Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday 02/05 A.M. Quickie:
Super Bowl Hangover

Super Bowl XLI Hangover: I'll point you to the live-blog/live-comment post below for everyone's take throughout the game. Meanwhile, with a night to sleep on it, here are:

The Big Winners:

1. Peyton Manning: Wait, no more "Peyton face" jokes?

2. Tony Dungy: First African-American head coach to win the Super Bowl IS that historic. (But I'm not quite sure his faith had as much to do with the win as his coaching skills.)

3. Prince: Best Halftime Show Ever.

4. Adam Vinatieri: 4 Super Bowl rings puts him ahead of Brady.

5. User-created ads: Huge success. Do it as well (or better) than the pros. See my longer post below.

6. Bud Light: Best of the "traditional" ads.

The Big Losers:

1. Rex Grossman: He'll be crushed for this as the literal and symbolic reasons the Bears lost, but can you really begrudge the Sex Cannon? He is what he is. (Or, more precisely, as Commenter "Mike" put it: "He is who we thought he was.")

2. Weathermen: Someone needs to take the blame for that worst-ever game weather.

3. Gamblers: Specifically, anyone taking the Bears and the 7 points. Particularly after seeing the weather report. Ugh.

4. Never should have dropped the monkeys. Monkeys in Super Bowl ads this year -- a down year -- would have won the Ad Challenge.

5. Super Bowl ZZZZ? Both the early reviews and morning-after commentary seems to be shifting that the game was pretty flat... even boring. Not for Colts fans, but the rest of us.

What Next? When a team wins a Super Bowl, the other NFL teams usually fast-follow their blueprint. While it's hard to replicate having your own Peyton Manning, I think more teams will employ the 2-RB system, which was the biggest reason the Colts' offense had any success.

USA Today AdMeter: Did the Bud "Crab" ad really win the top honor? USA Today's system is broken – either that or their research sample sucks. There's no way that was the best ad. Bud Light had at least a handful that were better – along with the user-created Doritos ads. (And one more time: CareerBuilder missed its monkeys.) Which were your favorite ads?

Reminder: The "You" Factor was THE biggest storyline of the Super Bowl ads. See my post on it below. Meanwhile, forget USA Today! All the cool kids are going over to YouTube to rank the ads and give the results a far more accurate, authentic, Wisdom-of-Crowds appeal. Here's the link.

What you might have missed while focusing on the Super Bowl:

College Hoops Parity Watch: Duke loses at home to Florida State: This ain't your regular Duke team. No, they're not NEARLY as good. FSU wins for the first time ever at Cameron Indoor Stadium. Signature "Parity Watch" win this season?

NBA: Pistons beat Cavs in Cleveland. Detroit is the only East team with a winning record on the road. Does that give them the edge as the team to beat in the playoffs? Meanwhile, the Raptors are this year's Clippers -- and symbolically, the Raps beat the Clips yesterday.

NFL Coaching Search: Will the Cowboys make a play for Bears assistant Ron Rivera today? How "up" could he possibly be for that interview after losing last night? (First question: "Uh, our defense isn't as good as Chicago's. How can WE win the Super Bowl?")

The Monday after the Super Bowl is always Super Bowl, Super Bowl, Super Bowl. But the flip side is that starting tomorrow, we flip into an entire new season of the sports year. Coming later this week on this blog: NBA Midseason Awards, College Football National Signing Day, my first official College Hoops Top 10 of the season and more.

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

Companies just don't step up to the plate for commercials like they used to. Was Bud Light the only beer with commercials? Gah, its just pathetic! I remember when commercials were never repeated.

I loved the fact that this game was played in a storm. That's football! If you play in all conditions all season long, the Super Bowl should be no different. Though I'm sure a snowy super bowl will never happen.

Grats to the Colts.

Is Adam V. a lock for the HOF with his 4 rings? He wasn't exactly an innocent bystander in any of them. He should send Belichick a picture of his latest ring.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my favorite super bowl ad was the first Doritos where the guy and girl lived the flavors. That was a clever one.

My favorite overall ad (and I really just don't remember if I saw it during the Super Bowl or on TBS) was the Axe commercial with the kissers rolling down the hill. And yes, I admit this was because when the third girl was included in the roll, it was the two hot chicks making out.

Dan Shanoff said...

"is who we thought he was" rather than "is who he is" is an excellent way of putting it.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

worst commercials ever.

best halftime show? it was blah.

the whole night was just blah.

Big D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chitown italian said...

Best ad: Rock, paper, scissors. Bud Light wins again.

Worst ad: Coke and, those agencies should be fired.

Prediction: Rex won't be getting a date or any free meals for a long time in Chicago.

Ed Lamb said...

