Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday 10/31 A.M. Quickie:
Kobe's 45, Spurs Win, Girardi/Torre, More!

Today's Names to Know: Kobe Bryant, David Stern, Tim Duncan, LaMarcus Aldridge, Baron Davis, Grady Little, Joe Torre, Reggie Bush, Hawaii, Woody Paige, Halloween and More!

Happy Halloween, everyone (especially those of you with kids who will be entering the trick-or-treat mayhem tonight).

Kobe booed by Lakers fans in loss, then scores 45: Seriously, WTF is up Kobe and the Lakers? In last night's season opener, Kobe was booed... by his own fans. Yes, Kobe opened the season with 45 (18 in the 4th quarter) and by the end, they were cheering him, but still... (Meanwhile, Yao may be an injury risk, but if healthy, he's going to dominate.)

Quote of the Day: David Stern on the Knicks. "They're not a model of intelligent management." Leave it to the Commish to put it as well as anyone has ever put it about Isiah, Dolan and Co. What more needs to be added to that? We all vigorously nod our heads in agreement.

NBA Season Openers: Spurs get rings, win opener. Duncan: 24/13. Parker: 19. Ginobili: 16 and 8 assists. As far as "Big Threes" go in the NBA, you can have KG-Allen-Pierce; I'll take the defending champs. How, exactly (if they even make the Finals), will Boston top that?

Breakout Watch: LaMarcus Aldridge, who had 27 for the Blazers in their loss to the Spurs. He's going to have a monster year, and that's BEFORE Greg Oden returns from injury.

Golden State starts on a losing note: Then again, isn't that how the first 2/3 of their season went a year ago? (Baron Davis: 25 points, 10 assists, 5 steals... fantasy wow.)

The Jazz look good. I probably underrated them in my West playoff projections. As far as "Big Threes" go, Deron Williams (24/8a), Carlos Boozer (32/15r) and breakout prospect Ronnie Brewer (18/4s) are pretty impressive. And that doesn't even count Paul Millsap (16/10r).

Tim Duncan signs 2Y/$40M extension with Spurs: Duncan is the anti-Kobe. Unassuming, team-friendly, low-profile, content... and, currently, a winner. Any doubt that the Spurs will get at least one title from those two years?

(Meanwhile, when LeBron James asked for help, do you think he meant the team re-signing Sasha Pavlovic to a three-year deal? Umm... no.)

Yankees hire Joe Girardi: To recap this week's analysis, the good news is that a Northwestern alum got the job; the bad news is that I suspect he won't have the job a year from now. But who knows?

Grady Little leaves Dodgers, looks like Torre is a done-deal: Look, the last time a team fired Grady Little, they went on to win two of the next four World Series championships, so things are looking good for the Dodgers (especially if they hire Joe Torre and Don Mattingly).

MLB Hot Stove Pre-Heat: Are the Phillies interested in Curt Schilling and Mike Lowell?... Are the Yankees and Mariano Rivera ready to deal?.. Will Jorge Posada stay in New York – to play for the Mets?...

Marketer sues Reggie Bush and his family for $300,000 in cash and prizes the player received during college: And yet the NCAA can't make any headway with an investigation? How ludicrous.

CFB Must-Read: Sunday Morning Quarterback had an unbelievable take-down of Hawaii on Monday that you have to read. Once you do, you will never even CONSIDER putting them in your Top 25, let alone the ludicrous position in the human polls in the low teens.

Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year: As part of my ongoing partnership with the Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year Award, be sure to check out my blog at CFB fans are encouraged to weigh in on the Coach of the Year race in the comments section. Should the front-runner be BC's Jeff Jagodzinski, Kansas' Mark Mangino... or someone else?

Soccer: Can you imagine a more fun World Cup setting than Brazil in 2014?

Prep Football: Two-a-Done. Hoover (Alabama) High coach Rush Propst will leave the team at the end of the season after a scandal-fueled (if successful) career. I'm quite sure he'll end up elsewhere, turn the team into a USA Today Top 10 powerhouse, then be outed (and ousted) as a cheater there, too.

