Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday A.M. Quickie:
Brady, Brown, Bush and Boo!

There's a ton to cover today, so I'm going straight into the Quickie-style run-down. Much more to come throughout the day...

Brady, Pats crush Vikings: Forget Brady's 372 yards or 4 TDs. How about the stat that he threw to a season-high 10 receievers? The Pats are rolling. If the Pats were playing the Colts or Bears next week with a playoff spot on the line, would you pick against them right now? I wouldn't.

Knicks, Larry Brown settle: Now, does ANYONE know (or even have a guess) what the terms were? C'mon: This is the MOST important detail!

I like the Celtics' uniform tribute to Red: A black clover-leaf on their jerseys. It's better than the standard black bar on the shoulder.

Soriano wants Beltran money: Apparently, that's what he told the O's, which would make his demands 7Y/$120 mil. (Is he worth it? If you think Beltran is worth that much, Sori is, too.)

Aramis Ramirez files for free agency: How about this – the Yankees trade A-Rod, then use 2/3 of his $16 million paycheck to get Ramirez, saving $5 mil to deploy as part of their package for a new SP.

Bonds' agent argues that all 30 teams could use him: You know what? He's not necessarily wrong. I like the O's interest; they could use the p.r. boost (for better or worse).

Is Curtis Martin's career over? His season likely is -- and his career is, too. Has any Hall of Fame RB had a quieter career? But I have him as a HOF lock.

Dennis Green's job is safe... for now. Management wasn't exactly effusive, saying it's not like a coaching change would make things better... for now.

Shaun Alexander won't play next week vs. the Raiders on MNF. Wouldn't it be unreal if Oakland could string together 3 wins in a row?

Why is David Carr still starting? The Texans should take a lesson from their cross-state rivals in Dallas. Bring out the backup!

Reggie Bush says his ankle injury isn't serious. Maybe now he can focus on explaining why he shouldn't be considered a rookie bust.

Mario Manningham could play as soon as Saturday: That's good news for Michigan, because without him, they aren't a Top 2 team. But I'd argue why risk putting him in too early? Save him for the OSU game.

Why would WVA coach Rich Rodriguez even THINK about coaching at UNC? He's worthy of a MUCH bigger job -- he could take over at FSU and I think Noles boosters and fans would be pretty damn happy.

It's the "Cuban Rules": The NBA isn't just going to crack down on players who get too hysterical on the court; owners sitting nearby will be closely monitored and controlled, too. Boo!

Harold Reynolds is suing ESPN for wrongful termination: Oh, THAT will be an interesting deposition...

That Magic fan who yelled a racial slur at Dikembe Mutombo had his season tickets revoked. Agreed. (But it's interesting: The guy seems contrite. It doesn't excuse his actions, but usually, damage control like he's trying – public apologies, donations to Mutombo's charity, not returning to a game until Mutombo accepts his apology – usually works effectively.)

Story of the Day: The Tennessee State women's hoops coach was on "Deal or No Deal" last night and won $265K. She makes $75K, so I say "Deal!"

It's the start to the NBA season. I'm going to be posting my 06-07 NBA preview in dribs and drabs throughout the day. As far as televised games, it's a pretty good opening slate: Bulls-Heat and Suns-Lakers tonight, with Arenas-LeBron tomorrow.

-- D.S.


Myles! said...

Don't get on the Pats bandwagon now, Shanoff, you're not invited. I rather prefer them flying under the radar.

Christian Thoma said...

Here's an argument as to why the Big East shouldn't be taken seriously: How the heck is UNC Football an upgrade compared to WVA? I mean, I can understand FSU like Dan said, but UNC?

Jake C said...

It was their gameplan to mainly throw. They stayed away from Minny's strength (run D). So, it's not that easy to just flip the gameplan in the game.

Brave Sir Robin said...

They're not replacing Carr because going into Sunday's game he was the second highest rated passer in the AFC.

Myles! said...

