Monday, January 08, 2007

Florida-Ohio State Live-Comment

At this pace, I am not going to make it through this. Seriously. I open the Comments to you all. Good gracious. -- D.S.

Update after 1st Quarter: OK, that was the best quarter I have ever seen Florida play. It was, dare I say it, perfectly executed (particularly on offense, where through the season, the play-calling has been iffy, at best). Here's the flip side: There is NO way that Florida can sustain this pace, and Ohio State is STILL within a score. Again: Good gracious. -- D.S.

Update at Halftime: OK, so I was sort of wrong. Florida nearly matched their first quarter in the second. The offense continued to push the pedal down. The defense has been playing out of their mind. I wonder what Ohio State is thinking in the locker room: Shell-shock? Motivation? I simply remain shocked that Florida has hung 34 on Ohio State and limited OSU to less than 100 yards of offense. But there is so much time left. Almost too much time left. I repeat: Good gracious. -- D.S.

Update after 3rd Quarter: Well, a 0-0 quarter wasn't particularly entertaining, but it puts the Gators 15 minutes closer to a national title. And it reaffirms that the story of the game isn't the 34 that Florida hung on OSU in the 1st half, but the shut-down play of the Gators' D, which has effectively held Ohio State to one offensive TD. One quarter away. Cripes. I can barely stand it. Why does 20 points seem like... well, still not enough? -- D.S.

FINAL: Florida 41, Ohio State 14. YYYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!! What a complete ass-kicking. What an utterly dominating performance, which should eliminate any doubt about which team is No. 1, though I'm quite sure that Ohio State fans -- gracious losers that they are -- will find reasons to explain this one away. Explain away being held to under 100 yards of total offense. What an absolutely awesome game out of Florida. Whew!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think this game will be a slow-paced, low scoring, grind-it-out, run-up-the-gut kind of game.

Big D said...

Does Tim Tebow even have a functional arm? I mean, I've only seen the guy thrown one pass ever - that "jump toss" that everyone hailed as the greatest play in college football history.

By the way - if Florida wins this game, is there even a remote chance Dan posts before noon tomorrow, after working off the hangover?

Anonymous said...

this game could end up 54-51

Kevin said...

What the hell? Why didn't they overturn that TD? He was clearly down at the 1. Do these refs not know how to use the video camera or something?

pv845 said...

They are Pac-10 officials. Maybe they are from the Oregon - Oklahoma game?

Anonymous said...

To the hangover question, I say no BIG D.

As for Tebow's arm...

In the MTV show Two-a-Days, the team plays Tebow in his senior year in high school. They keep talking about the great QB from the other team but never say his name. In the actual game footage you see Tebow make some great plays and the announcer said his name and I flipped out. I watched them after the show had ended and Tebow is now famous and up until that footage I had no idea he could throw the ball.

Jon said...

Instead of developing a decent game plan to beat LSU, was Weis texting in votes for Quinn to win the Cingular POY?

Anonymous said...

If Ginn is out I will take under on 14.5 points in 2nd half as well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. what the hell. Brady Quinn is the player of the year? I didn't think I could hate the ND hype anymore..

nep1293 said...

So should we schedule Florida-USC for next week? Michigan-Ohio St II can be the undercard....Boise, you can play LSU so you can realize you don't want to play the big boys too often.

Mega said...

Wow, FL is really giving it to them.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so far my prediction on Leak was way off. Can he keep this up for four quarters?

To be fair, his line is giving him all sorts of time, his receivers are getting open, and the opposing secondary is looking rus-ty. But wow!

Pac-10 refs are solidifying their legacy of suckitude this game, BTW. Who decided that the conference with the biggest refereeing scandal (Oklahoma-Oregon, was it?) of the year would ref the NC game, anyway?

SAE said...

Don't get to watch as much sports as I used to and haven't seen Florida play all year, but they are looking good.

And Kevin, these are the same officials that missed a hold on OSU right where Ginn was breaking the opening kickoff and didn't call the Florida guy diving at Smith's knees on the first sack. So, they're spreading the wealth at least. And that roughing the passer was a little weak.

nep1293 said...

