Saturday, December 02, 2006

CFB Saturday Live-Comment Tailgate
FINAL UPDATE: Ohio State vs...?!?!

UPDATE 2!: Before this game, if you told me that USC would lose, I would have had a hard time deciding between Michigan and Florida. But based on Florida's performance in the SEC title game win over Arkansas -- combined with Michigan's previous opportunity to beat Ohio State -- I couldn't argue more strenuously for Florida to play Ohio State in the BCS title game.

Here's what it's going to come down to: How many human voters -- Harris poll and Coaches' poll -- will vault Florida over Michigan based on the SEC championship? (And what will the computers do with the new data? Isn't it worth pointing out that if UCLA beat USC and USC beat Notre Dame that Michigan's single high-quality win of the season -- over Notre Dame -- continues to look less and less impressive?)

All records being equal:
1a. Florida won the SEC title.
1b. Michigan didn't win the Big Ten.
2. Florida played a tougher schedule.
3. Florida had more quality wins.
4. Michigan had their shot vs. Ohio St.

You don't have to be a Florida fan -- just someone who loves college football -- to understand that the only title game that makes sense, justifies the bodies of work and upholds the fairest sense of competition in an otherwise murky process is to pit Ohio State versus...Florida. Let the debate begin.

(PS: The real winners in all this are all all the folks who want to see a playoff system. No matter who gets picked -- Michigan or Florida -- it should help accelerate and facilitate the creation of a playoff... which, as all of you know, I have yet to hear of a system that doesn't create as many problems as it purports to solve. But that's a debate for another day, because we've got a hell of a debate going right now...)

UPDATE!: I don't care if USC wins -- the way they've played today, they don't deserve to play in the national title game. Let's hope they lose and make it a non-issue. If voters/ESPN hold "style points" against Florida recently, they sure as hell better hold it against USC right now. Meanwhile, Florida is playing their best game of the season, TD notwithstanding. I hope voters are paying attention -- I can imagine they're a little focused on USC-UCLA right now... -- D.S.

Our last regular-season CFB Saturday Live-Comment Tailgate of the year. I'd be all nostalgic if it wasn't for the compelling game storylines: Rutgers to BCS? Wake Forest to BCS? USC to title game? Florida BCS controversy? Michigan scoreboard-watching? And, of course, Army-Navy.

Have your say in the Comments section all day long. (Oh, and since there's no real Quickie-style wrap-up today of the biggest storylines -- CFB and otherwise -- coming out of last night and this morning, please feel free to drop in your own news items, complete with your own spin. The rest of us will pile on.)

-- D.S.


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Travis said...

Football Championship Subdivision

Montana State @ Appalachian State
Illinois State @ Youngstown State

New Hampshire @ Massachusetts
Southern Illinois @ Montana

SF said...

I just wanna say right now, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Now, after Ohio State absolutely makes a mockery of USC in the BCS Championship game, I can write a longwinded comment on how Michigan should have been in the game for a rematch. This is a joke, USC will get pummeled by the evil Buckeyes.

The de facto playoff, you already had your shot argument is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I you are basing it on the best team left, it should be Michigan...and if not Michigan, it should be Florida (assuming they beat Arkansas today, which is no gimme) who marched through the SEC, a much tougher conference then the joke-of-a-Pac10 (Oregon and Cal turned out to be busts). Florida's one loss was to a really good Auburn team, and USC lost to an UNRANKED team -- no excuse for that...but all that being said, it should be Big Big Blue...

Oh yea, and Florida is a joke too, and they also would get destroed by OSU...'nough said!

Go Blue!

Kevin said...

I don't think it will happen, but what would be the fallout if Boise State killed someone in their bowl game, like WVU did last year?

Steve said...

Well when you get called out by both Bob Griese and Gary (I don't know what a reverse is) Danielson you know you're an idiot.

nep1293 said...

Gino Toretta sure looked like shit

Steve said...

That's because he was handing off...

Jared said...

If UM had won, would you be calling for a rematch? Don't give me the home field argument, you know that every other year you have to win that game on the road if you want to win a championship.

Big D said...

Guess Spurrier really is staying with S. Carolina for the long haul... OR at least until he gets the next best offer...

Steve said...

transitive property for Dan: Northwestern beat Depaul beat Kansas beat Florida. Tell that to Mrs. Quickie!

Steve said...

Purdue also beat Depaul though. And they're 6-1 with good wins against Virginia and at Oklahoma, I'm starting to hope they're back to being a big 10 threat.

