Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday 08/28 A.M. Quickie:
Vick, Brohm, Utley, Virginia Tech, More!

Monday was the first day of the rest of Michael Vick's life. (Or lack of one.) He worked the contrition angle. He worked the "got religion" angle.

"Immature?" Please: Bankrolling an illegal-gambling operation and killing dogs is less immature than simply immoral. (Hmm: If he had led off with "I've been immoral," he might have made more headway.)

Here's the lingering question: In an Instant History world, can a multi-year Vick expulsion create enough of a buffer to get him back into the NFL eventually?

"I will redeem myself," he said. We'll see about that. But then he uttered the most honest and realistic analysis of this entire fiasco: "I have to."

Meanwhile, the Falcons played on MNF last night. I didn't watch more than 30 seconds (it happened to be Johnson's TD pass to Henry), but I was struck with a Master Plan for the Falcons:

As long as this is a lost season for the Falcons (sorry: "transition" year) that they might as well write off this season (OK: tank), then put themselves in a position to draft franchise QB Brian Brohm, who happened to have played for Falcons coach Bobby Petrino at Louisville.

Here's the reality: An offensive-minded coach needs a great QB to build the team around (one who already knows the system is just a bonus).

As long as the Falcons aren't going to make the playoffs this year (and they won't), why not put themselves in position to turn it around as soon as possible with a spectacularly talented stud QB perfect for the new coach's offensive system?

Falcons fans (or if you put yourself in the position of Falcons fans): Wouldn't you sacrifice one season now (especially if it's a lost season anyway) for a better chance at a string of great seasons down the road?

More NFL: Lovie Smith isn't happy with Lance Briggs? Well, duh!

Tarvaris Jackson named Vikings starting QB: Guess Kelly Holcomb is just insurance.

MLB Stud: Chase Utley, who returned to the Phillies lineup just in time to go 3/5 (with a HR) and lead his team over the Mets in a near-must-win series.

MLB Dud: Astros manager Phil Garner and GM Tim Purpura, both fired. (Stud: Cecil Cooper, given Garner's job.)

Oh, and Mike Mussina was on the wrong end of a blowout loss to the Tigers (16-0!), calling into question whether he'll be of any value to the Yankees during the last month of the season.

Bonds 756: How much do you think the ball will go for when the auction sale starts today? The over/under is $500,000. I'll say "over."

USA Hoops: Team USA blew out Mexico in the second round, but "only" won by 27, with Carmelo leading the team with 28 points. (Best, if most overdone, story so far: Kobe the defensive demon.)

U.S. Open: On a night honoring the legendary Althea Gibson, it was nice to see her heirs, Venus and Serena, cruise to victories. (By the way, Serena was wearing the largest earrings I have ever seen on a tennis player. Didn't seem to stop her from powering her way to a win.)

CFB: If you didn't come around after noon yesterday, I revealed my pick to win the national championship: Virginia Tech.

Speaking of VA Tech, there's this interesting campaign to get Hokies fans to cheer opposing teams, to honor the support that opposing fans showed VA Tech after the shooting. I suspect that fans will welcome a team like East Carolina with support, then do what home fans are supposed to do: Root against them. It's not personal. And as long as ECU doesn't keep it close, they can expect to get an ovation as they leave the field, too. (Don't expect a similar treatment for, say, a tougher ACC rival.)

The preview continues today: Heismania. (No, Tim Tebow is not my pick to win the award. Maybe next year. For this year, all you have to do is look to my Heisman pick from last season.)

UPDATE: As you may have noticed, the Heisman list didn't go up. It'll go up tomorrow.

Tennis Gambling Scandal: Paul Goldstein says he was approached about throwing a match. I guarantee you this tennis scandal is so much worse than you can even imagine. Things like this usuall are.

Women's Hoops: Delle Donne is going to UConn.

Soccer: Could Chelsea poach Ronaldinho from Barca?

NBA Moves: The Suns signed second-round pick DJ Strawberry, notable only because Strawberry totally dominated the Vegas Summer League and looked entirely like the steal of the draft.

In Case You Missed It: My latest weekly guest-post for Deadspin on college football.

