Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tuesday 08/07 A.M. Quickie:
Bonds, Schilling, NFL Camping, Weis QBs, More!

Bonds Watch: Oh-fer. I caught last night's 3rd at-bat live. The best thing about it is that little graphic at the top of the screen that explains when Bonds is due up next. Because, obviously, the thing everyone wants to know when they tune into the game is: When is Bonds up next? (Excuse me if that had been on the screen in previous broadcasts. I hadn't been watching.)

Schilling makes his return: Allows 4 runs in 6 IP in a Red Sox loss to the Angels. Schilling is like Michael Jordan at the end of his career, the pitching equivalent of a jump-shooter who needs to rely on guile, rather than former athleticism.

Four words: Michael Vick Chew Toy.

Spurrier vs. USC: Who else's mind was boggled that South Carolina even HAD a standard above the NCAA minimum when it came to accepting recruits? Look: This is a problem that has plagued Northwestern for years, but that's Northwestern.

I just assumed that every other school used that old "1-percent rule" to let in any athletes who qualified with the minimum standard. Now: Is that right? To be honest, it's not an easy question. But it's no argument that schools are in a rough spot when they tout their academic cred, but then behind the scenes have to bend that cred for coaches.

Unfortunately, it says more about the low confidence the school has in the sports programs to take care of the athletes academically (and by "take care of" I don't mean ease through courses, but offer the institutional backing for them to get the most they can out of the college academic experience).

I support bending usual admission requirements for athletes -- IF the school and program have a commitment to the athlete's academic support beyond "coaching them up" (writing papers for them, steering them to "friendly" profs, etc.) to a minimum for eligiblility, then forgetting about them.

Soriano to DL: So exactly how bad is a “torn quad,” because it sounds pretty bad for Chicago.

NFL Camping: At this point, it’s almost entirely about watching out for injuries. Like, say, the one to Colts DT Booger McFarland, whose knee injury might keep him out for a while.

Pac-Man Jones meets TNA Wrestling: Only an athlete as prolifically stupid as Pac-Man could jeopardize his ENTIRE pro football future by getting into wrestling.

Jermaine O’Neal DOESN’T demand a trade to the Lakers, after all: Or, at least, that’s what he and his agent are trying to say. Don’t deny it: Embrace it!

NFL Hold-Outs: So the hot new game is “Who will sign first?” between JaMarcus Russell and Brady Quinn. I suspect it will be Quinn, but both are being foolish.

NFL Coolness: The 49ers will honor Bill Walsh by wearing throwback red 80s uniforms in their season opener. Why not change back full-time? Not in tribute to Walsh, but because those unis are better than the current version?

MLB Scandal: Why would umpires not want increased background checks on them by MLB... if they have nothing to hide? (See how you can impugn an entire group’s credibility by adding the phrase “if they have nothing to hide?”)

College Football: Notre Dame’s Charlie Weis won’t name the starter at QB until the day of the game. He says he doesn’t want to give anything away to Georgia Tech, but I think it’s because he can’t decide (meaning: no QB has emerged yet as starter-worthy... isn’t that not the best sign?)

More CFB: EDSBS has been rolling out its preseason rankings. Here’s the last batch: 13-25.

NFL Fantasy Watch: Is Packers rookie RB Brandon Jackson going to be the steal of the late rounds? If he gets starters’ touches, he will.

MLB Call-Ups: Is Joba Chamberlain the Yankees’ pitching version of Shelley Duncan?

NCAA Problems: Ball State is being investigated for possible basketball infractions – and, in a twist, it’s possible the women’s volleyball coach was fired for being a whistle-blower.

NASCAR Team-Switching: Kyle Busch is jumping over to Team Gibbs.

Track Scandal: Oh SURE Justin Gatlin thought the shot was “B-12.” That’s like saying, “But I thought the hooker was a woman!”

Vick Watch: So the SCLC decided they will not “honor” Michael Vick. Smart move. Probably took them a week too long to figure it out, but they got there.