For the first time in my 37 years, I watched this year's Super Bowl soley for the ads. What a huge disappointment. Too much sadism. Too little wit.

The first Doritos ad and the suicidal car-making robot were the only ads that worked for me on any level beyond gape-mouthed incredulity that anyone could think the concept or execution were good ideas and borderline revulsion.

Just a horrible job all around by the professional and amateur admen.

Big D said...

11 Days... 11 Days... 11 Days...

By the way, I know it's golf in February, so it doesn't warrant "front page" status, but the two tournaments this weekend - Tiger "losing" by coming in third, but not losing his shot at the PGA streak (which is a complete farce), and Jeff Quinney shoking away the FBR Open by finishing Par, Bogey, Bogey... Yeah, who am I kidding. No one watches golf anymore.

Sales Genie, Sierra Mist, and CareerBuilder were the ad losers. Period.

Bud Light ruled the ad world all night long.

And I skipped the halftime show in favor of the line for the bathroom in my own house.

jhawkjjm said...

Congrats to the Colts in what I thought was a rather unremarkable game outside of the kickoff return. At no point in the game did I feel the Bears stood a chance.

Manning as MVP I thought was a bit of a gift. I thought it should have gone to Addai. Or maybe it was just the product of a rather unspectacular game.

My three favorite ads in order.
1. The rock-paper-scissors add.
2. The blockbuster ad with the guinea pig, rabbit, and mouse
3. The crab and cooler commercial.

Anonymous said...

Bud Light would only win due to sheer quantity of commercials. Didn't they have 7-8 of them? But none did it for me. (Though I did miss the paper/rock/scissors one..)

Taco Bell gets props for mentioning Ricardo Montalban.

Mikepcfl said...

I dont think we will ever be rid of the Peyton Manning Face. He was showing it all throughout the game even as they were winning. I just dont know how fired up that gets his teammates. The win does cement Peyton's place in history, but I dont think he will ever be seen as a great leader.

The halftime show was good, but not as good as U2 several years ago.

The ads were not that memorable, with some downright stupid. But i'll echo the rock, paper, scissors ad was my favorite.

Mikepcfl said...

I think I missed Kyle Boller being traded to the Bears, because I swear Kyle was playing QB in the Super Bowl last night (fumbled snaps, tripping over his own feet, horribly thrown interceptions). We miss you in Baltimore Kyle!

Unknown said...

rate em the YouTube way- theyre all there: the winner gets front page of YouTube later today.

I can hardly wait to start walking around campus and see how many people are smacking each other in the face

mattie said...

I don't know why these corps are shelling out $2.6 mill for 30 seconds and then not raising their game with their ads any more. Last night was awful. Budweiser ads are always funny, though I wouldn't say they had a major standout ad this time around. They were consistent. I hated the Snickers ads. Careerbuilder's ads made me think of my last job a little too keenly, but that might say more about pyshcological scarring I suffered than the effectiveness of the ad. The Chevy commercial by the college student who won the contest was idiotic, but having seen the concepts for the other finalists, I guess they picked it because the others made too much sense and worked to well. Ah well.

I enjoyed the halftime mainly because I'll ALWAYS enjoy Prince more than the Stones or McCartney. I guess everyone's recovered from the Janet incident enough to have someone under the age of 65-70 do the show. And the do rag to protect his perm from the rain was a nice touch. ;)

As for the game itself, congrats to the Colts. It was sloppy in a way that made it feel interesting for long segments, and that's all you can really ask for.

Brian in Oxford said...

I hated the rock-paper-scissors ad. I wanted that mf'er to get hit with a broken beer bottle (glass slashes rock's jugular).

Thought the Coke ad was cool....especially since I wasn't sure what it was building to as the game simulation kept on. Of course, last week I mentioned I usually hate Pepsi ads, so I coulda been biased.

I feel for anyone stuck in a one-bathroom party. Big D, you gotta have a private "stash" of a bathroom for yourself!

One thing hockey has going for itself is that they don't forge a new Stanley Cup every year....whereas they make new versions of the silver phallus each year that the players stroke during the pre-game show and discuss what it would mean to them.

Thought Phil Simms had a bad he refused to see the other side to any scenario....starting with the weather.

Liked Prince....hey, whatever happened to when networks would counter-program the halftime show? Like WWE, or MTV, etc. Actually, here's a better CBS required in its contract with the NFL to show all the pre-game hooey, like Stevie Nicks, or Cirque de Soleil, etc.....

The Ted Ginn - Devin Hester parallel at the start of the game was a bit freaky....especially since we'd made the point last week about Adam V. kicking off to Desmond Howard back in '97.

And lastly, note to self....deep-fried hush puppies without leavening in the batter taste like mexican-seasoned rocks. blech.

