Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl XLI Live-Comment Bonanza

Top 5 Post-SBXLI Storylines:
1. Peyton Manning (Redemption)
2. Tony Dungy (Race)
3. Rex Grossman (Sucked)
4. Weather (Sucked)
5. User-Created Ads (Success!)

Final Update: Colts win Super Bowl XLI!
You have to feel good for Tony Dungy. And, yes, you have to feel even better for Peyton Manning. You probably have to feel most (if not best) for Rex Grossman, who is going to be crucified for his performance in this game. (And you have to allow me one brief moment to yelp "I called it!...Colts over Bears! August!")

Game MVP: Dominic Rhodes.
Ads MVP: Bud Light ("Rock-Paper-Scissors")

It's 10 p.m. The game is over. Thanks for following along, and -- if you're checking this out after the game -- simply scroll down to see commentary from throughout the game.
Your thoughts on the game? Have your say in the Comments section.

While it's still an issue...last chance: Who gets your MVP vote? I can't give it to Manning and I won't be able to split it between Rhodes and Addai (though that would be best), so I'll say Dominic Rhodes. OK, or ABP (Anyone But Peyton).

Wait, was that the 2-minute warning ad for NFL done by the fan who won the contest? Is it me or did they imply that Brett Favre was retiring? Or was it a sly nod to the fact that he ISN'T retiring? ("For some it's even harder." Harder to leave, so he isn't? Or harder to leave because he's such an NFL icon...but, uh, he isn't leaving.) Can't believe the Colts are going to win the Super Bowl. Wow. Well, good for them.

Enlarged prostate is the new erectile dysfunction. Flomax, baby! (I'm sorry. Anything to take my attention from Rex's implosion.)

Awww, Rexy. You just lost the game on that INT-TD. Damn. Two commenters arguing that was the worst throw in SB history. On replay, it wasn't that bad. Obviously, the implications of the INT are about as bad as you can think of.

(Hmm: How about that Joey T INT in SB 18 in 1984 at the end of the first half that basically sealed the loss for the Redskins? What am I thinking? That's distant history. This is INSTANT history: Rex had the Worst. INT. Ever!)

Wait: Jay-Z and Don Shula playing some crazy futuristic form of that old football game with the magnetized players who vibrate down the field? Wha?

I'm going to answer my own question from the end of the 3rd quarter -- how about a co-MVP between Rhodes and Addai? It's unfair to give it to one or the other... and totally unfair to give it to neither simply because they were both equally effective. (Yes, I know: The Colts still have to win. Wait: Or am I trying to invoke the ol' reverse jinx?)

Nope! Back under 7 again. OK, I'm going to stop doing that now. Will has a great point over on the SportsLine "glog" (Does that mean he has beer gloggles?) Given the way that the Colts are winning with the run, not Manning's passing, if they win, will they not give the MVP to Manning? If not, then who? I leave you with that relevant question at the end of the 3rd.

Well, there goes that 7-point spread.

I haven't mentioned this yet, but this game is the reason why actually going to the game is totally overrated. Even in good weather. But in bad weather? Cripes: You couldn't PAY me to be there. You're so much better off being at home.

Halftime Show:
It's possible that "Let's Go Crazy" is one of the Top 5 "get fired up" songs of all time. (Yes, I just said "get fired up." And I apologize.) But Prince is pretty freaking awesome.

Wait: They just brought out the FAMU band! They're awesome!

Last comment on the halftime show: That was probably the best musical entertainment for a Super Bowl Halftime Show I can remember. Dare I say: Ever? (If you can think of another, please nominate it. Maybe U2? But this was super-super-solid.)

Halftime Update:
I defy you to be able to explain any flow to this game. Just when you think the Colts are ready to take over, Adam V. misses a half-ending FG. Whaaa?! Meanwhile, on my Ad Ranking, I'm taking: (1) Bud Light Rock-Paper-Scissors, then a tie for 2nd between the 2 Doritos ads.

Adam Vinatieri...misses? In a Super Bowl? What an omen.

I'm sorry to be so obsessed with Bud Light, but they're the Super Bowl ad gold-standard, this year even more than other years. I'm going to predict that slapping people in the face is the next "Wazzup?!" Keep that shit away from me. (Oh, and the game? If you say you can predict how it's going to go, you're kidding yourself. Bears look in control, all of a sudden, they're behind and look bad.)