How did this team lose to Auburn??? seriously, I give up trying to figure out who would beat who. I think the whole parity thing is out of control. If you put Florida, LSU, Michigan, USC, Ohio St, Boise, Louisville and others in a tournament you'd get a different champion every time. Florida looks unbelievable and they haven't shown anything all year that would have convinced me they could dominate like this. But they are so I give up....BTW, this post is moot if OSU recovers for the W

Jon said...

Looking like Boise State is the best team in the country.

Anonymous said...

21-14 early 2nd - this is insane!!

Anonymous said...

Roughing the Passer... Weak???

Who do they think they are? NFL Refs?

Anonymous said...

If this shootout continues, with a close finish, it will be labeled an instant classic, where as the WestVirginia Louisville game was labeled as horrible because it had too much offense and no defense.

Anonymous said...

Good point, tibbs.

pv845 said...

Wow. OSU looks terrible.

Anonymous said...


Kevin said...

If we've learned anything this bowl season, it's that 60 minutes is a long time. Nothing is over at halftime.

Anonymous said...

Boise State #1 ???

Anonymous said...

Dans gonna be on about this game for a month.

Jon said...

Boise State would be beating Ohio State tonight too....

Anonymous said...

As a fairly new US College football fan(longtime NFL&CFL fan)
do you think it is over or will Ohio State make a game of it?

Anonymous said...

I think Ohio State thought too much. Florida is winning with a normal set of plays, but Ohio State is expecting more.

Also, why is Heacock only rushing 3 all game?

Anonymous said...

if florida wins big...

1. florida
2. USC
3. LSU
4. Boise state
5. ohio state

if florida wins and ohio state makes it a close loss

1. florida
2. usc
3. ohio state
4. lsu
5. boise state

I know people will argue for LSU over USC but since 99% of the people here thinks Notre Dame sucks i will give USC more credit for the big win over Michigan.

Anonymous said...

I know this is obvious but this is why the game is played, same with everyone annointing the Chargers as AFC champs already and crowning the Bears as NFC champs.

Dan Shanoff said...

You all know I don't like to curse, but: Holy. Shit.

Anonymous said...

Something I really like about the Fox broadcast..

It's a college football game..and they are showing the bands. I think that's great. Minimize the the bands. What a concept!

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Can someone please answer me on why the referees did not measure Chris Wells' 4th down run? It looked pretty close to me. These refs are pretty bad tonight at spotting the ball for both teams. Ohio State needs to stop giving Florida good field position!

Dan Shanoff said...

Agreed. How refreshing to see the bands! (Meanwhile, I could watch 24 promos all night. Sunday can't get here fast enough.)

jdn9201 said...

LOL It sounded like the Ohio State band was playing "My Heart Will go On", that cheezy Celine Dion song from Titanic. If so...heh that's pretty appropriate at the moment.

BTW- This UT Vols fan is just LOVING this game! GO SEC! WOO!
And for one night only...Da da duh dah duh..GO GATORS!

Anonymous said...

If Jack Bauer QB's the 2nd half for the tOHS they will win!!

TJ said...

you people are trying so hard to jinx us, arent you? good god this is nerve wracking....

Anonymous said...

that was the worst punt I have ever seen!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are we watching five commercials in rotation?

Anonymous said...

It looks like OSUs defense finally arrived during the break for the half. Unfortunately, it appears Offensive Line was left behind in Columbus.

Mega said...

This is getting ugly

Anonymous said...

ugh. this game is just boring now. time to change the channel.

The heroin sheik said...

wow I thought OSU was supposed to be good. What did I say earlier today? The x factor would be the possibility of an injury. Do you think it is coincidence that the buckeyes have played like crap pretty much since the opening kickoff.

Anonymous said...

I really wish that ESPN had been running an "Is this 2006 OSU team better than any other college football team in history?" series just like last year. I would love to see the stunned 2005 USC team playing the stunned 2006 OSU team.

Anonymous said...

And undefeated Boise State is our national champion! Wait, what?


Anonymous said...

This game has got to be exciting for Florida fans, but I'm bored out of my mind. If this game were on a Wednesday, I'd be watching South Park reruns tonight.

The heroin sheik said...

