Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wednesday 03/07 Quickie:
One Bubble Team Already Out of NCAAs

Today's Madness: One Bubble team is crying this morning. With Wright State's upset win over Butler last night in the Horizon final, a previously available at-large bid is taken by Butler, an at-large lock.

Who loses: Will it be a big-league school, like a 7th or 8th bid from the Big East or ACC? Or will the Committee see it as "like-for-like" and yank away a bid from an at-large from a smaller league, like the Colonial (ODU or Drexel)?

Big East ramps up today with early rounds, which this year are more meaningful than ever. Will the Big East get 8 bids? Really?

Oral Roberts wins Mid-Con: Who remembers my (quasi-)famous prediction last March that ORU would become the first 16-seed to beat a 1-seed? Let's bring it back! (And while we're bringing back crazy Tournament picks, how about signing up for the Daily Quickie Readers group of's Tournament Challenge?)

North Texas: First NCAA bid since '88! (Does North Texas have its own version of Danny Manning and the Miracles? Um, no.)

MLB Steroid Scandal: Add two names (of players not playing anymore) – David Bell and... John Rocker. (Of COURSE: Rocker!) It loses some impact that they aren't current players.

NBA: Mavs win 16th straight. Honestly, who's with me that these impressive in-season winning streaks don't mean anything unless the streaking team wins the NBA title. Sorry.

(Of course, you can't win the title unless you're in the playoffs, and the win was much more remarkable in that it clinched a playoff spot for Dallas.)

UPDATE: I stand corrected! (We all do!) Thanks to Mike Fisher from for clarifying that the Mavs actually clinched after only 59 games. Well done, Fish and Co!

More NBA: Will Dwyane Wade reconsider his decision to try to make a comeback for the playoffs now that Heat 3-point specialist Jason Kapono is out indefinitely?

CBB: Tyler Hansbrough doesn't hate Gerald Henderson: He's merely going to demolish Duke if they meet in the ACC Tournament. (Sorry to disappoint, Psycho-T, but Duke ain't making it far enough.)

NFL: Joey Porter to the Dolphins: If they bring back Ricky Williams, they'd have the makings of an epic reality-TV series: "Joey and Ricky."

MLB: Remember when I was able to argue that Marlins SP Josh Johnson wasn't just NL Rookie of the Year, but a legit Cy Young Top 3 finisher? Those were the days... Now, he's out for another two months with a bad arm. Obvious Hint: Don't draft him for your fantasy league.

Matsuzaka Watch: 3 scoreless innings, 3 Ks, 2 hits. What's his auction league value range?

Carmelo about to be a baby-daddy of a baby boy (that sounds familiar!): Celebrates with 21 points in a Nuggets win over NOOCH. (Ahem: Seen Varsity Dad yet?.)

On a very serious note: Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream (from Ben & Jerry's) is the best ice cream flavor I have ever tasted.

Have you signed up for the "Daily Quickie Readers" group of's Tournament Challenge? What are you waiting for? Last year's group was the largest single office pool in the country. Let's do it again!

Don't forget: TONIGHT! Catch me and your other favorite NYC-based bloggers reading at the Varsity Letters Reading Series event: Deadspin! With Leather! The Dugout! True Hoop! Fear and Faith in Flushing!

And just because you all have already read all of my blog posts, I wouldn't want to waste your time by reading from old blog posts. Instead, I will read an original piece! (How enticing!) Click here for an interview I did with the series hosts at Gelf Magazine.

-- D.S.


Kevin Erb said...

Me thinks Oral Roberts will be seeded higher than 16 this year. Probably only a 14 or 15, but almost certainly not a 16. If they're a 14, they could catch the right 3 off-guard and pull an upset.

Big D said...

I don't know about auction league values, but I'd say Dice-K is creeping up into that "4th/5th-round sleeper" status. Of course, I'm slightly biased...

CMFost said...