Unknown said...

Prince was alright last night - the man/person can play the guitar there is no denying that. The fireworks show was impressive especially in the downpour.

However, the U2 super bowl halftime show during the Pats/Rams game was absolutely the best halftime show of all time. For the mere symbolism, and the fact that "Beautiful Day" is a song that people will forever associate with that performance.

Prince definitely ranks up there though.

Brian in Oxford said...

Well, the pressure on A-Rod to win just got ratcheted up a bit, no?

ToddTheJackass said...

(I hope this wasn't mentioned in yesterday's ongoing blog, since I didn't read that yet).

So while the game itself might have lacked a lot of drama, for anyone who bet on the game, the last few minutes must have been surreal. With Indy up 12, if they had kicked the field goal at the end, they would've gone up 15, virtually eliminating any possibility that the Bears could cover. Of course, they don't, leaving open the possibility that the Bears could score a garbage time TD and beat the spread. But then, the Bears proceed to pass the ball over the middle, and even run it, as if they had no intention of even trying at that point. Totally anticlimactic from a fan's perspective, not so for anyone who had money on the game.

Big D said...

@ dave:

"but I'm not blaming Rex Grossman..."

So you're the one?

And yes, @ brian:

The pressure on A-Rod just got cranked. In the last few years, The Red Sox, Phil Mickelson, Bill Cowher and now Peyton Manning have all taken the monkeys off their backs.

A-Rod is walking around in a gorilla suit.

ToddTheJackass said...

Some good ads, nothing great this year:

1) Blockbuster "Mouse Click"
2) Bud Light "Fist Bump"
3) Emerald Nuts "Creepy Robert Goulet"

Honorable mention to the K-Fed ad, which, as much as we all might hate the guy, was actually pretty funny. I'm sure it was Carson Palmer's favorite ad at least.

I thought the halftime show was actually pretty bad until Purple Rain, which was really good (especially considering the weather).

Mikepcfl said...

My quote about Peyton not being a great leader was used, so let me explain a little.

I think Peyton Manning is a great QB and will go down as one of the top handful in history, just like A-rod will go down as one of the great players in MLB history. But I dont see Peyton as a leader that teammates will go through hell for.

When NE was driving for the potential tying score, Peyton wasnt on the sidelines exhorting his defense on, but he was seated on the bench with his head down. After the Bears ran back the opening kickoff, he had his head down. In tough situations a good leader is out there keeping everyone else's head up, not putting his down. That's where we get the Peyton Manning face. After something bad, he looks down instead of saying 'fuck that, we'll get them next time.'

I guess you are right in saying I am criticizing him in his big moment, but just being honest as to how I feel about him. Great QB, earned his Super Bowl, but just not a great leader.

Not A Gunslinger said...

Gamblers lost? Are you kidding me? That was a marvelous cover for the Under (47.5, 46 points score), with the colts threatening to score again in the 4th and instead turning it over on downs, followed by the bears eating up clock without getting the long distance strike.

marcomarco said...

@ jason

You're bookie sucks dude. I had under 49, but am equally thankful for the Colts going for it on 4th and 6 with 1:50 left.

Classy move by Dungee not to run up the score with a meaningless FG.

@ mikepcfl
I agree completely. Even on the podium he looked uninspiring.

solomonrex said...

I thought the Coke Grand Theft Auto ad was the best, but it wasn't new, apparently.

I can't believe all the commercials that were reruns.

The Daytona 500 will probably have more new ads. The corporate sponsors really come through because they have a big interest in linking their brand to the actual race.

Did anyeone see the crazy rioting that ended the Italian league season? I think they were replaying the match on FSC, but I couldn't get my host to stay on it (they had to call the game because of ... tear gas?).

I don't think anyone doubts that the NHL has the best trophy hands down, any sport, anywhere. It's an actual royal-bequeathed prize, they engrave names on it, the winning players get time with the Cup AND the name rings are retired to the Hall of Fame. Plus, you can drink from it.

I'm still waiting for the "myNHL" ad that uses "myCup" as a tagline...

BLUE said...

Do you think Peyton's teammates even like him? It sure doesn't seem like it. And he didn't win the superbowl, that offensive line did. If there was ever a need for a group MVP, it was for them. Not only did they only give up one sack, but look at the rushing yards. Unbelievable.

Commercials stunk this year. Rock Paper Scissors was the best, and then a huge drop off. Even's commercial was weak. Why did they have to present that to censors 18 different times?

And where was the "after superbowl" television? Didn't Grey's Anatomy have a huge episode last year. CBS followed with what? Criminal minds i think. A show i've never even heard of.

Anonymous said...