Doritos is now 2-for-2 on consumer-generated ad concepts. In fact, this second one was better than the first. I can't believe they got away with "Cleanup on..." Really? Really?! Amazing.

Coke's take on "Grand Theft Auto" was terrific.

Geez, could there be any more fumbles and other unnatural possession changes? (Well, yes...given the weather? A LOT more.)

Bud Light 3... Wow, their ad agency is on fire tonight. The Colts better get something going on offense before it gets too much more wet out there.

Snickers? Not really funny. Like a bad rip-off of a Bud Light ad. I agree with the Commenters: Bud Light's Rock-Paper-Scissors is the leader in the clubhouse.

Wow, did the mo just turn or what? Bomb on blown coverage, followed by a kickoff miscue giving the Colts awesome field position. Wait: No! The Bears get the ball back! I love it!

Bud Light: 2 User-Generated Ad Content: 1. The paid professionals? Uh, 0?

First block of ads? GREAT start. The Bud Light ad was CLASSIC Bud Light -- frat-funny. The Doritos ad proves that dudes on the street can create funnier ads than the paid ad agencies. Nice work, random guy.

I'm sitting with all Gators fans. We've seen this opening before. Wow, is Hester awesome or what? (And do the Colts special teams suck or what?)

Billy Joel's anthem came in, by my watch, at 1:37. The over/under was 1:44. Who had the under?

Cirque de Soleil is the new "Up With People." (No, I'm not going to comment all game long. At least, I'm not planning to. Maybe when I'm inspired.)

OK, here we go
: Comment here with your "live" analysis of the pre-game, the game, the ads, the entertainment and everything else.

(I'm still moderating all the comments, but I'll be updating those often, as close to real-time as I can... there might be a lag. No need to re-send your comment if you don't see it up there instantly.)

If you're looking for good live-blogs to check out, I recommend MJD at Deadspin and Will Leitch "glogging" over at SportsLine. And Kissing Suzy Kolber, too. Feel free to send along any good live-blogs and I'll post them in the comments.

(And, yes, here is the link to Kornheiser/Wilbon at, even though Wilbon already has this disparaging line about blogging: "I'm not sure why ANYBODY would participate in this silliness while a game is going on." Ooh: We're all so LUCKY to have him!)

Here's to a great game and hope you're having a good time while watching. -- D.S.


Charlie Szymanski said...

And if you're not interested in the six hours of pregame -- Go for the Back to the Future Marathon on HDNet!

The heroin sheik said...

I figure someone out there might find this unbelievable. My older brother called me up at 11 this morning asking what time the game started. Since he is always traveling for business he hasn't been paying much attention to football especially since the bucs were atrocious this year. He said he had already ordered pizza and wings because he figured the game was going to start soon since pregame was on ESPN. IS he the only football fan in america with no clue when the game is being played let alone where it is. I just can't believe that in this age of media overload for the super bowl someone who likes football would be so clueless as to anything about the game.

Oh and Dan you are now my fiancee's favorite journalist after she checked out your myspace after seeing you as my friend. She says you are a good husband since you took to following your wife's team. You are setting the bar too high for the rest of us man.

Anonymous said...

All comments must be approved by the blog author? Really? Well this is knew.

At least this excludes appearences by the Manninghams.

But seriously, if it rains out there I think the Colts may never score.

Maynard could put them so far back and the Bears wouldn't need to stack the box to stop the run in the rain. That leaves Peyton throwing to 3 guys against 4 defenders in the rain with bad field position.

If I'm the Colts, I'd have a plan B.

Of course I'd also be in trouble cause the game starts in 3 hours and I don't have a uniform, cleats, pads, or the courage to play professional football.

I'd also need to get from DC to Miami. But you catch my drift. And if you don't, well I can't help you. You should've taken a drift-catching class in college but you were lazy.

Charlie Szymanski said...

First off, Lebron just got rocked by Rasheed and started whining about it. If it was reversed, Rasheed would have been T'd up twice. The NBA refs are faaaaaaaantastic.

Sheik: I managed to not watch any pregame the past two weeks other than The Balls' stories on Deadspin. I can't stand the hype, and the two week layoff drives me insane. I didn't know when the game started until I checked yesterday afternoon.

