Wednesday, December 20, 2006

But, Dan, It's Not Thursday...

Is it Thursday yet? Here's a scary indication of how much traveling I've been doing recently: I thought it was Thursday and, therefore, did a post about the Packers-Vikings game... that is happening TOMORROW (Thursday) night. So when you log on over the course of the day on Thursday, please refer to the post below for my comment about the game. Yes, I'm a little batty. No, that doesn't mean I wasn't totally serious when I said I'd trade Tarvaris Jackson for Brett Favre straight up without blinking if I was the Packers GM.


Big D said...

To tie in the current McDonald's advertising campaign...

Looks like somebody missed snack time...

Mega said...

Dude, it happens. Keep the posts coming!!

CMFost said...

Hey Dan the good thing of today being Thursday and not yesterday is that there is still 2 nights of Hannukah left meaning 2 more gift.

Anonymous said...

This helps explain how you can do NFL rankings where the same team appears in two different rankings and some teams are forgotten completely...

But it's the holidays, so you get a mulligan.

Brian in Oxford said...

Are we sure it's not Julian Tavarez playing quarterback for the Vikes?

Anonymous said...

Where have you been travelling?
How is the job search going?

Transitioning from the daily column to the blog forum, we need to know these things.