The GTA ad for coke is almost 6 months old. Or at least, I've been seeing it on the movie theatre previews since the summer.

In driving rain, with ridiculous winds...I give huge props to all the halftime performers for doing a pretty good job. Prince gutted it out in the rain! Today's prima donnas would have refused to go on stage.

Still...let's have the chili peppers next year.

There are different kinds of leaders on a football team. Manning is the offensive leader. And yes, I think his offense would do anything for him. He's not the overall leader (the "heart and soul"), that's Tony Dungy for the Colts.

Brian in Oxford said...

So Indianapolis wins a title in Florida, after Florida's men's hoops won a title in Indianapolis.

(Nice bit of observation by the crusty old guy in the office....)

Luke Bell said...

I agree. Can you imagine how a defensive player feels when the quarterback is trying to "inspire" them? If I played defense, I would be thinking just shut up and do your job, and leave me alone to do mine. It just seems so fake when a quarterback (or any offensive player really) does anything more than cheerlead for the defense.

ToddTheJackass said...

By the way, the refs were pretty good last night I thought. I mean, way better than last year, and pretty much a non-story most of the way, which I think deserves to be mentioned, given how controversial it was last year.

Anonymous said...

They may have been controversial last year...but they were also right on all but one call last year.

BLUE said...

which one call was that?

Brian in Oxford said...

Will it be too warm in Hawaii for the hoodie? Maybe Belichick will have some fun out there....but I get the feeling he's going to be sneakily scouting all the best players in his conference.

BLUE said...

Scouting them all but LaDanian Tomlinson.

Brew City Legend said...

My favorite commercial was from the first commercial segment -- and it still hasn't been mentioned anywhere else.

Chad Johnson's Super Bowl Party.

Jimmy Fallon, CJ meet-n-greet with Rascal Flatts.... Then that dude talking with David Beckham:
"So... You play professional football for L.A."
"Well I don't think that will work here, but I like the angle."

Big D said...

@ brian:
I also bet he makes a point of playing Peyton & LdT for two or three full quarters, as payback for A) Beating him, or B) calling him out as unclassy.

@ luke:
"It just seems so fake when a quarterback (or any offensive player really) does anything more than cheerlead for the defense"

Disagree a little. I think that a few QBs (Brady, Manning, Palmer maybe) have earned the right to try and give advice to their defense on things that they can observe from the sidelines. But yeah, for the most part, players play and cheer, coaches help make the adjustments.

BLUE said...

The CJ superbowl party commercial was pretty good, but then again, what was it advertising? Was in an NFL network ad? I can't even remember, and i thought that was the point of advertising.

Trey (formerly TF) said...

Prince didn't since Raspberry Beret. Therefore the 1/2time show didn't live to the potential.

As a UF alum, and someone who had classes with Rex, I tried defending Rex last night. It was just too hard. Oh well.

Overall the Super Bowl was boring at best, sloppy play in the 1/2 half.

Peyton as MVP? Monkey off teh back trophy. Dominic Rhodes deserved it more.

As for the "monkey off the back" factor. I remember my family all on the edge of our seat when Phil Michelson won his 1st Masters on Easter Sunday.

I remember actually celebrating when it was all but over for the Sox in 2004. (even if I hate them)

I remember actually liking Larry Brown for 5 minutes when he won the NBA title in 2003.

Last nigth I was just kinda like whatever for Peyton. Oh well.

Joe (Dayton)

William Joseph said...

I don't understand the love for Prince... it was a general consensus with all my friends that it was the worst half time show ever. We are in our early 20's though, so maybe it is a generational thing?

TBender said...

Coca-Cola's ads were all reruns from the movie theaters.

The Blockbuster ad with the mouse was a repeat too.

I actually liked the Careerbuilder spots, but then I work at a place where it feels like that most of the time.

Best ad for me was the Bud Light Hitchhiker ad. It was good and then the finish made it better.

Anonymous said...

I just learned Prince is 48 years old!!

I'm in my ..well..shit..mid 20s (25) and I do think Prince is a hell of a musician. There isn't a concert in the world that would look or sound very good on television. In person, it was probably a heck of a lot better.
I was just impressed that the show was pretty good despite the weather.

The one call that was wrong was the penalty thrown on Hasselbeck for the illegal block.
I don't believe in the "you just don't call a penalty in that situation" nonsense that some espoused on the PI call.

But that was last year...moving on...

J Fitty said...

I thought the officials were great! Great job on the pick-6 not whistling the Colt DB out-of-bounds. Could have easily gone either way.

Brian said...

Prince...please. Super Bowl Halftime Ever.

Brian in Oxford said...

Time to topic-hop.

Caught some of OSU-MSU on Saturday, and Billy Packer is starting to sound decrepit, not just old and crusty. Was he sick, doing the game, or are the pipes just starting to go?