Anyone watch "Around the Horn" yesterday? I got a tip from TBL that I got a totally random name-check from Woody Paige, although I presume it was done for mockery value. In my illustrious and erstwhile ATH career, for all of its debacle-ness, Woody was genuinely nice to me. Hey: Maybe he just wanted to add a little blogger cred to the show. Erik Rydholm and Aaron : Call me! (Making phone hand-sign)

R.I.P., Robert Goulet: I was remiss in not talking about this earlier. He will always be beloved by sports fans for his incredible ESPN college hoops promos, quite possibly the best non-"This Is SportsCenter" promos the network ever created.

Varsity Dad vs. Halloween: At what point (if ever) is it OK to dress your toddler as a sports hero for Halloween? My kid has a Percy Harvin jersey, but that ain't happening: He's going as a monkey.

(Brooklyn parenting is a bit of a scene, as I expect this evening's trick-or-treating to be. For example, our local kids' parade is led by Dan Zanes, who lives nearby. For parents with kids, they'll know who I'm talking about. Needless to say, I don't think it's a crowd that would appreciate the spectacularness of a kid costumed as Harvin.)

-- D.S.


Joey said...

Actually, LeBron really wanted Sasha back and now they have him at a reasonable 3 year deal. The Cavs want to get better this year, but they want to have cap flexibility the year before LeBron is a FA. They'll have a lot of deals coming off the books then, something like 25 million plus so that they can get some big time help for him then. They'll still be in the hunt just because of him. From everything I've seen and read, he will have a monster year and has improved his shooting technique finally and should be a lot more consistent.

The ATH mention seemed good natured by Woody. He mentioned that he used to have talks with you and someone over lunch about the topic. Reali kind of made fun of you though with a questionable sounding "Dan Shanoff?"

Matt T said...

It looks like last night is going to be what the Lakers and Kobe are going to see for the year if they can't move him. Its a bit ridiculous to boo him, but I understand the sentiment.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

Thank god somebody said that about Hawaii. And this seems to be from a mid-major sympathizer, too - somebody get this to EVERY voter by Saturday night.

bmajoras said...

The Pavlovic signing was good for the Cavs...they got him at a reasonable amount and like Joey said, they have a lot of salary coming off the books next year...enough to the tune of making a run after Agent Zero...we'll start clearing space for you on the Wine and Gold bandwagon, Dan.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


Starburst (original) > Skittles > Jujyfruits > Snickers > Twix > Bottlecaps > a rock (yeah Charlie Brown!)

Matt said...


skittles>starburst>snickers>take 5>hersheys with almonds>dots

CMFost said...

Ok, So who has time to actually find the video of Woody's Shanoff mention.

Anonymous said...

Costumes have to be a little believable, Dan. And a cute, little white Jewish kid as a black speedster athlete playmaker? Dunno about that. lol

I was saving up to go to the World Cup in South Africa...I may have to divert those funds for Brazil in '14. That will be awesome.

David Kippe said...

good, so i wasn't the only one here watching the Great Pumpkin last night.

CMFost said...

Anyone else see that Varitek was carrying a sign during the Parade yesterday saying "Sign Lowell". I guess we know his feelings about who should be play 3B for the Red Sox next year.

Anonymous said...



CMFost said...

Man, How is Grady Little feeling today? He has now lost his job twice because of Joe Torre.

CMFost said...

Kit Kats that all you need to say.

David Kippe said...

he has lost his job twice because he really hasn't been good.

CMFost said...

He lost his job the first time because he made a mistake that no longer really haunts Red Sox fans but before that he did get his team to Game #7 of the ALCS which is pretty good. With the Dodgers, yes he has sucked.

David Kippe said...

well, lets see which Joe the Dodgers get, my prediction? the Cardinals, Mets, Braves Joe. Not the Yankee Joe. But then again that is really the same guy, just not the same talent.

Geoff said...

Better yet, someone find video of Shanoffs appearance on ATH when he predicted the Lakers sweep of the Pistons.

Big D said...

As much as it hurts me to say this, Jim Tressel is the coach of the year right now. He's got the #1 team in the country, but more importantly, he's done it with all of his own recruits.

Jags is in Year #1 @ BC. He's mostly playing Tom O'Brien's players. Tressel has been at tOSU long enough to recruit and build a winning brand.

