Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday 06/22 A.M. Quickie:
Giambi, Durant vs. Oden, CWS, NHL Draft, More!

Jason Giambi to start snitchin': He will meet with George Mitchell, presumably to save his own skin. Giambi says he won't implicate other players – maybe not – but I seriously wonder whether his squealing will tarnish him with other players even more than if he was, say, a strike scab. Perhaps not, but it's got to be right up there. I'm not saying it's right; that's simply the clubhouse/union-based mentality.

Tejada's Ironman Streak: Will he keep going even with a left-wrist fracture? Or will his streak end at 1,152 games?

Yankees swept by Rockies: It's like the Reverse Shanoff Curse: I show up in Denver, rooting against the Yankees of course, and all of a sudden the Rockies are sweeping the Yankees out of town. Amazing.

Joe Girardi turns down the Orioles: That has got to be the worst signal you can ever get about the lowly state of a franchise. An out-of-work manager turns down a job with a "name-brand" team. Things are THAT bad. This isn't a free-agent turning down the O's for another team. This is an unemployed guy staying unemployed, because that's better than managing the Orioles. Does Girardi know something about Joe Torre's future in New York that the rest of us don't?

MLB Stud: Ken Griffey, back in Seattle tonight and all weekend. It could be the event of the year for Mariners baseball.

MLB Dud: Milton Bradley, designated for assignment (a high-falutin' euphemism for "cut") by the A's.

KG-to-Celtics rumors over: Why? Because KG says he doesn't want to play for that godawful franchise. Who could blame him? The C's harbor delusions of grandeur: A team with the No. 5 draft pick that seriously thinks they are a playoff team, just slumming it for now. KG says he wants to play for the Suns. Gee, thanks: Who doesn't?

(Update: If I was the Suns, I would trade Amare for KG in a heartbeat. Do they want to win a title or not? KG gives them a better chance, I think. So who cares about long-term problems? For the T'wolves, Amare gives them an awesome young post player to rebuild around.)

NBA Draft: Kevin Durant is working out for the Blazers today. OK, here we go...

I keep hearing about Durant's "killer instinct," and it's not that I don't believe it exists, but I'm wondering how "killer" it could be, if he didn't even make it out of the NCAA Tournament's first weekend. He was the best player in college basketball -- by far -- and he couldn't carry his team out of the Round of 32?

Now, would you say Tim Duncan displays a killer instinct? Hardly, yet that hasn't managed to stop him from creating his own dynasty. (I guess that's a vote for Greg Oden as the No. 1 pick.)

Blowout coverage of the NBA Draft next week, including my (and your) mock, the Oden vs. Durant debate, lots of me pimping the Gators guys and much much more.

CWS: Oregon State vs. UNC, a CWS championship-series rematch in consecutive years for the first time since 1972-73.

NHL Draft Mania! Can you feel the excitement? No? Sure, there's no Oden vs. Durant, but there must be something. And that's why I leave it to the NHL-savvy fans to let you know all about them in the Comments section.

Uniform Fetish: Well, there's the new "Take Back the Gold" look for the US Women's Soccer team. And then there's the new-old sweater for the Capitals, who are nominally my favorite NHL team. (Yes, but how will I look snausaged into the new snug-fit jersey style?)

Supreme Court and Sports: Super-successful Tennessee high school football coach takes the biggest loss of his career. Basically, a high school coach can't violate recruiting rules then cloak himself in the First Amendment. (How did this case get to the Supremes anyway?)

Clay Travis: Makin' It Rain (and Clay is in the Red Bull Flugtag tomorrow, too, which might just be the sports event of the weekend). Here's a must-see clip.

Yahoo buys Rivals, Cont'd: Of my many flaws of argumentation style, my tendency to use hyperbole as shorthand gets me into trouble frequently. To claim, as I did yesterday, that "95 percent" of Yahoo Sports' traffic is there for fantasy-related content (including fantasy-management pages, wire reports, scoreboard and boxscore pages, and original content like Funston and Co) yesterday was that kind of hyperbole.

My point was that Yahoo Sports' fantasy platform and all of the related traffic that generates is the engine* that has driven Yahoo's success in its emerging ratings rivalry with My intent was not to criticize Yahoo Sports' original non-fantasy-related content (much of which is quite enjoyable), but only to point out that it is not the site's most critical competitive advantage in the larger picture of Yahoo's fantasy -- and, now, Rivals community -- offerings.

-- D.S.


hskr dave said...


Does this mean that you will talk hockey, if you jump on the Capitals Bandwagon?

And at least you admitted to Pimpin before you started next week. Apparently it can be easy.