Might be a chance for the network to plug some new analyst blood in there. Of course, I love the way ESPN uses Bilas to chaperone Raftery and McDonough.

chipp said...

The Bears D gets the blame: their tackling was ATROCIOUS! Also, they never adjusted. Addai killed them as a receiver all game long and they kept playing the same D. Flashbacks of last year's game against Carolina. Is Ron Rivera really that high on the list as a head coaching candidate?

Does anyone remember Michael Jackson's halftime show? He may have fallen WAY off the planet, but everyone in the crowd had little boards that they held up and the entire stadium was filled with giant pictures of people's faces of differing races. It was spectacular!

No, no, it's "carrrrne."

BLUE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan Shanoff said...

Sports fans are color blind? I'm really not so sure about that. No, I'm not saying ALL fans. But I'm certainly not agreeing with your point. And I don't think it's crazy to make a big deal over the fact that he is the first African-American coach to win the Super Bowl.

BLUE said...

Like Ricarrrrrrdo Montelban

J Fitty said...

Could Stu Scott have worn more stripes Sunday morning on ESPN? He looked bad.

BLUE said...

Dan, i'm going to disagree with you. If the media hadn't made a big deal about it, i wouldn't have thought twice. For some reason, it seems, that the media enjoys playing the race card. These two coaches, were coaches.

BLUE said...

It's the constant seperation of, you're the first to do this or that, as if they are any different then a caucasian coach, that perpetuates racism in america. It's like the media is saying, we never thought it would be possible.

starkweather said...

I just wanted to gloat - Dan, in your "X-factors" thead I picked out Dominique Rhodes! Woohoo! I'm great!

ToddTheJackass said...

I disagree with you as well Dan, while it is a big deal that Dungy is the first Black coach to win a Super Bowl, the way the media forced it down our throats really has made it such a non-story at this point.

I made a bet with my buddy that during the post game interview that the topic of racial significance would be the 3rd question asked to Dungy, and he took the 2nd. We both laughed that he was right, and that I gave Nantz too much credit.

It's not that it's not a story, it's just been overplayed so much in the media that we just don't care anymore. Not taking away from the accomplishment.

The Chris Rock line on Sportscenter about when equality would finally be reached was priceless.

starkweather said...

Even though I can't spell thread, I'm still great

BLUE said...

My x factor was hunter hillenmeyer, and I guess I was sort of right, he probably missed 6 or 7 tackles :)

Anonymous said...

And....are all of you who say race isn't an issue White?

yes, it is an issue. Especially since this was the FIRST time a black coach made it. It won't be an issue next year when Tomlin takes the Steelers for ring 6. :)

Did the media go a little overboard? Yes. The media tends to do that. But to many Black Americans (and those of us of other minorities), this was an issue to take note of.

JH said...

you'll note the same white media isn't going overboard when Tony said they were two Christian coaches

just sayin...

Andy said...

I just want to say I called this one as well last week. I said the Colts would win and that they would cover the spread.

And like I said last night, Peyton Manning is one of the greatest QB's ever. Get off him people. He's done everything we could ask of him. As for the Manning face? He just demands a lot from his teammates. He expects them to make plays and when they don't he's a little upset. I'm sure every single one of you has your own "face" that you use when something similar happens. I know I do. Give the man his dues!

ToddTheJackass said...

I'm half white/half minority (Chinese), so I think it's a sort of a big deal, but the media just killed it.

It'll be a bigger deal when there are more Black head coaches, especially in college football.

Dan Shanoff said...

Agreed with the above comment: It's important to separate your dislike of the media going overboard on a topic with the underlying legitimacy of that topic.

The media will always amp issues up -- ruining issues with overkill, in some/many cases -- but you need to be able to step back and judge for yourself if an issue is important.

In this case? Of course it's important.

Anonymous said...

Top 10 Ads:
10. Doritos Checkout
9. E-Trade Things You Can Do With 1 Finger
8. Bud Jay-Z vs. Shula
7. Nationwide K-Fed
6. Bud Hitchhikers
5. Bud Wedding Reception
4. FedEx Ground Judging By Names
3. Bud Slapping
2. NFLN Ocho Cinco's Super Bowl Party
1. Bud Rock Paper Scissors

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot.
Worst Ad.
(BY FAR) 1. Stop the War

ToddTheJackass said...

I should clarify, this will be a bigger deal for me IF it means that owners and universities take a lot more serious of looks at hiring Black coaches. I hope that it does (especially on the NCAA level).

Mikepcfl said...

Injustice is that many qualified black coaches have to beg and wait for just one chance. Then someone like David Spade gets show after show!

