hoops uniform. (And what makes your choice so cool?) Oh, feel free to talk about the games, the Bubble, etc. too! UPDATE: Erin Andrews makes watching even a Northwestern-Michigan State "pre-quarterfinal" worthwhile. Discuss.
UPDATE: Totally off-topic, but did you hear that Tom Brady might have gotten Gisele pregnant, too? This guy is PRO-LI-FIC! His swimmers are even more clutch than he is. But weekend at Daddy's with the two kids is going to be... all together now... AWK-waaaaard!"
Thursday, March 08, 2007
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#1 Duke's old Royal Blue road uni's with the white trim. Bar none.
I have nothing to say except if Providence doesn't get rid of Tim Welsh, they are fools.
Playing a 2-3 zone for more than half the game against a team that shoots 40 3s is inexcusable.
Choosing Duke is like choosing the Nazis in WWII.
Hate to say it but, Michigan's solid gold...err...maize are the best.
Oh God...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Daniel, last night I had a wet dream about you. It involved creampie's and cats. I hope one day we can meet. I really want to lick your face.
I agree with Sid that Duke's royal blue unis from 20 years ago are the best. Part of it is I am Duke homer. I hate when they introduced the black and now the road blues have that black trim it is awful. Please bring back the old royal blue unis.
Other unis I like are the powder blue UCLA and Indiana's home and away unis. Both are classic
Clemson and FSU going down to the wire. If Clemson wins they are in
Have to go with UCLA on this one. I also would count UNC here before the uniform got all swooshed up. The classic Tar Heels unis from the 80s are awesome.
The Nike uniform template stinks.
I am still wondering how the shitty Big East is going to get 8 teams in?
The candy cane warm-ups are absolutely the best in college hoops.
Do you think Tom knocked them up on the same night around the same time. If he did that is the greatest night in the history of mankind.
And by awkward you mean the two moms in a Patriot style threesome? do you think they both got preggers? I wouldn't be shocked if Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johanssen have his babies soon.
Kansas in their home whites are great. Love the lettering.
CMFost, what the hell are you talking about? Creampie's and cats?
Good for Brady, He'll be paying 100 times more child support than I am.
I didn't learn from Puffy Combs and Bobby Brown, I guess Tommy Boy didn't learn either.
Giselle is worth around $150 Million.
That will be on spoiled kid.
Ben and everyone else-
That wasn't cmfost.
It was someone pretending to be him and who even went through the effort of stealing the photo.
In esence, a huge dork.
wow, I should be flattered that someone would want to impersonate me. And I am really impressed they went to all the hard work to even steal my picture. But enough of that since trolls should be ignore not glorified.
You know I am pretty bias to the east coast teams so some of my favorite uniforms are the BC Road Unis, Syracuse and UCONN
Maryland down 4 with less than 2 to go
Maryland's losing, nice that is good for BC.
And Mike Hampton injured himself (again) today.
MD down 2 with less than a minute
less than 30 seconds MD down 1
Schilling pitched 4 Innings of 1 Run ball today. I guess that mean a 2000 word post on his blog today.
I do not know if any of you checked out his blog but he has written the longest blog posts I have ever seen.
i guess he was tired of waiting to write on SOSH
Miami 67 Maryland 62.
Brady has increased his chances of a killer 3some in the future.
You know how things normally come in threes, I wonder who the next women is going to be that says they are pregnant with Brady's child?
both of my teams lost today. how very very sad.
Wow, that's twice now that Brady has thrown into coverage. I thought he read the defense better than that. On the upside, it could be worse, he could be Rex Grossman.
Maryland and Cuse, both good teams in March.. f up today.
Jesus, my super brackets look like shit now.
BTW, I hate Duke, but their old unis were pretty cool. However, I would have to go with the classic white or powder blue unis of UCLA or as stated earlier, the Indiana uniform with the candy stripe warm-up pants. Can't go wrong with either chose actually.
Sheldz sounds like a bad day today, but your teams still have games coming up next week so do not worry about one bad day.
Chris you have to look at it this way Brady spreads his passes all over the field. Rex would still be fumbling the ball after the snap.
somebody please make a "wide receiver" or a "tight end" joke in relationship to Brady for me. i'm in mourning for my sad basketball day or i'd do it myself.
Sheldiz how about this one.
"That's twice Brady has found a hole in the soft zone."
that'll work!
Brady did not pull out from the center quick enough and that is why he took the sack.
I wonder if this works both ways...
A couple years ago, Maryland beat Duke twice but weren't actually that good. The committee gave Duke a #1 seed anyway and everyone chalked it up to Maryland "Having Duke's number". Can Maryland get away with Miami has our number? Then both losses go away. But maybe only Duke gets that treatment. And Miami was worse than Marland was.
No thanks for sticking up for you not being a sick perv? joking. But by the way....
If they can beat Maryland and Virginia in the span of a week, they can beat you.
And don't forget that if you lost to Maryland it would be no harm done, but if you lose to Miami...
The question is....
Did Giselle hear that Bridget was getting much more famous under the presumption that she "pulled the goalie" and then Giselle thought she'd pull her goalie too?
That would be crazy.
deleted my last commnet, guyinthecorner beat me to the "pulled the goalie" joke!
Did someone tell Brady that the Pull and Pray Method was the most effective form of birth control?
I hate Indiana's warm up pants. What are they trying to do, make it tougher to find Waldo? Come on. A team with a rich history like that should drop the gimmicky crap from the '50s.
Just my opinion :)
Georgetown's gray is tight. I like the African pattern they used to have in the early '90s.
Kansas is sweet.
I always liked when MSU had "STATE" on the chest.
And Syracuse normally looks good in the orange...although that skintight shit that they're wearing is a BAD idea.
Come on St. Come on St. Come on St.
I heart NC State right now. Oh man.
Man, what is it with the shitty foul calls at the end of close games today? First the FSU-Clemson game, and now Tenn-LSU. Jesus. Ref's better get their shit together for next week.
Tom's making Franco Harris look silly: He's thrown two Hail Mary passes late in the game, and by scoring with two immaculate conceptions, he has been responsible for two huge scores. Brady attributes the success to the quality of his recievers, who after the conception were immediately moved from tight end to wide reciever for obvious reasons.
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