Friday, August 20, 2010

Read: Books Coming This Fall

This is the final entry of this year's edition of the Summer Reading Series. Earlier this week: Zirin's "Bad Sports"; Weinreb's "Bigger Than The Game"; and Layden's "Blood, Sweat and Chalk."

Today: Books coming later this fall that I'm looking forward to.

Let me start with a book that isn't coming: It is -- and will probably always will be -- a massive regret that part of this list is not "Untitled Tim Tebow Book" by Dan Shanoff.

It's not like I didn't have my chances. I have/had an extensive outline written. I had 500 pages of notes organized from my experience with -- more than enough source material for a book I didn't want to run much longer than 200 pages. I knew I wanted to write it back in January, and this spring I had plenty of time.

Even without a "real" publisher (the lead times are way too long for a book I wanted to be out by September or October 2010), my intention was to self-publish an e-book. Maybe I still will, but the window is quickly going to close. Maybe I can find the time to have it done by the 2011 NFL Draft or the start of the 2011 NFL season, but I really wanted to have it done... well, by now.

Enough self-flagellation. Nevertheless, on to some talented folks who DID write their books, and these are the ones that I am most excited about reading this fall:

September 21: "How Lucky You Can Be" (Buster Olney)
October 14: "Death to the BCS" (Dan Wetzel et al)
October 26: "The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History" (FreeDarko)

Know any others? Let me know, and I'll add it to my list. No oversights or slights intended.

-- D.S.

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