Fantasy Football: Tonight, I take part in my third draft of the month. Bragging rights are huge: It's the DS.com Commenters league.

Speaking of football prediction games, you only have a few days left to sign up for any of the four leagues (2 NFL, 2 CFB) I have set up. See the links on the right, group name: Daily Quickie Readers.

-- D.S.


The heroin sheik said...

You ever notice how much ronaldhino looks like joakim noah? As a gunners fan I hope to god Chelski don't get him. Speaking of the beautiful game my hometown team Motherwell is in third place in the Scottish premier league which is almost as unlikely as the Devil rays making the playoffs. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is retiring which if you watched the 99 champions league final you know he is the shit. I might not like ManYoo even if the Glazers own them but damn that might be the greatest game of footie ever.

I like your idea of having the Falcons tank the season. Still if they do that will they keep McKay around?

I think your picking VT as 1 is a bit of a reach. Sure they are gonna get the love this year but the Natl Champ game I want to see is WV/UF We played in the 95 Sugar Bowl I think and they smoked more poles than Auschwitz. Id love to see a rematch as I think they might be one of the few teams our offense couldn't outscore. I think that would be an amazing game.

The heroin sheik said...

wow two days in a row with the first comment I think I need to lay off the quad espressos at 2 in the morning when I am trying to make my deadlines.

pv845 said...

I can't see the Falcons throwing the season away. I do think that they may open things up for a QB that plays QB and see how Petrino's offense translates into the NFL. Harrington looked pretty good last night.

As pathetic as the NFC outside the top teams, the Falcons could pull a Giants and fall backwards into the playoffs.

I won't watch a minute of the Yankees series, but I see it shaping up as a slugfest. At least the Sox have above average starting pitching. The Yankees have, um, bodies.

After reading Dan's column about a couple of disaster scenarios for the BCS, I wondered... what would happen if let's say, USC runs the table and ends the regular season undefeated and all other teams have at least 2 losses and the USC loses in the BCS champtionship? Any thoughts?

CMFost said...

I love watching sportscenter this morning Stuart Scott is trying to make this Red Sox - Yankees Series more then it is, he said it is a ginormous series, I started laughing since it is virtually meaningless. The only way this Series means anything is if one team sweeps.

Red Sox Sweep = Yankees Done
Yankees Sweep = Back in the Race

Either team takes 2 out of 3 the Red Sox leave the Bronx with a 7 or 9 game lead

CMFost said...

The BCS will probably be a mess this year, I can see 5 or 6 teams undefeated or 10 teams with 1 lose and not undefeated teams and then what do they do.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

How come no one is talking about Colt Brennan being a creep-show? Yet his cock gets slurped by all of the analysts. Pisses me off. Didn't he also rape a woman to go along with the B&E?

Big D said...

Holy crap - that draft is tonight? I'm so far behind... time to go out and get a fantasy expert on my side.

/end blatant self promotion...

CMFost said...

Ok, Here is a questions for everyone, Does anyone believe that is Vick was not caught he would of stopped dog fighting?

Personally his speech was the same bunch of crap you hear everytime someone famous gets caught doing something they shouldn't. I am sorry, I turn my life over to G-D, I have found Jesus, I will never do it again. It is a bunch crap feed to them by their PR people since they think most people are dumb and will completely believe it. And the sad fact is that a lot of people do buy it but if you got a private moment with these people and asked them if you weren't caught would you still be doing it most if not all would yes.

CMFost said...

Hey Big D - Thanks for the advice or at least a little heads up on how you might draft. Every bit of information about your opponent helps.

chitown italian said...

Where have you been Danny Boy? I said that the whole Vick thing was elaborately set up by Arthur and Bobby so they could get Vick off the roster and draft Brohm in 2008.

Vick is innocent, the whole thing is a sham, they are sending an innocent man to prison.

[hope everyone catches the sarcasm]

David Kippe said...

Anyone looking to join a fantasy league? I am in a 10 team pay league with the WWL, pretty standard settings, head to head, pts blah blah blah. need a few more teams to complete the league. email me at dkippe@optonline.net so i can send an invite if you are interested.

