Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday 07/11 A.M. Quickie:
Ichiro, Bonds, All-Stars, All-Timers, ESPYs, More

MLB All-Star Game: Ichiro! It’s hard to be first to ever do something in an All-Star Game with a history as long as MLB’s, but MVP Ichiro did it, hitting the game’s first-ever inside-the-park home run (which is so cool, btw).

He also went 3-for-3 with 2 RBI. He also clinched home-field advantage for the AL in the 2007 World Series. He also made reports of his decision to sign a contract extension with the Mariners that much more of a relief for Seattle fans. Big day overall for Ichiro.

Meanwhile, did you catch the end of the game? I didn’t, but I heard the ending was plenty dramatic, with Soriano’s 2-out, 2-run HR closing the AL’s lead to 1 run before the next three NL batters were walked to load the bases. Aaron Rowand hit a flyout to right to end the game and the late thrills.

(Let the second-guessing begin: Tony LaRussa left Albert Pujols – arguably the NL’s best hitter AND HIS OWN PLAYER – on the bench, rather than let him be the hero. When your team has no hope of taking advantage of World Series home-field advantage, I guess you can make moves like that. Yeah, LaRussa SURE is some managerial genius. I could make the easy “Anyone give him a Breathalyzer?” joke, but I won’t.)

Looking to re-live the game via live-blog?
Here’s AOL Fanhouse (PostmanR)
Here’s Deadspin (Babes Love Baseball)

Bonds greeted like... a hero: What else would you expect? The game was in front of his fans in San Francisco. In any other park, he would have been booed. It was actually kind of nice to see him get that kind of reception on a national stage – most likely for the last time in his career.

Selig to watch Bonds break Aaron’s record? The story is slippery. First, reports were that he would. Then, he said he still hadn’t made up his mind. The right thing to do – in the best interests of baseball, you might say – would be to be there, whether he (or the legion of Bonds-haters… until he plays for their team, of course) likes it or not.

Penguins sign Sidney Crosby to 5Y/$43M extension. What does it say when the most dynamic player in hockey only commands less than $9 million a year? Imagine that compared to the NFL, NBA or MLB. (By comparison, Ichiro will get $20 million per.)

More contract-related news: The NBA set its salary cap at $55.63 million, a $2.5 million increase over last season. Some individual players with inflated contracts are going to be the main beneficiaries.

Greg Oden to have tonsils removed: Either that explains his slow start to the summer-league season or that’s the most complicated cover-up I’ve ever heard of to keep a player off the court.

Speaking of the Blazers, they waived and bought out Steve Francis, who can now afford ($34 million? I’d say he can!) to take a low-ball offer to join a contender, like the Mavs or the Heat. Or the Clippers, who employ his best buddy, Cuttino Mobley.

New Media: Smart move by MLB to give fans a chance to create historical playoff highlight video mash-ups. But the site name – – is ACK.

More Dan Patrick: Who will replace Patrick in his radio slot? For starters, let’s eliminate Schrutebag. Simmons? He’s got a voice for online writing (and that’s coming from one of the biggest high-talkers to ever grace ESPN’s airwaves). The name being thrown around is Mike Tirico. (h/t Larry Brown Sports) Why can’t they bring Tony Kornheiser back into the fold? He hates his gig with Washington Post Radio.

NBA Summer: Marco Belinelli Watch! Comes back to Earth with 15 points on 5/13 FG shooting against what I can only assume is a tough defensive-minded Spurs team... Meanwhile: Al Thornton: 17 and 7… Coby Karl: 23 points on 8/13 FG shooting… Nick Young had a weak debut: 11 points on 3/14 FG shooting. And the Yi Update: 3 points and 5 turnovers on 0/6 FG shooting… wow, yikes. Today: The T’wolves make their first Summer appearance, and the rookie to watch is Corey Brewer.

College Football: Rivals is running a “Greatest of All-Time” poll. Here are the leaders (and, frankly, I think the fans have it pretty right here):

QB: Vince Young; RB: Barry Sanders; RB: Bo Jackson; WR: Calvin Johnson; WR: Randy Moss; TE: Keith Jackson; OL: Orlando Pace; OL: Tony Boselli; OL: Jonathan Ogden; OL: Dan Dierdorf; OL: John Hannah; DL: Warren Sapp; DL: Reggie White; DL: Julius Peppers; DL: Jevon Kearse; LB: Dick Butkus; LB: Ray Lewis; LB: Lawrence Taylor; DB: Champ Bailey; DB: Deion Sanders; DB: Ronnie Lot; DB: Charles Woodson; K: Sabastian Janikowski; P: Ray Guy; Returner: Raghib Ismail; Coach: Paul "Bear" Bryant.

A few reactions: How wild is it that Calvin Johnson makes the list? (And people say that I have the Instant History fetish!)… It would be tough to bounce either Barry or Bo, but what about Herschel Walker?... I wasn’t a Gators fan in the Kearse Era, but wasn’t he a LB?... The most controversial position will be QB. I have no problems with Vince Young. (How can you begrudge VY when the No. 2 vote-getter is Peyton?)