Matt T said...

The chatter here is that Atlanta is likely to take Horford at 3. After that who knows.

rafael said...

Griffey is hoping Mariner fans don't boo him. If they do, they are not particularly good fans. Seattle has two faces to that team...Junior and Ichiro. One built the team, one maintained it.

Matt said...

The best part about the NHL draft is trades. There's a lot more excitement about possible trades at the NHL draft than there ever is about the NFL draft. The rumor mill's been cranking for weeks.

The only downside to the NHL draft is because there is no sure-fire franchise player, you won't see most of these guys again for another 3 years, unless Pat Kane (from Buffalo, I may add) goes to the Blackhawks #1. He'll probably immediately be in the lineup.

CMFost said...

As a celtics fan I have just to words for KG:

Thank You

CMFost said...

Hey Dan can you please keep going to Yankees games?

pv845 said...

Who doesn't want to play for the Suns? I don't know, how about Michael Finley, Tim Duncan, Shaq, D-Wade, players who want to win championships...

Ftrain said...


Anonymous said...

so how is kg going to the cs bill simmons come on stop crying. thats ok the sports daddy will comfort you, make your stupid heart joke about him on the phone.

Melbye said...

First, let me say I am ecstatic that I am here, and posting while there are only single digit posts.

I had the exact same thought when I read Girardi turned down the O's. He must have had Cashman on the Blackberry along with the scores in Colorado.

Would it completely shock the world if Durant fell below 2? As things go on, I am less and less impressed with him and his "tenacity" or "killer instinct"--great reference to not being able to lead his team anywhere. You mention Duncan, in his Jr. year, he took Wake off the mat to the Elite 8 and only lost to the eventual champs, Kentucky.

I can honestly say, no matter the situation, I would take Horford or Yi over Durant.

So I am up because I had to drop the wife and kid off at the airport...and I'm on "Mancation" for a week...any activity suggestions for the Phoenix area?

Mikepcfl said...

It's kind of sad that both the Orioles and the Celtics have both fallen so far that managers/stars are staying away in droves. But I cant blame Girardi at all for not wanting to work for Angelos.

As for Tejada's streak, yesterday was pretty shady with the 1 AB and then leaving the game. For all the criticism he's received at at times, Cal would never have done that!

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Golf Manny, lots and lots of golf. You could go to Tempe and hit the bar scene there but from what I remember everything closes in Phoenix around 1

Anonymous said...

oh and as an orioles fan i would like to start a fund we get all oriolkes fans toghether and we attempt to buy the team or we get everyone to stop going unless angelos sells them.

Melbye said...

I'd head over to Tempe, but all the college kids have gone home, so where's the fun in that?

Sheldiz said...

larry -- i'm in for $10.

in fact, i'm thinking about becoming the O's manager myself.

jhawkjjm said...

Anyone who thinks that Horford or Yi or anyone else besides Oden would be a better pick than Durant needs to get their head examined. The kid can absolutely play. Being in Big XII country I got to watch first hand as he lit up the league, including twice against Kansas, who chose the Elite eight to play their worst game and was the only team who could compete with Florida.

The Duncan-Durant comparison isn't a good one to make. Outside the fact that you need to look at the other players around them, they don't play the same position. A center is not comparable to a wing player and they can dominate games in different ways in terms of scoring. Duncan can dominate inside while Durant can kill you from outside and inside. Duncan can dominate from inside while having a bad shooting game, Durant has a bad shooting game and its over.

Melbye said...

You made your point, but it ended up being against Durant? You first said he could kill you inside and out, but then followed where if he struggles shooting, it's over? Pick one. And I don't care who you are, if you can't bench the bar 1 time (exaggeration I know), you are going to get your shit handed to you in the paint at the next level. Durant and the Wright kid from UNC are going to be trying to add tons of weight to their frames in the next year, just to maintain themselves in the paint.

We've all watched a ton of NCAA games and I know they are physical. But a bunch of years ago, I saw my first in person NBA game and watching Shaq and Ewing beat the hell out of each other all night gave me a new light in how physical that level is...Big XII--Big Schmelve

Unknown said...


don't you know what hyperbole is?? Look it up! It's in the dictionary like 60 times!!

jhawkjjm said...

will- I didn't contradict myself. I was saying that the Durant-Duncan comparison is not a good one as they play two different styles. Not many would argue about Jordan's killer instinct (and no I'm not comparing Durant to Jordan) but even Jordan had bad shooting nights that caused the Bulls to lose. That's the point I'm making about Durant having a bad shooting night can hurt his team, especially when there's not a whole lot around him.

