Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dan Shanoff Partnering with

Qualifying as a pretty big announcement (at least for, I have entered a partnership with the Sporting News.

Starting Monday, my signature morning product – that began with the Quickie and migrated to the sports blogosphere at – will be found on, both as a stand-alone column on the front page and as part of the Sporting Blog.

As with this blog's daily morning post and the old Quickie, there will be a permanent URL you can bookmark, along with an individual permalink to each day's column (for easy blog linking!)

What can you expect? The exact same thing that you get here! Only with a much spiffier brand attached to it.

The shallow analysis? Still there!
The quick-hit format? Obvs!
The takes on all the must-know storylines? Of course!
The "instant history" and half-baked notions? Um...yes!
The superlatives? (Best. Superlatives. Ever.)
The daily frequency? Monday-Friday!
The "Must-Reads" and hat-tips? Absolutely.
The pop-culture and political sidebars? Is Bunk a drunk?
The grudges and biases? (The guy who hired me is a Florida guy.)
Available when you get to work? If not, what's the point?

The fact is: The signature post I've been doing every morning over the last 16 months on the blog is exactly what you'll still get. (Now, whether THAT is something you find valuable is entirely different.) will continue to be here and active: Better than ever, actually, with more single-topic posts, new enhancements and content gimmickry that I will be rolling out and experimenting with over time.

Each morning on, I will tease the Sporting News column with the day's "Names to Know," then point you to the Sporting News column's URL. Other posts will pop up as inspiration allows. (But you are encouraged to access the column at or directly, making both the column and my blog each a daily destination. I will be able to publish those URLs on Monday.)

Comments at are still welcome (though still moderated), and you can always try to join the on-topic conversation at

Why am I making this return to "mainstream online sports media?" Duh: The money! (Kidding.)

Honestly, there are two factors at work:

One reason was buried in my Deadspin "In/Out" list for 2008: Near the end of 2007, there was a lot of attention paid in old sports media to old sports media journalists jumping online.

The really exciting trend was, not unsurprisingly, left underreported by the mainstream media too fixated on bemoaning the state of their own industry: Mainstream sports media hiring bloggers, as they recognize the value that these new voices bring.

From Henry Abbott joining at the start of the year to Jamie Mottram jumping from AOL Fanhouse to Yahoo Sports to Will Leitch being a staple of the New York Times' Op-Ed pages, sports-blogger value is skyrocketing (as it should be), and the opportunities are emerging as mainstream media recognizes that value.

The second factor: I was intrigued and energized by the specific and unique opportunity to join the Sporting News – for the chance to reach a wider audience, for the chance to help innovate one of the most famous brands in sports media and for the chance to work alongside some of the most respected names in the sports-blog universe.

The columnist lineup that has put together is really impressive. Three recent additions are notable – king-of-their-sport talents who I really respect and admire: Spencer Hall (aka Orson Swindle) of Every Day Should Be Saturday, THE definitive college football blog; Eric McErlain of Off Wing Opinion, THE definitive hockey blogger; and Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio, who blew up in 2007 as arguably the most influential voice in NFL media.

But, wait, there's even more: Brian from Awful Announcing, the premier sports-media-criticism blog, is involved. had already been using David Pinto from Baseball Musings. They have Will Leitch going down to the Super Bowl. And running the new "Sporting Blog" initiative is Chris Mottram, Jamie's brother and a rising online-sports programming talent in his own right.

I love being part of the sports-blog community, full of the most talented, enthusiastic people and engaged, knowledgeable fans I have ever encountered. Sincerely, it has been (and continues to be) one of the highlights of my career. I am still a sports blogger – now I just export a little blogger "cred" to mainstream sports media, an ironic twist given my origins as a guy who launched an indie sports blog entirely leveraged on my career in mainstream sports media.

And so tomorrow's "A.M. Quickie" will be the last weekday version published in its entirety on before the move on Monday to and

I hope you will still drop by daily for fresh opinion to see what's going on – and I hope you will continue to make the new (but familiar!) column a weekday morning routine.

-- D.S.


Paulie3Sticks said...

Congratulations! I had been hoping you'd get a paid gig for a while. I wish you all the best and can't wait to see Monday's edition.

