Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday 08/09 A.M. Quickie:
Bonds 757, Reggie Miller, NFL Camping, More!

Bonds 757: Well, that was fast. As quickly as "756" mania could hit sports fans, it's gone. Just another milestone en route to whatever Bonds' final total is. But every time Bonds jacks another -- and, at this pace, there will be many "anothers" -- the target moves. "756" had its 15 minutes of fame; much like the country's overall Bonds loathing, everything is moving on...

Meanwhile, 756-catcher Matt Murphy seems to have launched his media tour.

Reggie Miller on the Celtics? This is a genius idea by the team – and one that Miller, if he feels up to it, should accept (even though his specialty – jump-shooting – is exactly the same as Ray Allen's). "Let's get the old gang back together" is a wonderful motto: Every player ever thwarted for a ring should clamor out of retirement and join the Celtics. It's the "Dream Deferred Team."

PGA Championship: Umm, OK, I'll take Tiger.

NFL Camping: Did Saints LB Scott Fujita injure himself at a water park after a team excursion? What the hell is the team doing at a place as injury-magnetized as a water park?

Meanwhile, Big Ben had his foot stepped on and limped off the field. Mike Tomlin doesn't seem worried. Bet Ben slides in fantasy drafts held today, though.

MLB Stud: Commenters' choice!

MLB Dud: Dontrelle Willis, who hasn't won a game since May 29, going 0-9 with 4 NDs since then.

Who's Now: I'm late on this, but just to get some closure, please remember that when Who's Now launched, I predicted that Tiger Woods would win in a runaway -- why bother asking the question? Page 2's old obsession with brackets (for which I was a happy obsessive) foreshadowed how Who's Now would play out.

Mascots: The Steelers' new "Steely McBeam" could be the worst mascot name in history. It's as if the Steelers PR team didn't know that the default way to make fun of people is to call them "Something-y McSomething-Unflattering" (like Steely McEmbarrassment).

Prediction: "Steely McBeam" is either phased out (quickly) or abandoned (entirely) by the start of the regular season (if not by the end of next week).

Fantasy Markets: ProTrade is launching their NFL team stock-market valuations today. This might become my default way to evaluate where teams stand.

Varsity Dad: Have you seen the YouTube video of the baby crying whenever she hears the Michigan fight song? Classic. (h/t Fanhouse)

-- D.S.


pv845 said...

I hear that Charles Barkley and Karl Malone are considering playing for the Celtics.

Anonymous said...

BAH! Big Ben is my #1 overall pick.

The Pittsburgh media simply calls the mascot "Stupid Mascot".

That's about right.

I'm expecting the mascot to retire in a few weeks and move to North Carolina where it'll do TV work before donning a dawg mask and joining the Browns.

STUD: Aaron Harang. I was there for his 10-inning gem a couple of weeks back. He was awesome again last night.

Gary said...

Patrick Ewing was seen wandering around Boston aimlessly looking for Danny Ainge yesterday

Michael said...

if bonds keeps hitting home runs, at what point do people stop crediting the juice and start acknowledging him as the home run king?

David Kippe said...

that has now become my favorite You Tube video.

maybe charles is going to come back too. don't do it reggie, you are not going to win a ring with them.

Paul Rinkes said...

Steely McBeam = Hootie McBoob.

Maybe someone in the Rooney family is a closet Simpsons fan.

Darklawdog said...


If Big Ben is your #1 overall, enjoy last place in your fantasy league.

CMFost said...

I am going to repeat my plea to Danny Ainge from Yesterday. Especially after I heard that the Celtics are thinking of using the full mid range exception of 5 Million to get Miller.

Danny please do not do it, The Celtics need another PG not a has been, 42 year old, has not played in 2 years, sister is better then me jump shooter. Use that money for something better, let Reggie stay in the TV booth.

CMFost said...

Dud - Wong - NYY and Lester - Bos but hey at least the Red Sox won there game

Matt T said...

Dud - team award to Atlanta. Blew a 3-1 lead. Then down by a run they load the bases with no out. Ground out by Francoeur and then a double play by Andruw.

My TV is lucky it survived last night.

Gary said...

Stud- Garrett Anderson's bum knees. If it weren't for his inability to jump, Pedroia's tie-breaking HR would have been and out

mcam09 said...

Dud(pitcher) Wang-just awful last night

(hitter) Andruw Jones- tough to watch, would you sign this guy?

I hope Reggie doesn't go back, I was never a huge fan, but always respected him and theres just no point. I don't think the Celts are quite good enough to get a ring for him.