And Durant doesn't live in the paint. I agree that Wright does (both Brandon and Julian) and they're in for a rough time. Durant can survive and make an impact on the outside until he adds more weight. And using Shaq and Ewing are bad examples of the physicallity of the NBA game. The game isn't as physical as it was then and the "true, big-man" center doesn't really exist anymore. It's not about banging down low as much now, its more about quickness and athleticism.

NA said...

Did anyone see the US Vs. Canada Gold Cup game last night? The US got away with a ridiculously bad offsides call against Canada rght at the end of regulation, would have made the game 2-2, and the US only had 10 players on the field.

They looked good for about 10-15 minutes yesterday, but they can't stocp teams from scoring late... Quite aggrivating. Next, big game vs. Mexico

Melbye said...

Eric, did you really just make a soccer post...and it doesn't invovle the World Cup? Dan, I know you're a Premiere guy, but this is just wow.

All comparisons aside: Durant is not going to be the player at the NBA level that he was in high school or college. He was always taller and more talented than those he played against...that ain't going to continue Jack. If you believe that players aren't physical on the perimeter, I have some ocean front property here in Surprise for you.

Sorry, I'm getting distracted listening to Mike and Mike talk about Greenie's acheing wrist.

Sheldiz said...

peter, i have to say i laughed out loud at your comment.

Boomhauertjs said...

"I can honestly say, no matter the situation, I would take Horford or Yi over Durant."

Will, you should lay off the crack pipe. Yi over Durant? The Chinese Brad Lohaus over another T-Mac type scorer? Horford's a nice player, but he's not going to be a sure-fire All-Star like Durant. Were you in the Blazers' front office when they took Sam Bowie over Jordan?

BD said...

If that's true Dan, you should follow the Yanks on the road for the rest of time. Rooting for the home team wherever you go. I'm sure you could put together quite the hat/jersey collection over the years.

Dr. Zoom said...

I generally can't stqand hockey, and I'm excited about the Caps' new jerseys. Super-retro-cool.

verbal97 said...

Giambi has come out and said he won't be talking about anybody but himself. Therefore, there's a lot of things you can call him, but snitch isn't one of them.

And stop rooting for the Yankees this instant!!!!! I will stop reading your site if you jump on another bandwagon.

verbal97 said...


for the record, I did watch the US/Canada game. A lot of bad calls, but the offsides was NOT one of them.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who says that Tejada taking the AB in the 1st and then sitting down is cheap is crazy. Just because Ripken never did anything like that doesn't mean that other players are held to that standard. You know how I know? This guy named Lou Gehrig.

Nowadays, the rule for consecutive games says that you have to have one plate appearence or a full half inning in the field to continue a streak. That is actually a revised version of the rule. The rule used to say that as long as you were in the game at all it counted. That allowed Gehrig to keep his streak alive by pinch running. I think it happend 9 times during his streak.

So if you are calling Tejada's "AB and out" cheap you better be calling for them to take Gehrig's record of the books. At least Tejada's follows the rule for keeping a streak, Gehrig's streak doesn't even count by modern standards.

That of course begs the question; why did Gehrig's record count until Cal broke it? The MLB is famous for taking away records because they revised a rule. The famous example is when they took away Ernie Shore's perfect game after they changed the rule as to what qualified as a perfect game.

Jingoist said...

Anyone else go to the link for the US Women's National Soccer Team's new uni's? Well, who else noticed the keeper's name is "Hope Solo"? How cool is that for a name? Her parents must be disciples of George Lucas or something.

jhawkjjm said...

Paul Lukas at Uni-watch (Dan has the link to the side) is a must see for uni-info. He mentions the Caps jersey's today as well as the Bruins' new unis.

verbal97 said...

guy, I believe people were saying it's cheap if he just takes his ab only to continue his streak, not because of the rule itself.

foust said...

is it fair to start referring to Giambi as "Big Pussy" now and mean it on a whole different level?

Big D said...

Fitting that the best philosophical question of the day comes from a guy naed "foust"...

There's no way that Durant falls past #2 without some type of blockbuster trade (i.e. Kobe, KG, etc.) ending up in Seattle. The Sonics are completely infatuated with Durant, and would not pass up the chance to take such a marketable face when they move to Vegas or Oklahoma City in 2009 unless they had a bonafide super-duper-star like Kobe or Garnett to put on their next Media Book.

Growing up, Jr. was by far my favorite player. I sincerely hope he gets the welcome he deserves when he goes back to Seattle today, and not the one that the fans reserved for A-Rod during the '01 All-Star game.