They kept throwing because there were more than 5 minutes left. In the NFL, fluky stuff can happen. Once they got the ball back with sub 5 minutes to go, Cassel came in and I don't think the Pats threw the ball again.

TJ said...

Yep, it was just a headache.

Christian Thoma said...

Well, so much for the theory that not calling it "The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" will present a better image link

Or does the fact that it was indoors make it 'progress'?

TBender said...

Carr's worst game of the year was this week...so he deserves to be benched? Are you arguing the same for Rothelisberger?

If Rosenfels was better, don't you think he'd still be in Washington or Miami?

mark said...

As to why you would go to UNC from WVA--sure, the football program is way less prestigious. But
(1) UNC was probably prepared to pay more; and
(2) I've been to the respective places only for a couple hours each, so I may be wrong, but it says here I'd WAY rather live in Chapel Hill than Morgantown. And I think I'm not alone in that.

Gary said...

Dan, you say that the yankees trading A-Rod would be to save money. Now that the luxury tax was increased, do you think the Yankees care more or less about money? I'm guessing less.

If they were willing to go out and get Abreu this year, I don't think the amount of money they spend on a player matters.

Also, a question to anyone who knows...Does the amount you pay in the silent bid for that Japaneese Pitcher count against your salary cap? Does the bid money only ensure you the right to try and sign him? I'm not exactly sure how it works, any light shed would be helpful!

EPorvaznik said...

The only flawed logic with proposing Rodriguez to FSU is that he actually requires his players go to classes.

Christopher G said...

I love how you keep trying to recommend fiscally savy moves to the Yankees. If they actually trade A-Rod, they're going to end up eating 2/3 of his salary anyway. Then they'll go overspend on another starting pitcher who had a fluke season. Their payroll will be approaching $300 million in a couple seasons.

Christian Thoma said...

Why the Yankees should do fiscally savvy moves:

Because of the PR from it. Right now, the Yankees look like a team throwing away a ton of money on early playoff exits. Granted, not as bad as throwing away a ton of money on a horribly losing team (*kaff*Knicks*kaff*), but the fans of the Yanks can't like it. Even if their outlays go up (paying part of A-Rod's salary, for example), a move to reduce their active payroll would probably help the fans' perceptions a little.

Brian in Oxford said...

I heard Scott Boras on the radio last week. The posting fee for the Japanese guy doesn't count against towards the luxury tax. And if you win the posting, but don't agree to a deal with him, then you get the posting fee back, while the pitcher goes back to Japan for a year.

I didn't think UNC *hoops* was an upgrade over Kansas....maybe the Tar Heels think they're getting ALEX Rodriguez.

I wonder if Pats fans will shout "who's your daddy?" at Manning. (They could, even though they lost last year....it's not like Pedro *never* beats the Yanks)

marcomarco said...

"Son of Super Bowl coach arrested for pot possession"

Belicheck Jr.

Wow, I bet his dad's a bit peeved.

Anonymous said...

omg! College age people never smoke pot..

Jared said...

I think the Orioles would be best off avoiding Bonds, given recent history...

Jake C said...

The money for the right does not count against the cap...only the contract once signed. All of the money goes directly to the team...and the team does NOT have to accept the highest bid (i.e. Royals bid 40 mil, Yanks 30 mil, they could choose to send him to the Yanks for better exposure, or whatever reason they want). The bid simply gives the team exclusive negotiation rights, but the "winning" bid might not even be the highest, but we might ever know anyway

Kurt said...

Dan 6-8 this week in your NFL picks. Bad, but not as bad as last week (3-10).

marcomarco said...

Now that reality has set in, Dan, I hope to see your top three something like this:

1. Bears
2. Colts
3. Pats

No more Jax-gasms, Panther-gasms, Bronc-gasms or whoever else you think is great after one game.

Oct - Don't get on the Pats bandwagon now, Shanoff, you're not invited. Well put. On second thought, continue to shun the Pats, please. Perhaps the Romo-boys should be #3

I'm pretty sure Theismann wanted to hump Brady's left leg last night.