Friday, July 04, 2008

Friday 07/04 (Very) Quickie: Happy July 4

Nothing says "America" like Serena vs. Venus in the Wimbledon final. Um, except that it's in England.

Brendan Hansen: Wow. Shocker at the Olympic swimming trials in the 200 breaststroke.

Chris Paul gets paid: $68M -- a bargain.

Red Sox stifle Yankees: One more sign the Yankees just can't compete with the Rays.

Have a hot dog. Just not 55 or 60 of 'em.

Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July, everyone. I'm trying to stay dry today.

-- D.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to stay dry because of the rain or not drink alcohol?

I got caught in a little drizzle at the end of my bike ride this morning. Nothing major but I do have to clean up and relube the bike now.

Happy 4th to everyone. Going to take the boys to see Hancock then friend's house tonight for a BBQ.