Yao gets married: Congrats to Yao, who married Ye Li, who happens to be 6-foot-2. I believe that the Chinese National Basketball Team has already claimed their kids.

Random Media: Just heard that the NY Times is going to end their subscription-only "Select" pay-wall that they hide columnists behind. Wonder if "Insider" will go the same way? (By the way, I actually love the thinner paper version of the NYT. Much easier to handle. Yes, I keep my paper subscription, even though I mostly consume it online. Old habits...)

-- D.S.


pv845 said...

Do you even do sports analysis anymore or do you just throw out some comparison without thinking it through?

Soriano is out 1 month.

You hate ND. Just say it. There are lots of reasons not to name a starter. The first being keeping the other team in the dark about who is going to be the starter. Could you imagine the difference it would have made last year if UF would have announced Tebow as the starter. He was completely different than Leak. I know that you are a mental midget when it comes to actually planning for a game as opposed to hindsight critiquing, but seriously.

philipjsnell said...

Who cares if Weis hasn't named a starter at QB yet? Neither has 40% of the rest of college football. Weis is as overrated as college coaches get. He is no better than Willingham was at the same point in his career.
Joba looks like the real deal. Over 120 K's in 84 innings so far this year. Just think, a few years ago this kid was a mediocre pitcher on a Div. II team.

Clinton (Indianapolis) said...

"If you have nothing to hide"

I hate that phrase. Just because you have nothing to hide doesn't mean you can't have a private life. All it takes is certain sensitive information about you or a family member in the wrong hands, and you have a ripe situation for blackmail. These aren't presidential candidates, they're bleeping umpires.

Unknown said...

"Do you even do sports analysis anymore..."

I agree, but would change --

Do you even watch sports anymore? Watching 'live' means something different to me. I thought a sports blogger generally watched sports. Most of us do. The constant mistakes and headline analysis are odd.

Anonymous said...

B-12? Isn't that what Tejada injected in Palmeiro?

Keeping a team in the dark? Please. It doesn't particularly matter who the QB is for ND because its not like the offense is going to be radically different. Weis just hasn't made up his mind.

Well, if the MLB umps don't sue somebody, they must all be cheaters.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CMFost said...

Mark May said about ND that they would be lucky if after 8 games there record was better then 2-6. Which from the analysis I have been hearing about them will probably be true. Hey if ND is 2-6 do you think the pollsters will still put them in the top 25 like they almost always automatically do?

Michael said...

I don't know if this has been mentioned here but there wasn't any Mike Vick news today and if you are like me god knows it is all you think about (insert sarcastic tone here)....

jhawkjjm said...

Dan, I'm going to have to agree with others here, these past few weeks have been awful here. From simple fact checking to insane "analysis". If you're not going to put the effort in don't even bother.

Admin said...

Everyone just settle the hell down. Gee, I didn't realize Dan owed us all something.

Get off his jock.

Unknown said...

I know it's easy to criticize, but I don't self-promote and trumpet being a blog-reader, while asking bloggers to vote for me in a hot sports blogger poll. There seems to be a lot of criticism being thrown around from the blog, so it's fair to receive some too. It's not that I'm trying to be a jerk, I just miss the sports.

ndyanksfan05 said...

That's the same Marc May that said they'd be 0-7 to start Weis' first year in South Bend...how'd that analysis go? Mark May and Dan should get together for a circle jerk after every bad play of the ND season...they both hate those teams so much that they will do anything to drag them down.

Willingham to Weis isn't even a comparison especially if you take into account the offensive production, wins, BCS appearances, and ESPECIALLY recruiting, where Weis is absolutely DESTROYING willingham's numbers. No comparison at all.

Anonymous said...

Joba is not the pitching version of Shelley Duncan, he is more the Yankees version of jonathan Papelbon, with a higher upside as a starter or closer

ToddTheJackass said...