Steve said...

Is anyone not pulling for UCLA other than diehard USC fans? Come on Bruins!

nep1293 said...

After 3 quarters of this USC game I want Michigan in the title game. At least we know they can play OSU relatively close, anyone else and we're gonna get a blowout

Steve said...

I love the random Michigan fan at the USC-UCLA game.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

Obviously, all the Florida fans (even the ones from MI) are at the game and hence busy; that must be the reason for the quietude.

This is turning into anyone's bid, right now. Nuts.

Steve said...


john (east lansing, mi) said...

Thank God.

And... now what?

Anonymous said...

Oh god, please let there be a rematch for the title game. Please! Maybe the BCS will die after all!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, please let there be a rematch for the title game. Please! Maybe the BCS will die after all!

Anonymous said...

Yikes - my apologies for the double-post.

pv845 said...

Do you think Mark May is crying because USC is losing? I guess that would mean that he would have to remove his lips from Pete Carrol.

Steve said...

Verily the football Gods hath punished the Trojans for unsportsmanly running up the score against the Bruins last year. Do not trifle with the football Gods.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

I told you USC sucked.

Anonymous said...

UCLA's win is a victory for all the BCS haters out there. Let the fun begin, and may a playoff be in all our futures!!

pv845 said...

Am I the only person that finds the questioning after the game about each coaches feelings just a little annoying? I mean really, what do you think they are feeling.

pv845 said...

I would much rather watch a game that HASN'T been played before between FL and OSU than a repeat of the OSU - MI game.

TJ said...

Great. Voters can finally turn their TVs from ABC to CBS and Chris Leak--playing an amazing game so far--throws an immediate pick. Come on, Gators! Please please please...

Anonymous said...

What's the analyst's name on CBS? Danielson? He is good.

Biff, you had me dying with that post. So true!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one staying up to watch Colt Brennan and the Rainbow Warriors take on OSU (not that OSU, no not that one either, yeah that one) as he goes for the TD record?

Record is 54 he's at 51. I think he can do it.


Big D said...

Talk about stupidity... I just assumed USC would wipe the floor with UCLA and instead grilled up a steak and watched a movie.

I deserve all the punishment I get. So long as that punishment does not involve Michigan getting jobbed out of their now apparent place in the title game.

Who else is looking forward to a Michigan win, and then a national (OK, probably just me and the three guys who sit on my couch most Saturdays) outcry for a "best 2 outta 3" situation...?


Big D said...

Seperated at birth - Chris Leak and Reggie Ball

They're both apparently illegitimate brothers of Michael Vick.

I don't think I've ever seen a quarterback do more over the course of a year to try to kill his team than those guys have done this year.

It's like thy've got money on the other team...

LaziestMovieCriticofAllTime said...

How is Dan going to defend this Florida performance?

john (east lansing, mi) said...

If UF continues shoveling the ball down the Pigs' gullets, how does that blow up the BCS? Is there gonna be much to talk about?

Anonymous said...

i love the potential catastrophe of Our Kansas beating the Gators

Hand Tally:

side note: should I get bonus points for watching the game because i live in DC (east coast) and the game STARTS at midnight?

Christian Thoma said...

At this rate, there may be no choice but to stage a OSU-UM rematch.

Arkansas looks like they could beat the Dolphins right now.

Christian Thoma said...

Oh, and I'm undecided about staying up for the midnight game. So hand half-raised.

...and here comes the Florida punter.

Steve said...

Worldwide Reader said...
What's the analyst's name on CBS? Danielson? He is good.

Oh my God. I can't stand Gary Danielson. He couldn't tell you the difference between an end around, a reverse, and a double reverse if you spotted him 2 of the 3. That really really really bugs me. If you can't tell the difference between the 3 you aren't qualified to tell me anything about the game being played.

I mean he's not Brent Musberger bad, but he's pretty bad.

Christian Thoma said...

That was a BALLSY call by Florida.

Anonymous said...

I'm assumimng you are a TMQ fan.

There was a great Musberger line in the game today. There was a run that came up about 4 yards shy of the 1st on 1st down. Musberger was ADDing and said: "Looks like third down and a short.... So first down and 10." It was 2nd and 4.

Hand Tally:
chrth (half)

Steve said...

GuyInTheCorner said...
I'm assumimng you are a TMQ fan.

There was a great Musberger line in the game today.

I wouldn't know, any time Musberger announces it's on mute all game long. Especially if USC is playing their annoying fight song every 2 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Here's my Q.....