Not A Gunslinger said...

I took that class guy, but it was a 9am and I kept skipping so I could participate in the Morning Quickie.

Anonymous said...

Not totally related...but a steroid positive test results in a ban from the Pro Bowl, for that season only.

Wow. That's an almost MLB-like worthless, painless punishment from the NFL. Nice job, Goodell.

I won't be tuning in until 6:25 for the game. I dont need the pregame stuff.

Kover said...

What's Manning's QB rating in these playoffs? I don't think all these analysts can justifiably argue for the Indy offensive juggernaut when other than the second half of the NE game, they've been pretty terrible. Worried that between the way the Colts O has played, and the disaster that is Sexy Rexy and the Bears' O, we're in for a terrible game. Super Bowl 'XLI' will be Super Bowl 'silly'.

Mikepcfl said...

I'm just wondering if Marino will freak out if he has to hand the Super Bowl trophy to Grossman. It might be the final humiliation that Grossman could win one when Marino couldnt.

Kurt said...

Am I the only one who feels dumber after reading the heroin sheik's rambling...

Kurt said...

heroin, your brother is what we call a fairweather/bandwagon fan. 1/2 of the Patriots so called "fanbase" in Boston (mainly girls), couldn't tell you what time the game is or name 5 players on the team. All they know is what time the party is. If your brother was a "football fan" like you say he is, he wouldn't have stopped following after the Buc's season.

Anonymous said...


I applaud you for taking the class and hope it has been useful to you over the years. Like that time when that girl wouldn't return your phone calls for like 2 weeks. Without that class under your proverbial belt you would have wasted countless time and cell phone minutes. Luckily that was not the case.

Please Note: The paragraph above was a joke and was not intended to insult Jason or anybody that felt they were too good to include Drift-catching as part of their collegiate education.

Please Note: The paragraph above was not a joke and was intended to insult those on this blog that have trouble recognizing a joke when they see one. Lukily, this does not apply to me as I not only included Drift-catching as part of my education put Joke Recognization as well.

Dan Shanoff said...

There's a game about to start, right? Man, is this CBS pre-game crew uninspiring and milquetoast. I guess they are cheesy and vanilla by design -- to reach the ultimate swath of fans, I suppose. But I'm glad it's background noise and I'm not going to start paying attention until 6 p.m., when at least the ads will get interesting.

mark said...

Should I be worried (here on Blue Horseshoe Planet) that Dan, Shannon, and Boomer all picked the Colts?

Usually at least one of those fools is wrong . . .

Anonymous said...

I just turned the TV on and there are people pretending to be butterflies on the field.

W. T. F.

mark said...

Apparently a mere football game isn't enough entertainment--you need Cirque do Soleil! Well, give them this, it's more entertaining than ex-players in suits talking about Devin Hester and Peyton Manning for the nineteen-zillionth time.

Luke Bell said...

Reason number 5,347 that baseball is better than football: No Cirque Du Soleil.

Anonymous said...

My TV hasn't been turned on yet. Small group is coming over and just ordered the pizza. I hate SB pregame shows so the TV won't go on until 6:15 or so.

My kids now found out I have a blogger page which I filled out to comment in this blog. It turns out they couldn't stop laughing and my wife told me that they took the photo I used just to show that I looked doofy in those clothes. Oh well. So much for family support.

Anonymous said...

By the way, those people are crazy.

I mean that thing where they were throwing people was down right disturbing.

It's all artifical though. I hear they are love steroids.

Luke Bell said...

Thanks Patriots, for starting the dumb trend of getting introduced as a team. One of the funniest things about the Super Bowl is seeing everyone run out when their name is called and do a dance, or maybe dropping an F-Bomb, ala Tony Siragusa, and now we don't get it.

Jayhawk 4 Life said...

I might be going to hell, but my favorite part of the national anthem was Marlee Matlin doing interpretive dance of it...Go Bears!

UconnFan32 said...

That 7 (bears) 3 (colts) box I sold to my friend looks like a horrible move right now

Anonymous said...

So far the best commercial is clearly the ocho cinco super bowl party.

"I thought you said cumin!"

Did anybody notice that when the Colts came out onto the field that they were booed and they just turned the music up so you couldn't hear it. But when the Bears came out they were cheered rather loudly.