I have to say Dan is a little hypocritical today. He will talk about fantasy baseball and the value of players but when he is invited to join a league with his loyal readers he declines. What is up with that?

I know one team that is unhappy with Butler losing and that is UMASS there only hope of making the tourney was to at least make it to the a-10 finals and hope none of this mid majors and small had an upset that screwed up the field but know all they can do is win the A-10 or go to the NIT.

CMFost said...

Big D - Dice-K(and we really need a different nickname cause that one sucks) maybe moving up even higher then that. I guess that way I am glad my drafts are late in spring training so you can see the starters when they go 6 or 7 innings instead of 3.

Patriots64 said...

Is Dice-K a sleeper considering he has been hyped more than Ichiro and he plays for the Sox? I say by the 3rd round he will be gone in most leagues.

Brian in Oxford said...

Isn't the Americone Dream just the equivalent of a chocolate chip ice cream cone mixed up in a pint container?

Ben & Jerry's really has to get off the fudge shapes. Maybe all the good flavors have already been invented, but they've been lacking lately in terms of really good new flavors. The black and tan wasn't too bad.

Anyways, Dan, I expect some sort of TV to get updates on the games tonight?

rafael said...

new ice cream flavor??

That's the only important part of the quickie today!

rafael said...

and cmfost. srsrly, enough with the fantasy baseball league. Dan doesn't have the time, its no biggie.


CMFost said...

I know it is no biggie but come on you have to admit that it is kind of funny how much he mentions fantasy but yet will not play.

Matt T said...

The way to think about it is, even if the Mavs lost their next 22 games they'd be in the playoffs. That sounds more impressive.

In fact, they are going to get me out to a Hawks game in 2 weeks when they come to Atlanta. I'm hoping the streak is still alive then.

CMFost said...

If you want new Ice Cream Flavors just go to Coldstone's if you have one near you and you can basically create your own.

TJ said...

This Orlando steroid thing has finally put me over to the other side--I don't care anymore who gets caught with steroids. I think we're well on our way to showing that pretty much everyone does it, and at this point I think it would be a little disingenuous to even label these people cheaters any more.

Also, I think we need to go back and look at all the writers who declared the steroid era over 2 years ago, and say to them: ha!

chitown italian said...


As some of my closest friends are police officers, Ben and Jerry paid for the defense attorneys of a cop killer. Need I say more?

CMFost said...

Troy I agree and disagree with you. I could care less about players who are no longer in the game using steriods. What I want is for them to catch the people that are still in game cheating and get rid of them. 2 former not that good players being caught for streiods who really cares.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

1.) Ben and Jerry's cookies and cream or DMB magic brownie is the best

2.) Coldstone is like death...2 bites and you are in a sugar coma.

3.) Is it childish that whenever I hear "Oral Roberts" that I laugh like a little girl?

4.) UMass needs to win the entire tournament. Xavier needs only 1 win.

TJ said...

@ cmfost, in theory I would be fine with finding who's using and banning them, but I'm starting to suspect that so many people are using that if we kicked them all out David Eckstein would be the only one left.

But more importantly, I don't think there's any way to find any more than a tiny tiny minority of current users. So should we boot, say Gary Matthews, while for all we know Albert Pujols and Ryan Howard are riding the steroid train all the way to the bank?

I don't know. I like the current penalties, but I'm developing a resistance to branding the people who get caught with a scarlet S. Just because Barry Bonds, Raffy Palmiero, and Jason Giambi were caught, doesn't mean they were any more or less guilty than half the league. So I don't think we can pass righteous judgment down on them while affording others a potential free pass.

jhawkjjm said...

I was happy to see Oral Roberts get in, but mainly cause they beat KU and now that loss doesn't seem as bad (somewhat).

I'm also happy that Wright State won because that is one less spot for K-State to get in. I can't wait to hear the whinning coming out of Manhatten.

CMFost said...

