Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday 01/11 A.M. Quickie:
Bonds vs. Greenies, A. Peterson Going Pro

Barry Bonds tested positive for a form of greenies... six months ago. The NY Daily News broke the story, but you can expect it to get blowout coverage within sports media.

The interesting twist ("interesting" being relative) is that Bonds blames a teammate – though I'm not quite sure why Bonds would be taking a teammate's pills if he didn't know what was in them.

The more interesting twist is that the positive amphetamines test triggered six months of regular testing, which Bonds presumably passed without problem – which sort of undercuts the power of the story.

It's hard to get too worked up over MLB players taking amphetamines, considering that they were baseball's biggest, most widespread PED epidemic long before steroids ever made the scene.

Before they were banned last season, I guesstimated that 90 percent of players used some form of greenies over the last half-century. Notice how you rarely hear cootish old-timers ripping current players.

That's probably because the "Back in my day..." scolds are probably still too busy drinking 18 cups of coffee a day trying to recreate the daily high of their own amphetamine abuse.

Latest NFL Draft Declarations: And around the glory positions we go!

RB: Adrian Peterson! Poster guy for why college players should be allowed to declare for the NFL draft without age limitation. After his freshman year, he would have been a first-round pick. I still say he's the best RB on the board and a Top 10 pick.

QB: JaMarcus Russell! Rising buzz means he will likely battle Brady Quinn for position as first QB taken, though it'll be hard to overcome Quinn's "Notre Dame" mystique. Oh, wait: I mean "white" mystique. Nevertheless, Russell seems like a Top 10 lock.

WR: Dwayne Jarrett! You can keep Calvin Johnson, as amazing as he is. For my money, Jarrett was the best WR in college football – not just last year, but possibly of the last decade. Another guy who should be a Top 10 pick.

NFL Coaching Carousel: Coughlin returning to Giants. I don't think there's a piece of news that could depress Giants fans more. However, there is a bright side: One more year of getting his ass handed to him by power teams might convince Charlie Weis what the rest of us know: He'll never win the national title at Notre Dame, so he might as well go to the Giants. (More: Is Mike Martz the hottest coaching candidate? The Dolphins interviewed him, and the Raiders reportedly like him too.)

CBB Parity Watch: Georgia Tech stuns Duke. OK, this isn't about parity as much as it is about reaffirming that this Duke team was completely overrated to start the season. Now 0-2 in the ACC, Duke has been exposed. (But how about my boy, Jon Scheyer? Keep gunning, kid! This is the best-case scenario for me: Scheyer gets his, but Duke gets beat.)

But here's a good "Parity Watch" entry: Marquette, which had lost 2 straight, beat UConn, snapping the Huskies' 31-game home winning streak. Meanwhile, Butler lost to Illinois-Chicago, which should have you re-thinking the idea that Butler is this year's mid-major most likely to pull a George Mason.

NBA: The frenzy over Chris Webber is amusing. For $20 million? Keep him the hell away from my team. For, say, free? Come on over! The Knicks want him. KG wants to play with him (who doesn't KG want to play with?) And it looks like his hometown Pistons are going to get him.

(Meanwhile, the Sixers lost without him, which isn't much of a difference from the results they got with him. They lost to the Knicks, which is amusing for other reasons. The Sixers are doing it right: Hurtling closer and closer to the league's bottom -- and a lock for either of the draft prizes, Greg Oden or Kevin Durant.)

NBA Line of the Night: Dwight Howard's 30 points and 25 rebounds in a Magic win over the Warriors. Yeesh: Let's fit this monster for an All-Star jersey.

Tiki to NBC? NFL Hall-of-fame-whore Tiki Barber is rumored to be headed to NBC, where he'll undoubtedly be used to spice up "Football Night in America," but also undoubtedly be pushing for airtime on "Today." (I predict they stick him on the upcoming extra 4th hour of "Today.")

Tags to Pro Football HOF? He's one of the first-year finalists with a shot. Actually, I want to know why players have to wait six years to be eligible but former Commissioners don't even have to wait six months? Tags is a lock, of course. First-year finalist Bruce Matthews is, too. Those are the only two I think will make it, along with the "senior committee" nominee you've never heard of.

StubHub has ultimate sale: Online ticket re-seller StubHub, which built its business on the back of sports ticket sales (uh, don't call it "scalping"), was sold to eBay for $310 million. In 2007, I really do have to make me one of those ol' online start-ups.