Can you have a scholarship revoked for a play like that??

I say yes.

Anonymous said...

I think the USC song is good Steve, it's just overplayed...... think: Hey Ya

and are you a TMQ fan?

Steve said...

Yep, TMQ rules. I bet you he would be better than 2/3 of NFL coaches if he delegated a lot of responsibility to his assistants for practices and he called the game's plays himself.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Z has been complaining about the whole end-around/reverse thing looooong before TMQ tackled it.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree. If Mich wins the NC game I don't think I could accept them as the Champs, esspecially if it's close.

That first game wasn't as close as the scoreboard. tOSU looked much better.

pv845 said...

TMQ is a tool. I could live with some of his comments if he wasn't so blatantly wrong about SO many things. As an alum of the small school that he says has no class, ability, heart, etc, he can rot for all I care. He is a moron that is only marginally better than his brother.

Anonymous said...

An 18-wheeler could've gone through that hole untouched.

pv845 said...

I guess that Florida does want to go to the BCS championship.

Steve said...

I am guessing you are an alum of Pittsburg of Kansas Brendan? Why do they relentlessly run up the score? I would say it's not your fault they do, it's the coach's fault. He presumably is the jerk.

Anonymous said...

speaking of running up scores....

Steve said...

I can see these 2 teams went to the Herm Edwards school of clock management.

Anonymous said...


common, it's the Art Shell School of Clock Management

pv845 said...

I am a proud Gorilla. But we didnt run up the score in a single game that he has gone off on. We have pulled out our starters and Backups in the first half. What are we supposed to do when I am in there and I suck, but we still score. Plus, he complains about our scheduling bad opponents, but the two games this year he has complained about were conference games! Like I said, he is blatantly wrong about so many things that it is laughable if he wasnt misinforming so many people.

Anonymous said...

If the moron announcers know it's comin then why don't the players?

john (east lansing, mi) said...

I wouldn't have said, "fires into the end zone," but hey, TD Arkansas.

Steve said...

I'm not sure Brendan. Perhaps he applied to go to Pittsburg of Kansas when he was 18 and got rejected?

pv845 said...

I appreciate you comments. They are great Steve. Though I must say if he couldnt get in, it is sad. PSU accepts most anyone that is breathing and has money.

xcdannon said...

if florida loses, louisville has a shot at the title game

pv845 said...

I am confused about the Big East and their BCS spot. If Rutgers wins, won't they get it or is there something that I am missing?

Anonymous said...

There is not a more annoying player in all of college football than Tim Tebow.

Also, anyone care to explain this whole Pittsburgh of Kansas thing?

Steve said...

Gorillas, man that's a great team name. That's even better than my alma mater. The IPFW Mastodons. There are way too many universities using Tigers in my opinion.

Steve said...

Dammit that wasn't a reverse! I know that was Lundquist not Danielson but grrrrrrr anyway. It was an end around option pass.

pv845 said...

In a nutshell, Pittsburg State of Kansas set the all-time scoring record in 2004. TMQ claimed that we ran up the score, passed in the 4th, faked punts, and basically any other unsportmanlike thing that is possible when he was with This year he has brought it back and said that we ran up the score on opponents that we hand-picked. Problem was they were conference games and they are not picked at all. In short, TMQ = moron about CFB.

Also, I love the Mastadon name. Did you guys have someone dressed up as one. If so, do you know where I can see pics of that?

Steve said...

Oh yes we have a mascot and everything, his name is Don. I'll look and see if I can find a pic.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that end-around option pass was very VERY nice.

No more hands for the Rainbow Warriors game?

Big D said...

That's right horatio, let it out. don't let something like that fester inside you for three years...

Steve said...

The reason they're called the mastodons is there was a complete mastodon skeleton unearthed on site and the bones are displayed in the main building. The mascot is fantastically ridiculous looking.

pv845 said...

That mascot is awesome. Like the history behind it too.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I would love for their to be a Festivus "for the rest of us" Bowl. That would be incredible.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine how this would probobly not be that big of a deal if Our Kansas had just beaten the Love-Shaq-University last week.

Florida's win would have more "quality points" and they would easilt get in over Michigan.

Now it's a B-C-S-Mess-A-Thon

Steve said...

jeff is right. Ohio St.-Michigan would set it up for Florida-ND in the sugar and LSU-USC in the rose. Then all your frustrations would be alleviated Horatio as LSU would no doubt pound USC into oblivion.

I can always get behind a severe USC beatdown.

