Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday 08/24 A.M. Quickie:
Vick, PFT, Driver, Redd, BlogPoll, More!

Vick won't admit to killing dogs or gambling: I understand why he wouldn't want to, but as everyone believes he did (both), the rehabilitation of his image (not to mention his NFL career) can't (or won't) begin until he 'fesses up. See PFT for more/everything.

Related: Great piece in Slate on ProFootballTalk, confirming what I've been saying all year: That PFT is the most influential and must-read NFL voice found anywhere, online or off. Nice work, Florio.

More Vick Watch: Blessed comedy relief to this story. Vick football cards chewed by dogs are up for auction on eBay and currently being bid at $455.

MLB Pennant Races: The Indians beat the Tigers to go up 2.5 games in the AL Central. If I had to declare a rooting interest, it would be for the Indians, if only because the Tigers enjoyed their fun last year.

David Wells joins the Dodgers: Over/under until the inevitable playoff-crushing implosion? 4 weeks.

Curt Schilling backed off his talk about joining the Devil Rays, but it would be a terrific fit. He wouldn't be on a contender, but he would be a mentor to an exciting young staff, particularly future "Face of Baseball" contender David Price.

Jags beat Packers: More importantly, the Packers lost WR Donald Driver to a foot injury, for who knows how long. Also, David Garrard provoked the stirrings of a QB controversy (though consider he played against the Packers' 2nd-team D.)

Saints crush Chiefs: After seeing the stats, here's the fantasy implication – aside from Peyton Manning, I think Drew Brees is the clear No. 2 fantasy QB in the league (sorry, Carson Palmer fans), and – if you are the type to take QBs in round 2 – he seems to be worth it (I'm a believer in the ol' RB-RB-WR, with perfectly capable QBs to be found in Rounds 5-6.)

Andy Reid's sons are some effed up kids. Maybe the father should consider taking the year off to help take care of what is obviously an incredibly troubled situation in his family.

USA Hoops: Doubles up the Virgin Islands. The question is: If Tim Duncan played for the V.I., could he have made it remotely closer? (Meanwhile, Michael Redd's 3-point shooting was on display. The Redd Factor is the second-biggest reason that USA Hoops will break out of its slump, with Kobe being the No. 1 factor.)

NBA: Reggie Miller won't be making a comeback. That's too bad, because he would have been a welcome sideshow, particularly in Boston.

Beckham tackled: Here's the scoop, Chivas – don't poop where you eat, especially when your "meal-ticket" is the league's biggest/only attraction right now. Perhaps the players were trying to capture some of the Beckham Effect by fronting (everyone else is prostrating themselves), but all you'll do is earn the wrath of Becks' teammates... and the league.

CFB: As I head into my one-year anniversary of blogging, next week, I've been thinking about the individual moments that have really stood out. Near the top of the list was my inclusion in the Blog Poll weekly college football Top 25 ranking, managed by the supremely talented Brian Cook.

Not only did I feel like a bonafide CFB pollster for the first time ever (a dream of mine since I was a kid), but I sincerely felt honored to be in the company of a group of folks whose expertise and passion, I'd argue, is deeper than either the AP pollsters (who don't consume nearly the games or the media coverage of a typical CFB blogger) or the coaches' pollsters (who, when the bother to fill out the ballot themselves, which most don't, are saddled with ridiculous gamesmanship tactics that make standard fan biases seem petty by comparison).

Anyway, the preseason Blog Poll Top 25 is out. Unsurprisingly, USC and LSU are 1-2. Michigan, Texas and West Virginia round out the Top 5. For the record, out of the entire group, there were six other bloggers besides me who didn't vote USC as No. 1.

(Someone will find it anyway: If you follow the links to "individual ballots" you can get a sneak preview of my first Top 25. Full(er) explanation coming Monday.)

-- D.S.


1999 Officers said...

'Reggie Miller won't be making a comeback. That's too bad, because he would have been a welcome sideshow, particularly in Boston.'

No he wouldn't. Reggie Miller is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I'm all about family, but there is no way Andy Reid can take a year off and deal with his douchebag kids, when we got a shot at the title....if he does, don't bother coming back, I'd rather have Cowher is an idea, stop coddling then and send them to REHAB, it must be tough not having to do anything all day

Kurt said...

Virginia Tech 1, Florida 2 in your ballot, and we're supposed to be suprised?

Ken Dynamo said...

can team usa just lose already so we can end the tourny updates and get the 'whats wrong with american basketball' bitchfest over with?