That shows how messed up our country is! Dan had a good point about not confusing the media's hyping with the actual legitimacy of the issue. Before this week, I just assumed that a black coach had won the Super Bowl before because lately there have been more hired. I'm glad Tony Dungy was the one because he seems like a nice guy and had to wait far too long to get his chance.

Kevin said...

No one's giving any love to the "Hard to Say Goodbye" ad that the fan who won that contest designed. I thought the ad was pretty good. Does anyone know if they planned on having that last Favre bit in there the whole time or if they added it at the last minute after his announcement? doesn't describe ever filming the Favre part when they filmed the rest of the commercial, and I can't find out anywhere if this was the fan's idea or NFL's idea. My gut tells me that the Favre ending is what helped win him the contest.

Kevin said...

Dan, it's great to see you back in the comments sections responding to your readers. It makes the blog more like a conversation than a group therapy session where you suggest the topics and we argue over them all day. Keep up with the posts!

BLUE said...

The NFL network didn't choose the idea that was the most popular with the internet voting though, they took the 2nd place. But I agree it was a good commercial, and I don't think they told people about the Favre twist because it wouldn't make for good tv.

Natsfan74 said...

Duke lost two ACC games in 1 week.
FSU Beats Florida and Duke, yet the Duke game gets a new parity watch? Looks to me like FSU is a tourney team.

ToddTheJackass said...

FSU is a good team, and Thornton is a beast. I really like that guy.

Too bad BC and Jared Dudley are better though! I can't friggin' believe we're tied for the top of the ACC.

jhawkjjm said...

I agree with others here. Tony Dungy being the 1st black coach to win the Super Bowl is important for the historical significance of it. But the media played it up a bit too much in my opinion.

Maybe its because I'm white and only in my twenties, but to me Tony Dungy isn't a black coach, he's a coach. The moment has been noted and yes its significant, but I hope the media don't define Dungy by this for the rest of his coaching career. Recogonize him as a great coach, not a great black coach. If the announcers comment about this during every Colts game next year, that's pushing the race thing. You know we've made it when we can stop pointing out the obvious that someone is black, or asian, or whatever.

Ed Lamb said...

Adding Favre to the "Hard to say goodbye" ad was a nice touch, and I should have mentioned that the ad was okay in my earlier comment on the overwhelming banality and reprehensibility of the other Superbowl commercials.

But the editors for the spot blew the captioning. The setup line, "Some find it hard to say goodbye," should have run. Then the snippet of Favre should have shown. Then the tag, "Some more than others," should've have run.

Would've have made the commercial 200 percent better. It's all about timing.

Luke Bell said...

Allow me to make the distinction: QBs watching and getting excited/cheering on the defense is fine. A QB trying to "pump up" the defense is moronic. Maybe that's just a minor difference in my little head. :)

Mega said...

I see alot of discussion here regarding Peyton getting that monkey off his back for winning the big one, and how A-Rod still has the monkey on his back.

Who are the biggest sports stars to have NEVER gotten the so-called "monkey off the back"?

I can think of a few right away- Dan Marino & Patrick Ewing (LOL at the second one).

Anonymous said...

Dan Mega-

I'd say Karl Malone, Ernie Banks, and Jim Kelly have to be up there too.

And by the way, here are the yards gained on the first 9 drives by the Bears on offense excluding the 52 yard run that TJ had because the Colts momentarily forgot how to tackle.

7, 0, 5, 8, 8, 6, 9, -1, 1


ToddTheJackass said...

Ted Williams also comes to mind.

chipp said...

Charles Barkley never won a championship. Fran Tarkenton, Tony Gwynn, Eric Dickerson, Anthony Munoz, Warren Moon, Steve Largent. I'd need help for more basketball and baseball folks.

ToddTheJackass said...

Dare we say Barry Bonds?

Anonymous said...

No, Mike. The question was about sports stars.

Ted DiBiase was never the champ either.

I don't think...

Biggest star to not have won one? Kobe. I'm a firm believer that it was all Shaq in LA.

TBender said...

Re: Minority coaches, was Tom Flores' name ever mentioned during the broadcast (in that regard)? There's a man who probably should have gotten more run during the week as well.

Dan, No mention of the HoF voting?

Anonymous said...

(for the duration of the post, I would like to use the theoretical and somewhat stupid assumption Hockey is a sport that matters)

Now that a Black Coach has won the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the NBA Championship when does a Black guy coach a team to a Stanley Cup?

The Over/Under is 1 day before NEVER.

ToddTheJackass said...

Mike, see what happens? You bring up Nascar, and then no one makes any comments.

Give us something we can work off of, like mocking Nascar.

Big D said...


"We can go for a walk anytime. This is our chance to watch cars! Driving!