Kurt said...

Lets have a Florida/Michigan playoff to see who plays OSU in the championship game.

Florida has now become my second most hated school in all of college sports, second only to Duke, all because Dan stays on Florida's nuts.

Anonymous said...


That could also create USC winning on a boguc call and you becoming clinicly insane.

Bet you didn't consider that.

Big D said...

Hey, just noticed something...

ANybody heard from sf since his "TOLD YOU SO" comment at the top of this page?

Yeah, that OSU/USC Title game prediction really does look brilliant right now...

Trey (formerly TF) said...



Anonymous said...

There should be a Festivus bowl, like b-ball has the NIT Tournament.

So we'd have Rutgers-Boise St. (if the knights beat WV). Two obscure powerhouses ignored because of some arbitrary ideas about style points and "winning tradition" and skepticism about fan turnout at the bowl games. They'd get their own trophy...maybe some roses or something...we could get Dick Butkus to present it...they'd play it in the meadowlands...really drive home the point that this is not the glamour game in nice weather with palm trees. No, this is what you get when you try to crash the club. You get the room off to the side next to the bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to Boise playing a great team. I've seen them play and they are really good.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

eric in high point -

I don't understand your point. What is significant about UCLA and Arkansas in the "playoff" that you're talking about?

Was there some sort of playoffs that I didn't hear about, featuring UM, OSU, USC, UCLA, Arkansas, and UF? Are UCLA, UF, and OSU going to the next round? Wasn't Auburn invited? Oregon State? What the fuck?

Anonymous said...

Damn interesting developments today. Question:

What are the conditions that the #4 team has ever jumped #3?

//Michigan fan, but the question is earnest

Anonymous said...

go away, scott.

Also, who thinks that non-Big Ten coaches will conspire against Michigan, knowing the consequences in this week's poll?

john (east lansing, mi) said...

DS -

First, delete the post above this one; I can't believe these people exist. Second, whaaaaat? Remember most of this game, when we were all saying... what was it...

Unbelievable. Does anyone wanna play OSU? (thanks, Mike)

because Florida was playing like butt. Or don't you remember the 6 points your guaranteed winner Leak shoveled into Arkansas's mitt? Or the fact that Arkansas sucked bigtime? I know we don't believe in style points or whatever, but since you seem to be suggesting that we do today, I don't think that game was the place to find them.

Here's the thing, though - I really wouldn't mind UF in the NC Game so much (certainly not as much as I would have minded USC), but all these Gatorites I know (of) are being totally ass-y about all this.

Also, weren't you one of the guys who gave up on UF 2 months ago because they kept being terrible? Whatevs.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

Oh, my post took longer than I expected. I meant delete the blogspam post. How annoying.

marcomarco said...

Ma4tt (the 4 is silent) said...
New Rutgers reverting to Old Rutgers. Easy TD dropped, and WVU has plenty of time (3:55) to win the game now.

Who cares, Rutgers are gonna cover the 10 points

Kevin said...

Is Florida better than Michigan?

I can't see how you can possibly say yes. UM lost to the best team in the country, on the road, by three points, and really didn't have trouble with anybody else.

The nat'l championship should be the two best teams, and they are OSU and Michigan.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

ma4tt -

Florida gritted it out against Tennessee.

South Carolina, they were lucky.

Mr. Travel Reviewer said...

All records being equal:
1a. Each team lost one regular season game... One by 3 pts, to the #1 team in the country. The other by 10 pts to the #11 team in the country.

1b. The Big Ten doesn't have a 13th Game. So Michigan didn't have a 'Second Chance'.

2. #1 Tiebreaker should be common opponent. Vanderbilt is the only team that they both played. UF won by 6. Michigan won by 20.

"You don't have to be a Florida fan -- just someone who loves college football -- to understand that the only title game that makes sense, justifies the bodies of work and upholds the fairest sense of competition in an otherwise murky process is to pit Ohio State versus...Florida."

Huh, what? Am I dumb for being smart? By the rules that have been defined for 2006... Michigan is the only choice for OSU's opponent in Glendale.

If the rules were different... Well if If's and But's Were Candy And Nuts We'd All Have a Merry Christmas.

Mr. Travel Reviewer said...


Amen to your Wisconsin comment...

Since when is a win over the #6 team insignificant.

Sheldiz said...

guyinthecorner -- i'll stay up for the late game too, i love a good record-breaking.... and i'm in DC too, so bonus points for us.