More College Football: The great Brian Cook over at MGoBlog is in a bit of a feud with a local newspaper sports columnist over the future of coaching at Michigan. The slack-jawed newspaper guy floats Les Miles, which Brian smacks down effectively. (I simply call it ludicrous.) Brian floats Jeff Tedford, which is nice if you want to produce QBs who look good at combine workouts but suck in the NFL. I still say Rich Rodriguez will be the guy… if Michigan wants to be relevant into the next decade. Otherwise, they can pick a typical “Michigan Man” and continue to exist as the perennial second-tier team in the perennial second-tier conference. (OK, I’ll accept Greg Schiano, too, except I think he thinks that Rutgers is a better gig than Michigan. Cue Nelson Muntz: HA-ha!)

More “All-Time” superlatives: World Soccer magazine has called the 1970 Brazil World Cup champ the greatest soccer team of all time. Now, an interesting – if apples to oranges – debate would be what is the greatest sports team of all time, period: 1970 Brazil, 1996 1992* Dream Team, 1996 Bulls, 1985 Bears, 1927 Yankees? I just picked the obvious choice in NBA, NFL and MLB – that’s not necessarily the greatest team in each sport’s history. But would it even matter? Wouldn’t the final inevitably be '96 '92* Dream Team vs. ’70 Brazil, which was basically soccer’s Dream Team?

* - UPDATE: Obviously, I meant to say "1992" not "1996" here. I'm sure you all knew what I meant. I wrote that particular item bleary-eyed at 2 a.m. (not that that's an excuse) and neglected to go back and fix it. Then I was stuck on an airplane all day and didn't see that it needed changing until it was way WAY too late. Sorry 'bout that.

High school football: Could be a lost season for national power Miami Northwestern, embroiled in a sex scandal with the superintendend threatening to cancel the team’s season. It’s tough to punish all the kids for the leadership failures of the team’s star and administrators, but that has all the signals of a program that has totally lost its way. (As I suspect most top-tier high school football programs have.)

More youth sports: That kids’ baseball coach who paid one of his players in 2005 to intentionally bean the 9-year-old with autism lost an appeal and will be going to prison. This was arguably the most despicable story of the decade, and I hope the coach finds prison horrifying… and painful. (h/t AOL Fanhouse via Lion In Oil)

Nickname Watch: For some reason, the AP picked up a story about Arkansas Tech thinking of changing its nickname. I didn’t know what the school’s nickname was before, but upon hearing that it’s “Wonder Boys” for the guys and “Golden Suns” for the women’s teams, I have to ask: How can you eliminate “Wonder Boys?” That’s an amazing nickname.

From my “Tips” Box: Reader/commenter Scott D. and his buddies put together an NFL preview mash-up involving Dave Matthews.

And: Of all the NHL gimmicks, my favorite is the outdoor game, next season on New Year’s Day. Reader Charlie R. wrote an impassioned case why Buffalo deserves it more than Detroit. And, given Sabres fans’ last few months, I’m with him. They need it more.

Attention, Simpsons fans: So it turns out Springfield is in… Vermont? And the town won the online poll with 15,000 votes? Hell, we could have swung that election ourselves!

Finally, the ESPYs are tonight. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but…

My ESPY Award Picks, including who should win (and who will win, more often than not the same) based on each category’s nominee list:

Best Male Athlete
Should win/will win: LaDainian Tomlinson
Best Female Athlete
Should win/will win: Candace Parker
Best Team
Should win: Florida Gators Basketball
Will win: Indianapolis Colts
Best Coach/Manager
Should win: Billy Donovan
Will win: Jim Leyland
Best Game
Should win/will win: Boise St over Oklahoma
Best Championship Performance
(What a weak nominee list!)
Should win/will win: Peyton Manning
Best Moment
Should win/will win: Saints return to New Orleans
Best Play
Should win/will win: Boise St 2-pt conversion
Best Finish
Should win/will win: Dodgers Back2Back2Back2Back
Best Upset
Should win: Florida over Ohio State, BCS title game
Will win: Warriors over Mavericks, NBA Playoffs
Best Breakthrough Athlete
Should win/will win: Kevin Durant
Best Record-Breaking Performance
Should win/will win: LaDainian Tomlinson

As always, look forward to your picks in the Comments section. Here’s a link with the nominees.

-- D.S.


pv845 said...

Dan, do you stay up to watch any sporting events anymore?

Ending was great. Added some much needed excitement to the All-Star game. Missed a great finish.

Luke Bell said...

The second tier Big 10 went 2-1 against your vaunted SEC in Bowl games last year. I know you have the Florida blinders on, but enough with the hyperbole.

CMFost said...