David Kippe said...

Congrats Dan. I am intrigued to see you go mainstream.

Rob I said...

Congratulations! Your next goal is to start the trickle-down sports blog economy where you start paying commenters 2 cents for each hilarious comment.

Stephen Tucker said...

Congratulations Dan. It's been a long time coming.

Charlie Dunham said...

Congrats, Dan. Knock 'em dead over there. I will continue to read your posts although you have sold out.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dan

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I don't think I could deal with the volatility of being a sportswriter. Engineering seems far more stable by comparison.

marcomarco said...

A sincere Congrats, Dan. Glad to hear.

Does this mean you'll have to clean up your sometimes colorful language (and ours?)

Jingoist said...

Well, Dan, I see congrats are in order. Nice gig you worked out with SN and I am glad to see the "Quickie" back to the mainstream.

And there is a certain irony to the blogosphere "mainstreaming" your approach after the Quickie's genesis in mainstream media was then pushed to the blog in the first place. It's almost like celebrities who have better "Second Acts" to their careers (e.g., Clooney).

Kudos to SN for recognizing "their way" was not getting it done anymore and have taken on some good talent in a cache of bloggers.

Mevs said...

Congrats Dan. I know I enjoy your column here. You've mastered informative/simplicity in a format that feels original by you to your readers.

One thing I'd say is that although I know the blog poltickin' is great; there are other good bloggers with unique and great takes outside of the Mottram's, and the mainstream guys. To only and constantly mention them over and over and over is a bit of overkill and doesn't do the blogging genre much justice.

Bryan Allain said...


best of luck in your new gig. i'll be tuning in for sure to stay informed and to get your unique insight.

keep setting the bar high, and keep striving for excellence!

Mike D said...

Good work Dan! Can't wait to see it

Ed Chavis said...

Dear Dan,

After nearly a year and a half, you got a job. We're so (sniffle) proud of you, sweetie!

Mom and Dad

P.S. - Does this mean we can expect to see a rent check sometime soon? You're a little behind.

Scott said...

I thought they already had a Gator-phile. Anyway, congrats!

Perks said...

Congrats Dan! I'll still be reading every day.

Richard K. said...

Congrats, but are we really supposed to believe that Mrs. Quickie wasn't forcing you to get a real job?

Qwagmire said...

Sorting News is the only actual mag I still get. Good on ya!

jalpert said...

Congratulations Dan! I love the fact that I can get a summary of everything sports in one place first thing in the morning.

You do a great job and deserve to get paid for it - sportingnews was smart to get you.

And I love the constant Gator attention. Go Gators!

mike said...

You'll finally have someone to proofread for you again!

Just kidding. Congrats, Dan!

Mega said...

Congrats Dan!

Tripper said...

Yay! Now you can stop feeding the rugrat out of garbage cans!

Goberry said...

As good as EDSBS is, I would argue that the Wizard of Odds is the definitive college football blog.

Paul said...


Jibblescribbits said...

I hope this new job doesn't take up all the time you spend updating "Varsity Dad" :P

J/k congrats on the new gig

Chris Dankberg said...

Congratulations! Pretty soon TSN will breathing down the WWL's neck.... seriously.

Dr. Zoom said...

Congrats. Just don't lose your edge!

Neil Joshi said...

Congratulations, Dan. The Sporting News is getting a great and insightful writer. I look forward to seeing you on The Sporting News come Monday.

Sandi K. Solow said...

Mazel tov!

What does this mean for RSS subscribers? Is there another feed we should add or will content be posted in both places?

SF said...

Mazel Tov! Good luck over at SN.

Brian in Oxford said...

Wow, they still have The Sporting News? Did the SPORT magazine offer fall through? :)

Just bustin on ya, Dan. This sounds cool. Good luck.

dnomlas said...

Congratulations, Dan!!! As one of your many longtime (ESPN Daily Quickie days) fans, I can't wait to see the new site.

Tuffy said...

... but it's mostly the money, right? You have standards to avoid, after all.

Congrats, young man. I'll see you on the other side.

Matt T said...

Congrats and good luck

Nate Roth said...

Congrats Dan! I look forward to more bandwagoning - corporate style!