Also, considering that 2 of the 3 teams I hate the most are atop the National Standings, I'm quitting on CFB for the rest of the year until Michigan plays in the Rose Bowl (and probably chokes it away) again.

wolverine425 said...

torre is the phil jackson of baseball...jackson won 9 championships with the bulls (6) and lakers (3)...but he can't even get his team deep into the playoffs without shaq and kobe, or michael and scottie...he is a good coach, but not as good as everybody thinks...torre is built the same way...he won with a team of all stars...let's see how he does with a normal team he has to actually spend some time with and coach

CMFost said...

Hopefully the Red Sox sign Lowell and send Schilling packing. The only way I want to see Schilling backs is if the Red Sox have to trade a couple of there young pitchers to get Santana and then Schilling will make a great 5th starter.

Joey said...

Here it is, someone linked it yesterday at the end of the comments:

You'll probably have to copy and paste it in line by line.

Big D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I've ever seen a guy get booed when he is being introduced before the game and then had the crowd chanting M-V-P at the end of the game.

Jazz "Big 3"
I think that Mehmet Okur would be in their "Big 3" over Ronnie Brewer. He did, you know, make that whole All-Star game thing last year right?

Reggie Bush
So a guy tried to bribe Reggie during college when he wasn't supposed to, Reggie didn't sign with the guy, now he wants the gifts back?

Dan on Around the Horn
I will agree that it sounded like a dig by Reali though. I have to admit that I thought that was odd because when I was interning on ATH/PTI a couple years ago (in Dan's days no less) I found Reali to be one of the nicest guys ever.

Big D said...

Nice and easy in link form...

At about the 2:40 mark.

pv845 said...

Anyone have love for Mark Mangino in the COY race? I mean who else besides KU fans knew that KU had a football team?

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


RIP Robert Goulet.


CMFost said...

I think Schilling forgot to add a team to the list of teams he would sign with if he does not resign.

Here is the list:
Cleveland, Detroit, Anaheim, New York Mets, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A., S.D., Arizona, Chicago Cubs, St. Louis, Milwaukee.

Mets but no Yankess that is hard to believe.

Jen said...

Count me in as a "Great Pumpkin" watcher.
You know that show is old when they were getting apples and cookies too. Lord knows that wouldn't happen today.

DOTS!? UGH! Those are nasty and the worst of the candy that sticks to your teeth.

Kit Kat>Hershey's>M&Ms>Snickers>CARAMEL APPLE SUGAR BABIES!!!>Laffy Taffy>Skittles>Mallo Cups

Does anyone know what Varajao is going to do...Europe? My son looks for "Big Hair" every time a basketball game is on our TV. I'm trying to teach him who LeBron is but he isn't really into it.

Jen said...

A parade led by Dan Zanes?? Gee, Dan, rubbing elbows with the children's TV music guru.

David Kippe said...

@cmfost "Hopefully the Red Sox sign Lowell and send Schilling packing. The only way I want to see Schilling backs is if the Red Sox have to trade a couple of there young pitchers to get Santana and then Schilling will make a great 5th starter."

you sound like a member of the evil empire. Schilling a 5th starter?

Jen said...

Schilling is actually considering Cleveland again? What, to tease us and then leave out in the rain?

Ed Chavis said...

All candy ever made > Circus Peanuts (the orange foam rubber things) > Easter Marshmallow Peeps.

Let's not forget the real significance of Halloween, which is, of course, scads and scads of free candy.

David Kippe said...

"it was a Twix, they were all Twix!"

futurelegendvinceyoung said...

I know this is early but I feel that one of the greatest days of the year is November 1st. I walk into my local grocery and get 10 big bags of candy for 4 bucks. You cannot beat that.

ToddTheJackass said...

How could you guys leave off Reese's cups off of your Halloween candy lists?

Reese's > Snickers > Twix > Kit Kat > Skittles > Starburst > M & Ms > Crunch Bar > Blow Pops > Any candy with nuts

David Kippe said...

and you can buy your kids costume for next year dirt cheap. um yeah, the kids costume

David Kippe said...

todd, i am with you for the Reese's but a lot of people do not care for the PB.

Adam Lynd said...

Dennis Erickson cannot be left out of the coach of the year race. What he's done with the Devils, especially the defense, is amazing. If we get a win over Oregon on Saturday there's a good chance ASU will be in the national championship game.