Dan since you do know hockey that well we let you the the NHL has a salary cap and no players can make more then a certain percentage of the teams caps

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I am sorry but VY and Peyton as the top college QBs ever? I am going to go Dan Shanoff and put on my Nebraska blinders and say Tommie Frazier. Does anyone remember what this guy did when he was at Nebraska. He only lost 3 games his entire career won back to back titles in 94 and 95 and was a blown call and a missed field goal away from winning 3 in a row. On top of the back to back titles he led the 1995 team which was the greatest college football team of all time. I would put VY 2nd for his Rose Bowl performances against Michigan and USC but Peyton? Peyton never won a big game in his college career and even got beat by Memphis one year, yet he is 2nd?

Matt T said...

(this didn't show up the first time)
I'd go with Herschel #1, but its hard to not put Bo or Barry.

I'd also go with Larry Fitzgerald over Calvin Johnson. Calvin had a few too many no impact games in big games.

That list of DBs is unreal. Champ played both ways a good part of the time too.

Geoff said...

The reason that Crosby can "only" command less than $9 million a year is because of the salary cap and hockey being a niche sport. Not much more to it than that. What did you expect? Them to pay him $20 million a year and not have the ability to sign a single other player who can make an impact?

So uh, the only way Michigan can be relevant is to pick Rich Rodriguez? Really?

Oberon said...

Dan, I hope you meant the 92 Dream Team.

jhawkjjm said...

I think I've finally figured out this whole Bud Selig-Barry Bonds thing. I think its all a ploy by Selig. He knows he's going to be there, but by him being saying he's undescided, he's putting attention on him. People are talking about him and this decision rather than constantly saying Bonds is getting closer and steriods. It's a complete non-story, but its being talked about and reducing (not eliminating obviously) the Bonds-steriods talk.

That was the freakiest bounce I've ever seen on Ichiro's home run.

Unknown said...

Ignorantly bashing Michigan for no reason, and ignorantly praising anything dealing with the University of Florida sports...

I remembered very quickly why I don't visit your blog anymore.

Clinton (Indianapolis) said...

On this, the slowest sports day of the year, I still have only one thing to say: $#*! the ESPYs. I've never watched them in the past, and will continue to avoid them like the plague this year and every year hence.

BLT said...

Not that I am a huge hockey fan, but I am Canadian so I will stand up for hockey a little.

One of the big reasons that Crosby makes $9 mil a season and Ichiro will make $20 mil is because hockey has a salary cap and baseball doesn't.

The NHL raised it's cap to $50 mil which if the NBA is only at $55 I'd say is pretty good for a sport not even considered by most to be in the "big 4" anymore


chitown italian said...

That was an awful anthem last night.

Worst Ever:
1) Roseanne
2) That asian kid from Idol
3) Chris Issaak and that fat guy from last night

chitown italian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

Kornheiser would have to take Schrutebag's (and his old) time slot back, wouldn't he? Don't they tape PTI about 2-3 hours before it airs, which puts it right in the time block of the DP show.

Although kicking the schrute out would be a classic example of addition by subtratction.

Calvealier said...

Crosby could have gotten more but he elected to take less money so his team could spend it on other players. Now the rest of the league's stars will be pissed because their teams will say 'Crosby 'only' gets 9 mil a year, so you don't deserve more'. Also, his deal works out to 8.7 mil per year, and 87 is his number. Bet he wishes he was Gretzky.

The 96 dream team? Mitch Richmond was on that team. 92 was the greatest team of any sport of all time. Fact.

Anonymous said...

I think that a case can actually be made for vick as best qb ever in college, he was awesome when he played in college.

also shouldn't biggest upset be bsu over ok?

ToddTheJackass said...

All-Star Game Studs and Duds:

1. Ichiro - 3/3, 2RBI, Inside-the-Park-HR
2. Beckett - W, 2IP, H, 2Ks
3. Jose Reyes - 3/4, R, 2B, SB

1. JJ Putz - 0.2IP, 2ER, 2H, BB, HR
2. Billy Wagner - IP, 2ER, 2H, HR
3. Russ Martin - 0/3, K, 2LOB

Honorary Stud: Willie Mays
Honorary Dud: Tony LaRussa (Pujols... Pujols... Pujols...)

TBender said...

CJ > Fitzgerald
Ball < Fitz's QB

It's not CJ's fault that Ball couldn't/wouldn't keep throwing him the ball. Nothing like being taken out of the offense by your own teammate.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I think to be named one of the best you need to have won a big game. Vick did lead Va Tech to the championship but they lost. My top 3 College QBs for what they did in college and not the pros is:

1. Tommie Frazier: You really had to see him play, I was a freshman at Nebraska in 1995 and you just expected him to make a handful of plays that just blew you away each game.

2. Vince Young: Won the 2006 Rose Bowl by himself and since he is the QB for the Titans I like him even more.

3. Doug Flutie: 1984 Heisman winner and perhaps the single greatest play in college football history.

hutlock said...

