Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday 10/21 (Very) Quickie

ALCS headed to a Game 7 tonight: All momentum (and a wild home-crowd advantage) is with the Red Sox. Curt Schilling came up big last night; the much-maligned JD Drew came up even bigger. Tonight: Let's see if Boston's $103 million spent on Dice-K Matsuzaka pays off. Game 7s, particularly in baseball, are among the best moments in sports. Pick: Boston.

CFB Saturday: South Florida's loss on Thursday was the big shake-up at the very top; either BC (idle) or LSU (beat No. 17 Auburn) will be in the No. 2 spot. I'm still not sure I buy "because they're undefeated" as a reason to rank ANY of the five unbeaten teams in the Top 2.

The biggest loser was the SEC: Both Kentucky and South Carolina lost, the Gamecocks most humiliatingly, at home to Vanderbilt (which most fans and experts won't see as a signal of the strength of the SEC, but rather of the weakness of South Carolina).

Oklahoma was a big loser, too: In the jockeying among 1-loss teams, you can't come up so wimpishly against a 1-win Iowa State team. Of course, that isn't as bad as Cal, which simply lost, for the second straight week.

Looking ahead, up to four unbeatens could lose in this upcoming week, starting with Boston College, which I'm predicting will lose at Virginia Tech on Thursday night (which has become THE game of the week). That means the 1-loss teams are all in play. I put three ahead of the rest: Oregon, LSU and West Virginia. We'll see if the polls bear that out.

Meanwhile, in the Heisman race, when I listed Tim Tebow at No. 2 on my preseason ballot, I was widely mocked. Now, it looks like Tebow is the front-runner, even as a sophomore in his first year of starting -- and even for a 2-loss Florida team. (Danielson said it yesterday on the TV broadcast: Tebow is Vince Young-like in his uniqueness. It's an interesting comparison that I want to dig into next week.)

-- D.S.


marcomarco said...

@ cmfost

CMFost said...
It is all over, the Red Sox will not even get this series back to Boston. It is disappointing but Cleveland is the better team. Go Luck in the World Series.

Eat it again.

I'm curious about Cleveland's reaction to the news of Paul Byrd's $25k HGH purchase. Or, at least the timing of the news.

Matt T said...

Danielson slurps Tebow every single week. Of course he thinks that.

Not surprised at all to see South Carolina lose. Tennessee was in the driver's seat in the East but got demolished. UF now controls their destiny, but hopefully UGA will change that at the Cocktail Party.

Steve said...

Most fans and experts will probably perceive that as the weakness of South Carolina because it's true Dan. South Carolina is weak. Losing a home game against a bad team is weak. Southern Cal is weak too. Both USCs suck in my opinion.

Geoff said...

Yes, when you lose at home to Vandy that isn't a sign of a conferences strength it is a sign that you are stupidly overrated.

ToddTheJackass said...

As you all know, I'm a big Red Sox fan, but would just like to say that I wish luck to all the Indians fans, and I hope that whoever wins, it's a legit win, and not off a bad call or a Buckner-esque play.

Also, Marco, don't forget that Rafael Betancourt was suspended for steroids for 10 days back in 2005... just sayin'.

A.P. Boynton said...

Tebow for Heisman? No thanks unless he leads them to the SEC championship. You don't let the LSU and Auburn games slip away and be the frontrunner for the award.

pv845 said...

So Dan, who would you rank above the unbeatens? Some of the crappy SEC teams that ALL HAVE TWO LOSSES? Take off you blinders and have some objectivity.

Come on Indians!!!

Eagle in Brighton said...

LSU should be penalized just as much as Oklahoma for their near-miss. Any team that dominates the game like they (LSU) did and still needs a last second heave to top a mediocre Auburn team does not have number #2 credentials. I'd take an undefeated squad (ie BC) or Oregon (who just barely fell to Cal) behind OSU any day.

The Cajun Boy said...

@eagle in even think for a second that you can compare LSU's near miss vs. auburn to oklahoma's near miss vs. iowa st. is fucking retarded. put auburn in the big 10 and grant them ohio state's schedule and guess what...they're undefeated and atop all the polls.

kway34 said...

Except Auburn lost to Mississippi State, so there's a good shot they would have tanked it to Washington, Purdue, or Michigan State.

pv845 said...

And Auburn should have lost to K-State at home. A K-State team that is mediocre in the Big XII. The SEC is horribly overrated right now and when every team finishes with 3 to 4 losses it will be great.

Johnny b said...

yeah but when they finish with 3 to 4 loses people like dan will say "look at how hard the conference is; they beat up on each other every week. top to bottom it's the best conference in football"

Big D said...

watching the beginning of the Sox/Indians...

Did Theo resign Kevin Millar and nobody told me? Isn't this two straight games he's been part of the Boston introduction? He does know he plays for the Orioles, right?

john (east lansing, mi) said...

Sorry, cajun boy - looks like your homerism is leaving you all alone with Dan on this one.

Now if the rest of us could all talk some sense into Rece Davis...

BobbyStompy said...

Those SEC CBS announcers are so biased.

Big D said...

Dustin Pedroia... Welcome to Boston. You could murder a school bus full of elementary school kids & kittens tonight in Boston and still get away with it.

It figures - the year I move out of the Boston City Limits (2004) the Red Sox win the World Series. This year I move out of the state altogether... wonder what's gonna happen next?

Anonymous said...


Maybe the nest time you want them to win you can just get yourself deported.

Unknown said...

3 Notes...

1. A tip of the cap to RSN for the comeback against the Tribe.

2. Wouldn't you think that anyone who has used a prescription based HGH or any 'shadow' PED would annonuce it to the world prior to their name coming out in a press release?

3. I would find it very ironic that in the year that the '72 Dolphins record is finally matched, that the current year Dolphins set the record for futility at 0-16. Reality is so much better than Fiction.

Unknown said...

As a Dolpfan I didn't want Cameron in the first place.