Perks said...

ok, did anyone watch some of the Rockets- Lakers game last night?

I know Kobe is the star, etc etc, but holy shit-- he was whining worse than Duncan usually does!

I know Kobe's one of those whiners too, but EVERY. SINGLE. DRIVE. he would finish missing and look at the refs with the "what was that?" look.

Kobe= Voldemort

David Kippe said...

how many infractions do you guess that erickson has already committed?

Darklawdog said...

I wonder if one of the posters here is actually Woody Paige.

ToddTheJackass said...

I doubt it, I don't think people as old as Woody Paige know how to use the internet. At least anybody in my office over 40 is fairly helpless when it comes to computers.

Ed Chavis said...

Sports halloween costume ideas, anyone?

* Throw on a Vick jersey and take your dog with you...

* Throw on a Travis Henry jersey and get a dozen or so kids to trail you around all night...

* Get a Panther's jersey, put Testaverde on the back, and carry around all that "over the hill" stuff they sell at party shops...

* Dress as your favorite NASCAR driver and complain about people bumping into you all night...

Anonymous said...


I watched the whole game and I have to say that there were about 4 times where Kobe drove, was ligitimately hammered, and they called no foul. Duncan is way worse in the sense that he almost always whines on plays where he isn't even touched.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Worst Halloween Candies?

Boston Baked Beans

note...jujyfruits are not dots. jujyfruits are fantastic!

and are def. not a jackass for mentioning reese pb cups. how did not list those?

hutlock said...


Mallo Cups ROCK!!!!

Late breaking news last night was that the Cavs and Verajao's agent were "talking" but they were still "pretty far apart." He thinks he's worth $9-10 million per, which is ridiculous seeing as how he can't score a lick. I say $6-7 per or let him try his luck elsewhere. The Cavs already have enough bad contracts...

And yeah, I was on the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown bandwagon last night. The kids enabled me!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if they sell the jerseys from Friday Night Lights? I have a feeling that those would make great costumes. I personally don't do Haloween except handing out candy cause of the whole Jewish thing.

If anybody remembers this, they had a few jerseys made (I think 3) from Playmakers. They sold out in like 2 days and then the show was cancelled. They are now worth hundreds of dollars and basically impossible to find. Last year on Haloween I saw someone wearing one though.

The heroin sheik said...

I watched charlie brown last night too although I was kinda disappointed there was no cavemen on. That show is like the movie Gigli so bad that it is funny.

Milk Duds - Best. Candy. Ever.

A good friend from college is from Brazil and he called me last night to pontificate on how crazy it will be for the WC. Everyone I know says Brazil is amazing if you can get past the crime and grime, but there is no question it will be magical. I gotta figure out how to get there.

Adam Lynd said...


Dozens if not hundreds. Do I care? Eh, not really.

David Kippe said...

pixie sticks? i personally hate them, basically it is crushed up smarties.

Big D said...

@ mr. ed:

"Let's not forget the real significance of Halloween, which is, of course, scads and scads of free candy."

No no no... The real significance of Halloween is all the co-eds from the local college or university walking around in "costumes", which are basically a reason for them so show off their... um... assets.

Don't worry everybody - I'm young enough that I can make that joke without seeming creepy. Or at least, I hope so.

The heroin sheik said...

I always dress up as Auld Tom Morris as an excuse to wear my kilt, but I saw someone last year dress up as Bonds and he kept pulling his pants down and sticking a needle into his ass at a party.

Ftrain said...

My Contribution to the Candy Discussion

I like Kit-Kat, unless I'm with four or more people.

-Mitch Hedberg

Big D said...

For the record, my favorite Halloween costume was the year I blew out my hip and had to have a steel pin inserted to hold it in place...

I went as Bo Jackson. Had the jersey and everything.

Anonymous said...

I saw somebody last year dressed in a big cylinder that had that mirror paper on the outside.

Apparently they were YouTube.

Cause it was a tube that showed you when you walked up to him.

The heroin sheik said...

You went as BO. Did you talk like a retard too?

David Kippe said...

I am going to tell people my name is "Corky" and that I invented the BCS.

David Kippe said...

speaking of Bo, what was the name of that cartoon with him, MJ and Gretzky as action heroes?