I'm no Michigan fan (in fact, I loathe them), but to call the Big Ten "second tier" just seems ridiculous, even with bias. "Second tier" is the WAC and the MAC and those places. The Big Ten is pretty deep, all things considered.

The ASG ending WAS great, and even though I'm an AL guy, I was sorta rooting for the game to be tied in the 9th just to see if we had some extra inning meltdown action again. And there was NO excuse to hold back Pujols, I'm sorry.

critical fanatic said...

Dan, Timberwolves played their first summer league game on Monday against the Hornets. Watched the game courtside.

Brewer played solid (16 pts). Craig Smith the man on the court (25 pts). TWolves also have a blast from the past on their roster ... some guy named Mateen Cleaves.

Brian Malachowski said...

The 1986 Celtics were better then the 1996 Bulls.

They had 4 hall of famers, Bird, McHale, Parish and an old but effective off the bench Walton. Through in DJ and Ainge and that team could not be stopped.

Yes, Jordan would drop 30 a night on them, but McHale take Pippen out of the game and Parrish dominates that game under neath.

All 5 Celtic starters could go for 40, the Bulls could not have stopped all 5.

EB III said...


Please say you meant the '92 Dream Team and not the '96?

Also, the Simpson's contest was not to determine which Springfield teh Simpson's are from but to determine where the Simpson's World Premiere would be at.

Jen said...

I was wondering why LaRussa had the starters still playing in the SIXTH!? C'mon, it's the All-Star Game, and I know these are grown men, but get the guys in for at least half an inning.

McCarver and Buck did ENTIRELY too much talking (as usual). The interviews with the managers during the game were stupid.

I was psyched CC pitched well and Victor Martinez hit a home run.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I turned on the All-Star game at 7 and told my wife that it would not start until 8 because networks now feel the need to overhype and over produce everything. When networks and the leagues wonder why ratings are down could this be the reason? I did watch the discussion with Jeter, Jr and Willie Mays and liked it and thought the tribute to Mays prior to the game was great. But all the other BS did not need to be there. Who else knew that the guy hitting off the Tee was not getting one out of the infield?

Jingoist said...

Quite simply the "world's best" would come down to '92 Dream Team and '70 Brazilian Cup Team. No question, others are not even close. In their respective eras, no other teams in history have literally compiled all the best players of their sport on the same team. What makes it all the more impressive is it will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN because:
a) NFL has a salary cap preventing compiling all the stars, plus no international competition to be called "best of" anything except in the USA.
b) All other sports of relevance- MLB, the NHL, Soccer/futbol, and NBA have too many of the best players from different countries and you cannot get them all together on 1 team in an international competition.

The only other sport it could potentially happen in would be golf (Ryder Cup). But that's a BIG improbability that you could get, say, the whole US Ryder Cup team to be the top players in the World- actually I'd argue you will get the Europeans to dominate the Top 10 players faster than the Americans at the top of the PGA Tour. (And do not discount the South Africans and Australians and Koreans, and...)

Judz said...

I cannot believe I am going to say this, especially here, but Danny Wuerffel needs to be included as one of the top college qbs of all-time. I would also throw Ty Detmer, Andre Ware and David Klingler in there, but most people argue that they are just system qbs.

ernie said...

96 Dream Team was pretty good in its own right, but doesn't compare to 92 Dream Team.

Brian in Oxford said...

I second the '86 Celtics over the '96 Bulls....but neither would have a chance against the ninety-TWO dream team. The only dream team, which USA Basketball just stupidly kept passing around like a mantle every four years.

My Dan Shan fantasy baseball team has Beckett, K-Rod, and Ichiro....but I don't get the stats for last night?!

The real dud of the night COULD have been Brian Roberts. That wasn't that tough of a play in the 9th....the game would have been over, 5-2, but now Putz is probably pissed to have been lifted for K-Rod.

There's nothing wrong with Sid getting nine million. In fact, part of the whole problem that led to hockey's year off was the fact that hockey players felt they were entitled to the same kind of salaries as bigger-revenue sports, without any of the TV money to pay for it. Just because an NBA guy could get $10 million, didn't mean a hockey player of equivalent star power wasn't only "worth" maybe $4 million in that economic model.

And did they even play the Canadian anthem last night? Or did FOX just not air it....hey they could do us a favor and leave the US anthem to commercial time, too -- it's always just a plug for crappy musicians, isn't it?

nsrrder13 said...

There's no way a serious list of College's Greatest of All Time would not include Herschel at running back. There's never been a better CFB back....obviously these guys were in comas 1980-82.

Jibblescribbits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jibblescribbits said...

Crosby $9M/year
Briere $10M next season

Peyton Manning $10M
Tom Brady $16M
LaT $6.3M (4.2M Base)
C. Bailey $9.4M ($6.0M Base)
D. Brees $22M (Only because his bonuses are spread out over the life of the contract, in reality it's about $8M/year)

So I'd say Crosby's salary has no indication of how well the league is doing.