Matt T said...

I know it was only preseason, but if Joey looks that good all year, it won't be that long of a year. He seemed a little too excited for the game though.

And I wonder at what point, they are going to quit talking about the Vick mess every Falcons broadcast. I know the plea/apology happened yesterday so it was news, but come 9/9 let's hope they let it go

Anonymous said...

RevScottDeMangeMD@I think so,while he attended colorado...

Trey (formerly TF) said...

I turned on the Michael Vick Coverage last night and instead of replaying the press conference ESPN put on a football game! The nerve!

Thank God this hits the back burner until at least late November. I cannot take much more.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


he went to colorado too? i was talking about when he was at USC. i know he plead guilty to breaking and entering, but i seem to think there were some rape allegations too. regardless, he's a douchebag. i don't know, maybe i'm just jealous b/c he goes from USC to Hawaii and i'm stuck here in ohio.

Hottest co-eds?
USC > Arizona St > Florida > Ole Miss > Miami of Ohio. What...I can't be a homer?

Trey (formerly TF) said...


I know it's a MAC school, but Miami girls are HOT.

Bill said...

I just love how Brian Brohm is somehow the next John Elway, but Brady Quinn is going to be a bust...

Yes, I'm probably a biased ND fan.. but I'm just saying

And the Yankees are playing for the their playoff lives against the Red Sox.. They need 2 of 3 to stay in the wild card.. The division is pretty much lost unless Boston implodes.. They have the right guys going on the mound (Pettite, Clemens and Wang)..

Anonymous said...



He was a walk on at Colorado.

Anonymous said...


Colt Brennan wasn't accepted into USC academically.It's Colorado,dude.

todd said...

Has anyone ever sound less enthused/genuine about "coming to Jesus" thank Vick? They were making a big deal about how he talked for 5 mins with no cue cards, but he's had weeks to memorize that crap so I'd hope he didn't need notes. I also don't know why PR machines still insist that their clients "find God," nobody believes it. And it's not like it matters, W did and now he's bombing the crap out of everyone...

CMFost said...

Bill but so don't the Red Sox.

Dice-K vs Pettite
Beckett vs Clemens
Schilling vs Wang

Mills said...

Holy crap - that draft is tonight? I'm so far behind... time to go out and get a fantasy expert on my side.

/end blatant self promotion...
not only are you a huge knob for posting this, but the fact that you put Steve Jax OVER LDT proves you are the farthest thing from a fantasy expert. Worst.Guide.EvAr.

PS - You smell like cabbage.

Mills said...

And Peyton Manning at 3? Jones-Drew at 6?

You deserve to be punched in the face.

Boomhauertjs said...

No mention of the Tribe turning a triple play last night?

RevScottDeMangeMD said...

apologies around! i thought he went to USC. turns out he was leinert's backup in high school...not college. that is where i got confused. regardless...douchebag.

CMFost said...

Mills between Big D and Dan that should be at least a guaranteed 2 wins for the season for everyone.

ToddTheJackass said...

MLB Studs and Duds from Yesterday:

1. John Lackey - W, 9IP, 0ER, 7H, 5K, 0BB
2. Jake Peavy - W, 7.0IP, ER, 3H, 11K, 3BB
3. Justin Verlander - W, 7.0IP, 0ER, 3H, 6K, 2BB
4. Barry Zito - 7.0IP, ER, 4H, 7K, BB
5. Brandon Inge - 3/4, 4RBI, 3 2B, 2R, BB

1. Mike Mussina - L, 3.0IP, 6ER, 9H, 0K, BB
2. Scott Olsen - L, 4.0IP, 6ER, 10R, 11H, 4K, 2BB
3. Carlos Silva - L, 3.2IP, 6ER, 7R, 7H, 0K, 2BB
4. Sean Henn - 2.2IP, 7ER, 9R, 8H, 4K, 5BB
5. Alan Embree - L, 1.0IP, 3ER, 3H

Bill said...


Boston definitely has the horses going for a sweep also.. It will no doubt be a fun series to watch.. Personally, and unfortunately I think the Yankees win one.. Most likely a slugfest against Schilling..