Troy if you do not pass judgement on the ones who are found guilty then you can never rid the sport of the cheaters that are in it. I think what would really make these players think twice would be if the suspension for steriod use where without pay. Could you see a player taking a risk to be caught knowing that if he is he is risking a large part of his salary.

TJ said...

@cmfost--Good point, and you're right. Tough penalties are probably the only way there's even a hope of stopping this thing. But I'm just not sure we should pass judgment in terms of holding someone out as a pariah. I'm just getting sick of seeing talking heads screaming about how this guy or that guy is a horrible awful person, and ruining the game, when that person, as one of the few that have actually been caught, is no more guilty than maybe hundreds of other athletes. I just don't like seeing everyone take their moral outrage out on the unlucky few while others get away with it and get held up as ambassadors for the game, or great role models.

Big D said...

Please, Please tell me someone else saw this one... sometimes, the jokes write themselves:


David Wells, apparantely an avid hunter. And by far, the best line of the entire piece:

"Using bow and arrow, he killed a dik-dik, a small antelope that he said was as tasty as it was beautiful."

So, David Wells shot a dik-dik, and then David Wells ate a dik-dik. Yup, sounds about right.

ToddTheJackass said...

Dan, I liked the interview. Good of you to include exterior links so we can learn more about you without having to disrupt the flow of the Quickie.

You couldn't be more right about PTI. Even my girlfriend, who couldn't care less about sports, will be entertained by the tone of the PTI guys. Also I think your thoughts on SI are also dead on.

@chitown, alleged cop killers deserve a good defense in court too. That's the nature of the American judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Go Cuse!

Syracuse if very bubbly at this point. If they lose to UConn today in the BE tournament, I would have no major gripe if they were left out of the NCAAs. If they win, then I feel they are definitely over the edge.

Last year they were even in a worse position and won the whole tournament only to lose in the 1st rnd NCAAs with a hobbled Gerry McNamara. However, I will always remember the insane run last year to win the Big East with Gerry McNamara hitting shots at the buzzer to tie or take the lead in 3 of teh 4 games.

Brian in Oxford said...

How about this.

Let ANYONE who wants to use steroids or HGH, or whatnot, do it. Don't bother to test.

But, include in the player contracts that they will have no monetary recourse if something goes wrong with their bodies down the line, or even on the field during a game. Use at your own risk. Anyone not willing to comply with those terms may go find employment in a different field of work.

(And this doesn't have to apply to baseball, either....I halfway expected the XFL to endorse steroids.)

Anonymous said...

Chitown, never heard the B & J's story. Was the cop killer freed or convicted? I know Ben and Jerry are active in left leaning politics and I can't remember the last time I bought B&J's but we did go to their store almost every night some years back on a family vacation in Lake George.

I am trying to stay away from the ice cream this month in any event to lose the winter padding I put on. :(

Anonymous said...

Follow up to Ben and Jerry's

I had heard of the case where the police officer in Philly was murdered by a member of the black panthers. I didn't realize that B&J's had contributed to the defense fund. However Ben and Jerry don't own the company anymore. It was sold a few years ago to a company called Unilever so there is not much point in boycotting the ice cream anymore.

ToddTheJackass said...

Wow, this is fantastic fodder for the haters. This is from some Duke student in the Duke newspaper, The Chronicle...

Nothing was dirty except Hansbrough's jersey
By: Alex Fanaroff
Duke Chronicle 3/6/07

Friends, Dukies, Durhamites-listen up. I come not to bury Gerald Henderson, but to praise him.

Well, duh.

Actually, since most of the national media and Duke haters everywhere spent two days kicking dirt on the poor kid while he was down, I might have to break out my shovel to dig him out.

Said's Pat Forde: "It gets no worse than being bad and being dirty."

Said the guy on the Tar Heel Radio Network as it was happening: "[Hansbrough] got punched with a balled up fist in the face."