Unknown said...


Arkansas State are currently the Indians.

And I hope you meant the 92 Dream Team.

Jingoist said...

Do NOT underestimate the power Mario Lemieux has when it comes to the Penguins players, especially "Sid the Kid."

Sid had been living with Mario and his family through his first couple of seasons. They are like family and there is definitely a "hometown" discount being applied by (and to) Crosby.

He's also one of the most grounded pros you'll find, especially given how young he is. He wants championships as much as he does another million dollars or two. But he knows to do that they need to keep guys down the road like Malkin and Staal, who will need some of that "Saved" money from his deal.

kirby077 said...

Re: Crosby

In the NHL, there is $50 million salary cap for 20 players on a roster, whereas, the NBA has only 12 players on a roster with a salary cap of $55 million.

Richard K. said...

How is Boise St. not in the best finish category? I guess the finish obviously sucked..........OK i give up.

As much as it hurts me to say this, (considering my Georgia Tech alumni status) Calvin Johnson shouldn't be on that list, but neither should Moss.

Personally, I'd go with Tim Brown, and Larry Fitzgerald. TBender makes the argument for CJ over Fitz and it's valid. However, it's also unfair to penalize Fitz because he had a competant QB. Both were outstanding, but for an all-time list, you can't ignore production.

The heroin sheik said...

I am just happy that Carl Crawford went yard last night. His solo shot in my mind is what won the game. Ichiro was amazing.
I can't even remember if the freak was a LB or DL in college. I think he played both positions at various times. I would have to go with Danny Weurffel as best college QB but he was a product of the fun n gun system. Tommy Frazier is a great choice especially after what he did to UF in the title game. That was probably the greatest team in UF history and he made us his bitch.

Aaron Fike is by far my new favorite driver in any form of motorsports. A man after my own heart.

McCoy said...

Since when did Kornheiser hate his Wash Post Radio slot? Sounded to me like he loved it. What he hated was working on ESPN radio.

kway34 said...

Hard to argue with Walker, Jackson, and Sanders as all-time bests, but going past instant history Red Grange, Jim Brown, and Gale Sayers should be in the discussion (I know 2 of the 3 weren't options to vote for).

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't give Dan too much grief about watching the end of the all-star game. I fell asleep on the couch as well and had to check the results online.

Yeah, and if we are talking college QB, Frazier of Nebraska is a better choice than either Peyton or Young.

Oh, and Wonder Boys is the gayest team name I have ever heard. That has to be changed. And this is coming from a guy who was captain of his HS football team nicknamed the Peglegs. (Comes from the school being named after the last Dutch mayor of NYC, Peter Stuyvesant, who had a pegleg.)

Anonymous said...

The idea of an outdoor NHL game has already done, in 2003's Heritage Classic between the Montreal Canadiens and the Edmonton Oilers. Past stars played in an exhibition game before the current squads faced off. This was the setting of the famous photo of Jose Theodore with a toque overtop of his helmet.

Now, the NHL decides to emulate the event south of the border, apparently without the MegaStars game. Gary Bettman presenting a watered-down version of a Canadian concept in a small American hockey market? Shocking.

CMFost said...

FYI about the Crosby Contract:

No player can earn more than 20 percent of the team salary cap.

The max he could of received if was a free agent and he would not be for another 5 seasons is $10.6 Million since the cap is 50.3 million

Big D said...


C'mon now... the old Hawaii Rainbow Warriors were much, much gayer than "Wonder Boys"...

pv845 said...

We had a school that we played in HS named the Fighting Cherries. Top that!

frank said...

the only thing more meaningless than ESPY awards are ESPY award predictions.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Big D. At least the Rainbow Warriors are some kind of warrior. I think it refers to native Hawaiian warriors who were pretty cool. Wonder Boys is just ... well gay.

thistlewarrior said...

Why couldn't the ladies' teams be the "Wonder Women"?

wellsortof said...


Glad to see some of the people commenting pointed out the double mistake of saying the 1996 Dream Team, vs. 1992, the REAL dream team.

Also, my best one year NBA team is the 1983 Sixers.

ToddTheJackass said...

Aren't NYU the Violets?

CMFost said...

Hey Big D - How did the WSOP go?

Brian said...

Okay, I am a huge Bama homer but they definitely should have put Ozzie Smith and Derrick Thomas on that list and Kenny Stabler should have at least been mentioned.

chipp said...

I actually caught a HS Basketball game on some satellite feed for the Tutopolis Wooden Shoes.

As for CFB QB, why not Gino Torretta? 2 Championships (one as a backup) and a loss in a third championship game. 26-1 as a starter and a Heisman award.

CFB OL: Lincoln Kennedy - started every game @ LT for Washington beginning as a true freshman. Four years, zero sacks allowed.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Brian do you mean Ozzie Newsome the only Ozzie Smith I know played SS for the Padres and Cardinals

Big D said...