Also, the Joba/Shelley comparison is off since Shelley Duncan wasn't really any kind of prospect at all, just a guy who emerged for the Yankees. Hell, Shelly Duncan wasn't even the most hyped Duncan in the Yankees farm system. Joba is legit. Whether or not his fastball command is good enough right now is the issue, but Joba's a legit prospect.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I agree that Mark May is probably one of the most inept analysts in college football along with that dumb fuck Herbstreit.

Dr. Zoom said...

I don't know about the general decline of the blog, but this line:

Track Scandal: Oh SURE Justin Gatlin thought the shot was �B-12.� That�s like saying, �But I thought the hooker was a woman!�

Made me guffaw.

marcomarco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marcomarco said...

You're unbelievable. You should just rename your blog "I hate everything Boston".

Either that, or you're just 'stirring the pot'.

Schilling is like Michael Jordan at the end of his career, the pitching equivalent of a jump-shooter who needs to rely on guile, rather than former athleticism.

This made me laugh for several reasons.
1. The only time Schilling will ever be compared to MJ.
2. In his entire career, when was Schill ever 'athletic'
3. Six strong after 50 days off is a good outing. Against the 2nd best team in baseball. With no run support.

Really, Dan, have some perspective please.

Anonymous said...

Where are you FutureLegendVinceYoung?

That article that you linked at the end of yesterday was the dumbest thing I've ever read. Seriously. Anybody who was reading that while also having an arm could tell that it made no sense. Besides that, the guy contradicted himself at least twice.

Not to mention the fact that the MLB, who we know hates Bonds, sanctions his pad! If any of this were true, and they would know better than this moron, they would put a stop to it. On top of that, he gives no basis to his 75-100 number. It's like he's just making crap up.

For anyone who didn't see this piece of crap that I thought might have been from the onion you can find it at...


futurelegendvinceyoung said...

look guy I thought it was stupid too and wanted people to read it. No way do I believe the drivel that guy put in there about the armor allowing him to keep a steady swing plane it was one of the dumbest things I think I have read and wanted to share it with the group.

mcam09 said...

Joba is here! While I'm still holding out hope of dumping Farnsworth, I can be happy about something in our pen besides Mo.

And Dan, completely agree, saw the Niners in those Unis last year and theres no doubt they should wear them all the time.

ToddTheJackass said...

MLB Studs and Duds from yesterday:

1. Paul Byrd - W, 9.0IP, 0ER, 4H, K, BB
2. Wandy Rodriguez - 8.0IP, ER, 4H, 9Ks, 2BB
3. Randy Winn - 4/5, Walk-Off 1B
4. Mariano Rivera - Sv, 1.0IP, 3Ks
5. Tim Lincecum - 7.0IP, ER, 5H, 8K, 5BB

1. Gary Glover - L, BS, 0.1IP, 4ER, 5H
2. David Wells - L, 4.0IP, 7ER, 11H, K
3. John Rheinecker - L, 5.0IP, 7ER, 9H, 6Ks, 4BB, 2HR
4. Claudio Vargas - L, 7.0IP, 6ER, 12H, 2K, BB, 2HR
5. Manny Ramirez - 0/2, K, Ejected in 4th

Anonymous said...

Everyone is talking about A-Rod breaking Bonds record. Two big questions for me:

1 - How many will Bonds end up with? He may DH for another 2 or 3 years and hit 30-40 more and actually hit 800.

2 - Can Griffey Jr, take the HR record? Granted he hasn't been healthy in a while and it doesn't look good but if he can stay healthy and put a few big HR seasons up there, he may have a shot.

Anonymous said...

Cheers for John Lannan who struck out Bonds last night. Local guy from here on Long Island in his 3rd MLB game. You may remember him from breaking Phillies' Chase Utley's hand, then beaning the next batter and getting thrown out in his first start. I guess he got over the butterflies.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


(sigh of relief)Good to know, cause I was going to ask Dan to excommunicate you from the blog. My question would be: What do you think was the stupidest part?

