Monday, January 22, 2007

Bill Parcells Out in Dallas?

Eh, good riddance. But I welcome the analysis in the Comments section, including the answers to "Why?" (or "Why not?") and "What next for the Cowboys?" -- D.S.


Anonymous said...

This is a blessing for the Cowboys and whatever fanbase they may have left. It was pretty obvious that Parcells just didn't have the same fire anymore - I mean 5 years ago the stuff that happened with this year never would have happened and he was just tarnishing his own legacy by continuing to coach.

I'd have to say that the Cowboys job is the primo #1 job in the NFL right now available because of the talent already there. It'll be interesting to see who the Cowboys go after to replace Parcells.

Perks said...

TO's new publicist fired the Tuna.

Anonymous said...

The Onion had the best thing to say about this a few weeks ago:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Parcells doesn't know the players very well.
Maybe he hadn't talked to the players.

All I know is that the Cowboys are America's Team.

Mega said...

Can we start the rumor now that Cowher gets an offer from Jerry Jones? =D

BLUE said...

I'm going with Denny Green as the next coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

Anonymous said...

Being a Cowboy fan, I'd be much happier if the news today were about T.O. being released.

Mega said...

Denny "Cheeseburger" Green being the next Dallas coach would be pure comedy. Would Dallas be who they thought they were?

Perks said...

I had this debate with friends lately, Ben. We all (in a mixed way) agreed that Denny Green won't be anyone's head coach anytime soon.

So I doubt he'll be with the 'boys next year.

Seriously, who would hire him?

Anonymous said...

My suggestion for the next Cowboys head coach is -- Kirk Ferentz of Iowa. I know I spelled that wrong but it's my prediction.

Jones went with Parcells - now it's time to go for a disciple of Bill Belichick and that's why he's going to go after Ferentz.

Other than that I say you just let TO run the offense and hire a defensive coordinator - that'd make TO happy and isn't that what this is all about.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Jones v Bill Parcells

The owner always wins.

Anonymous said...

Let's see here: manipulative/over involved owner + controversial player = coach resignation (mostly because said controversial player caused headaches for Parcells and assistants--who have all jumped ship in the last few weeks). The only thing that remains to be seen is whether this becomes TO's team or JJ's team. And there's no way in HELL that Cowher would coach TO.

Natsfan74 said...

This may actually be as hard of a position to fill as the Raiders, for almost the same reason. Both teams have overly-involved owners (same as the Redskins), who interject their own personnel and coaching strategy. They both have a rabid fan base that remembers their championships and expects them to return to SB form immediately. And I believe both teams have the talent to compete next year with the right coach (and maybe quarterback). The difference is, the Cowboys have the added dimension of having TO. It's clear that TO isn't going anywhere, so the new coach has to be able to work with him. Who would want to take over a team with an extremely suspect, yet Pro-Bowl quarterback, an egomaniacal receiver, an overly-involved owner, and a highly expectant fan base?

Shaggy said...

I heard Art Shell was in line for the Job..come on who wouldnt love to See Art Shell-Jerry Jone-T.O.-Tony Romo-Jessica Simpson Drma play out? That would be tremendous

Anonymous said...


Wade Phillips. Defensive Coordinator, San Diego Chargers.

Source: Terry Glen, Chris Mortensen

Anonymous said...

Wade Phillips is a good choice. If he hadn't bonked on the Rob Johnson/Doug Flutie rivalry in Buffalo, he was a really good coach. He had a #1 defense in the league, his offense was competent. Except for that one thing, of course. Jones will love him because he won't rock the boat.

Since Romo is already on board, this should work out well. It's not a slam dunk for a Super Bowl or anything, but probably a welcome relief from the Parcells' era. If he can move TO, of course.

I wonder where Bledsoe is going.


The heroin sheik said...

T.O. and bledsoe, Hell I'm amazed tuna lasted the entire season. I grew up liking the boys because my dad loved them and I miss the stability the franchise once had. I think this might have been the most drama filled season of JJ's ownership. It probably is the best opening in football right now and I hope that JJ chooses wisely and then has the brains to keep out of the way but we all know he will meddle and undermine his coach whoever it is.

Brian in Oxford said...

Wade Phillips? He doesn't even LOOK like a coach. And he screwed over the Bills by putting Rob Johnson in there. I can understand it's not his fault Tennessee ran the kick back, but Flutie would have had more points on the board ahead of time for them, making a last-second kickoff return unnecessary. As an opponent, I wouldn't "fear" Phillips.

Gregg the Obscure said...

Son-of-Bum was abysmal in his first head coaching slot with the 93-94 Broncos. After a loss to Tampa, who was pathetic at the time, his comments were "We beat them in every category but the final score." I'd love to see him try to pull that one over on Jerry Jones! That being said, Phillips is a top-notch DC and for that reason alone I'd love to see him leave Schottzie's staff. The comedy potential for Phillips is nearly as high as it would be for Denny Green.

However Nick Saban could be a truly inspired choice . . . .

rafael said...

Grab Grimm.

T.O. will be in Dallas 2 years more, tops. The next coach will outlast him

Gregg the Obscure said...

The 'boys should trade TO to the Raiders. Even if they have to throw in a first round draft pick and get nothing in return.

New head coach Rob Ryan and OC Fred Biletnikoff decapitate each other by week seven.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Brian, against Tenessee's defense, RJ was a liability. Flutie wouldn't have got caught for a safety, or gotten sacked, negating a couple field goals, iirc. But, after that season, I realized Wade did better than everyone else we've had since Levy. And lots of coaches fall for the Rob Johnson/Bledsoe style QBs that get you killed (Belicheck, Parcells and Gruden come to mind).

He's more of a Parcells' type than Parcells was this year.

Shaggy said...

Hey what about Dennis Green I heard he is available; and with Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy black coackes are all the reage right now. Get Dennis Green in and then have Art Shell as the line coach.