@ cmfost:

It Didn't...

Anonymous said...

Torretta wasn't so great individually. He played for some of the most talented teams in history so any QB would have looked good.

Brian said...

That's the one, I had around 2.5 hours of sleep last night.

David Kippe said...

how could one omit the 98 yankees from the list of greatest teams?

bonilla disciple said...

You have to be kidding me with all this tommy frazier talk! First, his back to back titles arent legit, as Penn State was clearly the better team in 94 and hamstrung by the requirement to play in the rose bowl instead of a 1-2 natl. champ game. (there is no way that nebraska team was better than a psu team with three top ten picks the following year in the nfl draft). And frazier wasnt even the player that made that team run, it was lawrence phillips, remember? the guy who tom osborne sold his soul and integrity for to become a championship coach.

bonilla disciple said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Huge snub in the ESPY nominations: Best Game -- Ohio State vs. Michigan midseason

Unknown said...

I was a loyal listener to Kornheiser on Washington Post Radio. He LOVED doing the radio show. If anything, he made it seem like doing MNF was a chore (but undoubtedly provides prestige and a high paycheck).

In fact, he plans to come back to Washington Post Radio after football season.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Phillips missed half of the season in 1995 and Nebraska's RBs for most of the season were Ahman Green, Damon Benning and Clinton Childs. Yes Osborne made a mistake by letting Phillips back on the team but Phillips is not what made that team run, Frazier did. Watch him run the option and how well he executed the play action passes. In the 1995 Fiesta Bowl it was Frazier who ran for 199 yards.

As for 1994 the Penn State team was outstanding with a tremendous offense and they did have 3 top 10 picks (even if one was Kyle Brady made by the inept Jets) but Nebraska beat Miami and Frazier was the difference.

BobbyStompy said...

Dude, it's like you're trying to piss readers off today with your Rutgers-Michigan comments.

Also, going out of the way to say Florida should win all of those ESPYs? Nice touch.

The SEC and their fans needs to get over their false sense of superiority.

Seriously, why do you hate Michigan so much?

jhawkjjm said...

I was a freshman at KU in 96, can one of the Nebraska people remind me of when Frazier played because I think I have him confused with someone else? Didn't he get moved to wide receiver when Crouch showed up? Thanks.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

jhawk, Frazier's senior year was 1995. In 1996 and 1997 Scott Frost was the QB for Nebraska and after 1997 it was Bobby Newcomb and Eric Crouch with Newcombe eventually moving to WR.

pv845 said...

I know the PSU team got screwed, but the Nebraska team was better IMO. That being said, I am surprised that Dan didn't push for a Leak/Tebow as greatest QB split.

WuzUpG said...

Well, if Bonds hits 756 on the weekend of July 20-22, Selig won't have to travel because the Giants will be playing in Milwaukee.

chitown italian said...

Thanks for bringing up the Taco Bell guy. Seriously, where do they find these people? I think the selection committee asks only one question: When was the last time you picked up a bat and ball? 1952, really, great you're in.

On another note, I was at Wrigley and there was some promotion all you had to do was hit a HR from home plate. I think 10-15 attempted it and not one hit it well. Why? The damn contest was a one shot, throw it up in the air, and hit it with a wooden bat to see if you can clear the fences.

I guarantee you 99% of the major leaguers couldn't do that.

Anonymous said...

I feel a bit like a grumpy old man, but the WR commentss are way, way, way off.

Starting Wrs should be Irving Fryar and Anthony Carter, with an argument to be made for Johnny Lam Jones.

Hershel HAS to be a starter - best college RB of all time...sorry Barry.

Vince Young and Flutie are definitely the two best college QBs ever. Frazier doesn't belong (Turner Gill, maybe) in the conversation.

Gordie Lockbaum needs to be there somewhere as well.

Wuerffel????? Does Terry Dean make the list as well (you know, just to alternate series with Danny)?

Jack Ham has to be on the list, not sure who I'd bump, but he's arguably the greatest college LB ever....

And the 92 Dream Team is GOAT

chipp said...

I just watched the clip of Ichiro's ITP HR on the M's website; could Joe Buck have been LESS excited about a play? Really, does he even care about sports?

Travis said...

I just checked out that Actober site.... All I can say is the site has no credibility. Week 1 is game winners???

No Joe Carter??? Nuff Said

Travis said...

Frazier's senior year was 1995. In 1996 and 1997 Scott Frost was the QB for Nebraska and after 1997 it was Bobby Newcomb and Eric Crouch with Newcombe eventually moving to WR.

Wasnt 1996 the late Brooks Berringer????

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Keith please give a reason that Frazier does not belong in the conversation. He won 2 national titles and outplayed Charlie Ward in the 1993 Orange Bowl. If Nebraska passed more then Frazier would have put up similar numbers as Young but those Husker teams did not need to because they knew they could run the ball down your throat.