David Kippe said...

celtic fans: would you take flip murray off the pistons hands for a 2nd round pick?

Jen said...

Major Dud~ Grady Sizemore. 2 K's last night to become the strike-out leader. Gee, what a great feat. My son won't be wearing his Grady tee for awhile, just his general Indians gear. Does the Tribe even have a freakin' hitting coach!?

I wish I could watch the video of that baby on YouTube, but the internet cops block most things fun. (notice I said "most"!)

Anonymous said...

As one of the 12 remaining die-hard NBA fans, I make the following statement about Reggie Miller's possible comeback with the Boston Celtics...

Assuming he signs for the Vet's min, Reggie Miller would be great for the Celts. Just think about the fact that last year at the all-star game everyone stood around and watched Reggie knock down 90/100 from behind the arc while unguarded. If he is half that good while guarded, he's worth it. And the point of this whole thing is that, because of the new "Big 3", he won't be guarded. You are basically taking 2 of the top 5 3-point shooters of all-time (the other three would be Steve Kerr, Tim Legler, and Peja Stojakovic) and making a team guard both of them at the arc while still paying attention to Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett. That sounds good to me.

Jen said...

At least the Steelers' mascot isn't one of those dumb fuzzy alien-looking mascots like some of the MLB teams have!

David Kippe said...

when the steelers play the pats, will the mascot try to take out ben watson with an ATV?

Big D said...

@ sparty:

"would you take flip murray off the pistons hands for a 2nd round pick?"

No. I'd give up a 4th rounder though.

Yes, I'm fully aware that the NBA doesn't have a 4th round to the draft anymore. That was the joke. Sorry, it's early and I haven't had my full caffeine quota yet.

Anonymous said...

How is a water park an injury magnet? I don't think I have ever seen someone get hurt at a water park. I am sure it happens but a well conditioned athlete should be able to make it down a slide unscathed.

I can't believe preseason football is upon us already.

Big D said...

Re: Steelers' mascot:

The name was decided by a contest of children under 13 (I think... actually, I hope.) Being a born Steelers' hater (which is like a death sentence in this city) I couldn't be happier with their choice.

Steeley McBeam. Seriously. How could any marketing department turn that name into a legit NFL Mascot?

Brian in Oxford said...

Why would the Celtics want to go the route of the 2004 Lakers, anyway? Like a "Travelling (literally) Wilburys" of basketball?

Steely McBeam sounds like a cursing phrase I use myself: "Fucky McFuckfuck..."

I think I saw a promo for Colts-Cowboys tonight. Should be a good ten minutes, at least, though! (Yeah, I had "Don't forget the lyrics" on last shoot me.)

ToddTheJackass said...

Dan, if you're struggling to find studs/duds I recommend the Daily Stats Leaders page on Yahoo! That's usually what I go to.

MLB Studs and Duds from yesterday:

1. Aaron Harang - W, 8.0IP, 0ER, 4H, 8K, BB
2. Garrett Atkins - 4/4, 6RBI, 2 2B, R
3. Troy Tulowitzki - 4/5, HR, 3RBI, 2 2B, 3R, BB
4. Matt Cain - W, 6.0IP, 0ER, 3H, 3K, BB (1/2, HR batting)
5. James Shields - W, 7.0IP, ER, 5H, ER, 9K

1. Yovani Gallardo - L, 2.2IP, 11ER, 12H, K, 3BB, 2HR
2. Chien Ming Wang - L, 2.2IP, 8ER, 9H, 3K, 2BB
3. Carlos Zambrano - L, 5.2IP, 7ER, 8H, 6K, 3BB (0/3, 3K, 5LOB batting)
4. Jon Lester - 3.1IP, 5ER, 8H, 3K, 3BB
5. Dustin Moseley - 4.2IP, 6ER, 10H, K, BB

CMFost said...

Here is a Dud for you - LA Dodgers shutout 3 straight games.

ToddTheJackass said...

I think I'll award honorary stud status to Fucky McFuckFuck today. Long overdue.

Brian in Oxford said...

Like, upon reading your studs/duds, and realizing I added Gallardo and dropped Cain a few weeks back from my fantasy team..."fucky McFUCKfuck!"

thistlewarrior said...

Major Stud: Aaron Harang-the lone bright spot in Cincy's rotation (I just hope they're able to keep him for a while)

Defensive Stud: Brandon Phillips-2 absolutely sick plays last night.

First pre-season game for the Bengals tonight. Yay!

Big D said...

Re Studs/Duds:

Finally jumped on the Gallardo bandwagon for this start yesterday... Jumped right back off sometime in the 3th inning.

