Thursday, March 22, 2007

Well, MY Bracket Is Busted

Damn! Well, I needed Southern Illinois to upset Kansas for my "differential" pick in the Sweet 16. But in the end, I needed Texas A&M -- one of my Final Four teams -- to win even more. (Sigh. Another year, another middling pool finish.) -- D.S.


Unknown said...

yeah, just lost both those games, including a final four team in A&M.

Kurt said...

how's the crow Dan?

Anonymous said...

Refs 65, Texas A&M 64...sorry dan.

but the refs arbitrarily chose a number. they couldn't have hand-timed it out. wouldn't that be disallowed (er whatever)?

Johnny b said...

I had Memphis but I lost Southern Illinois; i still have a chance for 7 round of 8 teams and 4 final four teams; though my brackets hinge on oregon making their way to the finals so basically i resigned myself to losing when i turned it in haha

jhawkjjm said...

Wow what a stressful night. Do you know how hard it is to watch a tense game like the KU-SIU one and not be able to swear when your team screws up because of a 2 yr old kid. Or when A&M can't get a rebound to win a game. Wow what great games.

Unfortunately the main discussion will be on the following things tomorrow.

1. How do you call that foul on A&M when battling for a rebound?

2. 2.0?

3. If the officials didn't blow the Julian Wright dunk in the 1st half. It was a shot clock violation.

Two good games so far. Let's see if the second set can be as good.

Danielle said...

All I have to say is....2.0????

How in the world did the refs come up with that number?

Joshua Coleman said...

2.0 because the ball bounced inbounds and then made contact with something out of bounds. Not saying it is 100% accurate, but that's where the number came from.

Anonymous said...

I was suspicious at the time of the clock on the foul. I thought it should have been 4.2 instead of 3.1 because thats what I saw when I looked at the clock right after the whistle blew. Unfortunetly they didn't show us the replay with the clock so I couldn't check.

I will clearly see this on Sportscenter tonight as well as the great ESPN feature "Here's what the clock should have been" where they use their own clock.

I think it should've been 2.5 or 2.6 but my suspicion is that when we see the replay of the play before, we will know that that the clock should never have been down to 3.1 before that.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the "Buzzer Beater" feature on the incredible invention that is known as "March Madness" on demand.

I was right. To the tenth.

The foul on the putback occurred with 4.2 seconds, not 3.1.

I couldn't believe they didn't show us the clock, and I found it.

So they really should've had about 3.7 for that last play, not 2.0.

3.7 is WAY more than 2.0 but I guess we will never know.

rafael said...

yeah well, the rest of us had Ohio State...


Perfect storm for Tennessee. all shots falling, and foul trouble for oden.

rafael said...

btw, what is up with this tournament that every day in it has at least one (and usually more) horrible games??

Tennessee fans have to be happy...but it kinda sucks to watch this game as a fan, especially after the first pair were good.

Johnny b said...

hey the Tennessee game has somehow became a game rather than a blowout

Unknown said...

There are calls that referees miss (it's okay, that happens), and then there are calls when the referees cannot possibly be watching the game.

Evidence: Julian Wright dunking after the shot clock goes off, no goal tending call on a shot missed by Jamal Tatum after getting fouled, and a shot clock violation turnover on SIU after their three pointer clearly grazed the rim.

Kurt said...

"SIU after their three pointer clearly grazed the rim." - kbharlow

Clearly grazed the rim? They had to show the replay slow motion before you could see the ball change directions after touching the rim. If it takes slow motion for tv viewers to be able to see it, you can't expect a referee to always get the call right.

The heroin sheik said...

Hey I had the salukis going to the final four in one of my brackets. I had texas, So Ill, The OSU, and UF in my bracket in the quickie readers group (douglas 1, 47.2 percentile.) I rock. Tennessee is dropping treys like deadheads drop acid. Who cares as long as the Gators win it all.

Chremdacasi said...

Go UCLA!! My hopes are alive for doing some damage this year if UCLA can somehow get past Kansas in the next round.

Oh and what a comeback by Ohio State! I needed that one as well, since I have Oden in the final four. Great block by him at the end of the game.

The heroin sheik said...

I know it has been said time and time again but hell Oden looks like he is 35. Has there ever been a college player who looked older than him? Plus that dirty beard makes him look like an extra in "Darktown Strutters."

DougOLis said...

I should have came out of tonight 4/4 but wound up 2/4. Tennessee and A&M really choked those ones away.

rafael said...

or did Ohio State choke the first half away..then play like the #1 they are supposed to be the rest of the way?

The same age cracks about Oden were made about LeBron when he was coming out. Oden plays like an 18 yo, so that should about settle it.

Matt T said...

Losing Texas A&M stings that was one that could have got me some money in the work pool.

Acie misses that layup because of tired legs, and slight contact, not enough for the whistle, but enough to alter the play.

I passed out (pain pills for broken ankle) with UT up 17. Imagine my surprise this morning when I saw they won

TBender said...

Re: the clock at the end of A&M-Memphis

A ref blew the whistle well before the ball hit OB. And on review they overruled the whistle. Can they do that?

2.0 would have been correct if they didn't blow the whistle already (at like 2.9)

Plus, with all the talk about the refs shouldn't be deciding games, why the foul call with 3.7?

TBender said...

I'm just glad Kansas won by 3, so the obvious shot clock violation didn't matter.

Now SIU, keep Lowery.

John Paul Manahan said...

this is much worse than the clemson-duke fiasco...

i mean 2.0 seconds? you have got to be kidding me...