@travis: Berringer took over the QB duties in 1994 after Frazier was sidelined with blood clots. In 1995 Frazier was healthy and Berringer played sparingly. He died the week before the spring game in 1996. I remember walking back to my dorm room when someone told me about the accident.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Wikipedia

"Brook Warren Berringer (July 9, 1973 - April 18, 1996) was a quarterback for the University of Nebraska football team in the mid-1990s. Berringer came to Nebraska from Goodland, Kansas and played a back-up role to Tommie Frazier. He is best known for replacing an injured Tommie Frazier during the 1994 season and leading the Cornhuskers to seven consecutive wins and to the Orange Bowl national championship game against the University of Miami Hurricanes."

Travis said...

Thats right. I knew he played a big role for the team.

On a side note have you ever heard the Nebraska Song by Sawyer Brown? very nice tribute to Berringer.

Unknown said...

I don't even know why I read this Florida...I mean sports blog anymore.

Oden having his tonsils removed a cover-up? Nice, can I call you Skip Bayless now?

Anonymous said...

Besides the fact that everyone is giving Frazier credit for two nat'l championships when he only won one?

In addition, as someone pointed out earlier, Lawrence Phillips was the guy to stop on that team - whereas Vince Young and Flutie were THE guys on their respective teams.

I'd further submit that the Turner Gill led 83 team was better than the Frazier-led 95 team.

I'm not saying Frazier wasn't great, I'm saying he doesn't belong in the GOAT discussion.

Stabler, Flutie, Young, Ward, Leinart, Kosar were all better College QBs (to name a few).

Great Topic, though

Anonymous said...

Although -- to debate myself, Frazier did have 3 Title Game MVPs...on the other hand, he only completed 49.1 % of his passes for his career and never won a Heisman...

David Kippe said...

Dan is starting to sound like the guy that talks sports out of his ass on ESPN News commercial

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Keith you forget that the 1983 team also had Mike Rozier (Heisman winner) and Irving Fryar (#1 pick in the draft) and they could not beat Miami in the Orange Bowl.

Frazier led Nebraska in the 2nd half of the 1994 Orange Bowl against Miami when Osborne realized that he was doing better with Frazier than Berringer. As I have said in 1995 Phillips was gone after the Michigan St. game which was the 2nd game of the year and did not return until Iowa St. which was the 9th game of the year. He did not start until the Fiesta Bowl.

I think Eddie George winning the Heisman over Frazier in 1995 was ridiculous. There is no way George should have won the award.

Unknown said...

@ sparty: Ha, I agree!

Anonymous said...

re: 1994 - Warren Sapp spent the first half of the game dancing around like an idiot, and Miami was overmatched, evrything was set up perfectly for Frazier.

Yep - the 83 team had those players (plus Dave Remington - who should have been on the GOAT list as well) - A great team - my only point there was that Frazier wasn't a lock for best Q in his own school's history, much less GOAT.

I had forgotten about Phillips being out for most of 95 - good point.

Eddie George was ridiculous in 95 - do you remember what he did to PSU that year? Unbelievable - I thought he deserved the Heisman.

Still doesn't get get Frazier to Vince Young / Flutie / Leinart /Kosar category as far as I'm concerned.

CMFost said...

Alex Rodriguez leads the majors with an OPS of 1.249 in his plate appearances when his team is ahead by 4+ runs or behind by 4+ runs (i.e. a “blowout”)

The Rick said...

I don't want to sound like a fanboy or anything, but the Simpsons are from Kentucky. They said it in the Behind the Laughter episode

Michael said...

I can't wrap my head around the idea that VY was the greatest college quarterback of all time. Maybe it is because I attribute that claim to a short term memory of history but it can't be right. As I write this though I have no acceptable argument as to who should be. I don't totally disagree with Peyton except that he is one of the greatest chokers in the history of the college game. What about Leinart who won one championship and lost another, as well as a Heisman. I don't know a huge amount of CFB history but this all just seems very short sighted to me. I am not claiming to be right about this maybe just suprised.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I do remember Eddie George thrashing Illinois for over 300 yards but against Michigan he sucked and Biakabutuka was the player who looked like the Heisman candidate. With Nebraska's team you had to stop Frazier because he made the offense go and teams could not do it. I think what hurt Frazier the most in 1995 was all of the off the field incidents that plagued the Huskers that year.

In 94 Sapp may have been dancing around but the O-line of Nebraska had a lot to do with that. In my opinion the O-line in 1994 was the greatest O-Line in Nebraska history even better than the 1983 O-line with Rimington and Steinkuhler.

Part of my point of brining up Frazier is that he is so easily dismissed because those Nebraska teams were so dominant and people lose the Instant History of VY and Leinert and because Peyton is on his way to becoming the greatest NFL QB ever so they assume he was great in college.

jhawkjjm said...