As an addendum to the Girardi point I made in yesterday's comments section, I don't think he'd be a good fit in New York either. But the difference is, in New York they're willing to pay whatever it takes to get the big-name players at every position, so the manager is almost inconsequential.

Geoff said...

Yes, if he is taking one at bat and then sitting to continue a streak it is very cheap.

Anonymous said...


I'm not sure I understand what you meant. I was saying that Tejada taking the "AB and out" to continue his streak is clearly less cheap than what Gehrig did and Gehrig did it multiple times and not as well (because it was pinch running, and since he didn't run it was pretty much standing on first). But no one ever complained about Gehrig's streak even though they probably should have, so no one should complain about Tejada.

verbal97 said...

People probably don't complain about Gehrig because they didn't know that (I didn't anyway). And besides, that was the rule back then and he probably was helping his team when he pinch ran. Tejada playing injured hurts his team, therefore if he's taking at bats just for the streak, it's cheap.

thistlewarrior said...

See Jingo, one more reason all you guys should pay more attention to women's sports! :)

I think Tejada's streak is over anyway, I heard this morning that he has a fractured wrist & is done for a while.

I really don't like these trade rumors going on about Griffey. Esp. since the Reds' front office are just dumb enough to do it. (And why in the HELL would he want to go to the Cubs?!)

Unknown said...

"This is an unemployed guy staying unemployed, because that's better than managing the Orioles."

No, not really. He is still being paid by the Fish, so why would he jump at a medicore-at-best job, when that would entail loing his "free money" from his last team? The Orioles are pathetic enough, no need to exaggerate things.

badly drawn boykins said...

The release of the US women's uniforms is pretty timely considering this Slate piece:

hskr dave said...

And since soccer was mentioned, I did watch some of the game last night while working also. And what is up with Cruise wanting to buy the Galaxy (vis ESPN)

thistlewarrior said...

Just thought this might be relivant.

NCAA Clarifies Blog Policy

Matt T said...

Cal had a few games with 1AB and then sat also.

Who cares?

Jibblescribbits said...

So being a huge NHL fan all i can say about the draft this is is: zzz...zzz...zzz.

Trades are the only reason for even the most die-hard fan to pay attention. In the cheap seats summs up my feelings quite nicely

Anonymous said...

NHL Draft Storylines

1) Kane, Turris or VanRiemsdyke first overall?

2) Trade-mania, baby. Namely, who'll fill their goaltending needs?

3) Alexei Cherapenov: Clear-cut top-ranked pick at the top of the season could take a Leinart-esque dive due to consistency concerns and the lack of a transfer agreement with Russia. Who knows when he'll be able to come to North America? (Then, again, does it matter the way Malkin panned out?)

thistlewarrior said...

File this under WTF:

Coach,40, Weds 16 Year Old Student

Appearantly their relationship started when she was a freshman on the track team. Talk about creepy.

JJ2727 said...

Evidently, $120 million can't buy Jason Giambi the few extra brain cells he needed before running his mouth about his past steriod usage.

If he would have just kept his mouth shut he wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with. Mind you, I'm not a Giambi apologist by any means, (or any other player that was a user), but his apology for "being wrong for using that stuff" and his blanket indictment of MLB for failing to address the situation was the height of sheer stupidity.

chipp said...

Why isn't anyone taking the current state of the Sonics franchise into the discussion of the #2 pick? Last year the team was in chaos with the owner and the took some no-name center (making him the third 7-footer on the roster) with the 10th pick. It alienated fans and helped in Clay Bennett's attempts to move the team (Seattle voters choose to reject any stadium plan that called for public funds shortly thereafter).

Why isn't anyone expecting the same thing to happen? I could certainly see them taking someone else at #2 or more likely trading the pick. Durant is the clear #2, but the Sonics can "explain it away" by saying they already have Rashard Lewis playing that position.

NW lesson of the day: don't expect the Sonics to do anything that will excite the locals into doing something that might keep the team in Seattle.

chipp said...

Speaking of drafts:
no one has every done a correct mock draft and I think it's because they never work in trades. Why doesn't Mel Kiper ever do an NFL mock draft with trades? Lame.

On the other hand, it sounds like there are a lot of trades in the NHL draft: is that really the case? I'm not familiar.

MP said...

If Girardi didn't work well with Jeffrey Loria, why the hell would he want to work for Peter Angelos?

Ryan said...

I love the NHL Draft. Not only are there a ton of trades, but there is always a chance one of your draft picks (from North America) has a Facebook profile. If you think scouting reports tell you about a player, check his photo albums...