My answer: The combination of these two quotes...
"The apparatus is hinged at the elbow. It is a literal "hitting machine" that allows Bonds to release his front arm on the same plane during every swing. It largely accounts for the seemingly magical consistency of every Bonds stroke."
"The locked arm forms a rigid front arm fulcrum that allows extraordinary, maximally efficient explosion of the levers of Bonds' wrists. Bonds hands are quicker than those of average hitters because of his mechanical "assistant.""

The first quote makes no physical sense at all. Try to swing your arm with different angles at your elbow. Can't? Surprising. How does your elbow swing at this different angle? I would like to know. With the elbow pad, Bonds' elbow always bends the same way. Maybe I should
get into baseball! My elbow only bends one way and I don't need a pad. To my knowledge, the plane on which oyur elbow swings is dependent on your shoulder. Not to mention that his pad has no "hinge" per se. It's not like it's a door with a metal hinge. By hinge I think the author means that it bends. But unlike an elbow, being that it was made out of nylon instead of bone, it bends in many directions, making the exact opposite point.

The second quote is short, but to the (wrong) point. Apparently this pad makes his elbow lock. Besides the fact that it is made of velcro, nylon, and 2 pieces of plastic and therefore doesn't "lock" like some sort of metal brace, YOUR ELBOW LOCKS ITSELF. When you straighten out your elbow, it locks. This isn't rocket science. The other question is how a brace around his elbow increases the strength of his wrists.

So I think what we've learned, is that despite the common sense and years on top of years of research that hitting lies in your legs first, wrists second, and shoulders third, with a slight possibility of your hips having an effect, is all wrong and it all depends on a glorified ace bandage/shin guard on your elbow that is legal anyway. Wow. Just... wow.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...


The part that made me laugh out loud was him describing why Bonds does not excel in Home Run Derby competitions. I have been watching sports since I can remember and the one thing on Bonds that has not changed has been his swing. To think and even write that his armor has helped his swing tells me that the guy who wrote did not watch Bonds when he was with the Pirates or his early years with the Giants. It is one thing to look back through the years at how the brace has evolved and another to watch the man play.

I think the one advantage that the brace gives Bonds is being able to stand close to the plate and dial in on a pitch. But if having an elbow brace was all it took to hit homeruns then everyone would be doing it.

Big D said...

@ michael:

That Vick link is fantastic. Wish I'd thought of that (and marketed it to PetCo)...

ToddTheJackass said...

Alright, seems we need a topic for today. Does anyone have any great fantasy football team names they'd like to share with the group?

I don't have anything nearly as offensive/funny as my fantasy baseball entry 'Corys Flying Circus'... best I could come up with this time was 'TheFidoVickXperience'

Anonymous said...


I loved that part to. We all know that there are a ton of guys who don't do well in derby because they overswing or try too hard or a million other things that has nothing to do elbow pads.

What about the two different parts when he said... "Bonds enjoys quicker access to the inside pitch than average hitters because his "assistant" - counter-intuitively - allows him to turn more rapidly." and then... "At impact, Bonds has additional mass (the weight of his "assistant") not available to the average hitter."

So the weigt helps him move faster but also adds mass behind the swing? Right...

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

My fantasy baseball team name is Purple Strap-Ons. It is from The Departed when Nicholson whips that dick out at Matt Damon.

David Kippe said...

I think most of us now return to the blog to read what one another writes, not really what Dan has to say. I would venture that maybe Dan is trying to do some other things, but almost feels out of obligation to the Quickie followers to keep this up and going. I remember when he first started this blog after ESPN, that Bill Simmons noted in a chat that he wished Dan had worked this hard at the Quickie when it was on Page 2. But over time the quality has most definitely disappeared. who knows why? but the fact is that it is not as informative nor accurate as it once was. I also have to say this; stop the ND and Quinn bashing. I hate them, but enough already.