I want to thank everyone who jumped on the Webbies bandwagon and nominated this blog for "Best Sports Blog." I really appreciated it, and – as I said before – what makes the blog particularly fun to do (and, hopefully, to read) is the participation by you.

Finally, here comes an interesting test: I'm headed down to Orlando today for my brother's wedding this weekend. I'm not bringing my laptop but I am bringing my brand spanking new Blackberry, and I'm going to attempt to update the blog using it.

What it means practically is that I'll probably have shorter posts, tomorrow and/or later today, but hopefully a few more posts during the day. I don't know how to actually EDIT the posts via Blackberry, only how to post them to the site. So any glaring errors – oh and there usually are quite a few – will be up there for all to see. Apologies in advance, but I'm looking forward to the experiment.

-- D.S.


Josh said...

crazy talk - Calvin Johnson is the best WR prospect in years.

Natsfan74 said...

The Raiders already have a "non-white" quarterback in Aaron Brooks. Two of their 3 quarterbacks are not white. The Lions have already taken a black quarterback in the first round before it was "cool".

Al Davis has always been about winning and that Commitment to Excellence silliness. He's going to take the player (or probably trade down for the 2 or 3 players) who give him the greatest chance to win now.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

I thought it was called "Crackberry."

Anonymous said...

Calvin Johnson has to be the #1 WR this year. He played great with no true supporting cast to speak of and had Reggie "idiot" Ball throwing to him. Compare that to who Jarrett was playing with!!

Big D said...

Wow. I know the Celtics' fell off the sports radar, even here in Boston, but no mention of them losing two players to knee ligament tears in the same game? I mean, that's got to be some sort of freakish record (esp. with Pierce out and Szcerbiak & West playing injured). Don't hand that #1 pick to the Sixers just yet...

I too will be leaving for Orlando in day, though only as a short four-day work conference stopover before heading to Vegas.

CorrND said...

Dan, where is the logic in continually saying Weis cannot ever win a championship at ND based on their performance the last two years with someone else's recruits? I don't understand your argument.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Calvin and Dwayne.

This is coming from a UGA alum. Calvin Johnson is the real deal. You saw what he did in the gator bowl with a real QB.

Jarrett is talented as well, but he had Leinhart and Booty throwing to him. Remember how good Mike Williams looked?

Anonymous said...

They should change the draft age for running backs. It's like being forced to only buy cars with 100,000 miles on them.

I really like Martz as a coach, because he'll attract attention and offensive free agents. What's wrong with an exciting flaky team? You'll sell a LOT of tickets. That's more than the Lions, Cardinals and Raiders can say.

To be fair to Quinn, if Notre Dame "just isn't that good" then his performance as a QB looks better. JaMarcus isn't a Vick or Vince type that can singlehandedly change games.

On the other hand, JaMarcus is basically Culpepper 2.0 (big guy surrounded by talent), so let's give him to the Raiders and RANDY MOSS, which is how we got Culpepper 1.0.

I love the fact that the M in his first name is capitalized. This could work. I really wanted the Raiders to wait for Booty, (too obvious?) but this will be fun, too.

I love Chris Leak, and I hope his stock goes up. Biggest game of his life, and he was throwing the ball away confidently when pressured. That automatically puts him ahead of 30 of the quarterbacks in the NFL.

I'd really laugh if Atlanta somehow got Leak and he had to switch downs AGAIN, this time with Coach-Killer Vick. I mean, that's too perfect, right? Vick is too shaky as a QB, so borrow Florida's "3rd down Back" style of quarterbacking, use Leak to run the offense (unlike Vick, I'm fairly certain he's been in a film room), then let Mr. Michael Over-hype steal all the touchdowns and glory on 2-yard gimme plays.

Christopher G said...

Dan, you know you'd be ripping Greg Oden right now if he were drafted into the NBA this year (much like you ripped on Reggie Bush earlier this season). He was out for a month with injury and hasn't put up big numbers in college games so far.

Same with Adrian Peterson. If he suffered a bum ankle and broken collarbone playing in college, imagine the damage he would have gotten in the NFL against the big boys.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but the age restrictions are good for the most part.

Anonymous said...

CJ > Jarrett


Reggie Ball << USC QBs

Michael Moulton said...

Commissioners are generally old and they're afraid they won't make it six years?

jhawkjjm said...