Big D said...

@ sparty:

It was "Prostars". And it was fantastic.

@ shiek:

No, but I did make an ill-fated attempt to race some of my friends while on crutches, down a hill. It ended about as well as Bo's "comeback" with the White Sox.

marcomarco said...

York Peppermint Patties or Junior Mints beat all of the above, with Reeses PB cups a close 2nd.

@ cmfost
Once again, you are the type of Sox fan I cannot stand. Write them off as dead against Cleveland, now kick Curt out the door.

That being said, Curt must know that he'll be taking a hometown discount to stay. He is not a $13/mil pitcher anymore. Then again, Drew is not a $14/mil outfielder either.

1yr, 7-8mil with performance bonuses.

Big D said...

Marco - no way Schilling signs for $7-8M with incentives. he's asking for exactly what he was paid this year, when he was 9-8 with a 3.50+ ERA. It's not wholy unreasonable.

He would get the $13M with an NL team trying to make a splash.

I don't know who said it, but the Schilling and Lowell signings in Philly both make sense.

marcomarco said...

@ big d

Missing 8 weeks crushed his chances at another 13mil.

David Kippe said...

i think the Phillies would take a chance and give him 13-15mil for one season. even if he misses 8 weeks, it is still better than what the rest of their starting pitchers give them

CMFost said...

sparty sound like a member of the evil empire. Schilling a 5th starter?

No just being realistic to the fact that he is probably only a 4th or 5th starter at best in the AL. He will probably be a CY Young Contender in the NL.

The heroin sheik said...

I had a friend from HS who went to FSU back during the Free Shoes U era. He dressed up like Amp Lee and had a bag full of stuff from Footlocker. How a Miami fan could go to FSU and meet his future wife I don't know but I guess stranger things have happened.

David Kippe said...

he is still the second best pitcher on the sox staff, are you kidding me?

The heroin sheik said...

Big D now I got to go change my drawers as you made me piss myself laughing.

Dan you could dress up like the earth and have Gabe dress up like the moon and he can just walk in circles around you all night.

Anonymous said...

Babe Ruth candy bars are exceptional on Halloween.

Anything non-chocolate is not worth my time, unless they are sugar daddies, which are, as someone pointed out, amazing.

(but not the babies, i want the real deal on sucker stick.)

CMFost said...

marco - The Red Sox do not need Schilling as anything more then a fifth starter next year and I would rather see them go out and spend that money on getting Santana via a trade and then signing him long term. What top 3 in your rotation would you rather have,

Schilling, Beckett & Dice-K or Beckett, Dice-K and Santana

And if you answer the one with Schilling you are way to sentimental and know nothing about Baseball.

CMFost said...

As I said before

Kit Kats
and Maybe Reese Sticks which is basically a Kit Kat with PB

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of this one from a year ago...

RIP the class

Anonymous said...

The Red Sox rotation for next year was already stated by Gammons to almost certainly be Beckett-Matsuzaka-Wakefield-Lester-Bucholz.

If they get Schilling it gets a little more complicated.

CMFost said...

This is what you call running up the score

ToddTheJackass said...

Wow, I'm so glad I had completely blocked ProStars out of my memory until then. Man did that show suck. Definitely nowhere near as good as Laff-A-Lympics...

I don't think the Red Sox front office will re-sign Schilling if he can get $12 million elsewhere. Simply put, he isn't worth that kind of money anymore. If he goes from the Red Sox I'll be eternally grateful for helping bring this team 2 World Series championships, but I couldn't necessarily disagree with the front office either if they came to the conclusion that he isn't worth that kind of money anymore.

I think by the end of the year if Schilling were to re-up with the Red Sox, he'd be their 4th best pitcher, behind Beckett, Matsuzaka, and one of Lester/Buchholz. Even within the year this year, his stuff declined tremendously. Once hitters start to make adjustments to his offspeed stuff, he could be in trouble.

todd said...

What's with all the hating on Dots?

Snickers > KitKat > Nutrageous > Twix > Dots >>> the field.

ToddTheJackass said...

Dots themselves aren't bad, but the grossness of the way they stick to your teeth is just gross. Though my mom used to give those or starburst to me whenever I'd have a loose tooth as a kid, to help the tooth come out... a bit gross, but way better for a kid than pulling it out through some barbaric means, etc.

marcomarco said...