Also, I agree with cmfost - 3 straight shutouts for that team just underscores how much they needed to pony up at the trade deadline and go after a Texeira or Dye.

Matt said...

I hope whoever came up with that stupid mascot name throws a little money in the direction of the Sklar brothers and the Cheap Seats crew. They had a talking steel beam named Beamy, and that was the first thing i thought of when I heard the name.
I just looked up a picture of the mascot. I always thought that thing was just a big foam Bill Cowher

Mega said...

MLB STUD Bobby Jenks of the White Sox. He has retired 35 consecutive batters, 3 shy of the record.

Brian in Oxford said...

They say you can't teach height....

Brian in Oxford said...

Is it Harvey Haddix's record?

David Kippe said...

i just want to get rid of flip murray.

never heard of a injury at a water park either. all i could see is getting smack in the head in the wave pool by some idiot, or slipping while running. but hey, we all know dan has been on fire lately

The Legend of Vincent Tremblay said...

big d:

Unfortunately (and I use that term broadly), the contest was open to adults. I heard a sound bite from the winner this morning. In two sentences, she reinforced every local stereotype about "Yinzers".

You'd be hard pressed to find anybody in this town not named Rooney who likes the name. That's assuming that you'd find somebody who thinks the Steelers needed a mascot in the first place.

Kurt said...

Dan, we can all sleep better now that we have closure on ESPN's "Who's Now" from you telling us that you picked Tiger Woods in the beginning.

And CMFost, its "Wang" not "Wong" and "their" not "there"

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

If you want to watch the PGA Championship online. Tiger just stuck a shot about 5 feet from the cup.

PatriotsNation said...

@ Kurt

Are you the grammar and spell check for Dan??

Keep up the good work!!!

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I hate people who correct spelling on message boards. Who cares.

Brian in Oxford said...

Can we call the Flying Tigers Pedro's new daddy?

CMFost said...

Kurt - Wang/Wong could care less, as for my grammar it sucks and I know but that is because I am working and sometime I type real fast just to get a message in. In the future keep you corrections to yourself.

David Kippe said...

but what is funny bout the spelling of wang, is that it is pronounced wong...

Big D said...

@ brian in oxford:

8 FEET, 5 INCHES?!? Ridiculous. Too bad he's 37 - I'm sure some NBA team would grab him in a heartbeat if he were 10 years younger.

Hey, it worked for Arvydas Sabonis.

Brian in Oxford said...

How does a 7-9 guy get anointed the world's tallest without ANYONE saying "uh, over here, guys...."

Anonymous said...

What about Sun Ming Ming.

Big D said...


Thanks for the golf link. There goes my productivity for today and tomorrow...

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Me too D. Tiger just made two redonkulous par saves on 16 and 17

Unknown said...

@ cycledan: completely agree. How is a water park an injury magnet, Shanoff? You sound like a real wuss.

Jeff said...

I agree with the STUD: Aaron Harang sentiment.

Aaron Harang is doing wonders for my fantasy team this year. And I was laughed at when I took him the fifth round of the draft...

Big D said...

re: water parks

I can see a water park causing major injuries. Just imagine falling asleep on one of those pool chairs and waking up with a brutal sunburn - who would want to go through a two-a-day in full pads after that?

Or what about getting a massive hangover from sipping on fruity drinks with umbrellas all day long?

I tell ya, Water Parks are a death trap.

Erik Huntoon said...

Steely McBeam looks like Purdue Pete with 5 o'clock shadow and overalls..

pv845 said...

Anyone think that Steely looks somewhat like Bill Cowher if he had ever smiled?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here want my players to watch in the Little League World Series? I make them up, before the games for some of my friends because we go on a yearly trip for 2 days to see the U.S. and International Semi-Finals. Nothing like 4 games in 2 days that don't cost any money and eating a ton of meat you brought with you to grill and sitting so close that with binoculars I can read what pitch the pitcher is throwing by seeing what fingers the catcher puts down and how the pitcher is gripping the ball.

7 of the 8 spots in the international bracket are decided with the Canadian team being the exception, but the first U.S. team is decided tonight. The game is at 8 on ESPN. If you haven't tried it out, you should.

So, how 'bout it? Players to watch?

ToddTheJackass said...

Alright, who are the players to watch? Who are the dominant starters that could carry their teams? Isn't that really all that matters, plus the occassional fat catcher/1st baseman that can rake?

Isn't food at the stadium at the LLWS really cheap also?