Jen said...

rev & tf~ OU girls are hot AND cool!

Tribe triple play deserves a big headline, but of course Dan misses that. He'd rather ramble on about his dumbass fantasy teams.

WuzUpG said...

Kobe the defensive demon? Kobe looked like he broke his ankle on a killer crossover by Rommel Beck (for some reason he wears his jersey with Castro on his back) in 3-point land and hit the 3 (AND 1!), while being fouled. As the entire Thomas & Mack crowd was watching the replay on the video board, the crowded (including myself) chanted "KOBE! KOBE!" Too bad, they never faced each other for the rest of the game, as Kobe was benched for his usual rest and when Kobe came back in, Beck came out.

Mevs said...

Falcons fans (or if you put yourself in the position of Falcons fans): Wouldn't you sacrifice one season now (especially if it's a lost season anyway) for a better chance at a string of great seasons down the road?

As a Browns fan, it seems like we've been doing this for years. So, in a word, 'yes'.

Mevs said...

Deadspin commenter FFL?

The Deadspin commenters as a whole always exhibit the maturity and gang banging of a fraternity full of 7th grade boys. I have some hostility on the subject, I talked sports, and I got my commenter 'pass' taken away. Nice.

Also there is like more than 10-20 deadspin commenters (the 10-20 you would fill your league with). How were they selected? It's a huge popularity contest online, which makes it obviously sucky. People know what I'm talking about.

RevScottDeMangeMD said...


wait...so you 1.) live in cleveland 2.) like the browns and indians and 3.) went to OU???

it's official, you are the world's worst girl! ;)

redhawks for life!

Unknown said...

No, MV probably wouldn't have stopped dog fighting if not for all of this, but again how does that make his apology any less genuine? The guy had the dangerous combination of lack of intelligence, ease of manipulation, and above-the-law arrogance. However, I do think he's finally realized the magnitude of his actions and does feel remorse.

And come on Dan, no mention of Travis Henry fathering 9 babies with 9 different mothers? Does that beat the Shawn Kemp record?

Anonymous said...

OU girls are hot and cool? If by hot you mean muffin-toppers and cool you mean smelly.

Go Redhawks! We get the richie rich Chicagoland girls and loads of the hot farmers daughter types that still think bulimia is a good thing.
Bad for their health.
Good for men's eyes.

I'm thinking half of the fantasy league doesn't remember that tonight is draft night. I'm still hoping Dan picks Chris Leak in round 4.

Matt said...

big d

you are a douche bag

end message

Natsfan74 said...

If Dan picks a player tonight who went to Florida before he jumped on their bandwagon, does that still count? Should we make him start over? Are there any current NFL players who are actually good from Florida?

ToddTheJackass said...

Good to know that the hate for shameless self-promotion extends beyond just Dan, isn't it Big D?

Anyway, I really hope Sportscenter doesn't overhype this Yankees/Red Sox series too much. It's like the 4th or 5th biggest series that's going on right now (Angels/Mariners, Padres/D'backs, Brewers/Cubs, Mets/Phillies). All those races are a lot closer than the AL East anyway (not trying to sound cocky, just that's how it really is).

Anonymous said...


It's a commenter FFL from THIS website, not Deadspin. The members are:

Dan himself
Big D
Brian in Oxford

If you were wondering how those people were selected the answer is that we are more popular than you.

ToddTheJackass said...

I think Dan should take Rex somewhere in the draft, just for symbolism if for nothing else.

Here's where you can see all the NFL players from Florida


There are a couple decent players, with Javon Kearse, Darrell Jackson, and Rexy being the standout names.

Ken Dynamo said...

im not against the idea of junking your season for the pick but in football it wouldnt work until the last game or so. there are too many people involved. its not basketball. so theres no way its even possible.

for vick's future, if i were an nfl owner i would simply see fi the value vick would bring the franchise would equal how much negative attention/value his rpessence would bring. if his talent still out weighed his rep, then you sign. of course thats if his talent is that high after jail and his rep is not that bad, so i think he shot at being back in the nfl is about zero. if he is desperate for cash enough to play in the arean league tho? yeah, if im a team i sign him. why not? who cares about some AFL team?