Anonymous said...

Matt t-
Actually, no. Ripken's streak consisted of him starting all 2632 games and he only left a game before the 7th inning SIX TIMES and two of those were ejections.

Let's not forget that Cal also holds the consecutive innings played streak at 8243.

chipp said...

That's only 915+ games; can't even make it 6 full seasons?

Actually, wow!

Mikepcfl said...

I have to disagree with Matt that Cal left games after only 1 AB. It never happened unless he walked several times and only got one "official" AB.

Here's some stats from the streak:

During "The Streak", Cal played nearly the entire game each game, averaging 99.8% of total innings played by the Orioles during the streak.

Ripken had several close calls that almost ended the streak. In a 1985 game (#444 of the Streak), Ripken sprained his ankle while running out a double. The next day, Ripken's ankle swelled so badly that he couldn't play. However, that day was an exhibition game for the Orioles and Ripken sat out.

In a game against the Seattle Mariners in June of 1993, there was a brawl on the mound at Camden Yards. Ripken twisted his right knee while trying to break up the brawl and protect then-Orioles ace Mike Mussina. The Orioles had a game that night, so Ripken's wife suggested that he play only one inning to record an appearance, a tactic that had been employed on occasion in establishing Lou Gehrig's streak. Instead, Ripken played the entire game. He taped up his knee and took infield practice before the game, and then played every inning for the next two weeks. This was the last serious threat to Ripken's streak.

Although Major League Baseball does not keep official records of consecutive innings played, another unofficial record is the 8,243 straight innings he played from June 5, 1982, to September 14, 1987.

Mikepcfl said...

Sorry for the long post, and guyinthecorner beat me to the rebuttal.

Mikepcfl said...

On the other hand, it's a slow Friday, we could use some long posts to pass the time since there's nothing really controversial going on.

Anonymous said...

For the record, I'd like to point out that I remember hearing that the guy in second place in the innings streak had like 2000. Keep in mind that a season averages 1400 innings.

My problem is that I can't find out who it is that was in 2nd place. Can some one help me out?

TBender said...

Biggio maybe? Didn't he have a long streak going until he blew out his knee in 00? 01?

Big D said...

See... we've finally found a way to get Baltimore fans fired up - question the legitimacy of Cal Ripken's streak!

What else would work? Maybe saying Gary Williams is overated as a basketball coach? Or that Ray Lewis & Ed Reed ave overpaid stats guys who actually contribute very little?

The heroin sheik said...

Eric, that offsides at the end of the USA game was a joke. I wanted to see some extra time. If the US plays like they did yesterday they are going to get their ass kicked on Sunday. I can't wait to see them play on Sunday.

You have to give a stud and a dud to Frankie Hedjuk. MAybe with his absence they can let Jay Demerritt play since he went to school in Chicago.

Early dud for tomorrow to Arsenal for letting Thierry Henry to go to Barca. Without him the gunners will be hard pressed to make the Champions league next year.

foust said...

big d said...
Fitting that the best philosophical question of the day comes from a guy named "foust"...

i mean, spelled differently, but yeah... glad SOMEONE found that entertaining and my going back and watching the first few seasons of the sopranos these past few weeks has paid off ;)

The heroin sheik said...

Word out of the burg is that the Rays kicked Dukes to the curb. MY buddy called after listening to the Big Dog Steve Dumig's show on 620 the Sports Animal. NO word if he was cut or traded but it makes sense, since the Rays didn't start him much the last few weeks since Jonny Gomes got the call after Upton's trip to the DL. If this is indeed the case the Rays are definite studs tomorrow for being classy and putting character over production. Of course dukes has stunk up the joint lately. If I find anything concrete I will post a link.

The heroin sheik said...

Just go to and there is a great interview that Dukes did on the air the other day. Absolutely hilarious. Thank god we got rid of him. Says he was either reassigned or released outright. Talent is sometimes wasted on stupidity. I would give my firstborn to have a chance to play for my hometown team. The guy has the chance to be an ambassador between a sucky team and 3 cities who won't show up for games. He has the talent to play a long time and could have been the face of the franchise if only he would have been mature instead of acting like a thug. I am saddened to think about the possibilities we could have had. The bay area is a great place for teams. We love the bucs and the ning even when they suck. As much as it pains me though they need to move the team across the bay to Tampa because it really is a pain to get to the stadium at rush hour for games across the bay. If they put a stadium on the waterfront in Tampa you would see crowds twice as big simply because of the ease of getting to it. At least this new ownership group is moving in the right direction. Three years we are winning the east.