Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday 05/20 A.M. (Very) Quickie:
Street Sense Ruins Triple Crown Season

Curlin edges Street Sense at Preakness: Even though horse racing lost the only reason to pay attention to the Belmont (chance for Triple Crown winner) when Curlin beat Street Sense in the Preakness, it was a phenomenal race, even for non-racing fans. I think enjoyment of a Triple Crown horse race improves greatly when you are at a race-watching party, keeping your 1-year-old out of the mint juleps.

FA Cup final: Drogba! Chelsea ekes 1-0 win over Man U in extra time thanks to the striker's goal. And that's why they pay him the (very) big bucks.

NBA Conference Finals: I have a hard time seeing the Jazz derailing the Duncan Dynasty. Similarly, I have a hard time seeing the Cavs upending the Pistons, who are working a bit of a conference-specific dynasty of their own. Spurs-Pistons in the Finals? Yikes: Call me when THAT's over. (More important: Tuesday is Lottery Night!)

MLB Stud: Dice-K, who handcuffed the Braves before the two teams split a double-header. (OK: I picked the wrong SP stud of the two games. Props to Smoltz. It's not like Dice-K doesn't get enough pub already...)

MLB Dud: The Yankees. Another rookie pitcher, another injury. Money might be able to buy you happiness, but it can't necessarily buy you health.

Stanley Cup Playoffs: The Sabres' glorious run is over, dispatched by the Ottawa Senators. I actually feel for the fans in Buffalo, whose team was recently named the "Ultimate Sports Franchise," a tabulation that absolutely must be re-jiggered after this.

NASCAR: Whither Dale Jr? Apparently, Hendrick Motorsports doesn't want sports' top free agent of 2007 (and perhaps the decade). I appreciate why Junior wants to stay with a Chevy-based team (all-American brand et al), but wouldn't it be a coup for, say, Toyota to offer him some over-the-top offer to jump to one of their teams? What price, legitimacy?

NCAA LAX: It seems inevitable that Duke will win the men's tournament. As for the women, obviously I'm rooting for Northwestern. (And don't even start with the "But you dropped Northwestern for Florida!" crap. I totally reject that, particularly in the non-revenue sports.)

Floyd Landis: OK, well HE insists he didn't cheat. Do you believe him?

-- D.S.


Kevin said...

I actually feel for the fans in Buffalo, whose team was recently named the "Ultimate Sports Franchise," a tabulation that absolutely must be re-jiggered after this.

What the hell does that even mean? They can't be the #1 franchise because they don't win the title every year? That's an awfully difficult plateau to reach...I'd say their regular season and the fact that they made the conference finals is a good argument to keep them there...

BobbyStompy said...

But you dropped Northwestern for Florida!!!!!!!!!!

Not A Gunslinger said...

If Northwestern was playing Florida in this, who would you root for? There's a reason you haven't put your son in any Northwestern gear.

Not A Gunslinger said...

In NBA news, I'm actually rooting for a Pistons Spurs finals, only because I think the Pistons would be dominated by the Jazz. Curse of Mehmet Okur and whatnot.

Chaddogg said...

You reject it in the non-revenue sports? Or you reject it when it's convenient towards having another team you root for win a national championship?

As a Northwestern fan and alumni, I call a vote to banish Dan from rooting for the 'Cats, unless he renounces the Gators. Come on, Dan, admit it....rooting for the 'Cats is MUCH more enjoyable, since even minor accomplishments (or major accomplishments like National Championships in "non-revenue" sports such as women's lacrosse, softball, or women's tennis) mean so much more.

As for the Lottery, PLEASE give a top 2 pick to the Bulls, both to help them towards a dynasty, and to cause the backlash Knicks' fans' riot.

Joey said...

Who cares about women's lacrosse? That might be one of the most unwatchable sports there is.

I still don't see how a Spur-Pistons series is boring. Those are the 2 best teams in their respective conferences over the past 5 years or so. Just because they play defense doesn't mean they are not fun to watch. I'm a Cavs fan and want to see them play in the Finals, but a Spurs-Pistons series would be entertaining as well.

jhawkjjm said...

