Friday, April 13, 2007

Best. T-Shirt. Ever.
(Not Just 'Cause I Made 'Em)

Shameless self-promotion alert: To the right, you'll see my new product (and, technically, my first real "ad"), the ultimate T-shirt tribute to this Florida basketball team. If you're a Florida fan, please use the "Get It Here!" link below the image (or click here) to check them out (and buy mass quantities). And please pass along the link to any Gator fans you know. (Who would have guessed that when I finally did ads on this site, it would be for my own product? But you know what? That ain't a bad way to do it.) PS: For you Duke fans, there's a Duke '92 version, too!


MDT said...

bought a Duke '92 this morning through the link below, so, uh, when you're counting up the ones bought through this site... +1? sorry I couldn't wait for its own post!

ToddTheJackass said...

'Bout time you try and make some money off this site.

Do the shirts say Best. Team. Ever. on the backs of them?

rafael said...

or Noah. Needs. Haircut.?

MBSquared said...

Dan, you seem super enthusiastic about Florida. In my years of reading the Daily Quickie and now the blog, I know you did not go to Florida and you grew up in Chicago. It was your wife, whom you met in 2001 that was a Florida fan. I guess I am "old school" in that I believe you can't just adopt a team to be your favorite. I once heard that to be a fan of a team you either have to have grown up in that city or you Dad has to be from there. And I guess you could include you went to college there for a college team. I feel it's offensive (I couldn't think of a less strong word to describe it) that you are promoting Florida so much. You haven't really suffered through the tough times of being a Florida fan, something I also feel you have to go through, to really enjoy winning. It's like you switched allegiances from Northwestern to Florida. I guess it seems "bandwagonish". Just my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Where can I get my UNLV version of it?


Mikepcfl said...

I think they have the UNLV version in the Nevada State Prison gift shop.

Sorry, cheap joke.

Unknown said...

I hear they need the money from the shirts for some sort of makeover as they are the ugliest starting 5 ever. HOMER!

Jeff Harris said...

I just threw up on myself. Worst.T-Sh*t.Ever

TJ said...

Hmmm... had you come out with this at the beginning of the season, I would have bought one to wear to the games (probably the orange one) but now... sorry, but those guys are all gone, and I have back-to-back-to-back shirts to buy.

David Fucillo said...

I may be stuck on UNLV, but I just can't see the argument that the Florida 5 were better than that UNLV starting 5. Don't get me wrong, Florida's starting 5 were very good and one of the best of the post-Garnett era of players going pro earlier and earlier.

Florida was a 3 seed in 2006 and a 1 seed this year. Yes they completed the back to back, but that doesn't make them better than the Rebels, just because UNLV lost in the Final 4 to a great Duke team. Over the course of those two seasons, UNLV went a combined 69-6 with a 45 game winning streak spread between the 2 years.

Anonymous said...

I think I may like these Imus shirts better!'nappy-headed+ho%22+t-shirt&hl=en&safe=off&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-37,GGLD:en&um=1&sa=X&oi=froogle&ct=title

Unknown said...

This would be clever if it wasn't such a ripoff!!! Way to steal someone else's design and pass it as your own Dan.

@ fooch: was selling these exact same shirts, except theirs had the UNLV starting five. However it seems they're not selling them anymore.

Take a look here »

willie_dixon said...

what about a 96 kentucky shirt with derek, antoine, tony, walter, nazr, mark, and ron? not enough space? i didnt even count anthony epps... i guess you could leave mark pope off.

Anonymous said...

why is this the best shirt ever? to me it seems like a very burnable object but am i missing something. Oh dan is trying to prove his fandom.

Deathwatch Conundrum said...

Posted this in another topic and think it will work better here.

"Dan it just seems like the GREATEST. SHIRT. EVER. can only truly be the GREATEST. RIPOFF. EVER?

Just a thought?"

Rolf von Friedgen said...

Jesus....Philip really lacks a sense of irony, doesn't he?


Now, shut the fuck up and go away. I think there's an AOL FanHouse post that requires your immediate commenting attention.

Laettner Stomp said...


it's not clear to me that EVERYONE KNOWS THIS IS A RIP OFF!!!

Can you explain the irony to me? The title of the post says "Best. T-Shirt. Ever.(Not Just 'Cause I Made 'Em)" Shanoff did not acknowledge the original shirts AT ALL!!!

Is ripping off an idea and selling it for money ironic?

RT said...

I hate Joakim so much I just found myself voting for Duke. Now I must go and reevaluate my life.

Qwagmire said...

I think its a stupid idea myself. Mkaes no sense, if you arent a Duke or Florida HOMER people would think they were your kids names or something