Michael Moulton said...

People still seem to be missing this with Vick: when prosecutors offer a plea deal, they get something in return. If Vick is supposedly the "kingpin," and the Feds really had the evidence to nail him on all this, they wouldn't have offered him a plea deal-- especially one where he doesn't admit to killing dogs or gambling-- unless he has MAJOR information to give them. Look at the players who keep coming out and saying that dogfighting is common, not a big deal, etc. Vick knows how common this is in the NFL and I'm sure he can name a whole lot of names and embarrass Goodell and the NFL even more.

Anonymous said...

Rutgers is in your top 10,Dan?Please explain your self.

Geoff said...

Wow, what a screwy ballot. Dan being Dan is the new Manny being Manny.

Tigers are screwed. They have completely derailed. It would be nice to just blame it on the injuries but there is more going on than just that. So beyond frustrating to watch.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


I can't believe we haven't talked about this (or maybe we have and I missed it from being gone a little last week). But has anyone see "Superbad?" It's fantastic! Such a quotable movie.

USC > LSU > Louisville > Florida > Wisconsin

Perks said...

Va Tech #1 and USC 4?!?!

Also, I'm confused as to why VaTech doesn't have any first place votes showing. I like the sentimental pick, but c'mon Dan. At least with LSU you would come out looking like... I don't know.. something smart.

Anonymous said...

So Dan puts VA Tech #1 in his poll, but and the poll istelf neglects to display a 1st place vote! So while, Dan spends his time pumping up the BlogPoll, they can't even get his vote correct.

todd said...

If every parent took the year off to deal with screwed up kids, the economy would grind to a halt due to worker shortage...

Kurt said...

rev, the whole FACT thing was funny the first time, but the next 6 times, not so much...

Ken Dynamo said...

wow, just noticed the rutgers at 6. dan, nice pick. good display of balls. maybe i will ahve to keep reading during CFB season despite your constant sucking off of florida.

Brian in Oxford said...

yeah, this smacks a little of "We're all Hokies" followed by "...except for my wife and me, we're Gators"

Hey, if you're going to rank teams without seeing any games yet, why not rank Duke, Cincinnati, Indiana, your top 25? You can always change 'em up after they lose a couple....

CMFost said...

Micheal, You are completely wrong, a lot of times even with a strong case they the prosecutors try to get a plea in place to spear the tax payers a large expense of having a trial. In most cases with so many cases to try a plea is the best and most efficient way to end a case.

Vick's problem in this case might be the judge throwing out the bargain all together and making this go to trial. With the other 3 guys sworn statements already on the record I think it going to hard for the Judge to get Vick get away with not making a statement about killing the dogs and the gambling. And since this is a federal court the judge can reject the deal.

verbal97 said...

Just what the baseball world needs, Curt Schilling having an influence over any young pitcher. It's bad enough he was allowed to have kids.

Matt T said...

Anyone else notice who is coaching the Virgin Island team?

Jim Harrick.

CMFost said...

The best thing that could happen to baseball is Schilling disappearing to place like Tampa. No one there cares about baseball and we would not have to listen to him shoot his mouth anymore. I for one can not wait until he disappears from Boston, I like him as a player but hate listening to him talk.

The heroin sheik said...

If Schilling wants to mentor our Pitching staff I wouldn't have a problem with that. Then again we have tried the high priced over the hill veteran approach with the Shit Show back when we had Vaughn, Canseco et all.

Andy Reid should do the right thing and let his kids rot in a jail cell for a while. I used to get bailed out all the time then my dad got pissed and let me sit in jail for 6 months til I went to court. I haven't gotten in trouble since. Anyhow Rehab is for quitters.

You gotta love how Spurrier doles out symbolic punishments.

Qwagmire said...

Im Michael Vick, and I did not inhale

Perks said...


re Vick trial-- he's still royally fucked in the Commonwealth. VA wants his ass, since it was his property in their state. Watch for ANY and ALL charges they can put on him that the Feds don't.

Erik Huntoon said...

Michael, the prosecutors job is to get a conviction anyway they can. If that means the defendant pleas out, they don't care as it is still a mark in the win column. Right now I think Vick and his attorney are just posturing.. if he doesn't come clean on Monday I won't be surprised to see the plea offer taken off the table and a court date set.. then maybe we see this RICO charge dumped on him as well.

Anonymous said...

Dan, I'm glad you feel like an AP pollster, but your TOP 25 makes me laugh...YOUR SUCH A amazes how a man from the big ten, and find allegiance with the school his wife went too, for shams dan, for shame

ToddTheJackass said...