Tim said...

You want Vick to admit to being "immoral". Isn't it immoral to ask the Falcons team to throw away their season for the possibility of getting a big hit in the draft? Time and again, we hear that the players almost always would rather play hard than give up on a game or season for a losing club. It could be a down year in Atlanta, but the team will be better off coming through this situation.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind my team junking the END of their season if they looked like they had no prospects. But not showing up at all ALL season? I'd want lowered ticket prices.
Besides, it would take a transcendent prospect to get me to accep tmy team doing that. LeBron? Oden/Durant? (notice how it only works in basketball?) Brohm is no can't miss.

Jen said...

rev~Don't forget though...I'm an Ohio State fan too! That more than makes up for my poor excuse of hometown fandom.
Technically, I live about 25 miles east of the city of Cleveland, out in the heart of suburbia, so I use Cleveland quite generically.

Um, rafael, I am the furthest thing from a muffin top. In fact, the girls at Miami were muffin tops in my day. They were the daddy's girls that had 20 extra lbs. on them.

Jen said...

Darn, I wasn't asked to be in the fantasy league.

PatriotsNation said...

Nice preview Big D, Jackson over LDT is interesting, hope I have pick 2nd overall after you!

Patriots Nation formerly known as Patriots64 cause Gmail is a lot easier to sign on to than Blogger.

The heroin sheik said...

Dont forget that jack youngblood went to florida as did emmitt smith and lomas brown. We have had a lot more good defensive players in the nfl than we have offensive but lets face it all the guys who came out of uf since 90 on offense were good in the fun n gun which didn't translate well to the nfl. I think the only good players on offense since spurdog coached was maybe Fred Taylor, Jeff Mitchell(who I went to high school with) and possibly Zack Piller. All those receivers and qb's blew.

Anonymous said...


First of all, the Football league evolved from the Baseball league which I believe was before your time.

Second of all, Danielle is taking up the spot of female in the fantasy league. Despite the fact that she claims to be "one of the guys".

Jen said...

One girl!?? Tsk Tsk. You guys are mean. LOL

Unknown said...


Please don't confuse "morality" with "legality". That's a pretty slippery slope you're about to walk on...

ToddTheJackass said...

I've got 7th pick in a league this year, assuming LDT, LJ, Shaun Alexander, Addai, Gore, and SJAX are gone, who would you guys go for? I can't decide between Willie Parker or Peyton Manning. Any thoughts?

The heroin sheik said...


How about picking Vick as he has found jesus and rejected dogfighting. He should be reinstated any day now.

ToddTheJackass said...

Yeah, the 'I reject it' line about dogfighting was priceless. It was a nice effort and all, but I really feel like the only part Vick was truly honest about was not being good at public speaking.

Anyway, I have a fear that Willie Parker won't be used in goal line situations, and that if I take Peyton, I'll have a really shitty 2nd RB in the 3rd/4th round. Maroney's shoulder still scares me, and Rudi Johnson while consistent, seems like a reach at #7. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Back in your day, Jen? When was that?! lol My day was 99-03 and Miami girls are much better than OU girls. tsk

Though I'm sure you were way above the OU norm. :)

Well, if one of the members goes inactive, we'll give that team to jen.

kway34 said...

OU girls are the best! Not those snobby, high maintenance types they got at J Crew U.

Mevs said...

If you were wondering how those people were selected the answer is that we are more popular than you.

Aw, that's 9 people (save Shanoff) that also know less about football than me too.

CMFost said...

As a member of the league, We have 10 teams, i would not be opposed to opening it back up and adding 2 teams to make it a 12 team league.

Darklawdog said...

Take Manning...

There will be plenty of good RB's available in the 2nd round. Hell Fred Taylor didn't even get drafted in my 12 team keeper league.