It makes very little sense for the "big name" coaches in college to go to the NFL. Saban probably would have been fired in a year or two in the NFL, whereas if he stayed at LSU he was set basically for life because of the national championship. Same thing with Pete Carol, Urban Meyer, Bob Stoops. The chances of them getting canned are slim. Not every team is like the Steelers and will stick with a coach who may struggle for a couple years.

Weis isn't in that category of the coaches above. But he's safe for at least a good 4-5 years. He doesn't have that security in the NFL. He won't have to win a national championship to keep the security, he'll just have to eventually win a few bowl games and a BCS game in the next 4-5 years then he's safe.

CMFost said...

Where is the love for the WR's on the HoF ballot? Irvin, Reed and Monk all should make it in.

CMFost said...

If anyone is interested I made my picks for this week, check them out.

Josh said...

JaMarcus Russell has been dubbed the "Black Bledsoe".

He has all the talent in the world to tempt you into thinking he's great. Then, just about when you are ready to think you are winning championships with him, he lowers the boom and commits two or three of the most hideous turnovers you will ever see.

Pats, Bills, and Cowboys fans know what I'm talking about.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
RevScottDeMangeMD said...

Jason...dude...this isn't Shanoff's entire life! He is doing this because he enjoys it. I seriously doubt he gets paid for it. And he has said numerous times that he reads every comment. Didn't he say the comments are why he enjoys doing the blog? He can't update this site every hour on the hour. Imagine how much time it would take to answer every single comment?

That and isn't he technically a stay at home dad right now? That takes precedence over everything else...don't you think?

Anonymous said...

if anyone cares, David Beckham is going to be joining MLS...the interesting thing is that the reported contract is 5 years/$250 million

CMFost said...

Actually it is more NDYANKFAN he gets upset anytime someone rips Notre Dame be it Dan or any of the commenters.

CMFost said...

I believe Charlie Weis will be the next coach of the Giants unless of course Coughlin wins the super bowl next year and the job is not open. I think if Notre Dame gets blown out in there BCS Bowl Game(since we all know they will be overrated again and make the BCS) he will realize that Notre Dame partially due to it's academic standards will never compete for a National Title and why not go to the Pros.

Anonymous said...

Who ever compared Russell to Bledsoe is right on.

I watch a ton of SEC games and was there when UGA demolished LSU in last years SECCG.

The LSU fans were booing Russell and calling for Flynn, there was even talk that Flynn would compete for the job in the spring.

He's a guy who the scouts will drool over, but the INTs will be frequent and at inapportune times.

Mega said...

Uh, am I the only one who thinks that Shanoff was more pointed toward the fact that many overrated white QB's IN COLLEGE are more heralded than a few better black QB's?

ND is the poster school for the "good ole boy club" (see Willingham), I believe that is what he meant.

Terry_Kelly said...

There's no way Dwayne Jarrett was a better college receiver than Larry Fitzgerald. I'd take Fitz over him any day

NA said...

verbal97 said...
if anyone cares, David Beckham is going to be joining MLS...the interesting thing is that the reported contract is 5 years/$250 million

That. Is. Insanity.

Anonymous said...

You forget that ND is guaranteed half of their wins, with games vs. Army, Navy, Air Force, the US Merchant Marine, the Coast Guard, and the new Iraqi Coalition Team.

Once the Irish get rid of the academies on their schedule and play a legit 11 game season, then I'll be the first one arguing for their spot in a BCS game.

Big D said...

Report out of San Diego:

Rodney Harrison has a slight ACL tear and is done for the season.

And maybe, his career. Too bad for him and Junior Seau to be injured and not get a crack at the Chargers in the playoffs.

MP said...

geoff-detroit: completely agree about Quinn. Talk about the next Ryan Leaf, I think Brady Quinn has that written all over him. Most ESPN analysts don't have him in the Top 10 anymore, and one even said today that he would likely drop to the 2nd round. I hope so.

As for Barry Bonds: please, someone just make him disappear. I don't care how anymore. What a disgraceful human being.

CMFost said...

I have a better analogy for Brady Quinn how about Rick Mirer?

Anonymous said...

Won't read all comments..but best in decade?
What about Larry Fitzgerald? Or any WR in the NFL under the age of 32 who is excelling? Wouldn't some of them be considered better than Jarrett?
Hell, Detroit has drafted 3 of the last "best WRs in years".

