Monday, September 11, 2006

Brett Favre Absolutely Sucks

Did that get your attention? It should. He's awful. Terrible. Get out of the game, guy! You're an embarrassment to yourself, your franchise and your fans.

No, seriously, if ever there was a game to send Favre into retirement, it's the first one in his career he's been shut out. At home. In the season-opener. To his team's biggest rival.

But that's too kind: His interceptions were so atrocious that they made me actually wonder if he gives a shit at all anymore, or if he's just flinging it up to satisfy his own ego. "Forcing it" doesn't even begin to describe it.

He must be hating life so badly, I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. If it wasn't for the fact that he's holding his fans and franchise essentially hostage, I'd have sympathy.

(And I have zero sympathy for Packers fans, who in turning him into a god -- yes, making him even bigger than the storied franchise itself -- are actually the ones responsible for this mess. They could have driven him out of town last summer, knowing full-well that last season's problems were no fluke. No other reasonable fans would have blamed them for exiling him.)

It's so obvious that the Packers are going to -- what's the technical term? -- suck balls this year, to play Favre now would simply be a futile exercise in hero worship. It's time to tell him he can feel free to retire, but they're going to play the backup (Aaron Rodgers), whether or not he's the heir apparent. They need to see if he can get the job done before they invest in AJ Hawk's brother-in-law next year with that No. 1 pick they're going to have.

(Meanwhile, how ironic that it was Favre's opposite, Rex Grossman, who was the QB who actually earned the right to be left alone, at least for another week.)

For more Week 1 analysis, keep reading...

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

True. However, I am very happy about the outcome yesterday, as I have Chicago's defense on my fantasy team.

Mike (Xenia, OH)

Anonymous said...

It's more about P.R. then anything. I agree with Jason Whitlock's claim that Favre wants out of Green Bay, but he won't fess up to it because of the fans. The front office would never bench Favre, or trade him, because of the fans. Maybe the front office wants Favre to lay eggs every week, so they can bench or move him with less backlash.

Green Bay should have let Favre seek a trade on his own, and let him go in the offseason. I personally would like to see Favre around more talent, so he can have his "shit or get off the pot" moment, and prove if he's washed up or not.

Jake C said...

Wow, can't say/see that in a Quickie. Too true, too true.

Anonymous said...

I'd still rather have Favre QBing the Packers over most of the other QBs in the league. Besides, you have to hit rock bottom before you can be reborn.

Anonymous said...

Never too early to start the Brady Quinn Sweepstakes. Packers? Into a death spiral already. A little family thing going on both sides of the ball. Cowboys? Drew 'Let Me Break My Own Interception Record' Bledsoe at the helm. Raiders? Repeat after me- Aaron Brooks is not a franchise QB, regardless of tonight's outcome. Bills? J.P. Losman. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope the Packer fans now know how it felt being a Bear fan for the 14 years prior to 2005. Those 50-yd TD passes 3 minutes into the first quarter don't feel that great now, do they?

I had a feeling Hester was going to break a return for a TD too. This kid is going to be something special. And anyone who drafted Gould as PK on their fantasy team certainly got lucky.

Anonymous said...

A post with - hold on - swear words! Your hate for Favre continues. You fail to mention completely horrible and autrocious line play and a horrible game plan. It's true it was a mess yesterday, but spread out a little blame.

Anonymous said...

I've been a huge Packer fan since birth - strange for a kid who grew up in Toronto where Jim Kelly was god.

A year ago I was living in Germany when I got my first look at Rogers in NFL Europe - he is a solid player and should have taken over for Favre last year.

Don't get me wrong - I love Brett...he brought the team back from the dark ages and won us a SB, but he's been hanging around too long.

After he broke the Iron Man record - sabotaging greats Packers teams because he was always injured (which everyone called it heroic) - they should have sat his ass down and allowed Nall and now Rogers to carry some of the load.

He has regressed to the point where I don't even think that he'd be effective in the CFL - remember that Dave Dickenson (Former back up in SK & Huston!) is one of the best up here.

They need to put Rogers in.....and do it now for the sake of the future of this team.