First of all, let's get the facts straight. One, Henderson was not looking at Hansbrough as he hit him with his forearm. Not his fist and not his elbow, his forearm. Henderson's hand wasn't even balled up-it was open like he was trying to block a shot. Two, Blue Devil walk-on Steve Johnson had knocked the ball out of Hansbrough's hands, forcing Henderson to react while he was in the air.

A lot of people have said that Hansbrough-who suffered a broken nose on the play and will probably wear a mask during the ACC Tournament-probably should not have been in the game. Coach K himself even hinted at it (rather cryptically: "That's unfortunate that those people were in the game in that play").

With 15 seconds left in a game that had already been decided, the Tar Heel star probably shouldn't have been in. What if he rolled an ankle or tweaked his back or tore an ACL? (Or broke his nose?) But that's kind of beside the point.

What is relevant is that Hansbrough had no reason to attempt the shot he attempted. I'll give him a pass for grabbing the rebound, because if hadn't bounced off of Johnson's hands, it never would have come to the Tar Heel big man. But with a 12-point lead and 15 seconds to play, what was Hansbrough thinking when he went to shoot?

Tyler, buddy. Kick it out to the perimeter. Punt it into the upper deck. Pass it to Dewey Burke and let him dribble the game out. It's Senior Night. He deserves it.

Do anything. Just don't try to run up the score right over four frustrated Dukies in front of the basket.

A team or player with any amount of pride or self-respect isn't just going to let a hated rival run up the score. If Henderson had stood back and allowed Hansbrough to score, that truly would have been wrong. He had to foul Hansbrough to prevent him from scoring, and to send the message: "You may have beat me today, but I will not lay down and let you embarrass me."

From that perspective, the only thing Henderson did wrong was hit Hansbrough in the nose and make him bleed like something out of a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Seriously, has anyone ever bled like that? He looked like he had a blood water fountain welded onto his face. I'm not totally sure he didn't have one of the blood capsules that professional wrestlers use.

And if Hansbrough hadn't gotten up off the floor looking like he dipped his face in a trough of ketchup, there's no way Henderson would've been ejected. In this case, the referees reacted to what Hansbrough looked like when he got up off the floor. Ever hear of "no blood, no foul?" In this case it was "lots of blood, flagrant foul."

Quite honestly, that doesn't make sense. Henderson was suspended for what referees Les Jones, Karl Hess and Jamie Luckie called "a combative and confrontational action -- a fight." I don't know about you, but no fight I've ever seen involved one guy attempting to put an orange ball through an orange cylinder and the other guy accidentally hitting him in the nose with his forearm.

Henderson got the exact same suspension-one game in the ACC Tournament-that Wake Forest guard Chris Paul got two years ago for deliberately punching N.C. State's Julius Hodge below the belt. That was deliberate. That was a fight.

This was nothing more than a hard foul that happened to catch a guy who looks like he must have a blood-clotting problem in the right (or wrong) spot. Nothing more than that. So lay off Henderson and lay off Duke's team.

The only thing that was dirty was Hansbrough's jersey.

ToddTheJackass said...


I think the case you're talking about is the Mumia Abu Jamal case, which anyone who has read up on the case, knows that the entire trial/process/alleged confession is sketchy at best.

Anyway, obviously I'm not condoning violence against anyone, but having a good and competent defense attorney is critical, especially in murder cases. I mean, it does neither the victim nor society justice if the wrong person goes to prison on a life sentence, right?

ToddTheJackass said...

My favorite part of that article is that he keeps going on about Hansbrough bleeding, like he had planned it all along. Talking about that his blood didn't clot right is about the Worst. Excuse. Ever.

rafael said...

Ben and Jerry's died to me when they cancelled Cinnamon Ice Cream

Thankfully, Coldstone Creamery has it regularly.

Brian in Oxford said...

A $20 home ice-cream machine can make you all the cinnamon ice cream you want. Really, it's just light cream, sugar, some vanilla, and cinnamon. (Splenda if you wanna make it low-carb). Get the kind with the inner shell of refreezable gel, and you won't need ice and rock salt -- you prefreeze the machine and take it out to use it. Takes about half an hour.