Anonymous said...

My picks for this weeks playoffs games are up on my blog, Check them out 3-1 last week.

Anonymous said...

NY Giants could be improved next year (Tom C. might get a reprieve). Tiki leaving will be a good thing (bad for the running game, but good for the team). Eli has never been allowed to take control of the team: Tiki ran all the team meetings, film breakdown, etc. There was a little blurb of a story late in the year that Tiki was going to relinquish some of those roles to Eli since he wasn't going to be there next year. If Eli steps up and the team gets behind him, he might have a breakout year.

WRs in the HOF: Guys like Reed and Irvin are hard to distinguish. None of them were ever the dominate receiver of their era - Rice screwed that up for everyone. However, in the mid-90s - other than Jerry - Irvin scared me most (not great numbers, but he was on a run-first team).

Joe Montana mentioned recently that he doesn't think Quinn will do well in the NFL because his intermediate throws are not as good as they need to be. I haven't seen much ND this year: any truth to that?

Dwayne Jarrett already holds the Pac-10 record for receiving TDs, with a year of eligibility left. His system and team certainly helped, but that's awfully impressive. Probably can't go too wrong with DJ or CJ.

Anonymous said...

Nice "prediction" about Tiki going to NBC Dan. Other than the fact that Marchand of the Post reported the same thing about the fourth hour of "Today" on Monday I would say you really are going out on a limb.

Anonymous said...

"Hisjazziness said...
JaMarcus Russell has been dubbed the "Black Bledsoe"."

STOP!!! As a Bills fan, not only do I know what you're talking about, I just crossed myself, spun in a circle and spit on the floor. JaMarcus had better go to Oakland, and I hope they get Mr. B, too.

Anonymous said...

Bledose to this day is the Reason why Mo Lewis is my favorite non-patriots player. If it was not for his hit on Bledsoe the Brady Era might not of started in time to win the Super Bowl over the Rams.

Anonymous said...

Simple minded coverage of College Football, what a shame.

Lets not forget one of the top rookies in the NFL this season was 7th rounder Marques Colston from Hofstra, yes HOFSTRA a FCS (Football Championship Subdivision, I-AA) team.

I call out Dwayne Jarrett being called the best WR in college over the past decade.

David Ball from the University of New Hampshire exceeded Jarret on the field, and I dont wanna hear the comparisons about levels of football because that matters about as much as Adam Sandler does at the Oscars.

Ball set a new College record this year that was previously held by Jerry Rice, yes that Jerry Rice. He finished his career with 58 recieving touchdowns passing Rice's old record of 50.

Ball wont be a first round draft pick like Jarrett, but he will prove to be a huge bargain in the fourth round on his way to being the best rookie WR in 2007!

Patriots fans are drooling over the idea of beiung able to draft Notre Dame's Jeff Samadja(sp) late in the first round with one of there two first rounders, I say use those picks to build up your coverage teams on defense (Asante Samuel may sign elsewhere and Rodney Harrison has now become injury prone) as well as the LB which continues to age.

You may have to use a 3rd rounder on Ball if it appears he might go early in the 4th but its still a better bargain then wasting a 1st rounder on someone who will be inferior on the field to Ball.

David Ball
Rec. 304
Yards: 4615
TDs: 58

Dwayne Jarrett
Rec.: 216
Yards: 3138
TDs: 41

Anonymous said...

You want some love for your man-boy douchebag Jon Scheyer from Dook?

Check this out...

Anonymous said...


Does that mean you'll give us a play-by-play from the Best Man's spot?

Anonymous said...

@Ndyanks fan

I'll take Bowling Green vs. Army/Navy/St. Mary's/US Merchant Marine any day. The Ohio State AD decided about five years ago to schedule an in-state opponent once a year to boost revenue for other Ohio schools.

I'd love anyone in their right mind to even TRY and justify ND's weak schedule by comparing it to Ohio State or any SEC team. Two #2 teams in the regular season, or any SEC team on the road... yikes.

P.S. This message not from an Irish-hater. Just an observer.

P.P.S. By the way, my SEC comments reflect the notion that Mississippi State does not, in fact, exist.

And Dan, if you're going to bring up a race issue in pro/college football, it's not about an issue with the players in my mind, but rather the COACHES. 4 D-I minority coaches? it's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

oh and Richard, you can quit it with the Kitna - Johnson connection. If the Lions draft another WR, Detroit will take to the streets.