...i make no guaruntee about my sobriety by the end though.

pv845 said...

I have a radical idea for OSU. Turn down the BCS offer and declare yourself the BCS champ. They ended the season at 1.000 with no losses. Why even chance tarnishing their undefeated season with another game? Any thoughts? (besides your dumb)

SF said...

Florida. Sucks. Ass.

The best team left should go.

That team = Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Hand Tally:
GuyInTheCorner (XTRA POINTS)
chrth (half)

Do we all vow to keep this thread goin throught the Hawaii game?

That would be aewsome.

Also Brennan needs 411 yards to get to 5000 yards on the year.

anyone watching WV and the State University of New Jersey right now.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

My roommate is playing Wii.

I love the thing, but in a one-tv household... Ehhh.

Sheldiz said...

this rutgers game is out of control.

Anonymous said...

I hate college OT rules.

It's just not football. No clock, kickoffs, punts. It's just not realistic. You don't get the ball at the 25 to start a drive.

They should put 15 minutes on the clock and let them play.

This is also why I hate the NFL's OT rules. There are no walk-offs in football. Wait till the clock is all 0s and whoever has more points wins.

If it's regular season, it's a tie. If it's postseason play another.

Anonymous said...

OH YEAH, I forgot....


That's insane. Tell the coach what to do? That's dumb.

Anonymous said...

At first glance...TD
At second TD
At third glance.....TD

Sheldiz said...

i'm pretty psyched i got home from work exactly when this game went to OT.

(sidebar: just saw on the bottom line that depaul beat kansas in BBall?... did i read that right?)

Anonymous said...

I think that might have been PI on that 2 point conversion.

I'm watching SNL with Matthew Fox for 20 minutes.

Sheldiz said...

:( i was pulling for the scarlett knights. what a game, though.

Will said...

The was a obvious blown call...Pass Interference all the way.

Anonymous said...

between games anybody else have their opinions on football OT?

Sheldiz said...

i'll bite...

i hate the OT system. just play another quarter. or another 10 minutes. or another any set amount of time in which anything can happen until the end.

who is the ref to tell me whether i can or can't go for a 2pt conversion?

furthermore... why are we trying to speed the game along? in theory, the teams have been so competitive they have earned an overtime. let 'em play.

damn the man, save the empire! (sorry, it got away from me there at the end.)

Anonymous said...


Great minds think alike.

john (east lansing, mi) said...

mike -

Spare me.

Sheldiz said...

mike -- [insert some arguement about strength of schedule here, followed by a comprehensive list of different teams and their respective records. followed then by someone bringing it all back to notre dame.]


john (east lansing, mi) said...


You obviously realize that's the sort of thing that actually gets you kicked out of, like, the NCAA (or maybe just the Big Ten, if you're lucky)... right?

Please don't anybody else recommend it ever again, lest I start to believe that people mean it.

pv845 said...

Not that I am serious about refusing, but YOU have to be joking about the getting kicked out part.
And on the PI at the end, does anyone else wonder why the announcers always say they won't call that here. If it is a penaly, or a foul in bball, then aren't you basically not doing your job by not calling it?

john (east lansing, mi) said...

mike -

sorry, you're right. That situation is a big fuck. good job, P-10.

Review rules always drive me crazy. If there is a system set up for reviewing anything, ever, the person reviewing ought to be able to fix ANY calls that were obviously, obviously wrong. Always. I'm sorry if it breaks your rules, it should just be that way. I remember the first year of the tryout of review in the Big Ten, when the announcers said "...they aren't even allowed to review that!" at least once per game; almost every time, it fixed an incorrect call, and I thought it was great.

You know what's right, replay-watching-man; if they gave you the wrong video feed to begin with, why don't you do something that's technically "wrong," but ends up making things right?

But let's just ignore that whole thing BCS-wise, considering the fact that we all know OU's not really that great anyway (right?).

john (east lansing, mi) said...

brendan -

Ehhh. I think the question of "whose is more ridiculous" might be appropriate here. I nominate yours; your suggestion was instigating the whole situation; mine was reacting to the excessively ridiculous scenario you had provided.

What would the Big Ten do, if Ohio State really, actually refused to attend the BCS National Championship game?

Sheldiz said...

completely unrelated, but interesting nonetheless.

pv845 said...

