Saturday, June 07, 2008

Saturday 06/07 (Very) Quickie

Big Brown runs for immortality later today, and I'm not sure there has been a bigger lock in sports this year than B.B. winning the Triple Crown.

As it turns out, Doug Collins will NOT be coaching the Bulls, which is really good news for Bulls fans.

Will Paul Pierce play in Game 2? He says "great chance," I say there will be a great chance that his will-he-or-won't-he will be inflated to ludicrous Willis Reed proportions (hey, they already started during Game 1, which was laughable).

Brandon Webb: 11 wins.
Scott Kazmir: Ws in 6 straight starts.

The White Sox are Chicago's new hot team and won their 4th straight: Quentin HR, Crede 2 HR.

French Open: You don't have to like tennis to be interested in watching Federer-Nadal in the final tomorrow.

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

HOw about them Yankees!
Down 5-1 and tie it. Down 10-6 and tie it. Down 11-10 in the bottom of the 9th and win it 12-11. Damon goes 6-6 for the first time in his career. They may not make the playoffs but gave us two great comeback wins this week.

Drunken Loo said...

You just had to Shannoff the horse!

SV said...

uhhhh "bigger lock" than BB

good one