Saturday, August 27, 2011

08/27 (Irene) Quickie

Settling in for a weekend of Irene here in NYC -- Brooklyn Heights isn't a neighborhood with a lot of cachet, but in a moment like this one the "Heights" part comes in handy.

If you're in the storm zone -- say, anywhere on the East Coast -- please be safe, and here's to an entirely uneventful next 48 hours.

Provided the power doesn't go out (no guarantee there), I'm spending the time pulling together my college football preseason Top 25 for the BlogPoll, plus trying to write a bit.

I'm also going to try to set up the Quickish Readers (nee Daily Quickie Readers) pick 'em leagues for the NFL and college football. I'm also dabbling with a bit of a redesign for the blog.

And, as always, publishing great reading recommendations and hot-off-the-presses analysis at Quickish. If you're inside all day, give it a try.

-- D.S.

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