During the announcing of the captains for the coin flip as they said the named Peyton was booed LOUD. Adam V got a mixture and the other Colts guy got nothing. The Bears were cheered and Mushin Mohammed even got the "Moose" chant.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe the "over-hyping" of Devin Hester wasn't so unnessesary.

Anonymous said...

The intros were quite funny. All the Colts did this stupid folding arms thing, EXCEPT MARVIN HARRISON. What's that about?

All the Bears did different somewhat funny stuff.

Before today, no opening kickoff or punt had ever been returned for a TD in a super bowl.

Hester got the opener. Maybe he'll get a punt too.

Anonymous said...


There's the INT by Peyton.

It feels like the Playoffs again.

Can we finally concede that the second half of the Pats game was a fluke?

UconnFan32 said...


I threw a rock

Anonymous said...

I threw a rock was great. I'm not sure if it beats the Ocho Cinco Super Bowl Party.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you've abbandonned the comment screening.

What's up with that?

Luke Bell said...

I know I am in the minority, but Bud Light commercials suck a fat one.

Anonymous said...


I'm not sure what you call that coverage. Besides the "lack of" coverage.
Snap was good, ball slips on the PAT and you are down one.
Then you decide to bypass Hester and that pays off.
Then you blow the handoff.
Then TJ breaks away and they have 1st and Goal.
Talk about your rollercoasters.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Rexy makes a pass in a very tight spot. In a play that if you miss is huge. The diff between 10-6 and 14-6 is Huh-Uge.

UconnFan32 said...

What is wrong with snickers!!

Anonymous said...

The Carlos Mencia commercial was good except the lack of "Deh-DEH-Deh"

David Fucillo said...

That Letterman-Oprah commercial was short but AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Good call on the force out but it's irrelevant as the fumble-fest continues....

Anonymous said...

That hit Bethea put on TJ looks really painful. His neck bent sideways to his shoulder on top of the bell-ringing.

Anonymous said...

Well that's going in Sports Guy's next article.

That's like the first time in years that Fox put the whole cast of one of their shows next to eachother at a big game and then putting the camera on them and saying "Look there's Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxx. The cast of Xxxxxxx."

Let's count:
Rules of Engagement: 1

Luke Bell said...

So, we have a gay joke and an immigrant joke. Someone queue up the fart ad!

Anonymous said...

The Garmin GPS was funny put looked alot like something out of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

UconnFan32 said...

I'm completely paralyzed from map-o-saurus

Anonymous said... was pretty funny with the office in the jungle but I have no idea what the hell that College Winner Chevy ad was. Maybe the marketing people should keep the rite to make Super Bowl ads to themselves.

UconnFan32 said...

Over/Under on amount of people just smacked by their friends??? 1,000...100,00??

Luke Bell said...

No more Bud Light ads please....

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how the Colts are winning, but they are. I feel like the Bears are winning. I'm sure Lovie Smith cares.

The Bud slapping ad was very funny. I didn't see the end coming at all.

The heart attack ad was OK if you have a heart problem I guess.

The GM ad with the robots was pretty funny and I don't know how anybody could've thought it was a dream.

Here's my question
When your team is too scared to kick to a guy because he already returned a TD so you have to scquib on your kickoffs, can you really pop up and start dancing after you tackle a guy at the 40 who isn't their return man when you didn't even make a great tackle in any way?

David Fucillo said...

The slapping commercial was pretty lame. The only good beer commercial was the early one with paper, rock, scissor.

Aldo Quintanilla said...

Two reasons Gator fans should have seen flashbacks of the opening kickoff before: the first is obvious and happened a few weeks ago. Any other Gator fan who doesn't know what I'm alluding to is not a Gator fan and is instead a bandwagon fan.

Go Canes.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I could see the slapping thing becoming a trand as well as Connectile Disfunction or CD being slang for not having a wireless signal.

Anonymous said...

Fumble-fest... as I said before.

UconnFan32 said...

With Hester back there why doesn't Lovie call a timeout and get the ball back with like 20 seconds left in the half?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that as well, UCONNFAN32.

But ADAM V. misses.

Didn't see that coming.

Anonymous said...

KG was OK but in no way great.

Dan Shanoff said...