Sorry, it was too easy. Commence with the mocking of cars driving in circles (or the occasional "road course") Oooooooh... much tougher...

Anonymous said...

Hockey is global. Because the average American can't skate and thus doesn't like hockey..doesn't make it not matter.
It still takes physical aptitude to be a hockey player.

My issue with NASCAR is that a machine is doing all the work.
Competition? Yes. (So is figure skating. Yes, NASCAR = Figure Skating. I said it)
Sport? No.

solomonrex said...

Don Mattingly couldn't with ON THE Yankees! That has to be up there with Ewing.

Why do we always say Karl Malone and not John Stockton?

I have to vote in Nascar stars. Dale Earnhardt's losing streak at Daytona was probably the biggest deal of its type - even though it isn't technically a championship.

And, regrettably, I would add golf because of Phil's similar streak. Even people who didn't watch golf knew about that.

ToddTheJackass said...

I'd watch Nascar if they had road races where the roads weren't closed off to regular drivers. It'd be awesome to see Nascar drivers have to outrace NYC cab drivers, compensate for LA road rage, or drive in Boston without getting hopelessly lost. You think Jeff Gordon could contemplate a rotary? I don't.

Ah, who am I kidding, I'd never watch Nascar.

Me said...

Prince = Best Halftime Show Ever?!? Did you already forget about a little group called U2 playing in New Orleans after 9-11? Nothing can ever be compared to that performance. It was like a wake for the country's mourning.

Anonymous said...

Technically it's only a sport if:

1. You can effect another competitor with your play (AKA defense)
2. Requires athletic movement
3. There is a score

Golf: not a sport. you can't effect anybody else. therefore it falls into a second category called "competition" (AKA who can do something best independent of eachother)

Hearts: it's a card game. no athletic movement but you can effect the other people and there's a score. without the athletic component it becomes a "game" (AKA soething you do in your spare time at a table)

Nascar: it has no score, but a time. that makes it a "race" (AKA who can do something the fastest) not a sport. believe it or not that is a distinction.

solomonrex said...

Look, racing is one of the oldest sports, it's in every country on the planet, it's a lot more common than baseball, football and hockey.

Do we really want to discuss effort in this context?

Nascar drivers have to clutch, steer and work pedals for hours at a time, with their life on the line. Split second reflexes combined with real mortal danger combined with stamina. Is David Wells really more of an athlete? Vinateiri? Any golfer? Any closer in baseball? Any DH on steroids?

I don't think so.

solomonrex said...

guyinthecorner, it has a score now, and I think golf is starting a chase format, too.

kirby077 said...

I like and play Golf, but you can never consider it a sport. When the top of your leaderboard could possibly be Michelle Wie, John Daly and let's say Fred Couples, you cannot call it a sport. A 16 year-old girl, a fat chainsmoker and a middle-aged guy with a bad back are not athletes.

Andy said...

All right, I'm not a big NASCAR fan but I gotta defend it here a little. DO you guys have any idea how difficult it is to drive those cars? First of all, it's well over 120 degrees in those cars and theya re in them for over 4 hours. Secondly, think about this. THey are going 150-200 mph and doing turns in the process. That is a lot of G-forces going agasint them. Lastly, do you understand how difficult it is to turn a car going 200 mph?? Yes, the track is banked but that still doesn't turn the car on itself. I have the utmost respect for NASCAR drivers as athletes. It takes INCREDIBLE stamina. I can barely make 4 hours in a car without stopping to take a damn piss...

Anonymous said...

Let's seperate two things.
Sports and athletes.
They aren't related. Not at all. Air Force fighter pilots are athletes but what they do is not a sport.

The score requirement is during the game. Not a "chase". That does not count. You don't get a point for passing someone in NASCAR. Their are world chess rankings that involve points. That's not a score.

ToddTheJackass said...

Don't Nascar drivers just pee themselves if they have to go? I mean can any people really be considered high level athletes if they pee themselves?

Did MJ pee himself? I think not...

(Yes, I'm trying to be juvenile AND ridiculous)

Andy said...

Todd, I'm not sure but I think they have a bag in there that they pee into.

Guy: No, there isn't a difference between athletes and sports. In track you don't get any points for passing someone but we still consider sprinters and marathon runners athletes and we consider track a sport. YOur argument is flawed, majorly.

BLUE said...

Ok, it can't be a sport without a ball.

Anonymous said...

It's actually not my argument, it was invented by a group of sports historians to distinguish what was a sport, a cometition, a race, and a game.

I didn't say that track runners weren't athletes. They are, eventhough what they do isn't a sport. If the same track runner was playing basketball he'd be playing a sport.

Many people are athletes and many things are sports but they don't have to coincide.

