Saturday, November 03, 2007


Glorious. That is all.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


CMFost said...

Wow, Notre Dame really does suck!!! Way to go Navy!!! Great Win!!!

CMFost said...
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Matt said...

First of all a disclaimer - I am in no way a Notre Dame fan.

I find a great deal of humor in the juxtaposition of Dan's reaction to the Notre Dame loss and his reaction anytime Florida loses. I'm confident Dan is both an intelligent and highly educated individual; however, he often has the attitude and maturity level of a 5 year old. Go back and look at his posts from when Florida loses, they border on pathetic wimperss of a little boy and his delight in Notre Dame's difficult season furthers those impressions.

pv845 said...

Dan, you sir are a tool.

I still don't understand your hatred of ND. I mean they aren't rivals of your adopted team or your real team.

How about those Jayhawks!

The heroin sheik said...

I was out shopping today for winter clothes and saw a sweatshirt with the irish logo and the saying "We only win titles". I about pissed my pants laughing. I wonder what title they are playing for this year? Worst. Team. Ever?

The heroin sheik said...

Well if Dan's wife is as diehard a Gator as some of us then she has every reason to hate ND with all of her being. They wiped their asses with us in the Sugar bowl back when the BUS was a senior. I think he ran for over 200 yds against us. My dad made my little brother sleep outside for sporting a ND lettermans jacket. Luckily it only gets to be about 50 degrees that time of year in St pete.

Anonymous said...

I am not ND fan, but say what you want, they run a clean credible program. They draft student athletes. We can safely say that the starters on most of the top teams would never be attending college if it wasn't for athletics.

However they broke their 43 game winning streak over Navy. HAHAHAHAHAA. 1-7. Wow. Can't get over that.

To Navy, congratulations. Always nice to see the service academies win a game or two.

If Michigan hadn't lost to App State, they would be easily top 5 and in the title hunt if a couple of teams lose and they could run the table including Ohio State.

Anonymous said...

By the way Sheik, did you get your license back yet?

Melbye said...
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patrick said...

Sad day in Devil Nation...

I guess Go Ducks and somehow make the NC game so we can still make the Rose... i guess.

Ugh... what a rough game.

A.P. Boynton said...

Go Syracuse! Yay for losing the futility bowl against Pitt!

The heroin sheik said...

Nope they wouldn't let me get it back. I am not eligible to have another hearing for another year. The judge said he had never seen someone with as bad of a driving record at my age. I probably shouldn't have been as flippant with my answers by saying that at least I had never gotten any moving violations or in any accidents.

MP said...

The following Presidents and/or soon to be Presidents were alive the last time that Navy beat Notre Dame:

Bush (both)

That is all.

The heroin sheik said...

Some catholic must have pissed off God this morning. ND and BC losing. I wonder how many micks are passed out in a gutter tonite. So if UF beats FSU Thanksgiving weekend does that count as beating a quality team.

Steve said...

Oregon > West Virginia > LSU > Oklahoma