Agreed. What an odd spot. Foot Locker paid $2.6 Million for that?

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Dan...that coke/grand theft auto ad has been on the air for like 2 months.

Mikepcfl said...

I guess I'm in the minority because I think the ads suck tonight (except for the rock, paper, sisoors ad). Come on, what was the deal with brokeback mechanics and then all the naked guys washing a car? Who's coming up with these ideas?

As for the game, I dont know how Indy is winning. They are following Peyton's lead and seem to be playing devoid of passion. The Bears want it more, but Rex cant do anything.

Anonymous said...

The 2 new Coke ads with the guy doing everything he hasn't done yet and the Black History Month one were both very good.

Unknown said...

Prince is solid...Anything's better than the 100-year old Rolling Stones from last year. They were atrocious

TJ said...

Adam Vinatieri...misses? In a Super Bowl? What an omen.

Umm... Did you watch the Patriots Super Bowl against the Panthers?

Coke's take on "Grand Theft Auto" was terrific.

Only it's an ad they've been running for several months, at least. Why is it that Coke didn't have any new ads for the Super Bowl? What cheapskates.

I don't understand the CBS Half-time analysts saying that this has been Bad Rex. Rex has been pretty OK so far, he just hasn't had a lot to do. Hell, he has fewer interceptions than Manning at this point.

Also, I'm not the biggest Prince fan, but that was pretty good.

As someone who has seen the "Charlie Murphy!" punch in the face move at a couple different parties, if this slapping-the-face thing catches on, I'm suing Bud Light.

OK, back to the couch.

Mikepcfl said...

Prince and the FAMU band are both pretty good. Definitely more energetic halftime than last year.

UconnFan32 said...

Troy - Rex hasn't been that bad? What about the fumble? He blew the chance to completely change the game flow and give the Bears a lead at the half if he goes 35 yds and they get an FG

Anonymous said...

Is that even challengable?

I thought that you can't chalenge for a penalty to be called.

I can't believe the announcers aren't discussing this. I've never seen this challenged.

At least it wasn't overturned.

I don't know which, but there's 1 designated ref who's job it is to count the players.

Anonymous said...

This Super Bowl is exciting.

If by exciting you like drives that last half a quarter and move slow as hell with no exciting plays plus an uninteresting challenge that eventually lead to a field goal.

Dan Shanoff said...

I wouldn't say "suck" as much as "unmemorable," which, for an advertiser, is probably worse.

Anonymous said...

Did Rexcrement just turn 2nd and 1 into 4th and 23.

Yeah, he did.

UconnFan32 said...

Holy Crap!! How horrible is Rex Grossman!!! 2nd & 1 to 4th and 23!!

And the Colts D Line had nothing to do with Grossman tripping. I don't see how any spin move Freeney taught them had anything to do with that!

Anonymous said...

What you saw on that run was a take off of the Bears "Lack Of" defence - they call it the "Lack Of" tackling.

Jayhawk 4 Life said...

Somewhere in Arizona...Edgerrin James is pointing a gun at his head, and cursing his existence.

Anonymous said...

Peyton just threw a ball that Reggie Wayne couldn't catch cause it was out the side of the endzone, and Boomer says "Peyton made a great throw, but there wasn't enough room out there."


And then Wayne stopped Rhodes from scoring.

At least this tmie it took the Colts less time to stop for a shot field goal.

Anonymous said...

I think that Coke machine ad was pretty good. Along with the decent Black History Month one. Add to that the old guy experimenting and the old GTA one that's a pretty good night.

We finally see the K-Fed add and it was pretty funny.

Bud's hitchhiker's was funny too.

Personally, I thought the one with FedEx Ground and the names was funny.

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing:

If you miss this 3rd and 2 you are a moron for challenging.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about ads for the news.

The first one I saw was for the people on the news. This makes sense. You have these people, other networks don't.

But I just saw one that was for the news and the stories on the news. They said their stories would be about good people doing good things. The implication being that that's what people want to see.

But isn't the goal of all news to put stories on that people want to see.

I don't get it. It's a building.

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutly astounded by the stop the war ad. I don't care what you're opinion is but the "on the other hand" line was dispicable.

And that Bud crab ad was just strange.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that "Moose" chant for Mohammed.

Mikepcfl said...

