Monday, November 01, 2010

Media: Levinsohn, Dube Will Boost

Two media-industry notes with relevance to sports:

*Yahoo has brought in Ross Levinsohn to run operations in the Americas. In keeping with the meme from the past few weeks, Levinsohn is another example of sports pacing online innovation; back in the mid-90s, he was in charge of SportsLine, then moved over and ran Fox Sports Interactive -- that was before a steep ascent to run all of Fox Interactive. Now he's back to run all of Yahoo. Levinsohn's sports-centric DNA can only going to be a good thing for Yahoo's Sports team, which was already pacing the company's content strategy.

*AOL has brought in Jonathan Dube to run its News and Information group, which includes Sports. Dube is another longtime industry vet -- I've been in online media for 15 years and Dube has been a fixture of leadership for as far back as I can remember. Like Yahoo, AOL's larger content strategy was materially incubated on the sports side; in Fanhouse, Dube has a huge engine of content production to feed AOL's portal-powered audience. Again: It's only going to be a good thing for Fanhouse that Dube is overseeing the group as part of his larger news portfolio.

*Last one, and it's a repeat from an item in the Quickie post earlier this morning that I added late: Congrats to's Howard Bryant for winning the 2010 Online Journalism Award for Online Commentary/Blogging (Large Site division). He was the ONLY nominee -- across all OJA categories -- from sports, and so it was nice to see him win. Given how awesome the online sports journalism community is -- large and small -- we should all feel like we won a piece of the award.

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