Friday, September 08, 2006

First Full Week (in Review)

I want to just take a sec and thank everyone for making it such a fantastic first full week. (Though now that I think about it, it was only really a four-day week.)

Obviously, I'm still sorting out the format -- I appreciate you rolling with it. The comments sections have been awesome, and I'm trying to pop in and add my own opinions to the spin-off debates within the comments.

I really have appreciated all of your emails. It's both flattering and daunting that I have received so many -- I am committed to responding to every single one. (Or, in Quickie style: Every. Single. One.)

It may take a little while (and I get further behind with each new day), but if you wrote to me, I will try my absolute best to respond. (That includes those of you who sent in an email during the final two weeks of the Daily Quickie's run on

Meanwhile, if you have friends or colleagues who read the Quickie and haven't been alerted to this blog yet, any endorsing/promoting you can do would be appreciated. And if you're a blogger yourself, I'd be honored if you'd add me to your blogroll. (And email me to let me know, because I'll return the favor with a shout-out right here.)

Anyway, I may update the blog later today with more items, if news (or the Comments section) warrants -- and I am still deciding if I'll update over the weekend. There certainly won't be a lack of material, and I have little excuse not to, given that I'll be in front of the TV all weekend.

But huge thanks again for reading this week, and I'm glad you've enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions or feedback or whatever, feel free to email me at the address on the upper-right corner of the blog (danshanoff-at-gmail).

Enjoy the weekend!

-- D.S.


Anonymous said...

I'm one of your quieter readers (hardly ever email or anything like that)

but I have found myself addicted to this blog.. it seems like everything you post I have something I want to say about it.. or I browse through and find something to comment on

the format works for me cause it keeps me on track and lets me separate out my comments per topic..

not trying to ride your set or anything, but the quickie was one of the best things on ESPN and really set it apart... I dont know the circumstances behind its cancellation, but I do know it will be missed


Big D said...

Happy to do it. Love the old site, love the new site.

Consider yourself linked.

Anonymous said...

i agree with paul up there. I am curious about the seperation from ESPN though

Anonymous said...

Any writer of the DQ I will be a fan of forever.

Sean said...

Excellent writing!

I can get my quick all-encompassing sports updates (and even hear some obsure news that I don't typically get from any other "media" source).

Better yet, those updates include some opinion (yours of course) and MOST IMPORTANLY, some entertainment/comedy.

I really appreciate your writing. I'm VERY happy that I can still get my fix reading over my lunch hour at work. And now, readers can interact and dicuss opinions with you! Even better!

Thanks again for all your hard work.

Keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Agree with all here. I tried to look at the Shanoff Bio, but there is nothing there. What is the history here?? Why the ESPN split?? Who pays the bills now and how do I get a job where all I do is follow sports and Blog on it??
Thanks for continuing to compile all the fun and exciting parts of every sports day!!

Anonymous said...

cough twice if you left ESPN because you were a victim of the "don't ask, don't tell policy".

The Rev said...

You are linked from our blog. If you could link ours, it would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Great to see you created your own blog. When I heard the Quickie was ending, I was dumbfounded; other than Simmons, it was the only reason I went to If he ever decides to leave and start his own page, I will be able to remove the ESPN bookmark.

Jimmy said...

Dan, thanks again for keeping the Quickie going. I have you linked up in my Poker Blog and will continue to be a loyal reader. Keep up the great work.

CMFost said...

Dan loved you work on the quickie and miss the daily chats. To bad ESPN choose to let you go but I think that is a good thing for your loyal readers who know get to read your writing more then once a day. You already have a link to my blog.

Oh and Dan what are your thoughts on Michelle Wie now, 15 Over and missed another cut on the Men's tour.

Anonymous said...

It's been a great week so far and while the format needs some tweaking, it's STILL the best way to get the wide variety of topics and opinions that we have grown accustomed to.

Unsilent Majority said...

I'm feelin' the white background

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your column and still enjoy your blog here. Thank you for taking the time to do this every weekday.

If you could, do a little piece on the Chicago Whitesox. On paper, from top to bottom, they may be the best team besides the Yankees. Yet they are quickly becoming the manila folders. The wildcard, and AL Central, was theirs for the taking, and they're falling big time.

If the Sox miss the playoffs, do you think Ozzie Guillen deserves to get fired?

I have a few Sox-fan friends who say yes, because they hate the way he tampers with the lineup. Rob Mackoviak in CF? Scary.

Anonymous said...


Like Paul, I have found myself addicted to your blog too. I am a female sports buff that loves to hear other people's opinions about stuff (total opposite of my husband...he hates listening to guys' stupid comments! haha)

ESPN sure wasn't thinking straight when the quit the Quickie (you can't keep the truth bottled up forever!)


Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your column and still enjoy your blog here. Thank you for taking the time to do this every weekday.

If you could, do a little piece on the Chicago Whitesox. On paper, from top to bottom, they may be the best team besides the Yankees. Yet they are quickly becoming the manila folders. The wildcard, and AL Central, was theirs for the taking, and they're falling big time.

If the Sox miss the playoffs, do you think Ozzie Guillen deserves to get fired?

I have a few Sox-fan friends who say yes, because they hate the way he tampers with the lineup. Rob Mackoviak in CF? Scary.ers with the lineup. Rob Mackoviak in CF? Scary.

Anonymous said...

The public needs to know. What happened at

On another note, Ryan Howard not doping? Why on earth would you think that? Do you honestly think the minimal testing they do in MLB will catch anyone? Of course not. If it actually worked, they would have caught people already.

In bicycling they catch them since they can show up on your doorstep any day of the year and you have to let them know where you are. They test right before or right after a race and in the middle of multiple day races. Landis was tested about 5 times during the tour de France this year and they caught him - and then gave him a 2 year ban for his first offense.

If they did that in MLB or the NFL, there would be no league. Also, why should I care? Why do people consider Ruth and Maris's records so sacred? They are just numbers.

Sergio A. Calderon said...

Dan I've been a Quickie reader for quite some time and you even inspire me long time ago to begin my own blog, although I stared around May this year and I did not copy your style but rather found one of my own. Is focused on sports and some pop culture but living here in Cabo, (Mexico) I focused on local sports as well. My friends loved it and now that use a shorter format they like it even more. I am Blogger user as well and you gave me the idea to include you on my web links.
PS, I am one those who also wonder why you left ESPN

Badass Of The Year said...

I'm so glad you are still here for us. The blog is great. Thanks for doing it. I gave you a warm fuzzy shout out and linked you up. Enjoy the rest of Gameday & Hook 'em!

T-Mill said...

No problem! Glad to see that yuo are still writing, as the Quickie was part of my morning routine pretty much since its inception!