Anonymous said...

Dan, your assessment of the Packers that they "sucked balls" was quite apropos. However, I think we can take that one step further. The amount of suckitude on O and D was the worst I've seen since the Pack got emasculated by the Rams in their playoff game a few years back.

No one with half a brain expected the Packers to win this game, even with the prognosticators questioning the competency of the Bears offense.

The Packers D was so inept they made Grossman look like a potential All Pro. It was not unexpected, though, seeing as though McCarthy gutted a lot of the team, getting rid of a lot of underachievers and dead weight.

I read last night that this was the first time that Farve had ever been shut out in his career. Maybe deep down he wishes he had retired. Despite having an unparalled run of success from 92-04, I think it's time to let Aaron Rogers get some playing time in games in which the Packers are getting their asses handed to them.

Farve started this season right where he left off last year. Tossing balls up for grabs into double coverage, just asking for the ball to get picke. A really ignominous way to end an otherwise stellar and Hall worthy career.

And should Rogers suck balls this season when he plays, the Packers could always position themselves for the Brady Quinn sweepstakes next year. I might remind you that this analysis comes from a man who has been a Packer fan since he was a wee lad. Thankfully I don't see the Packers through green and gold glasses, unlike many of my compatriots.

Anonymous said...

...but Dan, how do you really feel about Farve?

John (Portland, ME)

Anonymous said...

The more I think about it, the more I don't understand why people (not just Dan) blame the Packers fans. I've yet to see any indication that the fans of the Packers would do a mass revolt (a la Fire Millen) if Favre stepped aside (or was pushed aside). Of course we revere him, but we revere Bart Starr too and we didn't raise a single note of protest when they fired him as coach. While Brett has seemingly been around forever, the Packers have been around even longer--much longer, and the fanbase will persevere in the post-Favre era.

Anonymous said...

How ballsy a statement it would be if McCarthy benched Favre in favor of Rodgers. I seriously think that type of step is now needed in Green Bay.

Anonymous said...

Breaking out the four letter words!

Anonymous said...

Favre finally doesn't have any great talent around him and look what happens- he sucks. Gone are the days where other great players can cover up for his mistakes.

Most. Overrated. QB. Ever.

Anyone who thinks he should be in the hall of fame doesn't truely know football.

marcomarco said...

"the Packers are going to -- what's the technical term? -- suck balls this year"

I want you to know that you caused my cubicle neighbors all think that I may have come straight to work from the bar.

LOL, literally.

Anonymous said...

Mark, what I think is worse is being the BMOC and then getting injured and never starting for the team again. cf Drew Bledsoe, Trent Green, Don Majkowski, etc. Especially when replacement leads the team to glory (cf Drew Bledsoe, Trent Green, Don Majkowski).

Anonymous said...

What's even worse is his "woe is me" act. HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS GETTING INTO!!!! How could he[Favre] actually believe that the Packers or any team for that matter would be any good with him at quaterback. Like I've always said he didn't win that Super Bowl his defense did(R.I.P Reggie White)!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, poor Brett Favre, he "must be hating life." Give me an F'ing break! He's a multi, multi millionaire, yeah I'm real sure he hates life (eyes rolling).

All athletes are in it for the money. If they were being paid minimum wage, they would all quit.

He's not a team player, never was. Stick around and stink the joint up for two more years Brett--I cant get enough of it.l

Anonymous said...

Yeah, poor Brett Favre, he "must be hating life." Give me an F'ing break! He's a multi, multi millionaire, yeah I'm real sure he hates life (eyes rolling).

All athletes are in it for the money. If they were being paid minimum wage, they would all quit.

He's not a team player, never was. Stick around and stink the joint up for two more years Brett--I cant get enough of it.

Anonymous said...

Those rookies didn't help Favre out all that much but Favre didn't make the situation much better for the Pack. The Bears had every facet of that game dominated yesterday, and if Grossman doesn't throw that pick into trips coverage in the end zone we're looking at a complete destruction of the Packers. Hell, GREEN didn't even look like the Ahman of two years back. Favre only gets into the game to continue his start streak but after week six, look for Favre to get his series and give way to Rodgers... and for the Commish to be saying "First overall pick" and "Green Bay Packers" in the same sentence in April.