I agree they are both ridiculous, but as Biff said, the BCS has us arguing over who is NUMBER 2. We arent even arguing over who is number 1 anymore, and I pray, for the end of the BCS, that OSU loses to whomever they play and we can argue over who is number 1 with all the teams with 1 loss, excluding incorrectly in my opinion Boise State and the possiblity they could be undefeated. I was merely positing that OSU is the consensus number one team in the land and playing another game to prove it, where all that can can only stay the same and could possibly get worse is an idea they could want to avoid. In all sersiousness, I know if would never happen, but as I said above, and others have as well, we are discussing who the second best team is, not the best and that to me is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely confused by that call.

I have no idea what was flying there.

Sheldiz said...

this game is a little boring, i'm not gonna lie.

Sheldiz said...

i knew as soon as i posted that, something would happen. its like when you get up to go to the bathroom at a restaurant and your food is there when you get back.

Anonymous said...


Is there anyone who wants to see OSU in this game?

Aren't we all just rooting for Colt to break all those records?

He needs the 411 yards to hit 5000, he's 3 TDS short of the record, and now I find out that he's on pace to break the record for BEST PASSER RATING IN A SEASON?

Yet no real Heisman consideration.
Dis. A. Pointing.

Anonymous said...

like I care who gets to lose to OSU...go bucks.

Anonymous said...

I have no dog in this fight (as a Penn State grad) and would be glad to watch the Gators play Ohio State. However, be careful what you wish for Gator lover because they will get demolished by Ohio State. I mean throttled. To the tune of something like 35-17. Yeah, that offense is going to score on OSU when they had to block 2 kicks to beat South Carolina. The cha,mp of the SEC vs. the champ of the Big Ten? Okay, sure, I'm in. And when Tressel gets finished slapping around Florida maybe all the SEC apologists will shut the hell up when the realize their best got handled by the Big Ten's best. It'll be sweet to watch and then come on here are read you try to rationalize it away.

Of course, then you can try and jock the Gator hoops team and the "greatest college frontline of the past 25 years" as you called it. That one is almost as absurd as Reggie Nelson being the best defensive player you've ever seen. Seriously, Dan, your lack of objectivity about anything Florida ( a school you didn't even attend) is an absolute joke.

Like I said before, I hope they do get OSU. It'll serve you right.

Sheldiz said...

guyinthecorner... okay, that's it, you're now just going to be "guy".

guy... you're right, but while i'm waiting for him to score, i might as well get to see other fun things. besides the hawai'i coach wearing a hawaiian shirt.
(see how i put the ' in there, i've been paying attention)

and its pretty cool that their "green out" involves very large leaves.

anyway.... what was the question? heisman? yeah, disappointing, but not surprising. which, incidentally, is a phrase i use a lot in regards to college football.

Anonymous said...

scar tissue-

I don't think you are right. He also doesn't have great recievers, and look at the QB rating.

Anonymous said...




Sheldiz said...

scar tissue, play nice. i get your premise that perhaps Hawaii isn't the in most competive conference around. however, you're acting like you yourself could play QB for HI and do similarly. part of being a great player is doing what you can with what your dealt.

and your syntax is only matched by your poor grammar.

Anonymous said...

End of Drive Colt Brennan Update:

10-12 130 yards 0/0

Sheldiz said...

*you ARE dealt. god, leave it to me to cut on someone about grammar, and make a f--cking mistake myself. :)

Anonymous said...


More time for Colt to do his thang

Anonymous said...


I noticed that but didn't want to say anything.

Sheldiz said...

see what happens when i try to be mean???

Anonymous said...

Some invalid points that should stop right now:

It's what the people want
-right now, ESPN shows that 54% want Michigan to play
-I'll admit that that poll is unscientific, but assuming what everyone wants based on what YOU want is extremely unscientific

Strength of schedule
-you can't choose to play different teams halfway through the season
-schedule rankings are not directly analogous to how good a team is; how WELL they played those teams, now that is
-this would be a valid point if one team played a horrendous schedule, but neither did
-logically, if you're #2 or #whatever, you should beat any team below you, no excuses

Michigan had their shot
-honestly, I hope I'd feel the same way if the roles were reversed, but I can't say for sure; it's so easy to be biased here
-BUT, if there's one thing I think we should be able to agree, it's that you shouldn't be penalized for losing to a better team than another team lost to

This team beat that team which beat that other team, so this other team is the best
-I'll leave it as an exercise as to why this logic doesn't work and needs to stop

This doesn't mean that you can't argue Florida into the nat'l championship game, you just aren't moving their case forward using these points.

The one and only question is, who is the best team right now? Not who deserves to go in, but who is the best? The best team, by rule, will be most deserving to go in.