The worst kind I ever made was butter rum. Real rum, yes....but also real butter, that hardened up into chunks when it froze.

Anyways, is ESPN360 streaming the Big East tourney today?

CMFost said...

Brian I do not mind cooking but I am to damn lazy to make my own Ice Cream.

Anonymous said...

Annnnnnnnnnd... That's why we hate Duke.

On another note,

I'm not sure Dan ever stepped into the prep room at PTI/Around the Horn but I can tell you that I was in there every day when I was an intern for those guys (yes, I was a PTI/ATH intern) and Tony and Mike really do figt like that off camera.

That's what makes PTI so good. While Tony and Mike are best friends, they are also the perfect guys to argue at eachother till they get blue in the face.

If you were wondering, I did meet Dan while I was working there and was even sitting at the desk behind the camera for one of Dan's few ATH appearences.

ToddTheJackass said...

We really need to find those ATH episodes with Dan on Youtube. They have to be out there?

BTW, that's really cool you were an intern for those shows. So were you the 'real' statboy?

CMFost said...

Todd do some research they have to be up there or maybe Dan could provide them.

What is the bet that he was the first to be eliminated every time he was on the show?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out that the time that I was there and Dan was on, he was doing the show from the mini studio 1 floor up from the real set and they just put a purple background behind him. This is the same studio they use when you here Cold Pizza say "Now we have (Athlete) live from DC...". I'm pretty sure that it was Dan's first time and we called him because it was an emergency because we couldn't hear somebody, I think it was Cowlishaw in Dallas, and we needed a forth guy.

I actually think Dan did well that time. I remember that I was on the prep team that talked to Tony and Mike before the show. We got their pretty early and a staple of my day was the Quickie.

(By the way, the best "Now (Athlete) live from DC" I ever witnessed, and got to meet the guy too, was Dwight Howard because he was in DC for the Jordan Capital Classic in his senior year of HS. He was pretty cool.)

ToddTheJackass said...

Shanoff was on ATH 5 times according to Wikipedia. He also apparently never won.

Searched Youtube and couldn't find anything. Only Mariotti and Woody clips... and a plug by Statboy for Deadspin.

Andy said...

Ben and Jerry's Dan?? Come on. As a man from the Ice Cream Capital of the World, if you haven't had Blue Bunny Ice cream, you haven't had the best. That is not biased either. I'm really not a big fan of ice cream in general. But Blue Bunny is much, much better than anything else. It may not be on the East Coast though...

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Anyone else catch Kobe's elbow in the Lakers/T'Wolves game last night. It was the same thing he did against Manu but I don't think the guy he hit flopped around like Manu did.

I went to youtube and put Shanoff's name in there and he has no videos.

Brian in Oxford said...

I started hearing about Blue Bunny on some WFAN ads, I think (during the traffic spots, for some reason).

Is it really that good? It was promoted by a specific grocery chain, so I just assumed it was "store-brand".

Hey, Depaul-Nova's on the 360. Now I may not get any work done between now and Sunday.

Andy said...

Nah, Blue Bunny isn't a story brand. But it is hard to come by outside the Midwest I've heard. I'm in Minneapolis, only 4 hours from the factory, and I have to go to a specific grocery story company to buy. Kinda sucks, but it's worth it. Super Chunky Cookie Dough is amazing!

rafael said...


I'm glad I didn't base much off Dan's ATH performances.
I thought he came off smarmy and mariotti-like (in that he tried to hard to be loud). Plus, maybe it was the makeup, but he looked like was rocking a fake tan and too much hairgel.
I decided to forget Dan's ATH performances and only view him in the Quickie context. lol

an ice cream machine is actually on my list of things to buy

Anonymous said...