@ cmfost

Here we go again. That's a ridiculous question. Of course Santana is better than Schilling.

If Schill can command 13m, what will Santana cost?

I'd rather cultivate the young guns with veteran mentoring (RE:Timlin, Schill, Lowell) than solidify the 'New Yankees' arguement by poaching more high priced talent.

Big D said...

Not to change the subject... but speaking of Santana, I truly believe he will not only be the first $20M pitcher (Clemens notwithstanding - his numbers are completely skewed), but that Santana could command up to $25M a year. Especially if a team makes a trade for him with th 72-hour negotiating window for an extension.

Sadly, A-Rod's contract will affect more than just A-Rod. If he manages to get $30M per, I don't see any way Santana doesn't command $25M. The Best hitter and Best pitcher in the game - seems pretty simple to me.

ToddTheJackass said...

The Red Sox would be dumb to give up Lester, Buchholz, and whatever combination of Lowrie, Coco, and Ellsbury it would take to get Johan. All of those guys (except Coco) are cost controlled, and the Sox don't have guys in the farm system that could immediately step up into the rotation as 4/5 guys, which then would essentially force them to re-sign Schilling.

Theo loves his prospects, he isn't getting rid of Buchholz or Ellsbury. Lester possibly, and at some point Lowrie is likely to go, but those alone wouldn't get the deal done for Johan. And Johan will probably, at his age, look for a deal around $20-23 million/season. Considering what Barry Zito got last offseason, that seems about right in terms of market value.

Big D said...

The hot rumor being propogated on WEEI in Boston (which means it will never happen) is Coco Crisp, Jon Lester, Clay Bucholtz to Minnesota for Santana, assuming that the Red Sox get the negotiating window for an extension with Santana.

From the Red Sox perspective, I do that deal in a heartbeat. You always trade a "prospect" for a proven veteran. If the Sox are lucky, Lester and/or Bucholtz will become 2/3 of what Santana already is.

And, to put on my Pompus Red Sox Wicked Awesome Fan hat for a second... Holy Hell: Santana, Beckett, Dice-K atop a rotation that could theoretically be anchored by Wake & Schill, or really anybody else.

ToddTheJackass said...

I disagree wholeheartedly Big D, you do not always trade a prospect for a proven veteran. There are a ridiculous number of examples of where this has been a really bad move.

But to this specific deal, trading Buchholz AND Lester would be absolutely stupid. Yes, Johan might be the best pitcher in baseball, but I really do believe Buchholz could be a solid #1/#2 (in the category right below ace), and that Lester can be a solid #3/#4. Considering that both guys combined would make less than a million next year, and you'd have both for 6 and 4 more years respectively, I don't think you make that deal for Johan who would probably want a 7 year deal at $150 million.

Now in the short term, it might pan out (although the Red Sox don't have anyone who could immediately come in and be the #5 starter unless you want to re-up Schill for $12 million); but in the long term will Johan be better than a combined Buchholz Lester in three years? I'd actually be surprised.

You don't make that deal. It's giving up too much if you're the Red Sox. Also, listening to WEEI makes you dumber.

marcomarco said...

@ todd

Lol @ WEEI = dumber. Classic, and true.

I usually compare the 'whiner line' to beavis and butthead. Cheap humor if your exectations are really low.

Anonymous said...

If Todd doesn't mind, I'm going to take up Studs and Duds for the NBA season.

1. Carlos Boozer - 12/21 FG, 8-9 FT, 15 REB, 32 PTS
2. Tim Duncan - 10/15 FG, 13 REB (6 O-REB), 24 PTS
3. Yao Ming - 9/16 FG, 7/8 FT, 12 REB, 3 BLK, 25 PTS
4. Kobe Bryant - 13/32 FG, 18/27 FT, 8 REB, 4 AST, 4 STL, 45 PTS
5. Baron Davis - 7/15 FG, 11/16 FT, 4 REB, 10 AST, 5 STL, 25 PTS

Honorary Stud - Shane Battier - game winning 3-pointer.