Sheldiz said...

well i walked right into that one... :)

Anonymous said...

Scar Tissue-

You need to chill. Like Ted Williams' head style.

and btw 200 comments

Anonymous said...

Who deleted those?

(screaming towards heavens)
Shanoff? Is that you Shanoff?

Sheldiz said...

it says "by author".... which, frankly, makes me laugh.

ted williams. haha.

Sheldiz said...

i read them, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I really hope the Heisman voters are watching this.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the running.

I'm here for the records baby.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me.....

or is this acually starting to be a really good game?

Sheldiz said...

yep. i'm invested now.

Anonymous said...

scar tissue

apparently the wind is blowing stuff out of the stands.

side note:

Mike, Sheldiz-

there's no turning back now, but what the hell are we doing during halftime?

Anonymous said...

get this-I read in today's paper that Lee Corso has another full time job. Can you guess where it is?
The Dixon-Ticonderoga pencil company! Now we know why he always points at the camera with that pencil in his hand.

I am not joking.

Sheldiz said...

i was thinking about starting a discussion on matzoh ball soup.


i'm going to drink another beer and possibly have a "i only smoke when i drink" cigarette.

Anonymous said...

1 word


Anonymous said...

I, as some have noted (see Coach K isn't Jewish, Go Jordan Farmar! discussions) am jewish, and am therefore a huge matzoh ball soup fan.

By the way one of the genious announcers called that obvious late hit a non-foul due to continuation (basketball).


and that was a crazy TD pass from the Colt

Anonymous said...

Mike where do you go and where are you from?

Same goes for you Sheldiz.

I am from the Maryland side of the DC suburbs and a TERP.

Sheldiz said...

From: Baltimore, born and bred.
Now: Silver Spring, MD
Undergrad: Villanova
Grad: UMBC (current)

Anonymous said...

Very nice, and judging by the Matzoh ball comments we are all "yiddin".

Colt Update:
19 for 24 passing 203 yards 1 TD 0 INT
4 rush 32 yards 1 TD

Jon said...

Damn their are a lot of posts. Michigan still deserves the shot over Florida.

Sheldiz, see that Nova game tonight? 99 points?? Nothing compared to the 201 that that one team scored, but still impressive.

Sheldiz said...

well... given that i went to villanova, its pretty safe to assume i'm not yiddin'. :)

jon! welcome to the party!

Anonymous said...

mgoblog has a (tongue in cheek of course) of Florida and Michigan. They include such factors as, "who did they side with in the Civil War?"

Anonymous said...

ok, so apparently preview doesn't always work? That post should have included the phrase "hilariously biased side by side comparison" before it blew up.

Jon said...


What's the worse mascot to be: the Notre Dame leprechaun or that Hawaiian guy with the crazy hair? That has to suck walking around campus and being known as "that" guy.

Anonymous said...

Just cause you went to Villanova doesn't mean you aren't one of the yiddin. I know quite a few yiddin at Georgetown.

Hey! didn't you start the Matzoh ball convo? What gives?!

Sheldiz said...

This one might win worst mascot:

Gunston — a green creature with a colonial tri-cornered hat named after Gunston Hall the colonial-period home of the namesake of George Mason University

Sheldiz said...

yeahhh... that was based on one of scar tissue's removed comments about me. apparently i should spend my time commenting on something i know about, like matzoh balls, instead of sports.

Jon said...

Not too many yidden pass through Villanova.....I don't recall knowing even one while there.

Sheldiz said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I personally love mascots. My Favorite is still the Marshall Thundering Herd. Not just a great name, great logo, and guy in suit.


Sheldiz said...

no offense to the team or anything... but come on, their mascot wears a tri-cornered hat!

Jon said...

So, DePaul beat Kansas and Marquette lost to North Dakota State? Big East basketball is going to be very interesting this year.

Jon said...

What's wrong with a tri cornered hat?

Sheldiz said...

the big east is wide-freaking-open this year... its going to be good. i can't get over how overrated gtown was going into this season. and of course i love watching them lose (what self respecting novan doesn't?).

Anonymous said...

North Dakota State I'm pretty sure is INDEPENDENT and has only been D1 for 3 years. That's pathetic. Marquette beat Duke.

Sheldiz said...

ooo eeeey, i wouldn't want to meet a tri-cornered hat in a dark alley...

Jon said...

ND State knocked somebody (Wisconsin?) off last year too. They need to get into a conference. Maybe they could get us that first 16 seed win....hopefully against Duke.