Clearly the Wright State "upset" is going to knock a school out from the ACC or Big East. I'd say the Big 10, but the Big 10 is as safe as Dan's wife's cooch. I mean that place is all about warm gooey safeness. The Big East though, that is like Brian's wife smelly cooch. It's got too many teams in it and you just get lost in the confusions. Is 'Cuse better than WVU? Well who won when they played, what they didn't play? That's the problem. There is no way to differentiate. It just gets hard, like cmfost gets when he reads this comment.

Sheldiz said...

'Nova wins.

ToddTheJackass said...

Just saw the Kobe replay:

There will definitely be a suspension, considering Kobe has gotten one before. There's just no need for that.

CMFost said...

Sheildz I guess that means Nova is off the bubble.

Anonymous said...

Note from ESPN research:

The Dallas Mavericks have won 51 of their last 56 games.

No team in a major sport (MLB, NBA, NFL) or hockey (I don't remember the initials) has ever won 51 games over a stretch of 56 games spanning different seasons, playoffs, or anything else including in the same season.

CMFost said...

If anyone is a soccer fan espn360 has the ManU game on.

CMFost said...

I love how ESPN trys to make a big deal out of 51-5 but totally washes over the 0-4 start.

Sheldiz said...

cmfost -- we were pretty sure we were in the tournament once we beat Conneticuit and went above .500 in the big east. but yes, i would say it pretty solid now. if we beat Georgetown tomorrow, its a lock. (i totally just jinxed it....)

ToddTheJackass said...

51-5 is a huge deal, regardless of the 0-4 start. What's not a big deal is that it's the regular season, and it means nothing if they don't win in the NBA Finals. The West will be a serious dogfight in the playoffs.

CMFost said...

yeah you are correct the regular season is meaningless, as everyone will forget the 51-5 run if Dallas does not win a title.

So the Questions is will Dallas be champions or the NBA equal to the Chargers this season.

CMFost said...

Here is a question for NASA (yes, i know this is off topic), WHat took you so long????

NASA says it has fired Lisa Nowak, the astronaut charged with attempted
kidnapping a woman she allegedly believed was a romantic rival for the
affection of a space shuttle pilot.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the 0-4 start, the 51-5 never being matched in any sport ever is very impressive.

But don't get me wrong, they could choke.

And I still think the Suns are better. But they will definitly choke.

By the way I saw the Wiz back in full form (read the troublesome trio all looked healthy) last night and they shattered the Raptors. Just made them look silly. If they wanted to, they could've won that one by 40.

Patriots64 said...

The 76-77 Montreal Canadiens scored 387 goals and allowed a paltry 171. Goal differential is +216!!
That is a devastating team. Two strong scoring lines, the best defensive line in hockey, the Big Three on defense and Dryden in his prime in net. They were undefeated in the pre-season and lost only twice in the playoffs. So in 106 games that season this team lost only 10 games! That was the 2nd of 4 straight championships.

CMFost said...

Curt Schilling now has is own official Blog.

check it out
if you care.

ToddTheJackass said...

It was inevitable that Schill would get a blog isn't it? Erg. I wonder if he'll convey displeasure with the Red Sox through this.

Seems like a media field day...

If I weren't a Sox fan I know I'd absolutely hate Schill.

CMFost said...

I do not know about the rest of you but I will be pretty pissed if NBC cancels Friday Night Lights

see this story

Anonymous said...


I'm assuming there were ties though.

And even if they won all of the ties they'd still be ONLY 96-10.

Which my 10 year old sister tells me is the same as 48-5 which is less than 51-5.

CMFost said...

Guy they actually had 13 ties according to WIKI.

To me the most impressive season even though it is less games has to be the 72 Dolphins. Come on they did not lose a game.

CMFost said...

Here is a pitcher to watch for Fantasy. I think he is going to put numbers up as a starter almost as big as he was as a closer, Jon Papelbon, todays line, 3ip,1H,1BB,4K

Patriots64 said...