That was one of the worst throws I've ever seen in the Super Bowl. Grossman just lobbed it up.

Roge said...

That was the worst throw in Super Bowl history. Regardless of how the challenge turns out... Grossman just threw the worst pass I've ever seen. If it stands, it's game over.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Rexy had you going didn't he?

Common, admit it. You were like, "Wow. That was a great throw."

And then...


Mikepcfl said...

I have to agree that the stop the war ad was in pretty poor taste. I'm not happy with how things are going over there, but using disfigured troops like that and saying you dont support them if you support the surge was a low blow.

Mikepcfl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
nep1293 said...

I gotta give Grossman the MVP. He had the biggest impact on this game.

If not him, i'll give it to the O-line of the Colts. Manning is throwng dump-offs all night so i can't give it to him, give it to Saturday so he represents the O-line

Anonymous said...

Nep1293 has a point.

Peyton is throwing whenever he wants and the running backs are both MVP candidates?

Sounds like the O-Line is doing the work.

Roge said...

Assuming the Colts win... I think it's got to be Manning as the MVP. I like Shanoff's idea of a split MVP between Addai/Rhodes, but that just won't happen. That leaves only Manning, so he wins it by default.

Andy said...

Game. Over.

Roge said...

Gosh, another miserable throw by Grossman. He had Berrian WIDE OPEN, but he threw a duck up there.

I just posted about who the MVP should be... I honestly think Grossman should deserve consideration (from us, not from whoever decides because it would be the biggest stomach punch ever). 2 INTs, a fumble, a few sacks... yikes.

Anonymous said...

Rexcrement strikes again!

Wow. I'm not sure that this matters though unless they score a TD.

32-17 and 29-17 are both 2 TD games.

Andy said...

Seriously guys, are we watching the same game? Is the game the most exciting we've ever seen? No. Is the game the most well executed we've seen? No. But give Indy credit. Indy is playing well. They are doing the little things to win the game. They realized that they can't throw it deep so they started throwing underneath. Why is that a problem? I've seen a couple comments knocking the Colts for throwing underneath. But guess what: THEY ARE WINNING AND ARE GOING TO WIN! I'm not about to knock them for doing what it takes to win just because it's not entertaining for the viewer.

Mikepcfl said...

Can we all agree that David Spade is the most annoying human ever?

Andy said...

Is it just me or does it seem like the Bears really don't have a big sense of urgency right now? They seem to be pretty slow getting back to the line.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the worst pass ever in a Super Bowl was thrown by Garo Yepremian, the Dolphins kicker, in Super Bowl VII against the Redskins.

Anonymous said...

If Sexy Rexy leads the Bears to the Win out of the Loss that Rexcrement created does he get the MVP?

I know everybody has the Good Rex/Bad Rex thing.

Can Good Rex get an MVP.

Anonymous said...

I never thought that the Bears would lose a promising drive by a droped ball on Rex throwing a good pass.


Andy said...

Can we all agree that the officiating was pretty good today? Not a lot of penalties either way. The only flag I saw that I questioned was a facemask call against the Bears. They called a 15 yarder and I thought it should have been 5 but that's about it. Agreed?

Andy said...

And there's the commercial. I was waiting for it....

Anonymous said...

I forgot about that Jay-Z Shula ad. That was pretty cool.

Here's the question...
Was that Beyonce who blew the field goal away?

And that farve hard to give it up ad was kinda weird.

Mikepcfl said...

The NFL commercial was as good as any tonight. It definitely beat some of the "professional" ones.

Anonymous said...

I think the refs have been good.

I still have a inkling that you can't review the number of people on the field though.

UconnFan32 said...

Why not just kneel if you're the Bears, I mean this is just pointless!!!

Andy said...

I give the MVP to Manning. He played a perfect game against that defense in crappy conditions. He recovered from a 1 for 4 start with a pick to have a dang good game. My pick is Manning for MVP.

Kurt said...

this is no fun, all the bears fans (danmega) arent here to rip on.

TJ said...

Rex hasn't been that bad? What about the fumble?

Um.. what about it? At half-time, if it weren't for that fumble, the correct reaction would have been: "Rex has been good, why hasn't he gotten more than 8 throws?!" And even still, everyone else fumbled in the first half, why should Rex be any different?