1. Bruce Bowen - 0/5 FG, 0/3 3PT, 1 REB, 3 AST, 1 BLK, 0 PTS, 26 MIN
2. Troy Hudson - 1/7 FG, 1 REB, 2 TO, 2 PTS, 16 MIN
3. Mehmet Okur - 0/3 FG, 0/1 3PT, 3 REB, 1 AST, 3 TO, 0 PTS, 16 MIN
4. Jason Hart - 1/6 FG, 0/1 3PT, 3/3 FT, 1 REB, 1 AST, 1 STL, 4 TO, 4 PF, 5 PTS, 16 MIN
5. Channing Frye - 0/3 FG, 2 REB, 0 PTS, 10 MIN

ToddTheJackass said...

Guy, the NBA studs and duds are all yours if you want it my friend. I don't really follow the NBA, and it'd be good to have someone that does do it.

Sorry I had less time for the baseball ones as the season wound down.

Big D said...

@ todd:

See, to me you've made my point. Saying Bucholz "could be" a good #1/#2, and Lester "can be" a #3/#4... I mean, if you're giving up guys with "potential" to get a guy who's already achieved that potential - to me, that's a no-brainer.

Also, no way do Johan sign for 7/$150. More like 6/$150 or more.

ToddTheJackass said...

@D, On the open market, Johan could get 6/150, but if one team is exclusively negotiating, 7/150 is more like it I think. Think about the case of Zambrano where the Cubs were the only team negotiating with him.

But the likelihood that Buchholz and Lester will reach those ceilings is pretty good IMO. Considering they are cost controlled for the next 6 and 4 years respectively, I think I'd rather have both guys than Johan (who will be what, 35 by the end of a 7 year deal?).

Again, it's a ton of potential with a pretty decent bet at reaching it

Not that Larry Anderson or Victor Zambrano were as good as Johan, but those are some obvious examples of when you absolutely do not trade your prospects for proven MLB talent. And even though I was in favor of the deal at the time, trading Engel Beltre, Murphy, and Kason Gabbard for Gagne was also another example of why you shouldn't 'always' make the deal.

Buchholz' ceiling is probably rated higher or at least equal to that of Kazmir at this stage. The scouts and numbers guys LOVE Buchholz.

Anyway, my biggest point I guess is that I'd definitely take issue with your statement of 'always' trading the prospects for proven veterans. It reeks of what the Yankees did earlier in the decade that basically screwed them over.

ToddTheJackass said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ToddTheJackass said...

Adding to that, proven veterans aren't exactly without their risks either. Kevin Brown is a perfect example of this.

Also, having Buchholz and Lester cost controlled would make it easier to spend money on CC, Holliday, Teixeira, or Miguel Cabrera when they become free agents.

marcomarco said...

Jeff Bagwell.

David Kippe said...

oh Todd,Miguel Cabrera is going to be a Yankee, you know this man.

David Kippe said...

and you better beleive that was one of the reasons the Yanks hired Girardi. They know he liked playing for him in Florida.

Jen said...

Todd~ I freaking LOVED the Laff-a-lympics! The Really Rottens were hilarious.

I basically love all candy that consists of chocolate. It was hard doing my breakdown. Mallo Cups are one of those candies that you only see at Halloween, so they got the short end of the stick.

Fruity candy is good too, but on a different level.


How come we don't have NFL Studs and Duds? No, I am not volunteering! LOL

CMFost said...

Jen - you brought up, so you should run with the idea. We all expect to see next monday morning the NFL Studs and Duds for sunday from you.

ernie said...

Um--this comment from today's post has me confused "For parents with kids, they'll know who I'm talking about."
I ask: What parents don't have kids?

Jen said...

Good catch, Ernie!

CMFost said...

This really surprise me to read this but did you hear that Manny Ramirez is going to be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. What is going on with Manny?

The heroin sheik said...

Id much rather have hard candy like jolly ranchers over pretty much anything else. Never really cared for chocolate other than milk duds. Hell I don't even like birthday cake. I second Jen doing studs and duds on monday.

The heroin sheik said...

Actually I will volunteer to do a Monday studs n duds as I pay much more attention to football than I do any other sport. Granted as much of a homer as I am I would try to limit the number of gator alums I go on and on about. Of course the only really good UF alums in the NFL are all on defense with one or two exceptions.

Darklawdog said...