Dan, Vick admitting to killing dogs would be about the dumbest thing he could do. No lawyer would ever advise their client to admit to more than they have to in a plea deal.

Also, can we wait until David Price even pitches well in the minor leagues before we think he could be the new 'face of baseball'?

And no love for BC in the bloggers poll? We always end up in the top 25 by the end of the year (usually around #20 or so) but seemingly never get ranked in any preseason poll. Eh, I guess with the Red Sox and Patriots, I get enough overhype anyway, but still.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Dan you like the old RB/RB/WR draft order then explain the shit mess that is your fantasy team

The heroin sheik said...

I know we aren't supposed to talk about our fantasy teams but I know you guys will appreciate how shitty my team is this year. I am in a league with some friends from high school and we were going to have the draft on Sunday. OF course everyone had stuff come up so the commish (my best friend) changes it to last night but doesn't bother to tell me until about fifteen minutes before the draft claiming that he couldn't reach me all day. Of course it is the same time that Chicago is getting pounded by storms so I kept getting kicked out of our draft room. I somehow got stuck with Joey Harrington, both Bells in Denver, and every gator wideout in the NFL. Then to top it off my buddy gave me Mike Vick as my backup qb. My finacee didn't understand why I kept yelling at my laptop.

ToddTheJackass said...

MLB Studs and Duds from yesterday:

1. Nate Robertson - 8.2IP, 0ER, 4H, 3K
2. Jake Westbrook - 8.0IP, 0ER, 5H, 3K, 2BB
3. Josh Willingham - 2/5, 2HR, 6RBI
4. Carlos Lee - 3/5, 2HR, 5RBI
5. Chad Gaudin - W, 7.0IP, ER, 5H, 10K, 2BB

1. Joel Zumaya - L, 1.0IP, 3ER, 3H, K, 2BB
2. Jason Hammel - L, 3.0IP, 6ER, 5H, 2K, 5BB
3. Tom Glavine - 5.0IP, 6ER, 11H, K, 3BB
4. Buddy Carlyle - 5.0IP, 6ER, 6H, 3K, BB
5. Bob Wickman - L, 0.1IP, 2R, walk-off HR

ToddTheJackass said...

Since Chipp hasn't surfaced yet, How 'bout them Mariners?

patrick said...

I feel like the Kidd Factor is much more important then the Redd Factor in regards to USA Hoops.

PatriotsNation said...

The Sabres are set to ring in 2008 at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Sources tell 7 Sports the NHL has just about finished off the planning for a New Year's Day outdoor game in Orchard Park between the Sabres and the Pittsburgh Penguins

Brian in Oxford said...

That should be cool...outdoor hockey is awesome and would be a nice alternative to the early crap bowls between big name, bad season schools....

The Legend of Vincent Tremblay said...

Dan, you got the Becks tackle all wrong. MLS still needs to develop a good and bitter rivalry to grab a casual fan's attention.

People pay attention when the Red Sox play the Yankees (a little too much, in ESPN's case), or when the Cubs host the Cardinals for a three-game series. Hockey fans perk up their ears at a Maple Leafs-Senators tilt, or a Battle of Alberta. I've recently adopted Arsenal as my EPL team of choice. As a Gunners fan, I am expected, nay obligated to hate Tottenham. (I just equate it to hating Cleveland, and everything else just falls into place.)

MLS hasn't had a rivalry with that much venom behind it. Maybe Revs and Red Bulls. Maybe. But that may just be the larger NYC-Boston rivalry at work. It isn't showing on the pitch.

Chivas and Galaxy have been building up naturally, simply by virtue of being a derby. Heck, they don't just share a city, they share a stadium. Now that the teams are exchanging hard tackles and headbutts over The Man Who Will Save American Soccer (2007 Edition), MLS games are showing up on the casual fan's radar, not just the Beckham media circus.

The rematch is September 13, and Chivas is the "home" team. For once, ESPN can promote the game without resorting to Real Madrid footage, and that's a good thing.

Darklawdog said...

USC #4. I have lost all respect for your knowledge concerning talent on the football field. USC is top 2 in talent if not #1. LSU is the only team who can make a claim to having more talent. Afterall, the first poll of the season has to be based on talent since no games have been played.

Granted the most talented team doesn't always finish first, but they have more potential at finishing first. So, your point about ranking according to where you think they will finish has no merit.

pv845 said...

USC at 4? OKm maybe VT, maybe LSU, maybe WVU, but UF? WTF? You truly are a moron.

