Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tom Brady Contemplating Retirement?

I will be curious to see how many mainstream sports media outlets pick this up.

(Please read the above line again before pinging me. I chose my words carefully.)

Update: Please tell me you didn't buy this. Lesson: You've got to read the Tags!


marcomarco said...

It's obviously BS, but some fool will undoubtedly report it.

My money is on Fox News.

rob said...

c'mon, cowherd's no-brainer.

John said...

When is Brady's next press conference? I'm sure some knucklehead writer will ask him if their is any truth to this.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Opie and Anthony do the same thing a month or so ago?

Greg said...

read the last tag...it's just BDD on a tuesday

Big D said...

Dan... you need to put some type of disclaimer on posts like this. Something like "Attention Patriots' fans - don't read this post on a full stomach". Or "Warning - keep defibrilator nearby while reading".

Damn man, you're killing me.

Brett said...

I saw the link of KSK and knew I was in for a laugh and a fake.

Buffalo CarShare said...

This title and subject should be revisited. Especially, after the injury that he sustained.