Mega said...


All of those teams you mentioned are powerhouses compared to the pathetic service academies.


RevScottDeMangeMD said... football is over. I am just now starting to get over my depression of Ohio State lackluster performance.

Oh well...such is life. The better team won.

Race is always a touchy issue with everything. Just ask Notre Dame. They hired an African-American and everyone praised them. Then when he was fired 3 years later, they were called racists. It's a lose-lose situation for schools.

Lastly...just a thought. Why does anyone from a big school go to the combine? If I was a big time player coming from a big time school, there is no way in hell I would go to the combine. I'd have the scouts come to me and I'd show them what I could do. When I was at Miami, Roethlisberger held his workouts there on campus. Not only did he show he could throw in shitty ass conditions (it was like 35 degrees that day), but he also got a couple of his teammates drafted (one's that were not invited to the combine). Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Big Ben showed off his arm vs Marshall by throwing rockets into 30mph winds..while the Thundering Turd QB had his passes go forward 10 feet..then back 30.

Dallas wasn't a run-first team...they were an offense-first team. They could do both very well. Irvin, imo, is an HOF player.

Mikepcfl said...

Another quick soccer note that is being dwarfed by the Beckham news: Clint Dempsey received his work permit in England, so he can start playing for Fulham in the EPL shortly. Fans of American soccer should hope he develops over there, so the National Team doesnt get embarassed in the WC again. The US needs creative players like Dempsey to compete against the best in the world.

Natsfan74 said...

Anyone actually look at an OSU schedule before complaining about the strength? OSU does play the one in-state school per year, which is great for the State and the other schools. They also have one HUGE non-conference opponent scheduled every year. The deals are made about 10 years in advance, so it is hard to tell how they will work out, but:
2007 -- at Washington
2008 -- at USC
2009 -- USC (and Army)
2010 -- Miami and Marshall (at Army)
2011 -- at Miami
2012/13 -- Cal/ at Cincinnati
2014/15 -- Virginia Tech
2016/ 17 -- Oklahoma

They played at Texas early in the season this year. You cannot fault them that the B10 was a little bit down this year after the top 5, they tried to schedule something hard and exciting for their players and fans.

Josh said...

Why isn't anyone talking about Wisconsin hoops not playing outside the state of Wisconsin?

They played two games outside the state: a loss to Mo. State, and a win at Georgia (which is a lower level SEC team).

As a fan of a team that has been crushed by this criticism for the past five years, I think its time to recognize this about Wisky.

Anonymous said...

That win against UGA will look better as it gets closer to March.

Anonymous said...

NDYanksfan your comments about GMs is spoken like a true believer in Brady Quinn. You think GMs need to look at his entire career of great games against Army, Navy, Air Force, Purdue and Mich. St. and not look at the dumps he took against Michigan, USC and LSU.

Don't forget his Heisman-ending performance against GT...

Natsfan74 said...

Really -- GMs don't even put a lot of stock in actual on-field performance. GMs really look at upside potential in terms of speed, strength, size, intelligence, etc. The intangibles help move a guy a few spots in the draft, but not significantly. Pro GMs want a guy who has the physical skills to compete. Beyond that, they largely think they can coach the rest.

Anonymous said...

OSU's Gonzales is going pro. ESPN reports that he's popular on the team and has a knack for cooking Cuban food. shit. He's Cuban.

Anonymous said...

Anyone take note? Walker for ND is going pro too.

Do they even have a backup?

Anonymous said...

well..kinda. he did his damage running. heh

Anonymous said...

FutureLegendVinceYoung said...
Well I guess you got me there. But VY did do something that Brady couldn't do while at ND. Beat USC.

Ya, but the only thing that saved USC last year was Reggie Bush illegally pushing Matt Leinert into the endzone to win the game.

Anonymous said...

Jeff (Fairfax, Va.): Sports Guy, I heard you are doing some college basketball commentating for ESPNU. Any chance you parlay this into something we all want to see … you doing NBA stuff?

Bill Simmons: I'm just doing two games -- 1/15 and 1/22 -- because I wanted to write a column about what it's like to announce a game. Don't get your hopes up -- there's a 100-percent chance I'm going to be bad at this. As long as I don't completely kill the game, I'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

No coverage on the KU whooping of OSU last night?

Anonymous said...

ya on a last minute score. had the refs made the right call USC loses to ND