The Chiefs have to make a tough decision, that I think is easy as a fan. This is season is a waste. There is nothing good that can come out of it but experience and hopefullly a high draft pick. The infusion of LJ is not going to help anything. Huard is a 1 maybe 2 year at best solution. The line is old, the D is old. They need to restart and keep trying to push into the cusp of playoff contention.

I know that the pleas are used all the time even with slam-dunk cases. There are two reasons:
1) Even with a slam dunk, you still have to have a trial and the expense of that, and the inevitable appeals. With a plea, SCOTUS has determined that it is like a contract. If you can think at all, you are stuck with it.
2) Regardless of this case, the court and US Attorney are swamped and this is just one case off their caseload.

I think the main reason that Vick is doing this is not so much as to save his NFL career as to prevent the strongest piece of evidence against him in the Commonwealth of Virginia courts. If he was to plead to this, the Commonwealth would have a sworn statement by Vick to a killing dogs that each count carries a 5 year sentence.

The Legend of Vincent Tremblay said...

OK, after writing way too much on MLS rivalries, I'll keep my comments on the Sabres and my beloved Pens on New Years Day brief. Brian in Oxford is on to something here. Those bowl games don't get ratings because people want to see a 2-loss Big Ten team play a 2-loss Pac-10 team. They get ratings because they're the only things on TV, so why not throw the novelty act of an outdoor hockey game against the Yeah Whatever Bowl?

Allen Wedge said...

I agree about the MLS thing nothing gets people going like a good rivalry.

What people might have missed was after the game Marsch kind of backtracked and said he didn't mean for it to be as bad as it was, (basically kicking him in the stomach and a little too close for Victoria Beckham's comfort) said he was just trying to return the favor for a hard tackle earlier but that it was not any bad blood...

Anonymous said...


I understand the VT pick at #1 for the "We are all Hokies" mentality. I'll even except Geoff's "Dan being Dan" theory for you picking the Gators for your intense allbeit crazily misgiuded homerism. But West Virginia over USC? Common. Seriously, I can deal with those two cause I expected the Florida pick and the VT pick can be seen as classy but the 3 pick not being Trojan is crazy. Rutgers at 6 is also not helping you out either. I know you're "Gator roots" may sway you in the direction of the SEC, but Arkansas at #9 and 'Bama making the top 25? Also, if you are going to lay down the love for the small conference teams that's cool, but putting TCU and Boise St. that far up is ridiculous if you leave Hawaii, who I think is better than both of those, down at the bottom. I'm also OK with BC being in the top 25 but #16 is, let's go with, adventurous. I also can't figure out your reason for dropping THE Ohio State down so far. You weren't happy with the win in the NC so you had to pick on them in a poll? Speaking of other mysteriois picks... I think we could all search for hours and not find a reason for the Oklahoma being at least 10 picks too low... Virgina is #24 on your ballot but #40 on the AP and wasn't even one of the 49 teams to get a vote in the coaches' poll... I'm not sure you remember that there are these two schools called the "University of Georgia" and the "University of California at Los Angeles", you might want to look them up.

Anonymous said...

ToddTheJackass@ none of them(except ATLeagle) know how to spell Jeff Jagodzinski correctly.

Kevin said...

What the hell is up with you and David Price? He's a hell of a prospect, but "face of baseball" is a little strong, isn't it?

The three players you have labeled as the "face of baseball" recently have been Dontrelle Willis, Ryan Howard, and Price...*coincidentally*, all three are black also. Why are you so fascinated with black baseball players?

stooncer said...

How the mighty have fallen! Schilling has been larger than Jesus in Boston and the rest of the nation has had it forced down our throat. Now that his post-season heroics are a distant memory, Sox fans are sick of him and ready to see him go?

That's what makes Sox fans so insufferable. Lemme guess, you all probably feel you are fans of the most tortured franchise ever because you haven't won a championship in 2 seasons.

pv845 said...

Vick's plea is in. He admitted to what he wanted. I can't wait to see the judge bounce Vick to jail for about 5 years. This is going to get interesting.

Big D said...

That Slate piece on PFT is fantastic. Although no mention of the Ron Borges story?

ToddTheJackass said...


I don't think that many people in Boston hate Schilling, a lot of us just wish he'd shutup and stick to baseball more often than not. I don't think that's really changed, just maybe the tolerance for his antics have declined since the bloody sockery... His blog is interesting when he sticks to talking about pitching, but he really just needs to not give his opinion about every damned thing all the time. Schilling's star is fading though since he just isn't anything better than a #3/#4 starter these days (some would even argue he's not that).