Reeses Pieces >>>>> any other candy

The heroin sheik said...

Anyone read about JOhn Kitna's halloween costume on ProfootballTalk. That is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. Even better than dressing up as Vick and walking dogs.

David Kippe said...

Manny on Leno? normally I only watch Dave, but I will have to see this.

marcomarco said...

Re:Manny on Leno.

Me too, when?

CMFost said...

Papelbon is on Letterman Tonight

David Kippe said...

screw papelboner. we are talking about Manny in front of a live crowd with a comic feeding him questions. pure genius.

marcomarco said...

Friday, November 02 11:34 PM The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 3466 - MANNY RAMIREZ, BACKSTREET BOYS


That's either going to be awesome or a massive train wreck. Either way, can't miss it.

David Kippe said...

or should we call that, must see tv.

Big D said...

Re: Manny on Leno:

Well, time to fire up the ol' TiVo...

Seriously, Manny rarely understands the questions sports reporters are asking him in a locker room or on the field after games. Does anybody doubt he'll miss the "subtle" sarcasm and humor that Leno drops into the conversation?

I hope this isn't on tonight at the same time Papelbon's on Letterman. I only have one DVR, and I'll probably be passed out before either show starts.

Personally, Manny should be good for some odd, uncomfortable humor. I can see Papelbon just making a complete ass out of himself.

Also, word is Papi is on Conan. man, talk about drawing the short straw...

David Kippe said...

tivo was invented for Conan, since he is actually the best of them all.

Big D said...

Also... I'm looking forward to the reaction when Manny comes out and people suddenly realize that he's only about 5'10".

For a guy of his size, he really does hit the ball a country mile.

tem said...

jen, we need to hang out more.

David Kippe said...

what a douchebag, we were having such a great week until that

Deluxe said...

Bill, that was just mean.

we were having such a great week until you went and posted that really long discussion piece.

and you didn't even add your "and why"

marcomarco said...

The more I think about Manny on Leno, I'm becoming genuinely concerned.

Leno: How ya doing?
Manny: Chu know, good mang, good. Gotta believe mang.

Leno: So, what was all this about you peeing in the Green Monster?
Manny: Chu know, you gotta go, you gotta go. Turn the page.

Leno: Okay. How about your comments on It's just a game?
Manny: (silence, staring into the great beyond)

Leno: Uh, Manny, hello?
Manny: (snaps out of it) Oh, hey Jay, how you doin?

Leno: Any chance you'll play for the yankees?
Manny: Who?

Leno: you know, the yankees, Derek Jeter
Manny: Nah, I don't golf.

marcomarco said...


We should meet sometime for coffee

Deluxe said...

sorry, i'm into dudes..not people with echo names

Deluxe said...

but Big D looks kinda sexy

marcomarco said...

What about jonathan?

Deluxe said...

I don't see a jonathan

Deluxe said...

dan really needs to shorten his titles, it messes up the first comment everytime.

Jonathan said...

Marco, I will go get coffee with you.

I enjoy drinking coffee and talking sports with educated americans. They are very enlightened. It is hard to find such people in my country.

Jonathan said...

that long post was an excellent read. i am amazed one person would write than much on a comment. but i am glad they did.

i would enjoy having coffee with bill.

Jonathan said...

i do have one question though, what is this direct tv bill speaks of?

Deluxe said...

don't bring your holier then now comments here

Jonathan said...

i do not understand holier then now.

can you say it again but with different words?

Jonathan said...

if i offended i am sorry.

Deluxe said...

I once met Tito Ortiz...are you related?

Jonathan said...

no, we just have the same primary name. our family names are different.

mine is sanchez.

Jonathan said...

but what is holier then now? i still do not understand.

David Kippe said...


that was well thought out, well written. i actually see that happening.

Anonymous said...

Holier then now must be some kind of inside joke. I'd ask cumfast.

marcomarco said...

@ sparty

In case it was too obscure, the golf reference was geared towards the yankees not playing baseball these last two weeks


David Kippe said...


no no, i got it. as a yankee fan i found it funny anyway. Wonder if Manny will finish his career in Boston or in NY. Cannot see him not coming back home to the Bronx to finish it. Wonder what a full season in that stadium would translate to? He would be the perfect DH for a couple years in his late 30s