Jen said...

I am one of those readers that will bring up Dan's blog, glance through the headlines, and then read everyone's comments. Throught the course of the day, it's just a matter of refreshing the comments to see what everyone is talking about...I rarely give a second thought to anything Dan's entry has in it since it's not always what I agree with, let alone right.

Anonymous said...

The downside of the growing legitimacy of blogs...the criticism follows.

and futurelegend: dumb fuck herbstreit? He's one of the best and most impartial CFB analysts out there. What did he do...pick Oklahoma over Texas or something?

Clinton (Indianapolis) said...

My fantasy football team name has stayed the same for a couple of years:


ToddTheJackass said...

I think I'm with Jen on how I read Dan's blog. It's much more about the comments (which I enjoy) vs the Quickie (which is hit or miss a lot of the time).

I do wish Dan would spend a little more time responding to some of the comments, or contributing his thoughts on a subject that may have been brought up in the comments section that wasn't addressed in the Quickie. Even one or two comments a day would be a big step up I think.

I have to say, what I really miss is the morning quickie chat... sigh...

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Rafael although my handle is about VY who is Texas's favorite son, I graduated from the University of Nebraska. Recently Nebraska has not been what they were when I went to school there. Some comments he has made about some of the great teams that we had in the mid-90s makes me wonder if knew that football existed before 2000. This video is an example of his idiocy I do not believe that the '71 Nebraska team should have been there but the '95 team is hailed as the greatest team ever.

For some reason he does not think that a team that runs the ball like Nebraska did can score or the defense could stop a team that passes like USC or Miami. Here is a fucking history lesson for Herbstreit. Florida in 1995 happened to be one the best passing teams in the country. Weurffel's stats were sick and Nebraska beat them by 6 touchdowns. Also some of these idiots mention the Nebraska schedule in '95, that year they played 4 teams that ended up in the top 10 in both final polls so they played some tough teams the only problem was they made beating them look so easy.

Sorry for the length Rafael but that is why I am not a big fan of Herbstreit.

David Kippe said...

i don't really care for his analysis, because i don't think his is anymore legit than ours, but just get the facts straight

jhawkjjm said...

Herbstreit is hit or miss to me. Sometimes I think he's really good, but there are certain things where his analysis seems off and colored by his own personal biases on things. Such as the example provided by future. But that happens with most all analysts, especially from former players.

Unknown said...

I'm a bit of a newbie here...although I'm a daily reader of the blog (and of all of your comments), I've never really been tempted to comment myself (you're all pretty thorough, I have to say). Still, some of the anti-Dan I've been reading here over the last couple of weeks has been insane. There is a difference between criticism and vitriol. You wish Dan would respond to the comments, Todd? How do you respond to being called "a mental midget"? I get it, I do: a lot of you are here just to read and respond to each others' comments, not to read Dan's stuff. That's cool, but can't you do that on your own blogs? None of you wants to host everyone else? Criticism, ribbing, fact-correcting--all cool. Questioning someone's mental acuity on their own blog? Poor form.

Anonymous said...

I found this blog when I was curious as to what happened to the Daily Quickie. I liked having a single place to go to and get a synopsis with a little commentary on what was happening in the sports world.

This blog has a real good back and forth comments section that doesn't seem to degrade to the infantile name calling that plagues other online discussions.

I also realize that Dan Shanoff doesn't have as much time to devote to this blog as he did when it was a full time job. I wouldn't want to have to get up early and write a synopsis of the events from the day before - so cut him some slack. Then again I have a job. (sorry low blow :) )

Actually I got up at 6AM, met a friend at 6:40, we did 7 x 1 minute intervals on our bicycles with some rest in between. I went home, did my stretching, some core pilate type exercises, knocked off a few pushups, got ready and went to work so I really wouldn't have had the time to write a blog.

So thank you Dan.

pv845 said...