Just like any other fanbase, not all Red Sox fans are insufferable. (FWIW, I know a lot more Yankees fans who can't believe that they haven't won the world series in 7 years). The bad element here are the pink hat fair weather fans, and the WEEI callers/hosts who are way too obsessed with instant-history/doomsaying.

The heroin sheik said...

legend of vince I have agree that 1 thing MLS needs is a rivalry. As a fellow gunner fan I hate Spurs and always will. Of course what MLS needs is a rivalry more like Celtic Rangers which in LA would be totally possible. Make Chivas a fenian team and make the Galaxy a protestant team and you would have interest from all the bigoted scots and micks.

Oh yeah Spurrier booted someone off the cocks team today. Damn he has a bunch of thugs on his team.

Big D said...

Michael Vick's Plea

That's the link to the article, if anyone's interested. He admits to killing dogs & financing operations, but not gambling.

Apparantely, when dogs that he backed financially won, the money was split evenly between everyone else, but not him.

Like anybody will ever believe that. At least he still stands a chance at up to about 5 years in prison.

Anybody want to play the old game from the free agent period - How Much Time Will Mike Vick Get / Serve?

My guess is he is sentenced to 20 months in federal prison and serves 18.

The heroin sheik said...

Well I hope he has to serve every day of his sentence but I would be happy if he got 36 months and had to do 18 followed by 18 of house arrest. I just hope he doesn't get lucky and the judge gives him like five years of house arrest. Of course if he had house arrest he can only be like 300 feet from the anklet's receiver so he would have to either move to a smaller crib or only use part of his house and thats just funny.

Anonymous said...

Big D-

I like your idea of reviving my game. By the way, that game was so much fun and I can't believe we only got to play twice. This year we will do better.

I'll go Vick sentenced to 15 serves 12

Big D: Sentenced 20, serves 18
GuyInTheCorner: Sentenced 15 serves 12

ToddTheJackass said...

I'll split the difference. Sentenced to 18 months, serves 16.

starkweather said...

Get ready for some outrage at Vick's sentence because it isn't going to be anywhere close to what the speculation is. You people are tripping. For all the public hand-wringing over the Vick thing there is no precedent for someone getting such a harsh sentence for dog fighting no matter what guidelines are on the books. What do you think is worth more to the state prosecution (or the feds for that matter): a harsh sentence for Vick as a warning to, uhh, all the super-wealthy Virginians that run dog-fighting operations? Or the PR move of sentencing him, commuting the sentence and then getting back to collecting Michael Vick's tax money? Guess what? There aren't a lot of people in Surrey County worth however much Vick is worth and the cycle of news is such that nobody will care that much about Vick in 6 months. When he gets released from prison it will be a page 36, third column, below the fold story. And it will be next February when it appears.

starkweather said...

P.S. - Michael Vick won't make it back to the NFL because of his "unique" skillset that doesn't actually mesh with any pro offense in existence. Maybe he and Marcus can make it back as receivers for the 49ers?

Jen said...

If Lindsay Lohan's sentencing sets the precident, I'll say Vick get sentenced to 7 days and serves 2-1/2.

She's so gross.

The heroin sheik said...

The funny thing about all those skanktastic hookers in lala-land is that Tara Reid is the most respectable one these days. Who would have ever thought that a few years ago. Hell Blohan didn't even have the legal team that Vick does so he might only have to do a walk through at the jail and get 6 months county probation.

I just pulled a Sammy Sosa. I was coughing and there went my back.

ToddTheJackass said...

I thought Mandy Moore came out the best among the young starlets, but she also wasn't the biggest of that generation.

I suppose Jessica Simpson hasn't had that many issues, though it is amazing that she's still alive considering she's been beaten so severly with the dumbshit stick.

Jen said...

todd-thanks, I just sprayed my monitor at that Jessica Simpson comment!!! HAHA

k said...

Hey! Tigers fan is sad here! Also, I say, in the AL Central, root for the team that doesn't have the vaguely offensive team name. Tigers are completely unoffensive.

Jen said...

Shitney Spears is pretty skanktastic...that is a great word!

I'm rooting for the only AL Central offensive mascot team...the Indians (well, offensive to some)

Big D said...

Excuse me Jen, but the Royals are highly offensive to royalty around the world! What King or Queen would want to be associated with the flotsam and jetsam that is the Roylas 25-man roster every year?