Of course, the way it turned out, well, maybe they should've kept moving teh ball steadily there at toward the end instead of hitting the "fuck it" button and essentially putting the game away for teh Colts with that last pick.

Andy said...

Amen to what Boomer just said. Get off Peyton's back everyone. He is officially one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game of football. He's done pretty much everything he can. He won the MVP. He won the Super Bowl. IMO, he should win the Super Bowl MVP. A big fat "how you like them apples?" to all you Manning bashers out there.

TJ said...

I think the MVP is Rhodes, but if you want to give it to Peyton, I guess it's hard to argue with that.

Anonymous said...

(for the duration of the post, I would like to use the theoretical and somewhat stupid assumption Hockey is a sport that matters)
Now that a Black Coach has won the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the NBA Championship when does a Black guy coach a team to a Stanley Cup?

The Over/Under is 1 day before NEVER.

Unknown said...

Having a Super Bowl outside is just an awful idea. I thought I was watching the game as a flashback in a soap opera. What an awful experience for a Super Bowl - should be dome games only.

Anonymous said...

Ya know... Manning won the MVP.

But I really feel that this was the year for co-MVPs..Addai and Rhodes.

marcomarco said...

Thank you Tony Dungee, for letting me have my under 49.

Going for it on 4th and 6 with under 2min remaining... instead of bringing out Adam V., classy and helpful.

Thanks again.

marcomarco said...

Rexy ended up with a better completion percentage than peyton.

Of course, 15 of his 20 completions were probably in the last drive of 2 and 3 yard gains...

Was it just me, or did Dungee take the ball out of Peyton's hands for most of the 2nd half... as if to say, I'm not going to allow you to throw this one away, nope

Rhodes and Addai deserve that MVP

Unknown said...

Did anyone else catch Solomon's little dig at Belicheck at the end of the Lovie Smith interview.

marcomarco said...

Agreed that Prince sucked. Way too much air guitar. When he started to 'really' play it was terrible.

Aerosmith and Nsync were better, and i hate them both.

Nothing compared to U2

Andy said...

marco, do you not realize that Manning calls the plays? He calls a couple plays in the huddle and then goes to the line, reads the defense, and decides which play at that time. So Dungy did NOT take the ball out of Peyton's hands. Peyton realized running the football and short passes were working so he went with that. Quit frickin knocking Peyton Manning. He is one of the greatest QB's ever!

Mega said...

Grossman did NOTHING wrong that game. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know anything about football.

His INT's, both of them, his WR's STOPPED on their routes. They had the opportunity to make the reception but they were not there.

Damnit $)@(%*&@$(%&! the Bears could've won, but they didn't. Congrats Colts and their fans.

Ftrain said...

User-generated Commericals:
They sucked. They all sucked. Not funny at all. People stop this non-sense about them being better. They just weren't.

Dennis Greene was right. The bears were exactly what we thought they were. I mean c'mon what do you really expect from a team that had the Packers, Vikings and Detriot in their division. Not exactly beating up on top-notch competition...Then again you can say that about most teams in the NFC.

marcomarco said...

Quit frickin knocking Peyton Manning. He is one of the greatest QB's ever!

I'm not. Congrats to Peyton and the Colts.

Grossman did have a higher completion %, however.

Anonymous said...

I thought the commercials sucked....again. Maybe it was just me, but there were an inordinate number of local commercials as well as the biggies.

But even the big commercials were duds. Doritos had a decent one. I wish the monkeys came back for careerbuilder. Chevy and its usual craptastic entry.
And repeat.

Was it that long ago that the commercials would never repeat? Is this another reason the 90s were so good?

Big D said...

Damn, I missed a great live-blog/live-comment night. Nice time to lose the Internet connection. Stupid ComCast.

Let me just put it this way - my house had 8 die-hard Pats fans, and one Bears fan last night. Every single person (except me, sadly) had left by the two minute warning, just so they wouldn't have to watch Peyton Manning holding the Lombardi Trophy.

And yes - the Grossman Pick-6 was the worst pass (by a QB) in Super Bowl history. Of course, the floater that was ten yards short to Berrian wasn't much better.

Big D said...

And let me clarify, before I get crucified:

I have nothing against Peyton and the Colts winning that title. They earned it.

It just sucks to know how close the Pats were to being in the game, and probably having the same result.