Since I started all of the negative comments on Dan today, I feel I should respond. I understand that Dan has a lot on his plate and people come here to read the comments of other people, but the fact remains that Dan started this and other discussions with just plain stupid comments. It appears that lately, all Dan looks at is the result of the game, the highlights on ESPN or from a paper. This is evidenced by his comment on Bonds and the Ticker on ESPN.

I question Dan's analysis as people have questioned Kirk Herbstreet's. The snap judgment that we get here in the original blog at the top each day is getting to be less and less analysis and more and more higlights.

I know that if I dislike it, I can stop reading. However, I believe that it would take just a little time by Dan to come up with something other than Gators are the best ever because my wife went there or Yankees as a Wild Card would be good for baseball or Quinn is being a baby and needs to quit holding out. If you are going to make statements like that, say something to back them up.

I apologize if people or Dan feel I went over the line with my first post, but I feel like we used to have more and maybe I am tired of less.

Brian in Oxford said...

So what do we all look for in our analysts, anyways? Yes-Men to our favorite teams?

It's hard to be too partial in a network position. And yet, if you don't stick your neck out at least a bit, then what have you actually provided us?

The best pairings of announcers are all about chemistry, anyways. Give me somebody that sounds like their talking with us, not AT us.

pv845 said...

I guess I should finish with thank you, Dan, for what you give us. This is a great forum to have spirited debates. I and I know many of the other posting people here appreciate what you give us.

Jen said...

Wow, I didn't think pv was that off-base with his comments. This is what is fun about Dan's blog...the same group of people comment about sports happenings with a little up-to-the-minute celebrity gossip thrown in the mix as well. I come by here every day to see what you guys have to say about certain happenings in the sports world (i.e. todd's Studs and Duds; how great C.C. and Fausto are-HAHA) because it's entertaining. I do agree that Dan has gone downhill and understand that he doesn't have a lot of time to give to invest in his blog, but it would be nice to have him give a response or two to what we have to say about something or focus on more than the Gators.

Just my two cents, for what it's worth.

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

Isn't Dan working on a movie script now? I remember him having an announcement at the beginning of the summer so I do not remember. But this may account for his just throwing a Quickie with subjects he knows will get people talking (Bonds, Notre Dame's sucktitude, Brady Quinn holding out) and figures we can just opine as much as we want.

Big D said...

Off the beaten path, but still...

I know this seems like a good reason to halt any travel, let alone German soccer fans' travel.

chitown italian said...

Thanks for jinxing my Cubbies Dan!

jhawkjjm said...

I'm another who now comes more to read the comments than the original post. To me, the quality of the blog has dropped and the amount of incorrect basic facts has increased. Also calling Quinn a d-bag because he hasn't signed yet (despite the fact several others haven't signed) without getting into why he hasn't signed (with the facts to back it up) is just an example of things that have happened more recently that didn't happen before.

If you're going to consider yourself and market yourself as part of the blogger world (such as in guest columns in various publications) then put the effort into it. Maybe its not a lack of effort but something else, but to me the quality has dropped. That's how this is different than the thousands of other blogs you come across.

jhawkjjm said...

Speaking of Quinn, according to ESPN he's signed.

"Brady Quinn has agreed to a five-year contact with the Cleveland Browns worth $20.2 million, with $7.75 million guaranteed, ending his holdout."

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

He's still a d-bag :)

pv845 said...

That contract doesn't seem that out of line other than the Guaranteed money. Anyone else have a thought?

jhawkjjm said...

Even the guaranteed money I don't think is too far off. The 21st pick I believe got 8 million, the 23rd pick 7.1 million. (according to the article in the Cleveland Paper I quoted yesterday) So it falls in the range with possible a small bump for a QB premium.

I'm interested to see if he'll play in the first preseason game, which I believe is against the Chiefs. The Chiefs are not playing Dwayne Bowe in the first game (reported yesterday on the local KC radio station).

CMFost said...