Seriously, he stayed for one year to long, and everyone knows it but the Packers organization.

As a Bears fan I look forward to watching the train wreck but as a football fan you say "WHY?!"

jason said...

Favre's been through a lot worse, like getting dumped by Cameron Diaz in favor of Ben Stiller in There's Something About Mary. That's like throwing 5 interceptions in a quarter (which wouldn't surprise me, honestly)

I don't know how good he'd be with another team. At least he has the hero-worship thing going in Green Bay. Would any other city give him the leeway that GB does?

Anonymous said...

This is far from biased as I grew up a Bears fan and am forced to work with some people who idolize Packer green and refuse to admit that Favre is done. Much like the Cubs, the Pack need to play with the kids and find out what they have. I think what Favre really needs is to be put on the pine and have the coaches get a gander at Rodgers in live competition and see if he's like all the other Tedford-coached QBs (Akili Smith, Kyle Boller, Joey Harrington (who might possibly have a career resurgence as the new guy in Miami), etc, etc.) or if he can actually play. Should be a soap opera every game up in Wisconsin.

That being said, I dream about a return of the bad old days when Lynn Dickey and Randy Wright were leading the charge. We might be on our way....

Go Bears!

Anonymous said...

I just feel I need to point out that McCarthy didn't help things at all, going into a game against the Bears, the best defense in the NFL, with a gameplan that called for a focus on a power run game with two rookies on the O-line. Favre threw 5 passes in the first HALF (and, btw, completed all 5). In the second half, McCarthy took the reins off and said "throw a lot" because he had to, but the Bears' D was obviously expecting that. People are too eager to heap all the blame on Favre. He has a 1st year coach with no game experience, and it showed.

Anonymous said...

The sad part isn't the fact the Pack are going to go 4-12 or 3-13, it's the fact that another season will be wasted while Brett strokes his ego for another several million dollars. The team is going to stink no matter who is under center -- but stinking with Aaron Rodgers playing QB and learning on the job would go a long way towards improving things quickly. From now on, every year Favre spends as QB for the Packers sets the franchise back two more.

Anonymous said...

Mike, Brett's money is meaningless. The Pack are still under the cap, and the Packers have an Operating Profit.

Also, I've been hearing this 'learning on the job' thing since last year, and I've yet to hear anyone give me proof that it works. If Rodgers is good, he'll be good from the get-go. If not, he won't be. It's that simple.

My last comment on this topic: everyone seems to forget that we live in the world of Free Agency now. Teams aren't build as a cohesive unit from the ground up anymore. You draft a couple good guys and you supplement them with free agents. Whoever is QB in 2006 has no bearing on how the team will do in 2007. So unless you believe Aaron Rodgers can produce more wins than Brett Favre, why would you bench Favre?

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is: Thank God he is sucking it up so bad. At this rate he is never going to catch my man Dan. I guess there was a reason there wasn't much hype about him breaking Marino's TD and yards records.

Anonymous said...

Christian, I wasn't talking about the cap potentials, it was more that Brett is going to get paid millions to force passes throw picks. I love Favre and his competitive spirit, but he's running on fumes, and he is letting his ego get in the way of the success of a team that he truly cares about. Fact is, sooner or later they are going to have to find out if Rodgers can play. May as well be now because they aren't going to be better or worse with him playing.

Joe said...

gotta say people who cut Brett Favre down.don't know to much about football.esp Dan,my good friend.The Iron Man has not had the talent like pretty boy Tom Brady and Manning.Farve plays the game at the highest note more then ANY QB Ever.i see alot a people are,ya know what.jelious.face it,the man is the toughest QB EVER to play the game,and give him the allstar talent,the tools and then ya all will wake up and see.Brett Favre is more then a Football player.he is the Captain of the NFL,and 1 humble tough special player.go get em Brett,you deserve all the records MR IRON MAN.Farve 4 Ever.

Ken said...

you people who cut Brett Favre down, don't know TOO much about football.