I know there were ties back then, In the 76 final they were 4-0 so over 100 games were 100-10. Not sure how they started the 78 season but ended up 71-13-11 in regular season and playoffs.

Anonymous said...


Never scare me like that again.
FNL cancelled would suck so bad.

By the way, just for the fun of it...
Top 10 New Shows From This Year:
1. Heroes - no comment needed
2. Friday Night Lights - if you haven't seen it, you are lacking as a person
3. The Class - there is a serious lack of quality sitcoms that this show can't fill by itself
4. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Matthew Perry is still aewsome as is Sorkin
5. Jericho - much better than I thought it would be
6. 30 Rock - see comment for #5
7. My Boys - it's about sports therefore I watch, then it was good therefore I continue to watch
8. The Game - see comment for #8
9. Eureka - so it ended awhile ago, doesn't change the fact that it was good
10. Kyle XY - I just wanna know who that guy is

CMFost said...

Guy I will agree on a couple of those shows.

The only one a really disagree with is Hereos, it is a good show but I would not say it is the best new show on TV, top 10 yes, #1 No, I would give the #1 spot to Friday Night Lights

ToddTheJackass said...

I really liked the pilot of Rob Corddry's new show, The Winner.

But I fear I might be the only one that thought it was hilarious.

And I maintain that Everybody Hates Chris is the most underrated show on TV.

verbal97 said...

i agree with guy...there are only a handful (5 or so?) of shows that I consider as can't miss and Heroes is one of them.

verbal97 said...

...and I didn't see the Winner though I wanted to check it out...when is it on?

CMFost said...

Is The Winner the show that has Lenny Clarke in it? if so I am disappointed I was looking forward to seeing it.

ToddTheJackass said...

Winner was on between the Simpsons and Family Guy. Not sure if they'll move it, but that's where it is for now.

It's really awkward, but if you like Corddry, it's pretty sweet.

CMFost said...

I will have to try and remember to check it out next week,

CMFost said...

Ok, I saw this question somewhere, What is the Best Night of the Week to Watch TV?

CMFost said...

For me the Best night might be Tuesday, especially if The Sheild or Rescue Me is on FX.

rafael said...

Studio 60 was great the first 3 episodes...then it crapped the bed.


Anonymous said...

I'm a downloader because things overlap. That said, no question...


8-9 - Prison Break (FOX)
8:30-9 - The Class (CBS)
9-10 - Heroes (NBC)
9:30-10 - The Game (CW)
10-11 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (NBC)

2nd place... Wednesday:
8-9 - Jericho (CBS)
8-9 - Friday Night Lights (NBC)
10-11 - Lost (ABC)

I also watch Scrubs, 30 Rock, and Boston Legal. Nothing on Friday-Sunday except sports. That's the way it should be.

CMFost said...

Guy one thing have to disagree is Sunday Nights but that only certain times of year, like now when Battlestar gallactica is on or when the Soprano's start in a couple of weeks,

Anonymous said...

Blue Bunny ice cream

I never heard of the brand until last week when I saw it in the supermarket. They were promoting it and offering a buy one, get one free deal. It was excellent.

Andy said...

Best night of television is probably Monday night or Wednesday night. It's a tough call for me. I love How I Met Your Mother and the Class. Then of course, there's 24. Heroe's really isn't that good. The Black Donnellys just started last week and that is a VERY good program. CSI: Miami is ok, but it's CSI so I like it. Wednesdays are nice with Friday Night Lights and Jericho plus CSI: NY. Personally, I like Jericho. It's my favorite new show with FNL a close second and the Black Donnellys a close third.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

CSI:Miami is my guilty pleasure show and there are two words behind it:

(Pause) David (bows head and puts on sunglasses) Caruso (Cue The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again)

He is so bad and the unintentional comedy is through the roof and I demand that Simmons restructure the scale to include Caruso in every scene he is in. Love CSI:Miami thanks for bringing it up.

CMFost said...

Funny thing is I think CSI:Miami is the best of the three because of Caruso