Thanks future and others, I'm not originally from the area so didn't pay much attention to the Big 8/XII till I got out here. At least Frost agreed to move to another position in the NFL rather than "retire". I just remember sitting through a sleet filled football game where KU crossed the 50 yrd line with about 2 minutes left in the half, only to have a false start penalty on the next play push them back to their own side. (97?)

Michael said...
This would make Dan vomit in his mouth except that he has only been a Florida fan for like a year and a half...This should at least validate Tommy Frazier's place in this discussion.

CoCo said...

Best Male Athlete should be Roger Federer. If he were American, he would win. But, you're probably right about LT considering football's popularity and his greatness.

Richard K. said...


Since we are fellow members of the tribe, have you seen the Stewart Mandel ( celebrity crush for this year? She's single, rich, hot and Jewish...I'm moving to Manhattan now.

Jordana Spiro -

derby said...

I'll go with Danny Weurffel as the best. He never lost to Manning, won a Heisman, played in two title games, won one and won like 4 SEC titles in a row. Vince Young? He had a great year but Danny wins out, easily.

The heroin sheik said...

Best game weurffel had was the year we won our first title. He played UT in a monsoon that was so bad that the signal wasn't able to be seen on tv. He threw for like 6 td's and the second quarter I think he led us to like five tds. Of course I am probably speaking out of my ass since I can't find the stats anywhere.

Also I found it odd that Emmitt Smith only garnered like 2% of the vote for his college career since he never had a line to run behind, but he was no herschel walker or Bo "Don't know how to read" Jackson.

Seriously though the players you could choose for left a lot of players off. I mean cmon how can you not have Anthone Lott at least listed in the db's. There were no gator wr's or db's listed. Sure they may not have been the greatest ever but they should have been at least in the discussion. For ten years we had the greatest passing attack possibly ever in college yet no wideouts? WTF!

One final travesty, no arden Czeshefsky or however you spell his last name. He kicked a 58 yarder as time expired to beat auburn. He was the man.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Derby Weurffel is not close to the top 3. Yes he played in 2 titles and won the Heisman but he got crushed by Nebraska in the first one. Tommie Frazier played in 3 title games and was the MVP in all 3 of them outperforming the Heisman winner Charlie Ward in the '93 Orange Bowl.

I think Weurffel is a good guy and I always enjoyed how he handled the Spurrier tirades but he is good deal behind Frazier, Flutie, and Young.

I know that Florida had the best passing attack and no WRs but how does Nebraska have the greatest running game ever and not even produce a lineman on the list? I look at the list and it seems to be based purely on NFL careers and a Rose Bowl in 2006.

jhawkjjm said...

Using the Heismann trophy as a measuring stick of greatness is a bad idea. The voting is inconsistant and is turning into a popularity/hype contest. It's not about being the best college player, its about who has the most hype and hilights.

Exhibit A: Vince Young should have won the trophy over Reggie Bush.
Exhibit B: Eric Crouch. Under the same logic that Crouch won his, Brad Smith of Missouri should have won one. They gave it to Crouch almost as a career achievement awards.
Exhibit C: Josh Huepel
Exhibit D: Jason White actually had a better statistical year his Senior season after he won the Heismann, only to finish 2nd.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

You think Josh Heupel should have won it over Chris Weinke? I agree that Crouch's Heisman was a career achievement.

I would add Woodson winning over Peyton and Eddie George winning over Tommie Frazier.

JX said...

PLEASE don't float the Rich Rod to Michigan rumor....ack!

I had a hard enough time when my favorite college team lost their basketball coach to my second favorite college team. I don't even want to THINK about being torn on Rich Rod in that SAME situation.


jhawkjjm said...

Oops nope. I thought Huepel did win it one year, but your right Weinke did the year OU won the title. My bad. So change exhibit C to the 26 yr old Chris Weinke instead.

Poseur said...

How is the Les Miles rumor smacked down effectively other than calling Miles a bunch of names and insulting his character? Miles has two straight 11-2 seasons, both capped with bowl blowout victories (last year's in a BCS Bowl).

Sure, Miles dropped the f-bomb and he made fun of USC's schedule. How is that horribly unethical? He also guided this team through the tragedies of the hurricanes two years ago, which was no small feat. If anything, LSU fans have been impressed with Miles' character more than anything. He seems rather incapable of putting forth a false front, making him the anti-Saban.

And if any moron can win as LSU's head coach, how come Miles has th best two-year record in LSU history? Not just best first two years, but best two years period.

I think the only game Miles was truly outcoached was Auburn last year. and Tuberville (painful to admit) is a pretty good coach. The two losses in 2005 were both factors of the team bonking from the effects of the hurricane (particularly Tennessee, but the team had played 12 straight weeks before getting crushed by UGa). the Florida game was just a bad dream, right?

So, long story short, the MGoBlog can go f%@# itself.

Jed Bartlet said...

The Freak Jevon Kearse played LB for The OBC (ol ball coach) at UF, so the rivals list is screwy... and I'll take the 1992 dream team over any team, any sport, any time.