Give Dan a break, if you did this for a year without getting paid I am sure your work would suffer also. Try doing anything and not getting paid for it and see if you put everything into it. We should all be thankful that he gives us a forum to discuss the current sports issues of the day as well as other issues. To me I read the quickie more as a guideline for the discussion in the comment section. And for anyone who as been with us since his days at ESPN you know that there a certain things Dan is always going to bring to the table.

So cut the guy a break, just think when the quickie ended Dan did not have to start this blog, he could of just disappeared and did something else.

CMFost said...

Very Interesting read.

Check this story out

David Kippe said...

WE are ALL critical of one another's comments in this forum, so Dan is going to have to under fire just like the rest of us. However, he is more accountable to his comments than any of us are, because this is his blog. we point out inaccuracies(sp?)constantly, not just Dan's.

Jen said...

I'm with Sparty...sorry cmfost. I can't cut him a break since it's his blog and if he only wants to talk about the Gators, I will keep razzing him. heehee

CMFost said...

Hey you are entitled to your thoughts and thought they differ from mine I do not care.

I am still willing to thank Dan for giving us a free, basically ad free, and for the most part unmoderated(except for certain times and we all know what those are) forum to discuss sports and other issues.

Boomhauertjs said...

Quinn signed with the Browns. Tomorrow, Dan will probably call him a "d-bag" for giving in and not getting more money.

CMFost said...

Hey at least Dan speaks the truth Quinn is a D-Bag

ToddTheJackass said...

Totally agree, with no factual basis, not knowing the kid or anyone who knows him, or any kind of objectivity whatsoever, I can say that Brady Quinn is a total douchebag.

Anyway, as per Dan, I think we all are definitely grateful that Dan still does this, for free might I add. For that we're all grateful, even though we all do give Dan a hard time for the shameless self-promotion. That being said, I think it's actually a good thing that we catch him on some errors, as it hopefully keeps him sharp. I'm sure he must've had an editor at the dot com who checked some things for him, so I can't fault him too much.

As per my comment about Dan making more comments, that would be mostly just to chime in on any interesting threads that the comments section have raised that might not be addressed in the Quickie, or to defend his point when people ask why he thinks Brady Quinn is a douchebag (it's totally the hair by the way).

Jen said...

todd~ The hair before or after the cut? haha

Being a Browns' fan, I am trying to keep an open mind about Brady Quinn, as I am hoping he'll succeed since I don't think Frye is a good QB. I am also a semi-ND fan, so I have watched him off and on--if there was nothing else on.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

About Barry's Brace

Interview with Mr. Silva (guy who makes Bonds' Brace)

ToddTheJackass said...

The Notre Dame pre-haircut era definitely. You know Joe Theisman secretly told him that he looked like a douche.

jhawkjjm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Kippe said...

now I am just really hoping to see if Dan gives us any type of response...

marcomarco said...


I'd love to finish that article, but it seems I can't unless I subscribe to Baseball Prospectus.

Got an anonymous login I can borrow or another link?

Steve said...

well it's all over... you almost have to feel for barry to just finally have hit the damn thing... not that i don't still think he pumped himself full of who-knows-what for who-knows-how-long

Kevin said...

Damn it...one day too late, I was at the game yesterday. Still kinda cool being in SF when it happened...

tfboy23 said...

Dan, at some point you have to stop with your bitterness towards ND (Quinn is a douchebag, Weis doesn't know who his QB is, blah blah blah). Especially when you have no idea what you are talking about. I wasn't aware that Weis was supposed to give you the inside scoop on the QB derby. Maybe he already knows, did you ever consider that?
In regards to Quinn, NFL players have very little interms of guarantees other than signing bonuses. Injuries are very real possibilities, and you would be the first to mock Quinn if he got injured after signing a less than stellar contract. Why don't you give equal time to the other "douchebags" that haven't signed. Yes, I am an ND fan, but don't let that cloud the issue, or your (doubtful) response.