A NASCAR driver has to deal with alot of things and deals with his life in his hands?

What about a fighter pilot? Life in hands: check. Controls alot of things: check.

In fact fighter pilot is past the NASCAR driver on all scales.

They might both be athletes. Neither might be athletes. I don't have a list of requirements for athletes. But if NASCAR is a sport so is trying to shoot down opposing aircraft.

ToddTheJackass said...

@ Andy,

So Nascar drivers need a bag to be able to pee? If that's what it takes, then there are tons of decrepit old people out should consider them athletes...

Do you think, in his final days, Barbaro ever asked for a bag to pee in? No friggin' way.

solomonrex said...

The thing is that, yes, it really mattered when Earnhardt couldn't win Daytona, and I put that in the same realm as Karl Malone not winning a championship.

Hockey has pucks, not balls...

Andy said...


According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary Online, the definitions are as follows.

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin athleta, from Greek athlEtEs, from athlein to contend for a prize, from athlon prize, contest
: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina

sport--Function: noun
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
2 a : PLEASANTRY, JEST b : often mean-spirited jesting : MOCKERY, DERISION
3 a : something tossed or driven about in or as if in play b : LAUGHINGSTOCK
4 a : SPORTSMAN b : a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship c : a companionable person
5 : an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue

So by definition, an athlete is trained in sports. The fact that sport is used in the definition of athlete and athlete is used in the definition of sport completely negates your argument. NASCAR drivers are athletes therefore NASCAR is a sport, by definition.

Andy said...

I was just saying man. I wasn't trying to use that as part of my argument. I was merely informing you of what I believe to be the way the urinate during the course of a race. I could be wrong.

Brian in Oxford said...

I still think racing would be more exciting if the 500 miles were linear. Raleigh to Daytona.

One thing that does hurt hockey is that most Americans don't or can't skate. Well, it's not like any of us get to drive 200 mph to go pick up a loaf of bread, either.

And a six-hour Monopoly game tests one's endurance, too.

I agree that driving a car fast doesn't make you an athlete, even if you do it really fast. It helps to have good hand-eye coordination, but that helps in sewing, too, if you don't have a thimble.

That doesn't mean a car race can't be exciting....of course that's part of its appeal....the same reason all sorts of races have races, the 100-meter dash, Indy.

I wonder if ESPN would ever think to run 2 SportsCenters. One for what we're defining as "real" sports, and then one for games and races and competitions....

Dan Shanoff said...

I don't have nearly enough interest in NASCAR for this to devolve into a NASCAR-driven blog about whether they are athletes or not. Obviously, I love when Comments go the way you want them to (with exceptions, of course), but if you're never going to change your mind -- and the other guy is never going to change his mind -- you have to ask if it's worth it, after everyone has made their -- say -- 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds of points. This is not a rebuke of the guys who are in this NASCAR debate, but simply my take on it. For the record, I respect NASCAR and what it has built from virtually nothing into the No. 1 niche sport -- even ahead of the NBA, which as you know I consider a niche sport.

Anonymous said...

*In the United States.

Some of us think globally Dan. And NASCAR matters even less there. :)

Hockey, otoh...

chipp said...

Ironman Triathletes pee while competing; are they not athletes?

ToddTheJackass said...

Well done Chipp... you've won this round.

I hope you all realize that I was just trying to be [absolutely shamelessly] funny in trying to say why I don't think Nascar is a sport. I have no doubt in my mind that what those people do is something I could never do, and so I respect them for that.

Sadly, for us non-Nascar fans, there's no way to deny it's immense popularity, and with ESPN constantly covering Nascar, it's hard to make the argument these days that it's not a sport.

To wrap this up nicely, I think most Nascar drivers are probably better athletes than Rex Grossman, who should be next year's spokesperson for the "Life Comes at You Fast" ad campaign...

And also, it'll be a great accomplishment when there's a Black Nascar driver who wins at Daytona or wins the chase.

BLUE said...

I always wanted to be global.

Nate said...

I have no problem with Tony Dungy mentioning his faith in his postgame comments. When he says that he coaches "The Lord's way", he means it. He doesn't cuss, doesn't scream, doesn't play mind games with his players, and carries out his job in a way that is consistent with his Christian faith. If Tony Dungy gives glory to God for his coaching methods working, he is only giving credit to the Author of the principles he coaches by. More power to him.

Andy said...

Amen Nate, and adlAmen Todd. I couldn't have said it better myself.

CMFost said...

WORST PLAYED SUPER BOWL EVER, Too Many Turnovers and Bad PLays.

Prince was good but nowhere near U2.

The Blockbuster Ad was the best.

Did anyone else notice that the first commeecial break was the best and it was all down hill from there.