Monday, February 15, 2010

Quickie: NBA 108K, Daytona Pothole

Your work or school may be closed today, but the Wake-Up Call at published in full force this morning, focusing on a couple of big stories from the weekend:

*108,000 people is a lot to watch a basketball game in a single arena. I care more about that particular superlative novelty than the actual game itself.

*Sorry, Jamie McMurray. This will be remembered as the "Pothole 500."

*Yesterday's losses by Syracuse and Georgetown are enough to really shake whatever confidence you had in them as top-tier Final Four contenders.

*More lamentation of the Wizards-Mavs trade, plus a look-ahead at what Amare would do to the balance-of-power in the East if he joined the Cavs.

*In praise of the underappreciated Frank Thomas (and the underpaid Tim Lincecum).

There's a lot more in there. Check it out here. More later.

-- D.S.

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