Jon said...

Doesn't the GW Colonial have a tricornered hat as well? Watch out for those dark alleys down there in DC.

Sheldiz said...

its going to be oral roberts!

Jon said...

Oral Roberts over Florida?

Sheldiz said...

dude. read the wikipedia article about oral roberts.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see it be Duke that goes down....

By the way, here's a segment i wrote about why I hate duke for your enjoyment.

2. Duke University Basketball
Again, there are things that you should know: the fact that nobody likes Duke Basketball is one of them. Duke fans will tell you that the reason everybody hates them is because they are always good. This is correct, but completely untrue. If you didn’t understand the previous sentence, you aren’t the only one. I don’t really understand it either. I guess it does have something to do with the fact that they are always good. But it’s a bunch of other things too. Like the Cameron Crazies. They have a certain quality about them. I like to call it the “I Hate That Quality”. Then there’s Coach K. I dislike the fact that they get all the top recruits every year but it’s still a great coaching job that they have a shot at the title. They also don’t win the championship very often (once in the last 15 years). We still hand over the reigns of the best basketball players in the world. We like to call it USA Basketball. How did that turn out? Oh, and by the way, don’t have a letter represent your name unless both of these two factors come into play: You are one of the 26 (numbers of letters in the alphabet) best ever at whatever it is you do and that letter actually makes the same sound as the beginning of your name. Neither of these applies to him. And he looks like a goblin.

Sheldiz said...

i think dan's head would explode if it was Oral Roberts over Florida.

Jon said...

Is that a bad comb over that K has or just a bad hair cut?

SF said...

Herbstreit said it best: you cannot vote for a team simply b/c you WANT them in the vote for the two best teams -- IF, as a voter, you are voting for Florida, simply because you do not want a rematch, then said voter SHOULD NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO VOTE...remain objective, or do not take on the responsibility...

tha fact remains, Michigan is the better team, and the current system calls for the the top 2 teams to play for it all

AMEN -- go blue

Sheldiz said...

coach K looks like an insurance salesman.

irrelevant, but true.

Sheldiz said...

holy, non sequitor, batman.

Jon said...

Just wait. If Florida gets into the BCS championship, we'll get to hear about the Florida potential double national championships....I guess you have to latch on somewhere when you go to a school with awful major sports programs.

Anonymous said...

this 264th post breaks the record for most posts in 1 comment setion on this blog

the previous holder was the first thread.

Jon said...

Are we going for 300 comments?

Sheldiz said...

jon. no jinxing.

shit, its 2:20?

Sheldiz said...

mike, you are getting dangerously close to talking about notre dame.

Jon said...

2:20? Sounds like it is time for another beer.

Did you get to see Westbrook when he played at Nova?

Anonymous said...

I'm so ready for Colt to make a great pass on this 3rd and 25.

Anonymous said...

That almost happend.

Sheldiz said...

i did! he went to one of my formals, actually. i knd of wish i had been better friends with him, now.... :)

another beer? don't mind if i do....

Anonymous said...

31 for 38 354 yards 1 TD 1 INT

Jon said...

He was fun to watch. Definitely should have been at a better football school. The team with him and Finneran was pretty sick....for a D1AA school.

Jon said...

Is Hawaii's defense bad or Oregon State's QB pretty good?

Anonymous said...

i think it's both

Sheldiz said...

this turned into quite a game.

Jon said...

Yeah, it's not too bad....much better than Ghost in a Teeny Bikini.

Sheldiz said...

i seriously can't get over the fact that the coaches are wearing hawaiian shirts. i mean, it makes sense, but.....

Anonymous said...

Colt needs 57 yards to hit 5000 on the season

Sheldiz said...

i'm optimistic

Anonymous said...


They are dealing with very high winds that are blowing things out of the stands and onto the field.

Jon said...

they'd make great pro bowl coaches.

Sheldiz said...

peace out, mike

Anonymous said...

I think that means we've lost MIKE

Sheldiz said...

i've come this far.... i can make through anothe 2/3rds of a quarter... so, uh, a 1/6th?

Jon said...

One last shot at Notre Ame before leaving...nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

still plenty of time for Colt

great choke by the freshman

Sheldiz said...

have to get a touchdown here.

Jon said...

That was a nice spot.

Anonymous said...

only 1 td and 23 yards short now


Sheldiz said...

a) touchdown!

b) has anyone said yet how freaking awesome the name "colt brennan" is?

c) i'm just now discovering his checkered past.

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