Man troy Smith just looks like someone took a huge dump in his cereal then his woman left him and his dog got run over. Man His NFL stock is dropping like bombs over dresden.

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of flvy, I hereby eat crow. I said that Florida had to lose by less than three points to prove their worthiness here. And they did. By quite a stretch, too.

As a Michigan fan, I look forward to that damn OSU flag across the street finally coming down.

Anonymous said...

Wow, who knew that the last game of the bowl season would be a repeat of the opening game. TCU held NIU (and the nation's leading rusher) to a total of 60 yards of offense (and 29 rushing yards) but allowed a special teams TD in the opener. And now UF absolutely DOMINATED every aspect of this game after the opening kickoff. Poetically wrapped up, and I don't even like the Gators.

nep1293 said...

Do the Miami Dolphins offer 50 million to Urban Meyer now?

Mega said...

Shanoff is going to rub this in our faces

we deserve it.

Anonymous said...

OSU fans can't pull the "long layoff" card!! They may have been rusty but that wasn't just rust tonight, that was gettin their ass handed to them. period. So much for that high powered OSU offense.

Anonymous said...

But Dan HAS been a homer. lol

Again, this all the others, is not an indicator of conference strength. I think Ohio State would have gone through the SEC with the same record as Florida.

The 51 day layoff excuse better not be used too much. Sure, I'm sure it had an effect. But Ohio State did everything wrong in the first half, Florida did everything right. And it was the PLAYCALLING -- not the players necessarily -- that was the difference.
I mentioned this before...but did OSU give Florida TOO MUCH credit?? Their defensive scheme was so uptight. They barely tried to rush Leak...which is what his main weakness is. That makes no sense and falls on the coaches.

Awesome playcalling by Florida.

CorrND said...

win -- now he's 4-14 for 35 yards with 1 int, plus 10 rushes for -29 yards and a fumble. This is so damn sweet.

Anonymous said...

Ironic though...OSU was so worried about the Florida DE's speed that they apparently didn't consider their strength.
Speed was non-existent in this game. Florida's front 4 just manhandled OSU's line.

After all the bullshit Chris Leak had to endure from Gator 'fans', he'll relish this win. He's earned it.

Troy Smith -- far, far better player than his stats indicate. ALl season, he's given his O-Line credit for his success. I, for one, hope he gives them the blame they deserve for his lack of success tonight.

(BTW, this won't hurt his draft stock. He hasn't made bad throws or decisions. He hasn't had the time to do that)

Anonymous said...

I don't see any anytime soon.

Mega said...


OSU got their asses kicked.

TJ said...

I think Ohio State would have gone through the SEC with the same record as Florida.

which means the SEC is harder.

anyway, im off to university avenue. see you all in... about a week.

Anonymous said...

lol I suppose it could be viewed that way. I meant that I still think Florida and OSU are even teams.

Hm...I wonder how many couches and cars are burning in Columbus..

Anonymous said...

Troy Smith won the Heisman? WTF!

RexyBack said...

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY F'ING CHRIST!!!!!!!!!! BOTH SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I tend to think OSU lost because the Florida front 4 knocked the OSU O-line down every play.
And, i'll keep harping, the OSU Def. Coord. did not make any adjustments.

Dan...don't be a sore winner. Tsk. Though any OSU fan that tries to explain away a 27 point loss is crazy.

Dan Shanoff said...

I don't mean to come across as a sore winner. But you have to recognize the level of pre-game noise from OSU fans - and so many many people in the media - so freaking sure that OSU would roll over Florida.

Qwagmire said...

butt whippin

TJ said...

OSU lost because they had 51 days off and because Ted Ginn got hurt.

maybe the layoff had something to do with the 1st quarter, but... jesus, it didnt get any better from there. and ted ginn? well, i just dont think you can call yourself worthy if one player goes down and it results in a 4-TD ass-whooping.

I think it was the playcalling on UF's part--brilliant--and lack of penetration by OSU's D-line.

Oh, and UF's ridiculous defense. Hurray. And now I sleep.. stupid class tomorrow....

TJ said...

and so many many people in the media

a lot of people had changed their tune by gameday though. including the pti guys--although their reasons betrayed an utter lack of college football knowledge.