How can you mention the NHL game yesterday without mentioning that NBC dropped its coverage of the game as it was heading into overtime for the pre-race talk show?!?!

I hope there some way that the NHL can bring some sort of action against NBC. It's embarrassing to the NHL that NBC thought a pre-race talk show is a higher priority than OT of an elimination game in the conference finals.

CNNSI has an article that the decision was based on $$$. From the business standpoint I think NBC made a mistake. This could have been an opportunity to draw in more casual fans who were tuning in to see the horse race. If they tell the announcers to play up the fact that the game can end at any second and they will immediately switch to the pre race show, they may have kept the people tuned in and possibly draw in new fans. New fans = higher ratings = more advirtising = more $$$.

Geoff said...

Hendrick just really doesn't have a seat available for Junior. Only allowed 4 teams and they already have 4. No way he would jump to a Toyota team for any amount of money because they won't be competitive for at least another 5 years. Maybe more.

Matt T said...

Matsuzaka was a stud in the first game no doubt.

But Smoltz deserves a super stud award. A start after dislocating his pinkie he throws 7 innings of 2 hit ball against BOSTON. in the pouring rain.

He's a gamer. That was awesome.

The Boston fans are studs too, they were there through the game in the pouring ran even with their team down 0-11.

kway34 said...

The Sabres' glorious run is over, dispatched by the Ottawa Senators. I actually feel for the fans in Buffalo, whose team was recently named the "Ultimate Sports Franchise," a tabulation that absolutely must be re-jiggered after this.

Why? Can you give a good reason other than "They didn't win the title?"

As for the women, obviously I'm rooting for Northwestern. (And don't even start with the "But you dropped Northwestern for Florida!" crap. I totally reject that, particularly in the non-revenue sports.)

I see, you only dropped Northwester for Florida in sports that Florida is better at. Other than that you're as loyal as they come alright.

Anonymous said...

wait there are revenue sports at northwestern. but that would mean that some people are loyal and don't jump on a better teams bandwagon.

By the way totally rooting for the jazz, they are just more fun/ stern didn;t give it to them/ they don't knee people in the balls/ i have no desire to hear bill simmons i told you so. also don't know who to root for cavs pistons.

reasons for pistons: not favored by officials, i like chauncey
reasons for cavs; i am sick of the pistons, lebron(who imet) is a cool guy.

Anonymous said...

Cycling...let them all cheat. who cares. if they all cheat, the best will still rise up.
What? All of them already DO cheat? oh.

Interesting article by pearlman to fire Torre and hire Valentine. I agree with the first part...but hiring a re-tread would not help the Yankees, imo.

Belmont Stakes? Won't watch now.

Mikepcfl said...

Dan, Mint Jouleps are for the Kentucky Derby, to watch the Preakness Baltimore-style, you need a case of PBR and various drunken women to flash the other spectators.

As for womens lacrosse, it can be very violent. As a HS senior, I was a gym aide and once had to ref a 9th grade girl's lacrosse game. None of them had played before and they kept swinging the sticks wildly and hitting each other. It was the most violent thing I've ever seen! I was afraid to get too close to the action and watched from the sidelines.

Anonymous said...

mike have you ever seen a boys lacrosse game? because i play(boys) and have seen a lotof girls games and boys is far more violent. by the way this has been bugging me for anyone here who knows more than i do about g lax: why can't a very good girl just run past everyone and constantly switching hands? and what the hell is shooting space?

Anonymous said...

So, this is a little weird...
but the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (!) might have a Cy Young candidate in James Shields...

Mikepcfl said...

Yes, I've seen boys lacrosse and college lacrosse. I was trying to imply that those 9th grade girls had no idea what they were doing, so they were swinging widely and just nailing each other with their sticks. It was as funny as it was violent.

Anonymous said...

ah mike, now i understand. you wre in high school at the time right? because if not that is uhm creepy. NO?

Anonymous said...

Cornell will beat Duke in Lacrosse. They already did it once this year and will do it again.

No, I don't believe Landis. I wish I did but I don't.

Unknown said...

Oh, the non-revenue sports...well that certainly makes it better.

Uwe said...

I trust Floyd Landis about as far as I can throw him. And with my bad back I shouldn't be throwing anybody.