RB' that should be available 2nd round or later:

Ronnie Brown
Cadallic Williams
Maurice Jones Drew
Adrian Peterson
Rudi Johnson
Travis Henry
Jerious Norwood (sp?) Falcons RB
Ahman Green
Jamal Lewis
Julius Jones
Warrick Dunn
Deangelo Williams
Lendale White
Wali Lundy
Leon Washington
Thomas Jones

ToddTheJackass said...

I'd counter that if you took a RB in round 1 (Willie Parker) and a QB in round 3 (Brees or Brady) that you'd get more points than if you took Peyton in round 1 and a RB in round 3 (Thomas Jones, Clinton Portis, or Edgerrin James).

It's not the 2nd round RB I'd be worried about, since I'd have one of those anyway, it's the 3rd round RB.

I'll think about Peyton though. Did Willie Parker get the goal line touches in the last preseason game?

Anonymous said...

Had to look up "muffin top" online. I never knew it was such a common term. (Means the roll of fat love handles squeezed out of tight jeans for all of you less hip like myself.)

I don't really give a shit about Vick anymore other than to find out how long his jail sentence will be. I bet he gets 10 months and will have to serve 8 of them. Kornheiser thought it was wrong nobody in the Falcons organization would talk about Vick. That was the only part of the game I caught. I couldn't disagree more.

As a Yankee fan, I conceded the division to the Red Sox a while ago. Now it is a done deal even if Yanks sweep. Yanks are only concerned now about Seattle and Detroit. Mets and Angels also have already won their divisions barring a collapse of historic proportions.

What will Mangini's new nickname be after their O-line shows they can't runblock or passblock? I think they should have paid of Kendall. Unless someone steps up at left guard, the Jets are not going to do better than 8-8.

Funny how Strahan is less of a story now that Tuck, his replacement, is playing great.

I would do the fantasy league except for the fact that I don't have the time to follow the NFL as much as I would like.

Is anyone else here excited about the Rugby World Cup? As a former rugby player (knees and back issues forced me to bicycle ride now), I am so disappointed in the lack of coverage except on Direct TV.

The heroin sheik said...

Cycledan as a former hooker and tight head I am psyched about the RWC. The USA is gonna get killed in their group. One of my alltime favorite sporting events was when Scotland won the grand slam back in 90. Got to see Scotland clinch at Murrayfield then walked into the city centre and did the Rose Street Marathon after the matches. I might have been the drunkest 16 yo in Scotland that night.

ToddTheJackass said...

Sheik, you did just say you were a former hooker, right?

Just as long as we're clear on this...

Anonymous said...


So far we know that you've been in jail and now we find out that you're a former hooker.

Good thing it is "former" though.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if they are joking but to play the straight man:

The hooker is the middle guy in the front row of the pack, with the props on either side. When the two packs engage in a scrum, the scrum-half rolls the ball into the center of the pack and the hooker strikes or hooks if you prefer the ball back with his foot. Once it comes out the back of the 8 man pack, the scrum-half (akin to the American QB) can pick up the ball and send it out to the backs.

Rugby is a wonderful game but a little complicated to follow for the uninitiated. I remember having no idea what I was doing during my first game. The only reason it won't take off in the US is that it will never compete with our football.

ToddTheJackass said...

Yes, the lack of a sarcasm emoticon is somewhat troubling...

MindRiteSports said...

Hell, even LEBRON was flying all over the place tossing shots left and right. I bet Kobe's presence helps his overall D, which has been, umm... how do you say... lazy? in the past... he's got the talent, just needs that drive!


The heroin sheik said...

All I can say about being a hooker was that I was told my first day playing the game was that when the scrum came together to lean in and kiss the other hooker to freak them out. Even worse was having the second row grab your nutsack to make the scrum more compact.

I heard somewhere that the only sport with more complex rules than rugby was American football. I don't know if this is true but it is a pretty complicated game to understand. Still I think the greatest game to play might be cricket which makes no sense at all. What makes it great though is that in between teams batting you break to eat tea which is really more of a light meal. It would have been a great sport for the likes of Boog Powell, Babe Ruth, or the Fielders.

tem said...

jen i love you.

tem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tem said...

jen come tell us about your days in athens, spending time at bong hill over at whatever blog i usually am at.