It's times like these that I miss Harold Reynolds... and everytime I watch Baseball Tonight. He was like the one former player I could stand (Orel would be, but his eyebrows totally freak me out).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


The food they sell there is really cheap, as are the programs. I also forgot to mention that parking is free and that it is better to sit outside the stadium than in. Me and my friends bring those folding canvas chair and sit on top of the first hill. That's about 250ft. from home plate in dead center. The best part is that the vendors come around selling things like soda and dippin dots ice cream eventhough you aren't even in the stadium. It is awesome.

Here's my scouting report for tonight...

Notes for tonight's game between Warner Robins, Georgia and Mobile, Alabama in the Southeast Regional Championship for a spot in the Little League World Series:

Warner Robins, GA (4-0):
#22 Kendall Scott (Catcher/Pitcher) 5/9 2HR 9RBI 2b
#2 Dalton Carriker (Shortstop/Pitcher) 3/11 2HR 2RBI SB
#12 Zane Conlon (2nd/Shortstop) 5/11 HR RBI
#7 Nick Martens (2nd/Shortstop/Center/Right) 6/13 2b

#2 Dalton Carriker (2-0) 7.1IP CG 0ER 7H 8K 2WP
#22 Kendall Scott (1-0) 6IP CG ER 4H 2BB 9K WP

Mobile, AL (3-1):
#25 Chad Luse (2nd) 4/15 2b HR RBI
#8 Mason McCullough (1st/3rd) 7/13 2HR 2 2b 4RBI
#3 Blake Elmore (Pitcher/Right/Left) 4/8 2HR 6RBI
#6 Forrest Anderson (Pitcher/Center) 3/7 HR 2RBI

#10 Thomas Hamlin (1-0) 4IP 0ER 4H BB 5K
#6 Forrest Anderson (1-0) 6IP CG 1ER 4H BB 7K WP

These teams met on the first day of the regional tournament and Georgia beat Alabama 6-5. Perhaps because both teams wanted to save their ace pitchers till later in the tournament, neither team pitched either of their top 2 pitchers. Dalton Carriker is supposed to start for Warner Robins, but Kendall Scott is obviously available.

Both teams beat Tullahoma, Tennessee but Warner Robins beat them 5-1 whereas Mobile won 7-5. Both teams beat Piedmont, South Carolina but Warner Robins beat them 6-0 whereas Mobile won 5-1. Because of their win over Mobile, Warner Robins got the easier semi-final game where they beat Centreville, Virginia 3-2. Mobile played the tougher game against the previously unbeaten team from North Palm Beach, Florida and won 6-2. North Palm Beach had beaten Centreville in pool play by a score of 6-5.

CMFost said...

Guy you have way to much free time either that or you are a complete sicko prevert

ThisIsNotMyBoken said...

um.. water parks are very dangerous - did none of you ever go to Accident [Action] Park growing up?!? That place was deadly...

Everyone I know has a story about how they got injured at that place :-)

ToddTheJackass said...

I grew up near a couple water parks (Wild Rivers and Raging Waters in CA), and I don't recall hearing about that many injuries. I mean it was typical for at least one of your friends to get scratched up riding one of the the water slides, but definitely nothing major.

Dan, do you have a repressed memory of Water Parks?

PatriotsNation said...

A friend's cousin drowned at the wave pool here last summer!

ndyanksfan05 said...

I'm with fost on this one - why the hell would you know anything about an 11 year old boys baseball team. Creepy - as a person with an 11 year old brother, if I saw his name on this post I'd be very upset.

chipp said...

What exactly is Guy doing in the corner? Or do we not want to know?

Jen said...

The usual huge person coming down the waterslide too soon and smashing into a smaller kid was all we ever had happen if we went to the water park.

ToddTheJackass said...

Early Dud, but what the hell is wrong with Jeremy Bonderman?

Jen said...

Man, the Indians better take advantage of this Tigers' loss tonight! Oh wait...Laffey Taffy is starting tonight. I hope he gets some run support (and doesn't balk)

David Kippe said...

what the hell is wrong with bonderman? don't you mean the tigers?

chipp said...

Mariners alone in lead for the wild card!! Woohoo!!

Anonymous said...

As I said, all of this is inpreperation of an extremely fun trip to Williamsport, PA for 4 games that me and my friends take every summer. It is a great trip.

For the record, it's not like I knew all of this stuff before. All of it was taken from the official LLWS website and one article that came up easily on google.

I have an arrangement with the 3 other guys that go every year. I take care of the scouting (although they also watch the games on TV before we go), another guy takes care of the food (helped by the fact that his dad ownes a meat company), another guy drives and takes care of the gas, and the last guy arranges the hotels and some other stuff.

Tell me I don't have the best job.